HomeMy WebLinkAbout1487 ResolutionATT We is, City Clerk APPRO k ED AS TO FORM: Rubstello, City Attorney Greg RESOLUTION NO. 1487 A RESOLUTION approving and requiring contract for reimbursement of hiring and training expenses of commissioned police officers. WHEREAS, the training of a commissioned police officer has become increasingly expensive to the City of Pasco, especially the cost to the City respecting attendance at the police academy; and WHEREAS, such training is necessary to have properly trained police officers; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the City of Pasco should have some protection of the Investment it makes in training its police officers and finds the terms and conditions of the attached contract to be reasonable and required under the circumstances, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO AS FOLLOWS: That certain contract attached hereto titled "Binding Contract For Reimbursement Of Hiring And Training Expenses" is approved by the Pasco City Council and shall be a required prerequisite to the employment of any new Pasco police officer. February, 1982 PASSED this 1 day of aamealicimoixxlafacx XXXXXXODWOMXXXXV( tlX Ira L. Schmidt, Mayor Pro Tern BINDING CONTRACT FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF HIRING AND TRAINING EXPENSES WHEREAS, the applicant identified below acknowledges that the City of Pasco will incur substantial expenses in the process of training the undersigned to be a commissioned police officer, and WHEREAS, it is acknowledged by the undersigned that these expenditures are expected to be recaptured through services by applicant with the City police force after completion of said train- ing and that the City will suffer substantial detriment if the under- signed should take employment elsewhere during a period of time for two years following completion of all required training. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed as follows WITNESSETH 1. Reimbursement Obligation. I, hereafter "the Applicant," in consideration of the agreement by the City of Pasco Police Department, hereinafter "the Department," to provide me with formal police training through the Police Academy, do hereby agree that in the event my employment with the Department ceases due to any cause other than "termination" as defined below, within 24 months from commencement of full-time service as a police officer subsequent to completion of the period of academy training, I will reimburse the City for all expenses incurred in connection with my hiring and training. 2. Definition of "Termination." "Termination" as used in this Agreement shall mean any discontinuance of the Applicant's employment initiated by the Department and shall also include dis- continuance of employment due to injury or illness resulting in the Applicant's permanent inability to perform the normal duties of the position held by the Applicant at the time of commencement of such injury or illness. 3. Calculation of Reimbursement Obligation. The reimbursement obligation shall consist of the sum of all amounts expended by the Department in connection with hiring and training the Applicant, including but not limited to the following • 1. Cost of background investigation and other entrance check expenses in the approximate amount of $600.00 2. Cost of police academy training in the approximate amount of 11 x weekly pay rate-entry level officer + $100 for academy supplies $3,617.00 3. Expenses of providing field training, which due to difficulty of estimation and actual computation are hereby agreed to be $500.00 Estimated Total Cost $4,717.00 It is agreed that the amounts itemized about (other than the stipulated amount of expenses of field training) are estimates only. I agree that my actual reimbursement obligation will be determined by the Department based upon actual expenditures and/or reasonable estimates thereof in the event actual expenditures cannot be docu- mented through a reasonable effort. 4. Credit for Continuous Employment. Credit for service rendered will be given against the reimbursement obligation at the rate of one-twelfth of the total reimbursement obligation for each nine weeks of continuous full-time employment subsequent to com- pletion of the academy training period. Any absence from work due to illness, injury, or other cause for a period of greater than two weeks shall be excluded from the period of service for which credit will be given. 5. Terms of Repayment. Complete payment of the reimbursement obligation shall be made within 24 months of cessation of employment in monthly installments of no less than one-twenty-fourth of the total reimbursement obligation, commencing on the first day of the month following the month during which cessation of employment occurs, and payable on or before the first of each month thereafter. Tne Applicant agrees that in the event of his/her failure to make any payment required pursuant to this Agreement in a timely manner, the total amount of the reimbursement obligation then remaining un- paid shall immediately become due and payable. The Applicant further agrees that in the event the Department incurs legal fees or other costs of collection in an effort to collect any delinquent sums owing pursuant to this Agreement, the Applicant will pay such ex- penses in addition to the portion of the reimbursement obligation then due. 6. Acknowledgement of Receipt/Waiver of Right to Independent Legal Advice. I understand that I have the right to have this document examined by an attorney of my choosing and to discuss its terms with my attorney prior to signing it. Sign initials in one of the boxes below as applicable* I fully understand the nature and terms of the ( ) binding obligation created pursuant to this contract and have chosen to waive my right to consult an attorney. I have consulted an attorney regarding this ( Agreement and received his/her explanation of its terms as evidenced by the attorney's sig- nature below. (If you have checked the box preceeding this paragraph, have your attorney sign here ) Attorney of Applicant Date DATED this day of , 19 Applicant STATE OF WASEINGTON ) SS. County of Franklin ) On this day personally appeared before me , to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowl- edged that he/she signed the same as his/her free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of , 19 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at