HomeMy WebLinkAbout1479 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO. 1479 A RESOLUTION authorizing a procedure for securing telephone and/or written quotations from vendors. WHEREAS, Chapter 89, Laws of 1979, First Extraordinary Session, provides that advertisement and competitive bidding may be dispensed with as to purchase of supplies, material, equipment, or services other than professional services, except for public work or Improve- ment, between $2,000 and $4,000 if a procedure is established for securing telephone and/or written quotations from enough vendors to assure establishment of competitive price and for awarding such con- tracts for purchase of materials, equipment, or services to the lowest responsible bidder; and WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the City of Pasco to establish such a procedure; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: The City Manager, or his designee, may solicit telephone and/ or written quotations for purchase of supplies, materials, equipment or services other than professional services, in an amount less than $4,000 provided that the following procedures are followed: 1. Whenever possible, not less than three prospective vendors shall be contacted by telephone or by letter and advised as to the specifications for the item or items for which quotations are being sought. The number of vendors contacted may be reduced if the item or items being sought are only available from a lesser number of vendors. An explanation shall be placed in the procurement file when fewer than three bids are requested, or if there are fewer than three replies. Bid specifications shall, if possible, be drafted to permit at least three vendors to qualify as prospective bidders. 2. Whenever possible, bids shall be solicited on the lump sum or fixed unit price basis. 3. Telephone or written request for quotations shall specify, at minimum, the following: a) items to be purchased b) number of units c) tax requirements d) delivery time requirements e) freight costs i f) point of delivery I g) terms of payment I i A Snider, Mayor ells, City Clerk APPOA7 ED AS TO FORM: Greg A. ubstello, City Attorney 4. Tabulation of telephone or written quotations shall be on forms provided by the purchasing supervisor and shall include, at a minimum, the above-listed information. 5. The materials, equipment, or services acquired under this process, will be ordered from the low- est responsible bidder whose quotation meets all specifications established for the item being purchased. 6. Written confirmation of telephone quotations from responsible vendors is not required, but may be requested when warranted. 7. Immediately after the award is made, the bid quotations are to be recorded and shall be open to public inspection, and are to be available to outsiders by telephone inquiry. Z94(044 V PASSED and approved this day of-DeGelia4:eT, 1981% Debra L Clark CMC City Clerk -, Leland B Kerr City Attorney It 3f,v--- /-e-r- RESOLUTION NO 3:Z1 0 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING ESTIMATED 2011 FEDERAL HOME FINDS WHEREAS, the City of Pasco entered into an Agreement with Kennewick and Richland in 2007 continuing participation in a Consortium originally formed in 1996 under the Home Investments Partnership (HOME) Program, and WHEREAS, the Consortium allows the three cities to be eligible for federal HOME funds, and WHEREAS, the City has established a Community Housing Improvement Program (CHIP), and WHEREAS, it is estimated in 2011, the City of Pasco will receive $216,000 federal HOME Entitlement Funds plus $260,000 in Program Income for a total estimated available of $476,000 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: Section 1. 2011 HOME funds received by the City of Pasco shall be allocated to the Community Housing Improvement Program (CHIP) operate city-wide Priority will be given to neighborhood improvement areas and low-moderate income census tracts as needed for the following activities below Activity HOME Administration Estimated Units Amount $ 26,000 00 First Time Homebuyer's Program 12 $ 60,000 00 Acquisition & Rehabilitation Program 2-3 $ 275,000 00 Owner-occupied Rehabilitation 3 $ 115,000 00 TOTAL ALLOCATED 15 $ 476,000.00 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 4 day of OCI6k-K2010 CITY OF PASCO latt )10)--", Watkins Mayor ATTEST APPROVED AS TO FORM • I" RESOLUTION NO 3).1 1 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR SAHARA ESTATES WHEREAS, RCW 58 17 enables the City to uniformly administei the process of subdividing propeity for the ovetall welfaie of the community, and, WHEREAS, owneis and developeis of property situated in the northeast quarter of Section 14, Township 9 Noith, Range 29 East, W M , have requested approval of a pi eliminary plat, and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed said preliminary plat which is named Sahaia Estates, and, WHEREAS, following a public hearing, the Planning Commission found the proposed plat ptomoted the general welfaie of the community and recommended said preliminary plat be appioved with conditions, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO That the preliminary plat for Sahata Estates, located in the northeast quartet of Section 14, Township 9 Noith, Range 29 East W M , is hereby appi oved with the following conditions 1) At the time lots are developed, all abutting roads and utilities shall be developed to City standaids as approved by the City Engineer This includes, but is not limited to, water, inigation and sewer lines, streets, street lights and storm water retention Sidewalks must be installed no later than the time each lot is developed with a house The handicapped accessible pedestrian ramps must be completed with the sheet and curb implovements prior to final plat approval All existing and proposed utilities must be installed underground by the developei at the developer's expense 2) Sahara Drive shall be built to the City of Pasco's Local Access Street Standard including the Intel section with Holizon Drive The existing tempoiary turnatamd shall be removed and the new stieet section placed Any broken or damaged curb, gutter or sidewalk adjacent to the new subdivision shall be replaced 3) The developer/builder shall pay the "traffic mitigation fee" established by ordinance at the time of issuance of building permits for homes Fees collected shall be placed in a fund and used to finance signalization and othei improvements necessary to mitigate traffic impacts on the circulation system within the 1-182 corridor 4) All coiner lots and other lots that present difficulties for the placement of yard fencing shall be identified in the notes on the face of the final plat(s) 5) No utility vaults, pedestals or other obstructions will be allowed at street intersections 6) The developer/builder shall pay the City a "common area maintenance fee" of $250 pei lot upon issuance of building penults for homes These funds shall be placed in a fund and used to finance the maintenance of lands along Burden Boulevard 7) All storm water is to be disposed of per City and State codes and requirements 1 8) The developer shall insure active and ongoing dust, weed and littei abatement activities occur dui ing the construction of the subdivision and construction of the houses thereon 9) The developer shall be responsible foi the cieation of recoid drawings All record drawings shall be created in accordance with the iequilements detailed in the Recold Drawing Requnements and Procedure finial provided by the Engineering Department This form shall be signed by the developei prior to plan appi oval 10) Foul-inch PVC iri igation mainlines shall be installed on eithei side of Sahai a Di ive to seivice every lot within the plat pursuant to PMC 26 04 116 11) The final plat shall contain the following statement "hi igation seivice lines aie cm i ently available to lots within this plat, however, water for the irrigation system may not cuirently be available The City of Pasco is constructing its irrigation infrastructuie on an ongoing basis The use of the system will become available as time and resources permit the expansion and connection of new systems to the existing irrigation supply" 12) Any and all utilities shall be located as directed by the City Engineer This shall include but, is not limited to gas, phone, power, cable and all other utilities located within or adjoining the plat Any existing utilities that present difficulties shall be relocated at the developer's expense, pursuant to the City Engineer's direction All utility plans, including the above mentioned, are required to be submitted to the City of Pasco prior to subdivision approval 13) There is a 16" water transmission main through the plat This main is not to be used to seivice the lots within the plat The 8" water line stubbed into the plat from Sahara Drive shall be extended to connect with the stub from Horizon Drive 14) The developer shall be responsible for all costs associated with construction inspection and plan review service expenses incurred by the City of Pasco Engineering Department 15) All engineering designs for infrastructure and final plat drawings shall utilize the published City of Pasco Vei teal Contiol Datum and shall be identified on each such submittal 16) The final plat shall contain 10-foot utility easements parallel to all stieets An additional easement shall be provided as needed by the Franklin County PUD All other easement widths are to be as directed by the City Engineei 17) The final plat shall contain the following Fianklin County Public Utility District statement "The individual or company making improvements on a lot or lots of this plat is responsible for providing and installing all trench, conduit, primary vaults, secondary junction boxes, and backfill foi the PUD's primary and secondary distribution system in accordance with PUD specifications, said individual or company will make full advance payment of line extension fees and will piovide all necessary utility easements prior to PUD construction and/or connection of any electrical service to or within the plat" 18) Water lights shall be assigned to the City, if no water rights exist, the developer is required to pay a fee of $1,500 an acre to the City of Pasco prior to acceptance of any subdivision construction plans 19) Street lighting will be installed to the City of Pasco/Franklin County PUD standards and as directed by the City Engineer Residential street lights are typically installed every 300 feet and collector/arterial type streets lights are typically installed every 150 feet 20) Prioi to the City of Pasco accepting construction plans for review the developer must enter into a Stoi m Watei Maintenance Agreement with the City The developer will be responsible foi obtaining the signatures of all parties required on the agieement and to have the 2 agreement recorded with the Franklin County Auditor The original signed and recorded copy of the agreement must be presented to the City of Pasco at the first intake meeting for construction plans for each phase of development 21) The developei will be required to conform to all conditions set forth in the Storm Water Maintenance Agreement including, but not limited to, regular cleaning and maintenance of all streets, gutters, catch basins and catch basin protection systems Cleaning shall occur on a regular basis to ensure that no excess build up of sand, trash, grass clippings, weeds or other debris occurs in any portion of the streets, gutters, or storm watei collection facilities Cleaning and upkeep of the streets, gutters, and storm water collection facilities must be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer The developer will be responsible for operating and maintaining the storm drain system in accordance with the Storm Water Maintenance Agreement for a period of up to five years from the date of final plat approval for each phase or until the system is accepted by the City of Pasco The City of Pasco's acceptance of construction plans for subsequent phases of the subdivision will be contingent upon the developer satisfying all requirements of the Storm Water Maintenance Agreement 22) The developer will be required to comply with the City of Pasco Civil Plan Review process A copy of the requirements for the Civil Plan Review process is available from the City of Pasco Engineering Department 23) A revised preliminary plat incorporating all plat approval conditions shall be submitted to the City of Pasco Engineering Department prior to the submittal of any subdivision construction plans Passed by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 4 th day of October, 2010 Matt Watkins, Mayor ATTEST Debra L Clark, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM 0-31 '3L/ e14-1C-D Leland B err, City mey 3 RESOLUTION NO 3 2--7 A RESOLUTION encouraging Pasco citizens to become informed about the effects of Initiatives 1100 and 1105, concerning the privatization of liquor sales within the state of Washington WHEREAS, the state of Washington has long operated a monopolized liquor sales and distribution system where cities, counties and the state receive revenues attributable to liquor excise tax and profits, and WHEREAS, Initiative 1100 and Initiative 1105, to be voted upon during the November 2, 2010 General Election, would each take the state out of the liquor sales/distribution business, allowing the privatization of liquor sales and distribution throughout the state, and WHEREAS, Initiative 1100 would retain the liquor tax but eliminate the distribution of liquor profits to state and local governments, resulting in a potential annual revenue loss to the City of Pasco between $300,000 and $460,000 per year, and WHEREAS, Initiative 1105 would eliminate the distribution of liquor profits and the liquor excise tax, resulting in a potential annual revenue loss to the City of Pasco up to $735,000 per year, and WHEREAS, liquor excise tax and profit distributions from the state contribute to the delivery of municipal services to the citizens of Pasco, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON Section 1 That all citizens are encouraged to read and become familiar with the financial and other effects of Initiatives 1100 and 1105, before casting their ballots in the General Election of November 2, 2010 Passed by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 4 th day of October 2010 Matt Watkins, Mayor ATTEST APPROVED AS TO FORM ii • •t* It. Debra L Clark, City er Leland B Fferr, City orney 14-717 4r first above writterwo000oop aa ..4'4. X.. 9.4•`- 'To 0 ''' ..... ... * 0 0 * = *0 PUBLIC ° NOTARY PUB C My commission expires .90,41,7ei0;0w. liwts li;d>°.7:10/e 2 usg00000t% STATE OF WASHINGTON )s s COUNTY OF JA,014,Jca,c;_ On this ( day of , 2009, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly '2 commissioned and sworn, personally appeared AP-ti att i-ein.cfc„ to me known to be the eit-1,MA,INiAlei— of the corpor ion that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year STATE OF WASHINGTON )s s COUNTY OF On this day of , 2009, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared , to me known to be the of the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires Page 2 of 3 Addendum #2 to Professional Services Agreement - Boat Basin/Tank Farm Master Plan Makers Architects ADDENDUM #2 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS ADDENDUM, to a contract made and entered into on or about the 22" day of December 2009 between the City of Pasco, hereinafter referred to as "City", and Makers Architecture and Urban Design, hereinafter referred to as "Consultant" WHEREAS, the City engaged the professional services and assistance of a consulting firm to provide consulting services with respect to developing a plan for the Boat Basin/Tank Farm Area of Pasco NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual benefits accruing, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows 1. Amendment of original Contract. To Amend section 4 of the agreement to read as follows ,„ b,'44 ,k„ 4. Time of performance The Consultant shall perform the work authorized by this Agreement promptly and deliver a final product not later than July 12-0-1-0 October 1st; 2010 The Consultant is not responsible for any loss which may be ineurred by the City which results in whole or part from delaysin delATery of the final work product or other services by the Consultant due to strikes, natural or domestic disasters, computer malfunction or loss, illness, acts of God, or other unforeseen circumstances DATED THIS 25 DAY OF A utL5 vt.S. "F" ,2010 CITY OF PASCO CONSULTANT By Julie Bassuk ATTEST APPROVED AS TO FORM City Attorney Page 1 of 3 Addendum #2 to Professional Services Agreement - Boat Basin/Tank Farm Master Plan Makers Architects 04-(p 6 a64'L NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires -3‘A\ STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss COUNTY OF On this day of , 2009, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared , to me known to be the of the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires STATE OF WASHINGTON ) s s COUNTY OF )6 4' 1 As 201D On this 2544\ day of a \ A 1 LI 2809, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in an .11 for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn i personally appeared —3 LAAte basSA, to me known to be the i)6kg.-mq ,(( of the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written ,,M $tii to 4.4' k.: t L drp..11.10ti o ... 5 l• do 0 l'S°41 )1" -°- '1 •;Cti • %;741i1 Sii: l 44. 11444 91..c.i'it::•• 45 .0. ttttWINVO,0 Page 3 of 3 Addendum #2 to Professional Services Agreement - Boat Basin/Tank Farm Master Plan Makers Architects MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 2, 2010 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7 00 p m by Matt Watkins, Mayor ROLL CALL. Councilmembers present Rebecca Francik, Mike Garrison, Robert Hoffmann, Tom Larsen, Saul Martinez, Matt Watkins and Al Yenney Staff present Stan Strebel, Deputy City Manager, Patrick Galloway, Acting City Attorney, Richard Terway, Administrative & Community Services Director, Rick White, Community & Economic Development Director, Mike Aldridge, Police Captain, Bob Gear, Fire Chief and Lynne Jackson, Human Resources Manager The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance CONSENT AGENDA. (a) Approval of Minutes. Minutes of the Pasco City Council Meeting dated July 19, 2010 Minutes of the Special Pasco City Council Meeting dated July 26, 2010 (b) Bills and Communications: To approve General Claims in the amount of $1,032,985 08 ($335,797 51 in the form of Wire Transfer Nos 5516, 5521 and 5525, $38,812 08 in the form of Electronic Fund Transfer No 1020 and 1021, and $658,375 49 consisting of Claim Warrants numbered 178007 through 178194) To approve Payroll Claims in the amount of $2,787,752 19, Voucher Nos 41215 through 41515, and EFT Deposit Nos 30038472 through 30039320 (c) Tourism Promotion Agreement: To approve the five-year agreement with the Tr-Cities Visitor & Convention Bureau for promotion of tourism and, further, authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement (d) Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Purchases To approve the purchase of MSA Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) from SeaWestern Fire Fighting Equipment in the sum of $159,480 plus applicable tax and, further, authorize the City Manager to sign such purchase order (e) Professional Services Agreement for Park and Recreation Plan Update. To approve the Professional Services Agreement with Studio Cascade for the Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan update and, further, authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement (I) Bargaining Contract for Uniformed Police Department Represented Employees. To approve the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Pasco Police Officers Association, uniformed employees, for years 2008-2010 and, further, authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement (g) Final Plat (MF #FP 10-005) First Place, Phase 2 (Craig Angelo): To approve the final plat for First Place, Phase 2 1 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 2, 2010 (h) Resolution No 3260, a Resolution of the City of Pasco, Washington, providing guidelines for the sale of surplus firearms pursuant to Chapter 2 46 of the Pasco Municipal Code To approve Resolution No 3260, providing guidelines for the sale of surplus firearms (i) Resolution No. 3261, a Resolution accepting work performed by Dardan Enterprises, Inc , under contract for Martin Luther King Remodel Project To approve Resolution No 3261, accepting the work performed by Dardan Enterprises, Inc , under contract for the Martin Luther King Center Remodel Project MOTION Mr Martinez moved to approve the Consent Agenda as read Ms Francik seconded Motion carried by unanimous Roll Call vote PROCLAMATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mayor Watkins presented Certificates of Appreciation for July 2010 "Yard of the Month" to Rosalio and Annette Prieto, 615 Fiesta Court Larry Gordon, 1608 W Yakima Street Chris and Korey Barber, 4804 Malaga Drive Michael and Michelle Dickinson, 10308 W Argent Road Mayor Watkins presented a Certificate of Appreciation for July 2010 "Business of the Month Appearance Award" to Les Schwab Tire Center, 5410 Road 68 VISITORS - OTHER THAN AGENDA ITEMS. Ana Ruiz-Peralta, 4304 Laredo Dr, asked Council to consider implementing a curb side recycling program REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES AND/OR OFFICERS: Mr Garrison reported on the Hanford Communities Governing Board meeting Mr Yenney attended the Hanford Area Economic Investment Fund meeting and the Benton Franklin Community Action Committee meeting Mayor Watkins attended the ribbon cutting ceremony for Karne Max located at 5024 Rd 68 Mr Hoffmann, Mr Martinez and Ms Francik reported on the Westside Water Plant Dedication Ceremony PUBLIC HEARINGS AND COUNCIL ACTION ON ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS RELATING THERETO Street Vacation (MF #VAC 10-005) A Portion of Idaho Avenue (City of Pasco). Mr White explained the details of the proposed vacation MAYOR WATKINS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN TO CONSIDER THE VACATION FOLLOWING THREE CALLS FOR COMMENTS, EITHER FOR OR AGAINST, AND THERE BEING NONE, MAYOR WATKINS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED 2 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 2, 2010 Ordinance No 3967, an Ordinance vacating a portion of Idaho Avenue. MOTION Ms Francik moved to adopt Ordinance No 3967, an Ordinance vacating a portion of Idaho Avenue and, further, to authorize publication by summary only Mr Garrison seconded Motion carried unanimously ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS NOT RELATING TO PUBLIC HEARINGS: Ordinance No. 3968, an Ordinance of the City of Pasco, Washington, authorizing the Initiation of a Petition for Condemnation of Real Property necessary for the construction of the Lewis Street Overpass. Council and staff discussed the details of the project Mr DanWalsh, owner of 217-219 W Lewis St, spoke in favor of moving forward with this project MOTION Ms Francik moved to adopt Ordinance No 3968, authorizing the acquisition of real property necessary for the construction of the Lewis Street Overpass and, further, authorize publication by summary only Mr Garrison seconded Motion carried 5-2 No – Hoffmann, Larsen Resolution No 3262, a Resolution approving the Program Year 2011 Community Development Block Grant Allocations and Annual Work Plan. MOTION Ms Francik moved to approve Resolution No 3262, approving the City's 2011 CDBG Allocations and Annual Work Plan Mr Martinez seconded Motion carried unanimously Mr Yenney abstained Resolution No. 3263, a Resolution accepting the Planning Commission's recommendation and approving a Special Permit for the expansion of a children's daycare center at 3605 West Ruby Street. MOTION Ms Francik moved to approve Resolution No 3263, approving a Special Permit for the expansion of a children's daycare center at 3605 West Ruby Street Mr Garrison seconded Motion carried 6-1 No – Larsen MISCELLANEOUS DISCUSSION. Mayor Watkins noted a letter has been sent to the Franklin County Commissioners concerning Municipal Court Space lease extension ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7 45 p m APPROVED ATTEST: • 1".--Tra C—lark, City Clerk Matt Watkins, Mayor PASSED and APPROVED this 16th day of August, 2010 3 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 20, 2010 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7 00 p m by Matt Watkins, Mayor ROLL CALL Councilmembers present Rebecca Francik, Mike Garrison, Robert Hoffmann, Tom Larsen, Saul Martinez, Matt Watkins and Al Yenney Staff present Gary Crutchfield, City Manager, Leland Kerr, City Attorney, Stan Strebel, Deputy City Manager, Richard Terway, Administrative & Community Services Director, Rick White, Community & Economic Development Director, Michael McShane, City Engineer, Denis Austin, Police Chief and Bob Gear, Fire Chief The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance CONSENT AGENDA. (a) Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the Pasco City Council Meeting dated September 7, 2010 (b) Bills and Communications. To approve General Claims in the amount of $1,963,896 05 ($66,647 95 in the form of Wire Transfer Nos 5551 and 5552, $10,000 00 in the form of Electronic Fund Transfer No 1027, and $1,887,248 10 consisting of Claim Warrants numbered 178663 through 178847) To approve bad debt write-offs for utility billing, ambulance, cemetery, general accounts, miscellaneous accounts, and Municipal Court (non-criminal, criminal, and parking) accounts receivable in the total amount of $183,679 84 and, of that amount, authorize $116,673 75 be turned over for collection (c) Dedication Deed. (MF# INFO 10-066) Dedicating a portion of Hugo Avenue (Victor Cardenas): To accept the dedication deed from Victor Cardenas for a portion of the Hugo Avenue right-of-way (d) Final Plat (MF# FP10-009) Desert Estates III, Phase 8 (Bob Barton). To approve the final plat for Desert Estates III, Phase 8 MOTION Ms Francik moved to approve the Consent Agenda as read Mr Garrison seconded Motion carried by unanimous Roll Call vote VISITORS - OTHER THAN AGENDA ITEMS Mr Joe Nunez, 123 Camargo Lane, served the Mayor and City Manager with papers REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES AND/OR OFFICERS Mr Garrison reported on the State Auditor's Exit Conference Mr Larsen attended the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee meeting 1 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 20, 2010 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS NOT RELATING TO PUBLIC HEARINGS Ordinance No. 3971, an Ordinance of the City of Pasco, Washington, amending Section 3.06.010 "Establishment of Real Estate Excise Tax, Use of Proceeds" to fund Capital Projects Specified in a Capital Facilities Plan Element of a Comprehensive Plan Council and staff discussed the proposed Ordinance MOTION Ms Francik moved to adopt Ordinance No 3971, amending Section 3 06 010 of the Pasco Municipal Code and, further, authorize publication by summary only Mr Garrison seconded Motion carried unanimously Ordinance No 3972, an Ordinance relating to zoning and amending PMC Title 25 dealing with temporary businesses in the 1-182 Overlay District Council and staff discussed the proposed Ordinance Mr Garcia, representing the owner of Tacos Garcia Taco Truck at 6411 Burden Blvd, is concerned about trying to run the business without tables for the customers MOTION Ms Francik moved to adopt Ordinance No 3972, amending PMC Chapter 52 58 by enacting new standards for temporary businesses and, further, authorize publication by summary only Mr Garrison seconded Motion carried by the following Roll Call vote Yes — Watkins, Yenney, Francik, Garrison No — Hoffmann, Larsen, Martinez Resolution No. 3275, a Resolution amending Resolution No. 3274, accepting the Planning Commission's recommendation and approving a Special Permit for the location of a farm in an RT (Residential Transition) and C-1 (Retail Business) Zone Mr White explained the details of the amended Resolution ' MOTION Ms Francik moved to approve Resolution No 3275, amending Resolution No 3274 Mr Martinez seconded Motion carried unanimously UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Ordinance No 3969, an Ordinance concerning Public Works Standard Specifications, amending Section 14.08 010, and adding Section 14 08 020 of the Pasco Municipal Code. MOTION Ms Francik to adopt Ordinance No 3969, amending Chapter 14 08 "Construction Standards", Section 14 08 010 "Adopted", and adding Section 14 08 020 "Applicability" and, further, authorize publication by summary only Mr Garrison seconded Motion carried unanimously MISCELLANEOUS DISCUSSION. Mr Hoffmann inquired about revenues noted on the August 2010 General Fund Operating Statement and suggested staff provide Council a summary of Memorial pool statistics for 2010 EXECUTIVE SESSION Council adjourned to Executive Session at 8 05 p m for approximately 30 minutes to discuss collective bargaining strategy and proposals with the City Manager and City Attorney Mayor Watkins called the meeting back to order at 8 31 p m 2 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 20, 2010 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8 31 p m APPROVED ATTEST C Cl CT Wav _ Debrn: Clark, City erk —' Matt Watkins, Mayor PASSED and APPROVED this 4th day of October 2010