HomeMy WebLinkAbout1478 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO 1478 A RESOLUTION forming a Community Relations Task Force WHEREAS, there is some evidence that the community concerns as to racial attitudes and tensions in Pasco can be better addressed, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that effective remedial action must be encouraged, initiated and coordinated within the City of Pasco, and WHEREAS, the City Council further finds that it is necessary to empower an advisory committee to study, investigate, mediate and hold public meetings on communitywide problems relating to intergroup tensions and disorders, and to encourage and advise on implementation of programs to alleviate or eliminate tensions and disorders, keeping in mind the needs and rights of all citizens of Pasco, and WHEREAS, this committee shall make studies, report findings and make recommendations to the City Council and City Manager, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO 1 Creation of a Community Relations Task Force There is hereby established an advisory committee to be known as the "Community Relations Task Force" (hereinafter referred to as the "Task Force") The Task Force shall consist of nine (9) members, one (1) representative from each Council District, and four (4) representatives at-large to be selected from a slate of candidates provided by the Minority Coalition Representation will reflect a good cross section of the City, and employer, labor, religious, racial, ethnic and women's groups in the City should desirably be represented Appointments shall be made by the Mayor and approved by the City Council 2 Terms of Office of Task Force Members The term of office of all members of the Task Force shall be for three (3) years, provided that any individual appointed to fill a vacancy shall be appointed only for the unexpired term of the member whom he or she succeeds Each member of the Task Force shall serve only until the expiration of his or her term of office Any member of the Task Force may be removed by the Council for misconduct or malfeasance in office after being given a written statement outlining such behaviour and an opportunity to be heard thereon First appointments shall be for staggered terms of office to get membership to turn over in nearly equal increments each year 3 Officers The Task Force shall elect one of its members as Chairperson and one of its members as Vice-Chairperson, both of whom shall hold office for a period of one (1) year or until their successors are duly elected, unless their terms as members of the Task Force sooner expire 2 4 Meetings and Procedures The Task Force shall meet periodically as needed, but shall hold at least one regular meeting each quarter Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson or by a simple majority of the Task Force members duly appointed and acting in office, upon personal notice being given to all members or written notice being mailed to each member at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the date of such meeting, unless such notice requirement is waived in writing 4 1 A simple majority of those Task Force members duly appointed and acting in office at any given time shall constitute a quorum of the Task Force at that time The affirmative vote of at least a majority of those Task Force members present at any given meeting is required to take any official action at such meeting, provided that a majority vote of the entire Task Force shall be required for a finding or decision of the Task Force 4 2 The Task Force is specifically authorized to make rules and regulations governing its organization and procedures which are not inconsistent with this resolution or any other resolution, chapters or sections of the Pasco Municipal Code 4 3 The Task Force is further authorized to adopt and promulgate interpretive rules and regulations to implement and administer the provisions hereof. 4 4 All regular, special and business meetings of the Task Force shall be held in strict accordance with and pursuant to any and all applicable city ordinances, resolutions and state laws as the same now exist or may hereafter be amended with respect to open and public meetings Minutes of all meetings shall go to the City Council via the City Manager 5. Duties and Powers 5 1 The Task Force shall cooperate with and make written recommendations to the City Council and/or the City Manager, as appropriate, towards the development and implementation of programs and practices for the purpose of furthering satisfactory community relations In any case in which the Task Force has found probable cause to believe an unfair discriminatory practice has been committed or community concerns have not been addressed by the responsible agency or department, it shall transmit its findings to the City Manager and City Council if it is a city government caused concern, who shall take such action as is deemed appropriate in order to comply with the purpose of this resolution If the concern relates to an outside agency, then contact and follow-up, as required, shall be made with such outside agency by the City Council of the City of Pasco this Ar , 1982 ,crea,4,1 Snider, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM 4. -3 5 2 The Task Force shall perform such other functions and duties as may be directed by the City Council or prescribed or authorized by any resolution or ordinance of the City 5 3 The Task Force shall study and hold public hearings and meetings, as needed, on communitywide problems arising in the City of Pasco which are associated with intergroup tensions and/or racial disharmony 5 4 The Task Force shall consult with and maintain contact with other public agencies, civil rights organizations and institutions, professional associations, community organizations, and such other organizations and institutions as are deemed advisable to further the objectives of this resolution 5 5. In prescribing the above duties and functions of the Task Force the Council clearly precludes any duplication or overlapping of the functions, duties or responsibilities heretofore or hereafter assigned to any department, board or committee of the City, or the responsibilities of the City Manager The Task Force shall render assistance, cooperation and recommendations to all public officials, departments, and public or private organizations or citizens 6 Annual Review Required Annually, before the end of the first quarter of the year, the Task Force shall make a report to the Council on activities conducted by the Task Force during the prior year and the Council shall review the work of the Task Force with particular attention to the manner in which the committee has acted to ease community relations tensions Greg R tello, City Attorney