HomeMy WebLinkAbout1462 ResolutionVED AS TO FORM: RESOLUTION NO. 1462 A RESOLUTION of the City of Pasco officially naming the city water filtration plant the City of Pasco Butterfield Water Filtration Plant. WHEREAS, the contributions of Darrel and Orville Butterfield in terms of commitment and length of service to the City of Pasco and its water filtration plant are uniquely significant and worthy of recognition; and WHEREAS, naming the water filtration plant in their honor is fitting their contribution to the City and a means of memorializing that contribution, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: The City water filtration plant on "A" Street in the City of Pasco, Washington, is hereby named in honor of Darrel and Orville Butterfield, the City of Pasco Butterfield Water Filtration Plant. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 2 day of November , 1981. E. A. Snider, Mayor Greg Rubstello, City Attorney , u'PI ,L1_ BUILLRI 1[LD Our very own "Rhihestone Couboy" uds 1)0111 in PdSCO 'roshington, Grey's Addition, January 20, 1930, attended grade school in Pasco, and Lien 1H 1941 moved to Finley where he attended / graduated from Hover School District In September 1951, Darrel came to work for the City of Pasco at tne Filter Plant as a plait operator, under the supervision of his father Orville In 1954 through l'157, 9Prrel was in the Army, after which ne returned to work again at the filter plant Darrel attended nany seminars and schoolings on water put ification and was secretary of Pacific Northwest Sub-Section or American Waterworks Association, (hiring nis interum with the City He berate Foreman dt the Filter Plant in 1966, the position he hold until ,etirenmnt in October 1979 Total of 27 years service Oar', ' and his wife Cathy live on Kau Trail Road, an acreage north of Court Street and Road 63, ircre he is per suing his life long di eat of training and cidinc prccc employment between the two Butterfield's amounts lo 53-years seivice duiing a 45 ea , pc , iod • A (__A N A 0 r N . T1 ni‘ UtIy C( nt n cil (SEND TO COUNcIL ONLY) DAIT October 29, 1981 IQ Ice Klan., City Manager XNORKSI101' IU GUI AR ROM j .5, Dale Datel 11/2/81 Jim Ajay, Director of Public Works/City Engineer SI]13J1 Cl CONFIDENTIAL - COUNCIL ONLY (This is to be a surprise to Darrell Butterfield) I, RI I RI NC, M) 1St only -those attached) A) History of 00ILLE and DARRELL BUTTERFIELD' s 53 years of service during a 45 year period with Pasco' s Water System and in particular the Water Filtration Plant B) Proposed Resolution ACIION RLQUESILD OF COUNCIL/STAFF RECOMMENDATION MOTION I move to adopt Resolution No which officially names the City Water Filtration Plant the City of Pasco Butterfield Filtration Plant di. 1 ISC,AL IMPAC1 (Capital Outlay and M.O.) N/A III,IC‘RY AN L) FACTS BRIEF (SEE ATTACHMENT) 1)ISCULSION 01111R CON/IN/11 NTS VII A HMI N IS1 RAJ WI ROI) IING r)p,y-41u_ (15) \TARS OF BUF1ERFILLD'S CIlY OF PASCO FILIER PL/'dl ,. From 1934 through 1979 ORVILLE- BUT1LRFIELD Born IIM9 in Oregon Died 1971 - Buried at City View Cemetery Olville Butterfield began his career with toe City of Pasco in early 19o4 at the _,iEc, of the old river pump house, whicn was located about 150 Feet north of the present pump house lhis was long before the dike was built During this time, the family lived in a house ne>t to the pumping plant His daughler recalls he grew some beautiful flowers around tne plant and the house 'here was no filter plant at this time He was operating the pump house site al the time of the flood in May 1 948 The pumps were on a cement block about 4 or 5 feet above the floor of the pump house and the crew at that time Filled tie pu ,q, house with water, up to the pumps to keep the nouse, pumps and all, rrom floutinc down the river Another time Orville got his arm broken at the pump nouse to tiying to stop a pump motor that was runring backwards, when a vlie Id ,ot iold i t to Line of cperatioi only from the pump house, Darrel and his police do,„7 'Eleenie" l'orked with his dad (not on City payroll) doing oad jobs around tl 2 .-,-I 'e Thl , is where Dorrel got his start in water treatment Coo:'1uccioo began OH the plesent Filter Plant in 1948 When it was completed, Orville became Chief Operator at the plant until he retired in December 1959 at ilie ogc of 70-)rears Total of 26-years service When he passcn crsay in 1 0 71, the funeral procession Passed v(my slowly with slight pause at the Filter Plant on "A" Street, OH the way to City View Cemetery, - a fin ,' ,r Mute to Or Butter field