HomeMy WebLinkAbout1437 ResolutionATTEST- Evelyn—Wel s, City Clerk AP ROVED AS TO FORM s, RESOLUTION NO. 1437 A RESOLUTION of the City of Pasco approving an agreement for consulting services for a Fiscal Impact Analysis of Puget Sound Power and Light nuclear projects, and authorizing the expenditure of funds for financing a proportionate share of the cost of that agreement. WHEREAS, a Construction Impact Group has been formed for the purpose of representing member jurisdictions affected by the construction of nuclear generating facilities on the Hanford Reservation; and WHEREAS, the City of Pasco is a member of the Construction Impact Group; and WHEREAS, a Fiscal Impact Analysis is required to determine the impact on member jurisdictions that will result from the construction of nuclear generating facilities on the Hanford Reservation by Puget Sound Power and Light, and WHEREAS, such Fiscal Impact Analysis wI.11 form the basis of negotiations with Puget Sound Power and Light for compensation to member jurisdictions resulting from the impact which will occur due to the construction of nuclear generating facilities on the Hanford Reservation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO Section 1. The agreement for consulting services for a Fiscal Impact Analysis of Puget Sound Power and Light nuclear projects, between the Construction Impact Group and Williams-Kuebelbeck and Associates, Inc., is hereby approved Section 2. Funding for the City of Pasco proportionate share of the cost of such consulting services is hereby authorized, not to exceed $4,730.00, and such funds shall be authorized from the Contingency Fund. PAS D by the City Council of the City of Pasco this day of , 1981 Dennis J De lice, City Attorney RESOLUTION NO. 1437 A RESOLUTION relating to the City Council of the City of Pasco's request to the Department of Ecology of the State of Washington for a Public Hearing on the City's application for a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Waste Discharge Permit, No. WA-000376-0. WHEREAS, the City of Pasco provides potable water to the residents and businesses of the City of Pasco and in the area surrounding the City, particularly west of the present city limits, and WHEREAS, the City attempts to provide this water at as reasonable a rate as possible; and WHEREAS, the City of Pasco anticipates future population, commercial and industrial growth both within its present water service area and its anticipated water service area, and WHEREAS, the City already anticipates the need to raise water rates in order to responsibly meet the future needs of the City of Pasco and the surrounding area; and WHEREAS, the Department of Ecology proposes to include in the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for the City of Pasco's water treatment plant a requirement that settleable solids from the backwash of the plant's water filtration system be so limited as to require the construction of settling basins or other facilities, which are estimated to cost approximately $400,000.00; and WHEREAS, the cost of this facility will have to be borne by the taxpayers and by the rate payers of the City of Pasco and will result in a substantial rate increase in the rates the City must charge for the water it provides; and WHEREAS, the evidence available to the City of Pasco indicates that there is no benefit to be derived from the construction of such a facility, as there is very little, if any, impact on the quality of the water of the Columbia River as a result of the present discharge from the backwash of the water treatment plant's filters, which backwash only returns to the Columbia River solids that were filtered from the river itself, so that the water delivered to the customers of the utility meets normal standards for potable water; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received public comment opposed to the aforementioned condition and believes that public comment could better be received at a Public Hearing; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS• 1. It is respectfully requested that the Department of Ecology of the State of Washington hold a Public Hearing in Pasco on the City of Pasco's application for a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Waste Discharge System Permit No WA-000376-0. -2- 2. That all persons who are citizens of the City of Pasco or customers of the City's water utility system or who live in south Franklin County area and anticipate being future customers of the City's water utility system are encouraged to submit comments on the proposed NPDES Permit. These persons are further encouraged in their comments to request that a Public Hearing be held in Pasco for the purpose of receiving further information on the subject matter of this permit. All comments should be made in writing and mailed so that they are received by the Department of Ecology not later than June 22, 1981. Comments should be directed to the following address State of Washington Department of Ecology Eastern Regional Office East 103 Indiana Avenue Spokane, Washington 99207. All written comments should identify itself as relating to the City of Pasco's application for a NPDES Permit No. WA-000376-0. 3. The City Clerk is directed to send a certified copy of this resolution to the Department of Ecology at the address given above forthwith following its passage. The City Clerk is further directed to have this resolution advertized in the Tr-City Herald to be published as soon as possible. The City Clerk is further directed to distn.bute copies of this resolution to all radio stations and television stations in the Tr-Cities area. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this day of , 1981. E A. Snider, Mayor Councilmen. ATTEST. S K Adams Charles F Grigg Evelyn Wells, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM. Ira Schmidt Beverly Green Dennis J. De Felice, Acting City Attorney Gary E. Bosch Bill Wilkins ..