HomeMy WebLinkAbout1430 Resolution - RecordedY We ls, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM 14)(g j Dennis J De Felace, ty Attorney C co_ PO-4 C--C 4101;20 RESOLUTION NO 1430 A RESOLUTION accepting utility easements from Pasco School District No 1 WHEREAS, utilities have been and are planned to be installed to provide fire protection at the Pasco High School and Stevens Junior High School sites, and, WHEREAS, these utilities currently cross private land, and, WHEREAS, the ultimate ownership of the utilities will be with the City of Pasco BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY OF PASCO DOES HEREBY ACCEPT THE ATTACHED utility easements PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 18 day of May , 1981 ATTEST 410620 RECORDED Oil VOL -1-115-. OF OFFIV Ai RECORDS f'AGS5L9$ AFOOEST OF CJA 4-1) Pc MAY Lb 8 52RM 11 TrrilS MAII OR Ff\AII"Litl .011t TY. WASH DEPUTY p ,D9 2-- 3o/ 6_002), 410620 64-6- CgD w4M C1/41 Ez7:1-1 we-1 41(11120' For valuable consideration, including benefit to the grantor's appurtenant land and the benefit of the public interest, the grantor, does hereby, convey, and give to the grantee, City of Pasco, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, its successors and assigns an exclusive public utility easement across, over, and upon the following land, located in Franklin County, State of Washington, to-wit Pasco High School-See Attachment "A" Stevens Junior High School-See Attachment "B" The grantee shall have the right, privilege, and authority to construct, improve, repair and maintain public utilities on said land. This easement is exclusive in that no other entity may be granted the use of the above described land for any public utility without the grantee's expressed written consent The grantor shall make no use of the land occupied by said public utility easement that is inconsistent with or conflicts with the grantee's use of the land for public utilities. In exercising the rights herein granted, the grantee, its successors and assigns, may pass and repass over said land to cut and remove brush, trees, and other obstructions which in the opinion of the grantee interfere with the use of the land as a public utility easement and to otherwise use and occupy the land consistent with its construction, maintenance, and uses as a public utility easement The covenants herein contained shall run with the land and are binding upon all subsequent owners hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said grantor has executed this instrument this ji/..--tA day of 0/0A,1, , 1981 STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS County of Franklin ) AA, ,: D On this J444day of , 1981 before me the undersigned, a : Notary Public in and for the -STW;7-OrWashmgton duly commissioned and sworn, personal appeared cicjiki-ok..., "Tkv-frit.)- q vvi Kti-V D nkl4C411 to me known to be the individual described in'and who executed the above and foregoing L. instp9Tent, and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary ildk.-MIULS69d, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned .act4 '< A', ... Slii. -. ' iqen <oder my hand and official seal this day of 654_,...A1_, // 9.'i , 1981 7.z1 z• - .‘ - \ , - t ) - ::-.Si- ..., -- . ., .-..-•e ...., , C>r)-"' e. 4... ,.. r,--% . qu..1 ,;.; Notary Public in and for r State of Washington, residing at ,s,.... 410620 C?) - 114 - 410620 ATTACHMENT "A" PASCO SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL AN EASEMENT 15.0 FT. IN WIDTH ALONG AN EXISTING WATER LINE, INCLUDING FIRE HYDRANTS AND APPURYENANCES I FOR PLACEMENT S MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR, THE CENTERLINE BEING DESCRIBED IS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTH OUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 30 TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH, RANGE 30 EAST, W.M. FRANKLIN COUNTY WASHINGTON; THENCE S 00 0 34' AO W - ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF OF SAID SECTION 30 ALSO BEING THE CENTERLINE OF 14TH STREET A DISTANCE OF 827010 FT.; THENCE S 89° 27' 21" E A DISTANCE OF 40.0 FT., TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID 14TH STREET ALSO BEING PASCO SCHOOL DIST. No. 1 WEST PROPERTY LINE AND TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING S 89 ° 27' 21" E A DISTANCE OF 644.65 FT. TO THE TERM INUM OF THE EXISTING WATER LINE AND ITS APPURTENANCES; THENCE CONTINUING S 89 0 27 ° 21" E ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF A 15.0 FT. WIDE EASEMENT FOR FUTURE WATER LINE PLACEMENT, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE A DISTANCE OF 20.0 FT.; THENCE N 45° 32' 39" E A DISTANCE OF 117.38 FT.; THENCE S 89 * 27' 21" E A DISTANCE OF 370.00 FT. TO THE EAST LINE OF PASCO SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 1 PROPERTY ALSO BEING THE WEST LINE OF 10TH STREET AND TERMINUM OF FUTURE WATER LINE EASEMENT. TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT 15.0 FT., IN WIDTH ALONG AN EXISTING WATER LINE INCLUDING FIRE HYDRANTS AND APPURTENANCES FOR PLACEMENT, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR, THE CENTERLINE BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTH OUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 30 TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH, RANGE 30 EAST, W.M. FRANKLIN COUNTY WASHINGTON; THENCE S 00 0 34' Aa „" .„ w ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION 30 ALSO BEING THE CENTERLINE OF 14TH STREET A DISTANCE OF 827.10 FT.; THENCE S 89 0 27' 21" E A DISTANCE OF 335.42 FT. TO 410620 - ' 410620 ATTACHMENT "A" THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 00° 03' 43" E ALONG SAID EXISTING WATER LINE A DISTANCE OF 175.0 FT. TO A FIRE HYDRANT; THENCE CONTINUING S 00 0 03' 43" E A DISTANCE OF 7.5 FT. TO THE TERMINUM OF SAID EASEMENT. TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT 15.0 FT. IN WIDTH ALONG AN EXISTING WATER LINE INCLUDING FIRE HYDRANTS AND APPURTENANCES FOR PLACEMENT, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR, THE CENTERLINE BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTH OUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 30 TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH, RANGE 30 EAST, W.M. FRANKLIN COUNTY WASHINGTON; THENCE S 00° 34' 39" w ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION 30 ALSO BEING THE CENTERLINE OF 14TH STREET A DISTANCE OF 827.10 FT.; THENCE S 89 0 27' 21" E A DISTANCE OF 674.65 FT. TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 00 0 23° 39" - w ALONG SAID EXISTING WATER LINE A DISTANCE OF 175.72 FT.; THENCE S 56 0 54' 21" E A DISTANCE OF 22.0 FTc, TO AN EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT; THENCE CONTINUING S 56° 54 21" E A DISTANCE OF 7.50 FT. TO THE TERMINUM OF SAID EASEMENT. TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT 15.0 FT. IN WIDTH FOR A FUTURE WATER LINE INCLUDING FIRE HYDRANTS AND APPURTENANCES FOR PLACEMENT, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR, THE CENTERLINE BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTH OUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 30 TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH, RANGE 30 EASY, W.M. FRANKLIN COUNTY WASHINGTON; THENCE S 00 ° 34' 39" w ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF SAID SECT/ON 30 ALSO BEING THE CENTERLINE Of 14TH STREET A DISTANCE OF 827.10 FT.; THENCE S 89' 27' 21" E A DISTANCE Or 704.65 FT.; THENCE N 45° 32' 39" E A DISTANCE OF 117.38 FT.; THENCE S 89 0 27° 21" E A DISTANCE OF 20.0 FT,,; 10 TFE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 00° 32' 39" E A DISTANCE OF 51.0 FT. TO THE TERMINUM Or SAID EASEMENT. 410620 I kt1.I VJL 149 PALiE 254