HomeMy WebLinkAbout1425 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO. 1625 A RESOLUTION to enter into an interlocal Cooperation Agreement for a Tr-City Fire Investigation Task Force and authorizing the Mayor to sign said Agreement. WHEREAS, in terms of lives and property lost and the rate of incidence, arson has become America's fastest growing crime; and WHEREAS, a definite correlation has been drawn between the present limited capabilities of police, fire and prosecutorial agencies in dealing with arson and the low deterrence level of this crime; and WHEREAS, most police and fire departments lack the resources, expertise and manpower to adequately respond to the growing arson problem; and WHEREAS, the Pasco Fire Department has insufficient manpower to handle arson investigations and also handle various other routine assignments; and WHEREAS, Tr-Cities fire officials have felt for some time that, by establishing a task force of trained fire investigators, fire and arson problems in a particular city could be more adequately dealt with; and WHEREAS, the crime of arson is a problem in the Tr-City metropolitan area; and WHEREAS, no single public governmental entity in the Tr-Cities has the resources to cope with this problem by itself; and WHEREAS, the Cities of Richland, Kennewick and Pasco, and the Counties of Benton and Franklin, desire to pool their arson investi- gation resources to better respond to this problem: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: Section 1. The City Council does hereby enter into an inter- local Cooperation Agreement between the Cities of Richland, Kenne- wick, and Pasco, and the Counties of Benton and Franklin, pursuant to R.C.W. 39.34.030, which Agreement shall provide for a Tr-City Fire Investigation Task Force. This authorization shall be governed by the following conditions: 1. The Pasco Fire Department shall utilize only those funds available in the 1981 budget not to exceed $500 for the purpose of participating in the Task Force. AT Evelyn • Wells, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: E. A. Snider, Mayor 2. In the event these funds should be exhausted, the Pasco Fire Department shall grant compensatory time off in lieu of pay for regular or overtime work that results from participation in this Task Force. 3. Following one (1) year of operation of the Task Force, the Administrative Board shall review the Task Force operation to ascertain its effectiveness, to insure fair and equitable participation, and to provides estimates of the cost to the City. 4. This report shall be transmitted by the Chief of the Pasco Fire Department to the Pasco City Manager for review. Following this review, the City Manager shall report to the City Council for decision by the Council on whether or not to remain a member of the Task Force. In the event any of these conditions are violated, the City Manager may exercise the City's right to withdraw from the Task Force by giving ten (10) days written notice to the other parties. This in no way shall limit the right of the City to withdraw from the Task Force as provided in the Agreement. Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Agreement on behalf of the City of Pasco. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this day of May , 1981. De ills J. De F lici"Acting_City Attorney INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT TRI-CITY FIRE INVESTIGATION TASK FORCE In an effort to provide better fire investigation in the Tr-City area, the Cities of Richland, Pasco, Kennewick and the Counties of Benton and Franklin, pursuant to R C W 39.34.030, enter into this agreement on this day of , 1981. DURATION This agreement shall become effective upon the date hereof and shall remain in full force and effect until cancelled by mutual agreement of the parties hereto or by written notice by one party to the others, giving ten (10) days notice of said cancellation. If one party hereto withdraws, this agreement shall remain in full force for the remaining parties. PURPOSE The purpose of this agreement is to provide for the better investigation of fires by combining all the resources of the involved parties; and by having such resources available upon request to the participating entities. TASK FORCE ORGANIZATION The Tr-City Fire Investigation Task Force shall consist of at least one but not more than two qualified members from each participating entity. The procedures and policies governing the operation of the Task Force shall be as outlined by the Administrative Board as described herein. FINANCING, COMPENSATION AND INSURANCE COVERAGE. Each participating jurisdiction shall be responsible for the payment of all wages, compensation and insurance coverage to their respective members of the Task Force while such members are operating on Task Force business. DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Any and all property and equipment acquired by the Task Force during this agreement shall remain the property of the jurisdiction supplying such property or equipment. ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD For the purposes of administering this cooperative agreement, a joint board consisting of the Fire Chiefs of Kennewick, Pasco and Richland, and a representative of each of the Counties of Benton and Franklin, appointed by the County Commissioners, is hereby created. This Admimstrative Board shall have the responsibility for the periodic review and updating of the policies and procedures of the Task Force. Such review shall be conducted at least once a year. The Board shall also be responsible for providing qualified members to serve on the Task Force LEGAL OBLIGATION This agreement made pursuant to R.0 W. 39.34.030 shall not relieve any participating public agency of any obligation or responsibility imposed upon it by law except, that to the extent of actual and timely performance thereof by the Administrative Board or Task Force created by this agreement, said performance may be offered in satisfaction of the obligation or responsibility. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement at , Washington on the day and year first written above City of Richland City of Kennewick City of Pa -sC-6- Benton County Franklin County