HomeMy WebLinkAbout1399 ResolutionPASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 19 day of January , 1981 E A -Sflider, Mayor Dennis De Felice, c"-- i y Attorney RESOLUTION NO 1399 A RESOLUTION accepting the work done by L W Vail Company, Inc , on the South of "A" Street L I D No 106 Street Project WHEREAS, the work done by L. W Vail Company, Inc , under Project No 80-9-02, has been examined by the City Engineer and the City Engineer has found that the work on said project has been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications on said project, and it appears that the City shall now accept the same and concur in the Engineer's recommendation, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO That the City Council concurs in the Engineer's recommendation and finds that the work done under Project No 80-9-02 has been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications of said project, and that the same be and is hereby accepted, and that the Department of Labor and Industries and the Department or Revenue be notified of the acceptance of this work APPROVED AS TO FORM November 18, 1980 , t at Account No Bill to L I D No 106 354,702 00 TOTAL CHARGED TO PROJECT 685,732 00 Plus Amount Relased from Escrow Retainage 49,795 34 49,795 34 ; 9,590 46 7 Larry Noland, Assistant Finance Avedim Ajax, Director Public Works/City Engineer , /4A-1 t .1,/'4 q 1 Y4r 1 , , '011 4 I"' I '14•Z % t 4 'i t ."' #1;* 41, 7 tq 't irector ' :Yr 23 px1 g, .., '70,14 4 MEMORANDUM TO FROM SUBJECT L I D No 106 City Project No 80-9-02 Payment No 6 SEMI FINAL Progress Payment No 6 (Semi-Final) in the amount of $59,385 80 is now due L W Vail Company, Inc , P 0 Box 847, Pasco, Washington 99301, for , contract work on the subject project as detailed on the attached sheets rr 1 `x .`1 7r4A1 TOTAL AMOUNT EARNED TO DATE ^ 677,745 07 ' State Sales Tax 7,986 93 Sub Total 685,732 00 19,313 69 34,286 60 572,745 91 - 626,346 20 626,346 20 ‘L 4 59,385 80 7 LESS Retainage for Claims Retainage 5% of Total Previous Payments SUBTOTAL AMOUNT NOW DUE CONTRACTOR Account no 110 740 541 30 65000 Account no 110 740 541 40 65000 Account no 410 760 534 33 63000 TOTAL BILLED 181,780 00 32,750 00 116,500 00 PRESENT BILLING 0 i ssi,e10„, 0 1.4 44r 0 , '411 .n'? Ot.11.:;1's PRESENT PAYMENT TO CONTRACTOR 59,385 80 PAYMENT SUMMARY Payment No 1 - Payment No 2 - Payment No 3 - Payment No 4 - Payment No 5 - Payment No 6 - $142,065 77 $117,131 al 155,960 20 $ 50,610 50 $106,978,03 $ 59,335 80 - 7/14/80 - 7/25/80 - 8/22/80 - 9/23/80 - 10/24/80 - 11/18/80 (present) No ESCROW SUMMARY No 1 - $12,740 30 No 2 - $ 6,164 82 No 3 - $ 2,945 27 No 4 - $ 2,663 71 No 5 - $38,676 65 6 Release(9,590 4present) 4)11: Oct. 25, 1980 lv aov 18r 1980 QUANIFIY 01 WORK ImuK COMPLLI1D AMOUNI CONPUTED , :\):; 130.00 6,691.16 11,432.29 11,425.00 1,866.00 215.00 2,289.00 4,613.80 1,622.00 35.00 4,147 00 830.00 1,115.00 85.00 2,169.31 26.00 30.00 26,000.00 100% 177,315.74 99%1; 74,309409 85% ,1 34,846.25 62%q n 5,691.30' 62% 7 h 860.00 • 54 ' 1, 3,433.50 106% Jq ' 1 4,844.49 100% n 1,946.40 108%.,': , „ 5250.Q0- 31c i 5,183.75 • 90%, 1 830.00 69% 1,115.00 279% 0 I A25.00 121% 2.1,693.10. • 361% 71,(n 2,600.00 130% ' 1 I 4,500.00 100% 0 3.00 4 00 z 0 1,350.00 600.00 0 150% 100% W it Vail Co liic. /// 1114 NO SIRELI TOTALS - MON TAXABLE 111,11 DLSCRIPFION QUALilY UN11 BID PRICL 101AL AMOUNT 1 Common Excavation 130(100'sta)Sta 200.00 26,000 2 Class "8" Asphalt 6750 Ton 26 50 178,875 Mix 3 V8" Crushed Sur- facing top Course 13500 Ton 6 50 e 87,750 ' Curb & Gutter 18500 LF 3.05 56,425 Type "A" 5 Curb & Gutter 3000 CF 3.05 9,150 Type "0" 6 3' Concrete 400 LF 400 1,600 Valley Gutter 7 Concrete 12-Inch 2150 LF 1.50 3,225 Gutter 8 4" Concrete Walk 4600 SF ' 1 05 4,830 9 6" Concrete Walk 1500 SF 1 20 1,800 10 Conciete Monument 37 Ea 150.00 5,550 & Case 11 Remove Walk 4600 SF 1 25 5,750 12 Remove Curb 1200 LF . 1 00 1,200 13 Remove Curb & 400 LF 1 00 400 Gutter 14 Concrete Sawing 70 LF : 5 00 350 15 Asphalt Patching 600 Sc' 10 00 6,000 16 Adjust Existing 20 La 100.00 2,000 Water Valves 17 Adjust Existing 30 Ea 150.00 4,500 Oanholes 18 Adjust Existing 2 Ea 200 00 400 Catch Basins 19 Move or Replace 2 La 450 00 900 Catch Basins 20 Remove Class 4 [a 150 00 600 1 lrees suIlas SUBTJTAL $ 372,794.4;4 21 22 • f 23 24 25 26 f 27 i , 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 7 • Oct. 25,1980 WAIL ITEMS - [AMBLE 411)---Nov. 18, 1980 QUA, lIlY % Or BID InTAL nl UOU ,I;ORV 11111 DLSCRINION QUALM UNIr PRICI ANOUOT COMPLLIII) MUNI COUPLUED NO. Ihl 12" Class 400 LF 14 25 5,700 405.00 5,771.25 .-- 101% '41 Push-On Ductile Iron Water Pipe F&1 10" 400 LF 11.20. 4,480 368.0n - 4,121.60 92% ClaSS 50 Push-On Ductile Iron Water Pipe r&I 8" (lass 50 Push-On 4700 LF !9 50 44,650 4,610.00 43,985 00 -- 99% Ductile Iron 1 Water Pipe 1 FFil 6" Class 300 LF 8.25 2,475 220 00 1,815.00 ,73% 50 Push-On 1 Ductile Iron Water Pipe Trench Exc 5800 LF 2 00 11,600 5,623.00 11,246.00'r 97% , & Backfill FM 18"x18" 1 Ea 1,200.00 1,200 1.00 1,200.00 /7 100% Tapping Saddle and Valve 1 ibl 16x8" Tapping Saddle and Valve 2 Ea 1,150 00 t . 2,300 2 00 2,300.00 V 100% FM 12"x8" 2 Ea 1,000 00 2,000 2.00 2,000.00 "' 100% Tapping Saddle and Valve I&I 8"x6" 2 Ea 750 00 1,500 2 00 1,500.00 100% Tapping Saddle and Valve F7I 6"x6" Tapping Saddle and Valve 1 Ea 800 00 800 1.00 800.00 / l00% IM 12"x6" Tee 3 Ea 300 00 900 3.00 900.00 / 100% HJxMJ fAl 12"x10" 1 Ea 175 00 175 1,00 175.00/ 1001 Reducer MJxMJ Ul 12" Butterfly 1 Ea 750 00 750 1 00 750 00' loor Valve 11JxMJ ,- 171 12"x12" 1 Ea 300 00 300 1 00 / 300 00 100t Tee HJxMJ V•ti _ Ok L W. Vailltro Inc. 111 1J7\TLR 11U15 - TLAXABLL \I I I 1 1 II IA I P 4.1141.1. uc -L. 25, 1980 0. Nov, 18, 1980 iril NO. ULM DESCRIPTION QUA! llY uNtr BIM PR1CL rorAt AMOUNT or WOU COMPLLIIM "f, OP Aflouur COMPLETED EA 150.00 300 2.00 300.00 -- ,,100%,,, 0,0 ,,t , ro '4 t i , Ea 500.00 , 500 1 oo 500.00' 1003 Ea 250 00 250 1.00 250.00' ' 100% Ea 1,50 00 150 1 00 150.00 / 100% ,.„, , Ea 2,50 00 250 1.00 250.01 100% Ea 360 00 2,520 8 00 2,880.00 114% Ea 150 00 150 2.00 300.00' 200% . Ea 100 00 200 2.00 200 00 ( , 100% Ea 100 00 400 5 00 500.00/ 125% ' If; La 100 00 200 2.00 200 00' 100% La 200.00 1,200 4.00 800.00/ 67% La 100.00 100 2.00 200.00 / 200% La 250.00 2,500 8 00 2,000 00 / , 80% 4 A La 100 00 400 3.00 300.00 / 75% La 100 00 400 3.00 300.00 75% Li 800 00 6 400 8.00 6,400 00' 100% La 800 00 5,600 7.00 5,600 00 / 100% La 275 00 14,850 46.00 12,650.00 / 85% 35 fb1 12"x8" 2 Reducer MJxMJ 36 F711 10" 1 Butterfly Valve MJxMJ 37 , r&I 10"x8" Tee 1 tlJxMJ ,38 IP,1 10"0" 1 Reducer MJxMJ 39 FU 10"x6" Tee 1 HJOJ 40 FRI 8" Gate 7 Valve MJxtIJ 41 FA1 8"x8" Tee 1 Valve 42 FM 8" 45° 2 Mot/ MJxMJ 43 F&I 3" 22-1/2° 4 Elbow MJxMJ 44 P F, 1 8" Solid 2 Sleeve tIJ x ilJ 45 r & 1 8" x 6" lee 6 11.1xtU 46 1 & T 8" x 6" 1 Reducer NJ x Mj 47 r & I 6" (,ate Valve 10 fU xfU 48 I & I 6" 22 -1/2° 4 L1bow tU x fU 49 1 & I 6" SolLd 4 Sleeve tU x 50 I f4 I IJ/0 Nydlant 8 Ih2v/ Cons trucLion 51 1 & r lire Hydrant 7 Replace Old Hydrants 52 1 1" Ilater Service Stub:, cLnd Meter Box 59 Now --(Jou, 4o, i'Jtsu 11A ILIZ - 4, Nov. 18, 19430 _ Ile , WANITIY % Ov ,$ BID (01/0 of I'M IALN DESCRIP1ION QUAI IfY MC PRICE, mimic LOMPLLIID AMOUNF COUVLETED, , , t 53 r & 1 3/4" Water 91 Ea Services Stubs 250.00 24,250.00 106.00 26,500.00 -- 109!1, A r & I 4" PVC Pipe 1,500 LF 3.50 5,250.00 696.00 _2,436.00 - 46% WaLer Subbotal 139,579,85 Tax 6,978.99 t." Total 146,558.84 , 65 F&I Lxtra Manhole Depth 17 61 12' - 17' Depth 1,177 arench Excavation and Backfill 63 I&I Catch Basins 20 61 l&I Manlules 30' 11 Standard Depth Sl'ORM UNI I R10 PR I CL IniAl WWII r IAI d 1 W I 1 01 l'i"K COMPLI II D LP 10.00 8,520 00 889.00 LF 9.50 5,168 00 , 503.00 Lir 8.0p 10,520 oo 1,207.00 Lf 7.00 2,030.00 256.00 LF 6.25 4,012 50 687.00 LE atench Lxcavation and Bakfill 2.50 4,055.00 1,511.00 LF 3;00 2,532.00 844.00 LF 4.50 5,296 50 1,177.00 Ea 400.00 8,090.00 20.00 Ea 1,200.00 13,200.00 11.00 VF 100 00 1,700 00 17.00 63,916.25 / 410 -Inlay: -18;-1980 -- ----- Y • •,,,, 01-- „ ' •: ov iv SIU41 DPIU11 litrilS - NON-1AXA1flL 10 Jct.. 25, 19'30 oll l'a . V NU CI I II DI SCR I P MON (WI 111 i 'I , 55 'F & 1 21" Storm Pipe 852 56 F&I 18" Storm Pipe 544 57 F&I 15" Storm Pipe 1,315 13U I&I 12" Storm Pipe 290 59 1&1 10" Stoon Pipe 612 60 0' - 8' Depth 1,622 61 8' - 12' Drpth 844 riench Excavation and Backfill AMAMI' COMPLLI 1 Wy ?.,trY41 - 8,890.00 -5104vi . 4,778.50 ,92% , 4 1 9,656.00, 1,792.00 ,88%' .. 4,293.75' 107% .0 3,777.50 93% - 2,532.o0 100% / 5,296.50 100% 8,000.00 ' 1001 13,200.00 / 1001 ( 1,700.00 100% • 141: • Oct. 25.1980 I t. Nov. 18, 1980? 011A.11 1 1 (t'(Of n n I Al 01 14"N\ ,Nnu O. 111.11 Ur SCR 1 l' I I ON QUM II Y UJ\111 MIOUNT COM' LI III) M1OUN SANITARY SE1/122 ITEMS - TAXABLE I 66 I &I 4" Sanitary S•or Service - • Stubs 0 2,849 LF 7.50 ' 21,367.50 2,216.50 16,623.75 • r ' 7‘MR vr4:01-e , ' r / Sanitary Subtotal 16,623 75 State Sales Tax 831 19 Tral'AL 17,459 94 1,11SCLLLAIIEIOUS IT171S - NCl-TAXABLE 67 I kraal, into Manhole on 4th Ave. ES 400 00 400 00 1.00 68 ',Lit_ and PenovE, LS 600 00 600.00 1.00 2 Steps and Replace 400.00 100% 600.00 --- 100'% ILLSCILLANLIDUS 1,000.00'' L W. Vail Co. 1110 -Oct. 25, 1980-- 10 Nov. 18, 1980 4 rl II 1,1 NO 11Io DISCRIPHON 0A111Y mind I I tY , % Or BID 101 AL 01 U(' 0( ,,1 tolltln UN11 PRICL AMOUHC COMPLIIID AMOUN1 , COOPLFE9 ; 824 S 8th 820 S 8th 816 S 8th 416 B Street 1004,1008, 1012,1014 S 4th Lane 809, 811, 833 S. 7th. Lane 814 S 7th. Lane 818 5 7th Lane, 923 S. 6th. 822, 824 S. lth Lane 622 U A Street 923 S. 7th. Lane 816 S. 7th. Ave 806 S 7th. Ave. 802 S 7th Ave. 802 S 7th. Ave. 820 S 7th. Ave 93] S 6th. 805 S 6th 801 S. 6th. 807 S 6th. 806 S 6th. 816 S 6th. 822 S 6th 1o19 S 6th 826 S 6th 832 S 6th. 812 S 6th 825 S. 6th. 802 S 6th. 914 b 5th 916 S. 5th 832 S 5th. 1008 S 5th 932 S 5th. 1002 S 5th 1012 S 51.11 928 s 5th (1213 S 5th "120 5 5th. 9)0 S 5th. 915 S. 5th. El'RA WORK AGRLLI1L/ITS I 1,11!4! , 565 00 -- I° Vf,a71Wf 5c, 5 clo 565.00 -". 370.00 -- n 3,579.25 --- , 567 00'.-- ' 391,50 -- Fh P 706.50 -- 358.00 -"- 1,550.00"- 528.75 -- 131.25 549.75 360.00 '- 1,195.00 549.50 . 265 00 /- 360.00 337 50 360 00 '- 360.00 - ./ 427.50 427.50 3,300.00 360.00 582.75 360 00 360 00 1,195.00 265 00 265.00 967.50 337 5) 1 ,584.50 1,464 20 ---"" 360.00 200.00 337.50 260.00 -- 360.00 125.00 ' e „ k, 10TAL AMOUNT conPLLIL $ 27)812.95 - 444. , pailsennwrow,-- t, 11 n 011 10 v. 18, 1980 100% L. W Vail Co.trt BID 101AL UNI1 Anoun OUAdIllY 01 WOU COMPLI CID 11111 DISCRIPI1ON QUALI1Y 0" N0R1( AMAMI CPNVIJJED CliAlIGE ORDERS 1 q(,ul Drain 15 Ea. 60.00 900 00 15 00 900.00' 'Thrust Block 1 Ea 300 00 300.00 1.00 300.00' FIxtlj Spool 1 Ea. 175.00 175 00 1.00 175.00 6",90 Degree Llbow 1 2 La. L.S 120.00 120.00 1.00 120.00 , 3 L.S 750.00- 4 LS 500.00' L.S. 725.00- 6 L.b 700.00 - 7 L.S. 3,750 00' 0 L.S 5,236.00' 9 Curb and Gutter Price as of 9/19/80 r}pe A L.F 1 3.35 8,603 00 28,820.o5 -- D L.F 3.35 1,351 00 4,525 85 - - 10 Steps Per Riser Ea 120.00 17.00 2,040.00 Walk Landing 1.05 439 4 60.95 L.S 2,890.00' • 12 L.S. 675.00 13 L.S. 2,400.00 -- 14 L.S. 500.00 Taxable Items Subtotal change order no. 1 1,495.00 -- Tax 74.75 - Subtotal change order no. 10 2,040.00 - Non-taxable Steps only Tax change orders 2 -9, 11 -13, and walk landing on 10 102.00 — 52,482,85 10 0 % 100% 10 0 10 100%, t, 100% 100% 46 100% II TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS $ 56,194.60 100% fit t 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% - 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% L--// r / Date Date CZ -Zi-j-0 Date 4. 3 P,1 L- 13 0, Estimate Prepared by Estimate Checked by Approved for Payment b y t I '61 41 4. '10 PRIOLSS PAYHINr No.6 semi-Fi na v ' FM"' Oct.25. 1980 16,1 Nov. 18, 1980 TO ;14 fLM 440 QUANEIlY BID TOTAL' or WORK HEM DESCRIPTION QUALITY UNIT PRICE MOUNT COMPLLEID i:I % or ; I /WORK 4 AMOUNE "CMPLETED „ro PROJECTS TOTALS: LESS. Retainage Street I ,372,794.42 Water Plus Tax l 146,558.84 Storm 63,916.25 Sanitary SewertTax 17,454.94 Miscellaneous 1 1,000.00 Extra Work Agrlements 27,812.95 Change Orders 1 Tax 56,194.60 TOTAL PROJECT 685,732.00 Retainage for claims / 19,313.69 5% of total 34,286.60 Previous Payments 572,745.91 TOTAL • 626,346 20 e ;, '44.0 ?,t9rt PaN :1,1 W ; ; r 0,11 601it 685,732.00 '11,11"c r t - 626,346.20 1 AMOUNT NOW DUE CONTRACTOR ' $ 59,385.80 Pa yment Summary Pa y order no. 1. - 142,065.77 Pay order No. 2. - 117,131.41 Pay order No. 3. - 155,960.20 Pay order no. 4. - 50,610.50 Pay order No. 5. - 106.978.03 Pay order no. 6 - 59,385.80 (present) Release from Retaina g e $ 9,590.46