HomeMy WebLinkAbout1396 Resolution - Recorded423392 4=47Cra. RESOLUTION NO. 1396 A RESOLUTION establishing the proposed zoning regulation for the Northwest Pasco Annexation. WHEREAS, the City of Pasco reasonably expects a certain area of presently unincorporated land, generally referred to as the Northwest Pasco Annexation area, to annex to the City of Pasco in the future; and WHEREAS, RCW 35A.14.330 and 35A.14.340 provide for pre- paration of a proposed zoning regulation for any area reasonably expected to be annexed to the City of Pasco; and WHEREAS, the City of Pasco Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on October 2, 1980,due notice of which was given, and recommended that the City Council establish a proposed zoning regulation; and WHEREAS, a draft Environmental Impact Statement was issued by the City of Pasco on November 14, 1980, which portrayed the appraised zoning regulation recommended by the City Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pasco conducted a public hearing on December 1, 1980, due notice of which was given, to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, a final Environmental Impact Statement was issued by the City of Pasco on December 26, 1980; and CP3 CS1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pasco conducted a 01 second public hearing on January 5, 1981, due notice of which was Q given, to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission '- and the content of the final Environmental Impact Statement; and a) R-4 WHEREAS, the City Council desires to establish a proposed zoning regulation to become effective upon annexation of any part S> of the Northwest Pasco Annexation area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Pasco; 1. That the Environmental Statement issued December 26, 1980, is approved and determined to be adequate for the purposes of pre-annexation zoning for the area indicated below. 2. That the zoning mapand text referred to below shall apply to the following property when and if such property is annexed to the City of Pasco: TZ3392 -241a3tea 423392 41:33124a- Beginning at the southwest corner of Section 14, Township 9 North; Range 29 East, W.M.; then north along the west line of said Section 14 to the north- west corner of said Section 14; then east along the north line of said Section 14 to the southeast corner of Section 11-9-29; thence north along the east line oof said Section 11 to the northeast corner of said Section 11; thence west along the north line of said Section 11 and continuing along the north line of Sections 10, 9, 8 and 7, all in Township 9 North, Range 29 East and further continuing west alonc-che north line of Section 12, Township 9 North, Range 28 East, to its intersection with the east bank of the Columbia River; thence southeasterly along said east bank to the Franklin County Irrigation District pipe- line right of way situated in the west half of Section 18, Township 9 North, Range 29 East; thence north and easterly along said pipeline right of way to its inter- section with Road 84; thence south along the west line of Road 84 to its intersection with Argent Road; thence east along the south line of Argent Road to the east line of Section 22, Township 9, Range 29 east; thence north along said east line to the point of beginning. 3. That in adopting the map for the property described in Paragraph 2 above, it is the finding of this Council that the map is consistent with the Pasco Comprehensive Plan and the minimum zoning reasonably necessary to accomplish the purposes set forth in RCW 35A.14.330, and, particularly, to promote coordinated develop- e1/4.1 ment of unbuilt areas. L.- 4. That the map depicting zoning classifications attached cep hereto and identified as Exhibit 1, be and is hereby proclaimed to ap be the proposed zoning regulation for the areas so depicted in the m-.4 map attached hereto and identified as Exhibit No. 1 and, further, that such zone classifications shall be assigned simultaneous to annexation of any respective part of the area depicted in Exhibit No. 1 attached hereto. 5. That the zoning text in effect for the property described in Paragraph 2 shall be that zoning specified in Title 22 of the Pasco Municipal Code, as amended. 6. That there shall be no minimum time following the annex- ation before changes may be considered to the zoning specified in Paragraphs '4 and 5 above. 2 423 3 92 by the City Council of the City of Pasco this , 1981. PASSE day of ATTEST:, Evelyn Wells, City Clerk P' A I-V‘,1",g 12 , ,--4ert-59 E. A. Snider, Mayer ? APPROVED AS TO FORM tLi ( A li26, Dennis J. DeFelice, City Attorney “v-i EVELYN WELLS A-le.-1-k 3 If let-e,,--7^ 9 10A CE 39" 8 11 T OEN 'a trarrTYTT.T.S.• " •••• -••n " • • 1 3. e. 9. " 2, ors • r is • 111111,,,, •TWAVZOtp. L.?.:7<•=o1 M.1 3. r, •..4••e ..•- --, r 1 .1..._al_:_c_,,j l• Lt..gto Nr.a. i er. —eee TS eb55 41 3, s I ,Se V ,fr f rr, 18 14 3. 4.4,47.14 1 w7,1 - " ""••••••• - X4:4C1. 22 3 RT Rl-S 5, • • COL4Jm8t4 Rivro RMH-z Cl-D PROPOSED ZONING 1000 Mole 5 * Pe-recorded to correct legal A IrfvffetArt - ORDINANCE NO 2388 AN ORDINANCE relaLing to annexation and annexing the Northwest Annexation Area to the City of Pasco. WHEREAS, a valid and sufficient petition has been filed seeking annexation of a tract of land, commonly referred to as the Northwest Pasco Annexation Area, as hereinafter described, to the City of Pasco, and WHEREAS, a proposeci zoning regulation has been established for the Northwest Pasco Annexation Area under City of Pasco Resolution No. 1396 and recorded with the Franklin County Auditor under Auditor's File No. 407120, and WHEREAS, proper notice of hearing on said petition has been given in the form and manner required by law; and WHEREAS, a hearing on the petition was conducted on August 16, 1982, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS Section One. That the following described tract of land, situated in Franklin County, Washington, to wit: Beginning at the SW corner of S14-9-29, then N alg W line of said Sec 14 to its intersection with the S line of the FCID canal R/W, said intersection being the true point of beginning; then N alg said W line of Sec 14 to the NW corner of said Sec 14; then E alg the N line of said Sec 14 to the SE corner of Sec 11; then N alg the E line of said Sec 11 to the NE corner of said Sec 11; then W alg the N line of said Sec 11 to the NW corner of Sec 11; -then S alg the W line of said Sec 11 to the NW cor of the SW qtr of Sec 11; then W alg the N line of the SE qtr of Sec 10 to the NE cor of the SW qtr of said Sec 10; then N alg the E line of th qtr a distance of 165 feet; then W alg a line 165 feet north of and parallel to the N line of the SW qtr of said Sec 10 to the E line of Sec 9; then N alg the E line of said Sec 9 to the NE car of said Sec 9; then W alg the N line Sec 9 and continuing alg the N line of Sections 8 and 7, all in T-9N, R29E, to the NE car of Sec 12-9-28; then S alg the E line of said Sec 12 to the NE cor of the SE qtr of said Sec 12; then W alg the N line of said SE qtr to the NE car of the NW qtr of said SE qtr; then S alg the E line of the NW qtr of said SE atr to the S lane 8.5 Cfrr) jo,..7141 1 j --1 far; I 11.4, aVo'i f— s 42a417-,9 of the NW qtr of said SE qtr; then W alg said S line of the NW qtr and continuing W alg the S line of the N half of the SW qtr to the E bank of the Columbia River, then S alg said E bank to the S line of said Sec 12, then E alg said S line of Sec 12 and continuing E alg the S line of Sec 7-9-29 to its intersection with the S line of the FCID canal R/W; then southeasterly alg said S line to the W line of the Plat of Valley View Addition, situated in the SE qtr of Sec 16-9-29, then N alg said W line to the NW cor of said Addition; then E alg the N line of said Addition to the E line of Sec 16, then S alg said E line to its intersection with the S line of the FCID canal R/W; then southeasterly alg said S line to its intersection with the W line of Sec 14-9-29, said intersection being the true point of beginning. Together with the following described property: Beginning at the intersection of the West line of Road 84 and the South line of the Franklin County Irrigation District Canal right-of-way, said intersection being the true point of beginning; thence South along the West line of Road 84 to the South line of Argent Road; thence East along said South line to the West line of the northeast quarter of the northeast Quarter of Section 21-9-29, thence North along said West line and continuing North along the West line of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 16-9-29 to the South line of the Franklin County Irrigation District Canal right-of-way; thence northwesterly along said south line to the West line of Road 84, said point r....-- being the true point of beginning. C\4 CZ; be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Pasco and is hereby ' declared to be within the corporate limits of the City of Pasco. CX, Section Two. That the zone classifications identified in and a-4 established by City of Pasco Resolution No. 1396, a copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, be and the 55 same are hereby assigned to that real property within the annexation • area hereinabove described. Section Three. That said tract of land shall not assume any existing Indebtedness of the City of Pasco. Section Four. That the above described tract of land shall be C:D in voting District No. 4. Section Five. That a certified copy of this ordinance be and the same shall be filed with the Franklin County Commissioners and the Franklin County Auditor. Section Six This ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage and publication as required by law. rj\ -2-- 4233 92 day of PASSED by the City Council August , 1982. of the City of Pasco this 16 APPROVED Greg A. F R11- ello, City Attorney Cit 'of 140174i Fity as,ce, P.0, B 31 / / Pasco W' 90301 / , , , y / / / t rig" a t it )•.. Ad 4.27;7A Ira L Schmidt, Mayor Pro Tern / /0 AMAMI, IN VOL .. .. OF OFFICIAL. RECONCS PAGe,„„ „ , REQUEST OF RECORDED IN VOL 168 OF Orr F ,EcnEDs PAV '!''T OF F E FR Cty of ITPasco 2 PH t 83 -- _,/ DEPUTY I 'filaritt. - - P 0. Boy 293 Pasco, WA 99301 —3— 423341,r4 4223:IV) 4=192 RESOLUTION NO. 1396 A RESOLUTION establishing the proposed zoning regulation for the Northwest Pasco Annexation. WHEREAS, the City of Pasco reasonably expects a certain area of presently unincorporated land, generally referred to as the Northwest Pasco Annexation area, to annex to the City of Pasco in the future; and WHEREAS, RCW 35A.14.330 and 35A 14.340 provide for pre- paration of a proposed zoning regulation for any area reasonably expected to be annexed to the City of Pasco, and WHEREAS, the City of Pasco Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on October 2, 1980,due notice of which was given, and recommended that the City Council establish a proposed zoning regulation; and WHEREAS, a draft Environmental Impact Statement was issued by the City of Pasco on November 14, 1980, which portrayed the appraised zoning regulation recommended by the City Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pasco conducted a public hearing on December 1, 1980, due notice of which was given, to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, a final Environmental Impact Statement was issued by the City of Pasco on December 26, 1980, and C73 CS/ WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pasco conducted a CS/ .4, second public hearing on January 5, 1981, due notice of which was given, to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission `- and the content of the final Environmental Impact Statement; and ce) 4k--4 WHEREAS, the City Council desires to establish a proposed zoning regulation to become effective upon annexation of any part C73-. of the Northwest Pasco Annexation area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Pasco; 1. That the Environmental Statement issued December 26, 1980, is approved and determined to be adequate for the purposes of pre-annexation zoning for the area indicated below. 2. That the zoning map and text referred to below shall apply to the following property when and if such property is annexed to the City of Pasco. k°14 )6A-: Beginning at the southwest corner of Section 14, Township 9 North; Range 29 East, W.M.; then north along the west line of said Section 14 to the north- west corner of said Section 14; then east along the north line of said Section 14 to the southeast corner of Section 11-9-29, thence north along the east line of said Section 11 to the northeast corner of said Section 11, thence west along the north line of said Section 11 and continuing along the north line of Sections 10, 9, 8 and 7, all in Township 9 North, Range 29 East -and further continuing west alonT: c1.0 north line of Section 12, Township 9 North, Range 28 East, to its intersection with the east bank of the Columbia River; thence southeasterly along said east bank to the Franklin County Irrigation District pipe- line right of way situated in the west half of Section 18, Township 9 North, Range 29 East; thence north and easterly along said pipeline right of way to its inter- section with Road 84, thence south along the west line of Road 84 to its intersection with Argent Road; thence east along the south line of Argent Road to the east line of Section 22, Township 9, Range 29 east, thence north along said east line to the point of beginning. 3. That in adopting the map for the property described in Paragraph 2 above, it is the finding of this Council that the map is consistent with the Pasco Comprehensive Plan and the minimum zoning reasonably necessary to accomplish the purposes set forth inC:::) Cn RCW 35A.14.330, and, particularly, to promote coordinated develop- c,\1 ment of unbuilt areas. c_ 4. That the map depicting zoning classifications attached cep hereto and identified as Exhibit 1, be and is hereby proclaimed to c= be the proposed zoning -regulation for the areas so depicted in the o r....1 map attached hereto and rdentified as Exhibit No. 1 and, further, that -such zone classifications _shall be assigned simultaneous to annexation of any respective part of the area depicted in Exhibit No. 1 attached hereto. 5. That the zoning text in effect for the property described in Paragraph 2 shall be that zoning specified in Title 22 of the Pasco Municipal Code, as amended. 6. That there shall be no minimum time following the annex- ation before changes may be considered to the zoning specified in Paragraphs 4 and 5 above. - 2 - Is ..t‘r ,4-11 • PASSER by the City Council of the City of Pasco this day of , 1981. E. A. Snider, Mayer ? 'Evelyn Wells, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM / Dennis J. DeFelice, City Attorney 444W-- 3 104 LLLSN S L - 4. 4, • Y 4 I. A A' WY 7. - a t ->1 .14% n *4***** **V* ; " • • 1 17 I II ;141 p g'4 -115. 111 14 Ii '\ 1. a - % %MON garE .:„&e: 2 22 I. .40 23 P.VH. ST C ("0 - r- OV.1 51 4S-- I , A 7/4 RMH-z 1,r 1 - D PROPOSED ZONING =low 407120 RESOLUTION NO. 1396 A RESOLUTION establishing the proposed zoning regulation for the Northwest Pasco Annexation. WHEREAS, the City of Pasco reasonably expects a certain area of presently unincorporated land, generally referred to as the Northwest Pasco Annexation area, to annex to the City of Pasco in the future; and WHEREAS, RCW 35A.14.330 and 35A.14.340 provide for pre- paration of a proposed zoning regulation for any area reasonably expected to be annexed to the City of Pasco; and WHEREAS, the City of Pasco Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on October 2, 1980,due notice of which was given, and recommended that the City Council establish a proposed zoning regulation; and WHEREAS, a draft Environmental Impact Statement was issued by the City of Pasco on November 14, 1980, which portrayed the appraised zoning regulation recommended by the City Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pasco conducted a public hearing on December 1, 1980, due notice of which was given, to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, a final Environmental Impact Statement was issued by the City of Pasco on December 26, 1980; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pasco conducted a second public hearing on January 5, 1981, due notice of which was given, to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the content of the final Environmental Impact Statement; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to establish a proposed zoning regulation to become effective upon annexation of any part of the Northwest Pasco Annexation area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Pasco; 1. That the Environmental Statement issued December 26, 1980, is approved and determined to be adequate for the purposes of pre-annexation zoning for the area indicated below. 2. That the zoning mapand text referred to below shall apply to the following property when and if such property is annexed to cm the City of Pasco: I hty G ,,y that this I N7'"4 a True and C..,rect Copy of a document on file in The City 1:3•n af PmicoT Washingtcm q.414 CL.7 m444 -4 407120 --- 1071 I) 0 Beginning at the southwest corner of Section 14, Township 9 North; Range 29 East, W.M.; then north along the west line ofssaid Section 14 to the north- west corner of said Section 14; then east along the north line of said Section 14 to the southeast corner of Section 11-9-29; thence north along the east line qf said Section 11 to the northeast corner of said SectiOn 11; thence west along the north line of said Section 11 and continuing along the north line of Sections 10, 9, 8 and 7, all in Township 9 North, Range 29 East and further continuing west along the north line of Section 12, Township 9 North, Range 28 East, to its intersection with the east bank of the Columbia River; thence southeasterly along said east bank to the Franklin County Irrigation District pipe- line right of way situated in the west half of Section 18, Township 9 North, Range 29 East, thence north and easterly along said pipeline right of way to its inter- section with Road 84; thence south along the west line of Road 84 to its intersection with Argent Road; thence east along the south line of Argent Road to the east 'line of Section 22, Township 9, Range 29 east; thence north along said east line to the point of beginning. 3. That in adopting the map for the property described in Paragraph 2 above, it is the finding of this Council that the map is consistent with the Pasco Comprehensive Plan and the minimum zoning reasonably necessary to accomplish the purposes set forth In RCW 35A.14.330, and, particularly, to promote coordinated develop- ment of unbuilt areas. 4. That the map depicting zoning classifications attached hereto and identified as Exhibit 1, be and is hereby proclaimed to be the proposed zoning regulation for the areas so depicted in the map attached hereto and identified as Exhibit No. 1 and, further, that such zone classifications shall be assigned simultaneous to annexation of any respective part of the area depicted in Exhibit No. I attached hereto. 5. That the zoning text in effect for the property described in Paragraph 2 shall be that zoning specified in Title 22 of the Pasco Municipal Code, as amended. Cn 6. That there shall be no minimum time following the annex- Cn ation before changes may be considered to the zoning specified in Paragraphs 4 and 5 above. Rzttl - 2 - 4:114 F-31 4 07 1:21 0 1jOR01-11 AUDil OR FRAN IN CDUNTXASH PUTT 0 ity of Pasco PO Box 293 Pasco, Wa. 99301 407120 PASSE day of by the City Council of the City of Pasco this , 19,91. E. A. Snider, Mayer ? ATTEST: e Evelyn Wells, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM OrY‘A/v---i lk.61)1/4.6 Dennis J. DeFelice, City Attorney RECORDED IN VOL 144 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS PACE 43....,2S,EOUEST OF City of Pasco JAN 9 I -52 l'H°81 otiv 3 3rWd ttT 104 rn-•••••••••••••••••n•••n,........... I • v>. a‘r. r7177:814 , C; 1 I 1 • s • Y. 1°4 ° 0.• `1, 'VW - it r.ti .... • " - " 4 ▪ t ,`,r1 !..),• TS. L.' L. • SS r 9- IL 0 /1/ • °> • 4.$ IC01. J SYTY ▪ . Sh• TL, 4.,.h. .1 •okr.„ A. a, —54 1 % 14 ," N.- (.0 7 N v41'2'11 -•.— 2 f 2.2 23 WSW I SO STARS ST 3 c011. ST RT Fl R1 - S I ST PROPOSED ZONING