HomeMy WebLinkAbout1391 ResolutionPASS day of RESOLUTION NO 1391 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE USE OF THE PASCO/FRANKLIN COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER. WHEREAS, It is in the best interests of the City of Pasco and Franklin County to provide for public use of the Senior Citizens Center, and WHEREAS, Rules and Regulations should be promulgated in order to provide that the Senior Center is maintained in the best possible condition, NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS Section 1 The Document attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein is hereby adopted as the official Rules, Regulat- ions and Fees governing the use of The Pasco/Franklin County Senior Citizens Center, consisting of 5 pages and marked Exhibit A the City Council of The City of Pasco this /!j-- , 1980 Chet Bailie, Mayor ATTEST Eve yn Wells, City Clerk Approved as to form C dt0Le_it, )T 61 /til",kA% Den is 41- Defer ce, City Attorney l', RULES, REGULATIONS AND FEE SCHEDULE FOR THE PASCO/FRANKLIN COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER The policy of the City of Pasco and Franklin County is to permit the use of the Senior Center by community groups within reasonable regulations required for the protection of the City and County The following rules and regulations are promulgated jointly by the City and County to govern the use of the Pasco/Franklin County Senior Center No person, or group of persons, shall hold any meeting, or conduct group recreation activities in any facility except by valid permit issued by the City of Pasco and upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, provided that such permit requirements shall not apply to regularly scheduled civic center activities Upon application to the Senior Center Coordinator, such permit will be issued unless (1) its issuance would obstruct and/or interfere substan- tially with the use and enjoyment of the Senior Center by the Public, or (2) the date and time requested has previously been allocated by a permit already issued 1 Applications must be completed by a qualified adult member of the organization requesting use and sent to the Senior Center Coordinator at 1315 N 7th 2 All applications must be completed at least two (2) days in advance of the event 3 No alcoholic beverages are allowed in the premises of the Center 4. Cancellations for use of the Center must be made twenty-four (24) hours in advance for applications where no charges are made Can- cellation must be made forty-eight (48) hours in advance for appli- cations in which there is a charge 5 The permittee shall restore all facilities to the condition in which they were found use of kitchen and utensils requires that dishes be washed, dried, and stored after use In addition, the use of the kitchen requires that special training be given to the applicant prior to using the kitchen equipment Any organization using the kitchen facility must provide for its own supplies for cleaning. It is also responsible for the clean-up of the kitchen (counter, floor, dishes and silverware washed, dried and put away, etc ) If the facility is not left in said condition, the permittee will be charged the costs incurred by the City to restore the facility Costs will apply to both labor and materials involved 6 The equipment available for use at the Center shall be on inventory at the facility -2- 7 A single application for use of the Center may be made for a series of stated meetings of like character 8 The applicant shall be responsible for any and all damages, and loss of property that may result from any act of omission on the part of the permittee or its agents while on City property 9 If, in the judgment of the Senior Center Coordinator, facilities are needed for a center related program, applications may be revoked by the Coordinator ten (10) days before the scheduled event 10 Exceptions to these regulations may only be made by special City Council action based on appeal Such applications to the Council must be made at least thirty (30) days in advance of the event 11 At any time a recreational facility is used for any purpose except for a directly sponsored Pasco Parks and Recreation Department activity, an employee of the Department, and/or City may by required to be present An appropriate fee for supervision of $5 00 per hour, or the salary the supervisor of the event is currently being paid, whichever is the larger, shall be charged against the permittee for each hour the facility is open 12 If in the opinion of the Director of Parks and Recreation or his duly authorized representative, a supervisor is not needed, the charge for the supervision may be waived 13 In the event a dance is the purpose for renting of a facility, a Police Matron or Police Officer may be required These will be paid by the Permittee The cost of the business license, which is mandatory, will help defray part of this expense The Chief of Police determines how many officers will be needed 14 If, in the event an organization, principals of an organization, or a group does not have the necessary monies for the use of any facility, the City Manager may give special approval for payment of fees within forty-eight (48) hours subsequent of the event 15 The intent for the usage of the Senior Citizens Center is primarily for Senior Citizens activities as coordinated by City of Pasco personnel The highest priority for activities will be for Senior Citizens (50 years and older), all other groups and organizations have a secondary priority and will be able to use the building only when not specifically programed by Senior Citlzen activities and only when proper supervision is satisfactorily provided pursuant to number 11 herein 16 Neither the City of Pasco nor Franklin County will be responsible for injuries, damages, or loss of private property when the facility is being used by individuals, groups or organizations with a valid permit for the use of the facility -3- 17 No items in the Senior Center building are to be loaned, borrowed or removed unless approved by the Senior Citizen Coordinator Any items to be borrowed or loaned are to be signed for, itemized and a return date set Failure to return items is a valid reason to refuse the use of the facility for future events of the defaulting group or organization 18 No loitering of people not connected with bona fide Senior Center programs, or unauthorized vehicles not connected with bona fide Senior Center programs will be permitted in the parking lot Violators will have offending vehicles towed away at their sole expense 19 Any individual may be refused entry or be removed from the faciltiy by official personnel for profanity, fighting, loudness, or misuse of equipment or any other flagrant unsociable behavior 20 The following classifications of usage shall apply for the purpose of determining applicable fees and charges CLASSIFICATION A Public activities that are co-sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Department, such as flower shows, community celebrations, art exhibits, etc There shall be no service charge imposed provided the event is free and open to the public. CLASSIFICATION B Recreation activities and meetings that are organized, promoted, conducted, and sponsored by non-profit organ- izations, such as PTA, Community Clubs, Service Clubs, or Youth Service Agencies, such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, CY0,,YMCA, YWCA, etc , but which classification does not include such groups as square dance clubs, choral groups, hobby clubs, grandmother's clubs, etc , which operate for the primary benefit of their own membership. B-1 If the event is free and open to the public, no rental fee shall be charged, however, there is a minimum of $5 00 per hour charged for center supervision for each hour the facility is open B-2 If an admission charge is to be made, donations received or articles or services sold, or club dues paid to meet actual expenses of the event, or if admission is limited to certain individuals such as members, invited guests, etc , The City/ County will impose a service charge for the use of the facility in accordance with the rates listed in Section 21 herein ' CLASSIFICATION C Any recreation, social or service activity conducted by any person or group of persons not included - within Classification A or B hereinabove set forth shall come under this classification C-1 If the event is free and open to the public, no rental fee shall be charged There shall be a minimum of $5 00 per hour charged for an official supervisor for each hour the facility is open -4- C-2 If an admission charge is to be made, donations received or articles or services sold, or club dues paid to meet actual expenses of the event, or if admission is limited to certain individuals such as members, invited guests, etc , a rental fee in accordance with the rates listed in #21 herein shall be im- posed 21 The following rental fee schedule shall apply for the purpose of utilizing space in the Pasco/Franklin County Senior Center (N "Multi-Purpose Room #1 #1,2 #1,2,3 Crafts Room Educational Room Kitchen Senior Center A no fee . CLASSIFICATIONS \ C-2 B-1 B-2 C-1 no fee . $15 $25 $35 $15 $25 $25 $75 no fee . tt ii $20 $40 $60 $20 $40 $50 $150 -, All rental fees must be paid by cash, check or money order and made payable to the City of Pasco Payment is due at least forty-eight (48) hours before the event unless a waiver pursuant to No 14 is given 22 In addition to the above charges, a $100 00 damage deposit at the discretion of the Senior Center Coordinator may be charged prior to renting or permitting use of the facility Damage and/or extra cleaning charges will be subtracted from the damage deposit and returned to the organization, group or individual using the facility If damage exceeds the $100 00 damage deposit, the organization, group or individual will be billed by the City for the additional costs of damage or cleaning 23 All applicatmons for permit use must be categorized by staff into one of the following A, B-1, B-2, C-1, C-2, Special City Countil Action 24 Since Regulation No 7 allows a single application for a series of stated meetings of like character, each specific date for use must be listed by the sponsoring group or organization Priority for use of the facility will be based on the following criteria 1 Classification "A" has first priority, then Classification "B", then Classification "C" 2 Priority within each classification will be made by staff on the basis of the type of activity being proposed and based on past record of usage p . -5- A. TYPE OF ACTIVITY 1 Recreational 2 Social 3 Educational or Political 4 Other B PAST RECORD OR USAGE 1 Degree of care of facility 2. Punctuality in opening and closing 3 Payment of Fees on time 25 Due to limited storage space in the Center, storage space is not available for outside groups 26 Checks for permits should be made out to the "City of Pasco" Fees are due in the Parks and Recreation Department Office, 1125 N 4th or at the Senior Citizens Center Office, 1315 N 7th, at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the meeting date for which the facility is being requested 26 Applications with no service charges entailed must cancel reservations twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the scheduled use Applications in which there is a service charge entailed, must be cancelled forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the scheduled meeting date Cancellations may be made by phoning the Parks and Recreation Department Office at 545-3457 or the Senior Center Coordinator at 545-3459