HomeMy WebLinkAbout1386 Resolution - Recorded9 RESOLUTION NO 1386 A RESOLUTION accepting utility easements from Pasco School District WHEREAS, utilities have been installed to serve the new McGee Elementary School site, and, WHEREAS, these utilities currently cross private land, and, WHEREAS, the ultimate ownership of the utilities will be with the City of Pasco, and, WHEREAS, field location of fire hydrants has necessitated the movement of some utilities outside of originally granted easements, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY OF PASCO DOES HEREBY ACCEPT THE ATTACHED utility easements to be filed in addition to those easements previously accepted by Resolution No o f recerli)er , 1980 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this day AK if Sni e-r, Mayor Pro Tern ATTEST APPROVED AS TO FORM RECORDED IN VOL 143 OF OFFIChsL RECORDS PACE :1E0bEST OF c.1 Pf410 ctf: 4r-4 C - n E i;f OR IPA tiLit OM/. WASH DEPUTY Cri) PAA es0 Cf) q 3 Paceo, Oa, 4063= ; ( a flick.. ciLi.1,4 ATTACHMENT "J" , . EASEMENT FOR WATERLINE HORIZON DRIVE TO SCHOOL SITE ... A 15 FOOT EASEMENT FOR A WATERLINE ACROSS A PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH, RANGE 29 EAST, W.M., FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON, THE CENTERLINE BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTH HALF NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 14 AND CENTERLINE OF ROAD 44, THENCE S 89° 33' 54" EAST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH HALF NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 14, A DISTANCE OF 987.69 FEET, THENCE N 01 0 02' 47" EAST A DISTANCE OF 300.00 FEET; THENCE S 89° 33' 54" EAST A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF HORIZON. DRIVE THENCE CONTINUING S89° 33'54" EAST A DISTANCE OF 205.00 FEET TO A POINT, AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 01° 02' 47" W 30 FEET TO THE POINT OF TERMINUS OF SAID EASEMENT. .p C\I C.L.' -AA LO ck Ca- C., szaCti 5 , 10G313 / 406313 WATER LINE EASEMENT A 15 FOOT WIDE EASEMENT FOR EATERL1NE, THE SOUTH LINE SAID EASEMENT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH, RANGE 29 EAST, W.M. SAID POINT BEING 987.69 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE N 01° 02' 47" E A DISTANCE OF 440.00 FEET TO POINT OF CURVE OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS N 05° 45' 19" W A DISTANCE OF 90.01 FEET; THENCE AROUND SAID CURVE A DISTANCE Or 90.22 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N 77° 26' 35" E A DISTANCE OF 26.25 FEET TO POINT OF CURVE OF A CURVE TO 1HE LEFT WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS N 60° 47' 00" E A DISTANCE OF 329.69 FEET; THENCE AROUND SAID CURVE A DISTANCE OF 33/1.38 FEET; THENCE N 44° 07' 26" E A DIstANce of- 35.10 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNiNG; THENCE S 45 0 52' 34" E A DISTANCE OF 45.0 FEET To A POINT AND THE TERMINUS OF THIS EASEMENT. 406313 Grantor (;ran tot 1,rA1r OF wAsHiNgioN) S S Lount; of Iranklin ) hi Lc..) CA UAOLA L Hi For valuable considetation, including benefit to the grantor's ,r. 1 1- oppuilenant. land and the benefit of the public interest, the grantor, Pasco School District No 1 does hereby grant, convey, and give to the grantee, City of Pasco, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, its successors and assigns an exclusive public utility easement across, over, and upon the fflllowing land, located in Franklin County, State of Washington, to-wi; SEE ATTACHMENT "J" ihe grantee shall have the right, Privilege, and authority to construct, Improve, repair and maintain public utilities on said land This easement is exclusive in that no other entity may be granted the use of the above described land for any public utility without the grantee's e ,prer,sed written consent The grantor shall make no use of the land occupied h said public utility easement that is inconsistent with or conflicts with the giantee's use of the land for public utilities In exercising the rights herein granted, the grantee, its 'uccessors and assigns, may pass and repass over said land to cut and remove blush, tiees, and other obstructions which in the opinion of the yiantee interfeie with the use of the land as a public utility (asement and to otherwise use and occupy the land consistent with its consLiuction, maintenance, and uses as a public utility easement lhe covenants herein contained shall run with the land and ale binding upon all subsequent owners hereof IN WPINESC WHFIU0F, the said gianLor has executed this instrument this (Z.- day of Drr iv , 19 40Zti Can on this /1_ dly of _pot i igivi 7-s_g7-1._ , 19 (5 c) he f Orrs MP t hr undeligned, n Notily P11611( In and for the State of Oashington, duly commissioned and si,oin, personally ap;)eared 7P.,4X 72 -Pc...0(cAi_A/ _ I_ _ 5 11 /7-6 _ AA7-141: Lo me knovai to he tht-i—Indi\iijua -1 d(5-5 -CTihed—in and who executed the t n ithin and for instrument, and acknowledged that -,-/,y/f .,_ F:igned I lir ,-im ,' -1'; 774 fi j A- _ I i re and voluntaty act and deed , for the u ,,cs aid put_ poses t he L r in hientioned - - '., my GI Nron.:-uvd!,,t0 AINd and of L icial seal the day and year first -..›- above written , \ /0 ii c.) / a ( , nI'l 1 .1 if NO FAR F-' 1 1, Wasington, residing at y h HollI/ Public In (Ind for 7:74-S c..- 0 e SC -ate- of t-1-1 I-7 4- ..:( yc PUE-3LIC j - n -m qn-.4( 406313 r„.n. n-7, 4,- = , , 1, 1'7' Y,Wr "i7"-7 ,..7-5..;r c:1,- ^ I 1 wesrxmosur. 1. Or valuable consideiation, including benefit to the grantor's appuiLenant. land and the benefit of the public interest, the grantor, Pasco School District No 1 does hereby grant, convey, and give to the grantee, City of Pasco, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, its successors and assigns an evclusive public utility easement across, ovex, and upon the following land, located in Franklin County, State of Washington, Lo-wit SEE ATTACHMENT "K" the giantee shall have the right, privilege, and authority to construct, improve, repair and maintain public utilities on said land This easement is exclusive in that no other entity may be granted the use of the above described land for any public utility without the grantee's e‘prc;sed written consent The giant or shad make no use of the land occupied by said public utility easement that is inconsistent with or conflicts with the giantee's use of the land for public utilities In exercising the rights herein granted, the grantee, its successors and assigns, may pass and repass over said land to cut and remove brush, trees, and other obstructions which in the opinion of the yiantee interfeie with the use of the land as a public utility easement and to otherwise use and occupy the land consistent with its Lonstiuction, maintenance, and uses as a public utility easement. lhe covenants heiein contained shall run with the land and are binding upon all subsequent ovdiers hereof 1N WlTNCS Ulit FIOF, the said grantor has executed this instrument this /2 day of A/0 [3(F 2\_ , 19 ',IATE OF WAS1IING1ON) I 1 PUBLIC ii if Lount} of Iranklin ) ss Grantor 1-LaLL n / LC\ CUl Grantoi On this /9-, di) of IV cl Li i AA r 1 3 A 7L , . , 19_6c..), before No the undersigned, a Nnt liy Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sv,orpersonally aboearedp,/ PL-- De/A/4-pt/ c4 -7>n 7*. ik-A _ IX / 4- 7 1 i ----) Lo meknown to be 11167 -indIV-Tdital desEiTibj,-d in and who executed the within and foregoing in:_-trument, and acknoledged that 777,-/iy signed ihr some as free and voluntaiy act and deed, for the uses xid puiposes Lietein wenLioned kr) G 1 51 Ft \ n Altk Lt-k, idnd and of ficial seal the day and year first= 'C .,.,.s..--A above writ., zieei ,,--,,kOt; -14,,,,,,v ,, ...• 1 0 Q c"Q 7 cite __4P2-1.-xA NOTARY i 0 4, Washington, residing at 4.S tio at i, Public in and for th State ofc, e, ej tr•Izti ' 1 CM 'Cr 406313- n•• — 1, 4k, r"—"Y1 "11-e."'", 4(.7%.;;;"*"..7n-Rm Cr- e 1 40631_3 [ 1 • .- j — I_R 1 i I I 1 74 1 II j , R Ii I. 17 + s f f 1 r 1 I ' — ‘,. 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