HomeMy WebLinkAbout1368 Resolution - RecordedAugust , 1980 ATTEsT -II s • 404118 RESOLUTION NO 1368 EASEMENTS in connection with utility services and access to the new McGee Elementary School in the Riverview Heights Area WHEREAS, the development of a new school requires access and utility services, and WHEREAS, public utilities must be within or on land over which the utility maintains control of the utility, and WHEREAS, the proposed utilities will cross privately owned lands, and WHEREAS, the owners of lands through which the proposed utilities must pass are desirous of the utilities and have granted the necessary easements, NOW, THEREFORE, Be it resolved that the Pasco City Council does hereby accept four (4) separate easements from Pasco School District No 1, and three (3) separate easements from Sunland Investments, Inc , for the construction, maintenance and operation of public utilities in the Riverview Heights Area PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 18th day of Eve1yn41e4,. , Ctty perk - APPROVED As.*oRm , , Dennis J De elice, City Att ney Chet Baile, Mayor RECORDEO IN VOL if X ° FOFFIGIM RECORD ritu_ _ r.11JEST OF AUG 25 4 43 PM 'BO itOROIWT ,'itit:AUDhCR t" N COUNl'r, WASH MAY M IV 10 acoc 24_3 p,„ A 1,1 3di wer 44 8 22 PLA 8 MEI 2 31 3 12 3 32 39 3 3 4i 4118 a 12 131 1 20 4 i o —111111V2-2 4aL' Id am elb, 19 gnomon our 3 4 0 25 9 '2 6 27 51 16 7 8 19 20 1)8D, 6 S 4 3 1 Ij — M Vei Th r1 f61819 [0 1.11 " 17 5 40, , 1 -e 2 25 11007. ‘. ,,, ,,.. 5 / ,V /30 4 / 19 9 6 24 25 26 3 L 6 7 O MEN 2 4 1 2 We.LILA 21 7 6 Doo I 2 NM 9 Ma 6 5 4 16 17 1 19 20E 12 13 1 4 5 8 7 3 2 N 11 ri 6 < 9 io II I 2 ,[6(INDIE 10 9 9 7 12 3 10 1 9 8j6 a 3 3 312 3 3 JON' 6 3 16 17 2 3 Is 2 6 40411R LIV 138510 11b.. 1 1341 0 -66.. -11 1 P R n 19 19 - -\'% cabdvv Written c- e'vo , 0 •-• 1.• Grantoi On this 2-4_ day of , 19P), before - (CD me the undersigned, a Notary Public i and for the State of Washington duly commissioned and sorn, pe s na ly apueared -' io me known to be the indi i Niidual described n and who executed the h Y3 free and voluntary act and deed, for the..4 within and foregoing instrument., and acknowledged that signed c---) the some as uses and puiposes therein me-Lioned Given under m hand and official seal the day and year first • , err, 44,4 V,..;77"P.1Tz Notaiy Public it and for Washington, residing at LA„ State of 1,01AY' 9730/ EASEMENT 404122 For valuable consideration, including benefit to the grantor's appurtenant land and the benefit of the public interest, the grantor, PASCO SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 does hereby grant, convey, and give to the grantee, City of Pasco, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, its successors and assigns an exclusive public utility easement across, over, and upon the following land, located in Franklin County, State of Washington, to-wit SEE ATTACHMENT "F" The grantee shall have the right, privilege, and authority to construct, improve, repair and maintain public utilities on said land This easement is exclusive in that no other entity may be granted the use of the above described land for any public utility without the grantee's expressed written consent The grantor shall make no use of the land occupied by said public utility easement that is inconsistent with or conflicts with the grantee's use of the land for public utilities In exercising the rights herein granted, the grantee, its successors and assigns, may pass and repass over said land to cut and remove brush, trees, and other obstructions which in the opinion of the grantee interfere with the use of the land as a public utility easement and to otherwise use and occupy the land consistent with its construction, maintenance, and uses as a public utility easement The covenants herein contained shall run with the land and are binding upon all subsequent owners hereof tis IN WITNESS WHEPEOF, the said grantor has executed this instrument h day of , 19 0 STATE OF WASHINGTON) ,e--9 ss ,/' Grantor County of Franklin ) RECORDED IN VOL / OF OFF,I C IAL RECORDS / PACE °F0 1JEST OF C R„, Auc 25 4 4.9 iM 'BO Li '10 AtJuliOR fRAHICLIN COUNTY, WASH DEPUTY ox .23' 'Pas -0 1-Ad 4 L 40412 2 404122 EASEMENT FOR ROAD & UTILITY PURPOSES ON PROPOSED HORIZON DRIVE ( SCHOOL PROPERTY) A 30 FOOT WIDE EASEMENT TO PROVIDE FOR THE EXTENSION OF HORIZON DRIVE NORTH FROM RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS, THE WEST LINE OF SAID 30 FOOT EASEMENT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE CENTERLINE OF HORIZON DRIVE AS CONSTRUCTED IN RIVER-VIEW HEIGHTS, SAID POINT BEING SOUTH 89 ° 33' 54" EAST, 987.69 FEET DISTANT FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST OUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH RANGE 29 EAST, W.M., FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AND TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID EASEMENT, THENCE N 01° 02' 47" E., A DISTANCE OF 335.00 FEET TO ITS POINT OF TERMINUS. C=3=K- No aiy Pub ic in and for Washington, residing at tate o - EASEMENT 404121 - For valuable consideration, including benefit to the grantor's appurtenant land and the benefit of the public interest, the grantor, PASCO SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 does hereby grant, convey, and give to the grantee, City of Pasco, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, its successors and assigns an exclusive public utility easement across, °vex, and upon the following land, located in Franklin County, State of Washington, to -wit. SEE ATTACHMENT "H" The grantee shall have the right, privilege, and authority to construct, Improve, repair and maintain public utilities on said land This easement is exclusive in that no other entity may be granted the use of the above described land for any public utility without the grantee's expressed written consent The grantor shall make no use of the land occupied by said public utility easement that is inconsistent with or conflicts with the grantee's use of the land for public utilities In exercising the rights herein granted, the grantee, its successors and assigns, may pass and repass over said land to cut and remove brush, trees, and other obstructions which in the opinion of the grantee interfere with the use of the land as a public utility easement and to otherwise use and occupy the land consistent with its constiuction, maintenance, and uses as a public utility easement The covenants herein contained shall run with the land and are binding upon all subsequent owners hereof IN WITNESS UHFREOP, the said grantor has executed this instrument this _L-,NaL day of , 1960 STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS County of Franklin ) Grantoi On tins day of , 19EL , before me the undersigned, a Notary Public it and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sw9rn, per on 1 y appeared W] thin and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that 4.„ _ signed 4r,aa to me known to be the indiidual described in and who executed the the same as free and voluntary act and deed, for the -1 p/Qo = uses and purposes there in mentioned .‹t 4:4 CD c ,;1T ' (,1von under my bond and official seal the day and year first .0.4 .. -- _ 0 c • , , r e.— 0, " ". , Ass MO/ 404121 ' ;77 F.44177.-77;77,7%.15-y-WrZowlVrTZ-V77—"Wwl-e?"-7 "" A- 4 EASEMENT FOR WATERLINE HORIZON DRIVE TO SCHOOL SITE 404121 A 15 FOOT EASEMENT FOR A WATERLINE ACROSS A PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH, RANGE 29 EAST, W.M., FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON, THE CENTERLINE BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTH HALF NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 14 AND CENTERLINE OF ROAD 44, THENCE S 89° 33' 54" EAST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH HALF NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 14, A DISTANCE OF 987.69 FEET, THENCE DISTANCE OF 300.00 FEET, THENCE DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO THE DRIVE AND TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE CONTINUING S 89° 33' 54" EAST A DISTANCE OF 220.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF TERMINUS OF SAID EASEMENT. RECORDED IN YOL OF OFFIGJAL RECOM" PACE/it/42r OUT OF (.!..c f s ,_4.,1ruc 25 4 49 PH '80 Jaffe. 4Utlii-OR Ccit ain't WASH, DEPUTY t.4 L Tc, ox 4 9 9 -" ) 1 404121 N 01° 02' 47" EAST A S 89° 33' 54" EAST A EAST LINE OF HORIZON Notary Public in and for Washington, residing at JUL- State 91 -30 / EASEMP,MT 40412 0 For valuable consideration, including benefit to the grantor's appurtenant land and the benefit of the public interest, the grantor, PASCO SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 does hereby grant, convey, and give to the grantee, City of Pasco, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, its successors and assigns an exclusive public utility easement across, ()vex, and upon the following land, located in Franklin County, State of Washington, to-wit 0 SEE ATTACHMENT "G" Os, RECORDc0 IN VOL OF OFFICIAI RECORDS Aitluc25 ACE rquf sT or qs. 74 8 P 14 'BO I X,k122a,P6 ASH rUC:I' I .E ,lovbirroR M\/cr;j The grantee shall have the right, privilege, and aut4 I f to coNUVRict, improve, repair and maintain public utilities on said land This easement is exclusive in that no other entity may be granted the use of the above described land for any public utility without the grantee's expressed written consent The grantor shall make no use of the land occupied by said public utility easement that is inconsistent with or conflicts with the grantee's use of the land for public utilities. In exercising the rights herein granted, the grantee, its successors and assigns, may pass and repass over said land to cut and /emove brush, trees, and other obstructions which in the opinion of the grantee interfere with the use of the land as a public utility casement and to otherwise use and occupy the land consistent with its constiuction, maintenance, and uses as a public utility easement The covenants herein contained shall run with the land and are binding upon all subsequent owners hereof. IN WITNESS WHFREOF,A. the said grantor has executed this instrument this day of C , l93 STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS County of Franklin ) Grantoi On this '7 day of , 19 ? 0 4__, before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in nd for the State of Washington, (NI duly commissioned and -worn, p r onall/-, appeared c.., q _ 0, •,:. to me known to be the ind vidu 1 escribec in and who executed the — ,.... — within and foregoing instrument., and acknowledged that h -t signed the same as ____ ki_a free and voluntary act and deed, for the Asqq, and puL poses there in mentioned ar-1 a ' t ..,-.' ,.n )-_,-; Given under my hand and official seal the day and year first C'D ,,e: abovq., written L 6 , , -• - ..,". qe, .... -- \ •-• , ... “... ‹,‘ \ \ 404120 Pr: Ore'NS.W7rit. 1;77'76wr eV") 40410 • EASEMENT FOR DRAINAGE (HORI70N DRIVE TO SCHOOL PROPERTY) A 15 FOOT EASEMENT FOR A DRAINAGE STRUCTURE ACROSS A PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH, RANGE 29 EAST, W.M., FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON, THE CENTERLINE BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CUNER OF THE NORTH HALF NORTHEAST OUPRTEP OF SAID SECTION 14 AND CENTERLINE OF ROAD 44, THENCE S 89° 33' 54" EAST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH HALF NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 14, A DISTANCE OF 987.69 FEET, THENCE N 01 0 02' 47" EAST A DISTANCE OF 276.00 FEET; THENCE S 88° 57' 13" EAST A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO THE EAST RIGHT—OF—WAY OF HORIZON DRIVE AND TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE CONTINUING S 88° 57' 13" E A DISTANCE OF 120.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF TERMINUS OF SAID EASEMENT. TOGETHER WITH. AN EASEMENT TO DISCHARGE STORM DRAINAGE OVERFLOWS UPON AND ACROSS THE SOUTH 300 FEET OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OFTHE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH, RANGE 29 EAST, W.M., FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTH HALF, THENCE N 89° 33' 54" W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTH HALF 997.68 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST OUARTER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE N 00° 57' 16" EAST, 478.00 FEET, THENCE N 44° 47' 34" WEST 391.63 FEET TO THE RIGHT—OF—WAY OF A PROPOSED UNNAMED ROAD, THENCE N 44° 47' 34" WEST 30.01 FEET TO THE CENTERLINE OF SAID ROAD THENCE S 4 L° 07' 26" WEST ALONG SAID CENTERLINE 105.75 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 575.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 334.38 FEET, THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID CENTERLINE S 77° 26' 35" WEST 26.25 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION OF SAID ROAD WITH PROPOSED HORIZON DRIVE, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS s 77° 26' 35" WEST 380 FEET, THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 90.22 FEET; THENCE S01° 02' 47" WEST ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF SAID PROPOSED HORIZON DRIVE 440.00 FEET TO THE SAID SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH HALF, THENCE S 89° 33' 54" EAST 30.00 FEET TO THE RIGHT—OF—WAY OF SAID HORIZON DRIVE, THENCE S 89° 33' 54" E 645.12 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. s:C 404120 rn •••••11 411•nn *1 r 7.f.fgr.i11131.4.1411 Pr; AteTI NS...1 -----M7grrltrYWUlv°,27 -Z7"r'"I EASEMENT 40411!) For ,Taluable consideration, including benefit to the grantor's Ae" appurtenant land and the benefit of the public interest, the grantor, PASCO SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 does hereby grant, convey, and give to the grantee, City of Pasco, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, its successors and assigns an exclusive public utility easement across, °vex, and upon the following land, located in Franklin County, State of Washington, to-wit SEE ATTACHMENT "C" The grantee shall have the right, privilege, and authority to construct, mprove, repair and maintain public utilities on said land This easement is exclusive in that no other entity may be granted the use of the above described land for any public utility without the grantee's expressed written consent The grantor shall make no use of the land occupied by said public a utility easement that is inconsistent with or conflicts with the grantee's use of the land for public utilities. In exercising the rights herein granted, the grantee, its successors and assigns, may pass and repass over said land to cut and remove brush, trees, and other obstructions which in the opinion of the grantee interfere with the use of the land as a public utility easement and to otheiwise use and occupy the land consistent with its constiuction, maintenance, and uses as a public utility easement The covenants herein contained shall run with the land and are binding upon all subsequent owners hereof. IN WITNESS WHFREOF, the said grantor has executed this instrument this day of Ctti a , 19 8 c) . STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS County of Franklin ) Grantoi On this day of , 140 , before me the undersigned, a Notary Public i and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, persona± y appeared RUN/ rm C.-..-.) to me known to be the (individual described in and who executed the mr-1 within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that t signed D , the same as IIi_s__ free and voluntary act and deed, for the -'-. uses and put poses therein mentioned a• '`Lf4 I (uven under m hand and official seal the day and year first ftr-1 i.:11.3,8-ve-wfat'sten . ii\---- , A c v 0 L lc ki.. 4- - Notary Public in and for State of --, .,4 4 . `• ." f.) - .=) ‘,3 Washington, residing at C .'s 404119 y 30/ 404119 EASEMENT FOR WATERLINE NORTHEAST PROPERTY LINE A 15 FOOT EASEMENT FOR WATERLINE ACROSS A PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOMNSHIP 9 NORTH, RANGE 29 E., W.M., FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON, THE CENTERLINE BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 14, THENCE NORTH 89° 33' 54" W, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST OUARTER OF SAID SECTION 14, A DISTANCE OF 997.68 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00 0 57 16" E A DISTANCE OF 478.00 FEET, THENCE NORTH 44° 47' 34" W A DISTANCE OF 421.63 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 44° 07' 26" W A DISTANCE OF 7.50 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE SOUTH 44° 47' 34" E A DISTANCE OF 305.00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 00 0 57' 16" W A DISTANCE OF 310.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF TERMINUS OF SAID EASEMENT. RECORDED IN VOL 1 "/ OF OFFICIAL RECORDS PACE/D cTOUEST OF , Auc 15 4 48 PM '80 JNt AUOITOR FrtAtilt.0,1 COUVY, WASH, wAtt TO PI _,_ irI o rz--1 CD wz-11 404119 EASEMEIIT 40412:4 pp/ For valuable consideration, Including benefit to the grantor's appurtenant land and the benefit of the public Interest, the grantor, Jack Hsieh and Dorothy Hsieh, hIs wife, and David L Whitehead and _Donna F. Whitehead, a -s_wife does hereby grant, convey, and give to the grantee, City of Pasco, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, its successors and assigns an exclusive public utility easement across, ()vex, and upon the following land, located in Franklin County, State of Washington, to-wit SEE ATTACHMENT "D" The grantee shall have the right, privilege, and authority to construct, improve, repoir and maintain public utilities on said land This easement is exclusive in that no other entity may be granted the use of the above described land for any public utility without the grantee's c ,pressed written consent The grantor shall make no use of the land occupied by said public utility easement that is inconsistent with or conflicts with the gtantee's use of the land for public utilities In exercising the rights herein granted, the grantee, its successors and assigns, may pass and repass over said land to cut and lemove brush, trees, and other obstructions which in the opinion of the grantee interfere with the use of the land as a public utility easement and to otherwise use and occupy the land consistent with its constiuction, maintenance, and uses as a public utility easement The covenants herein contained shall run with the land and are hulding upon all subsequent owners hereof. IN Wi TNESS WHEREOF the aid grantor has executed this instrument this (5 day of w , 19 80 . , r---- ti:/(1).11- STATE OF WASHINGION) SS County of Franklin ) //r ritol -- On this 1_ _ day of _ , 19810 me the undersigned, a Notiry Public in and for the State of Washa fk, i ily c mmissioned and sworn, personally.aot)ea ed i Stel4 , AslAALcugi_vi , k.(4JA_Ldi)(n IQ to mesknown to be thoU iridi/iCtual desc lb i 11 and who e ,cuted the within and f egoing Instrument, and ack owledged that ,_usi-grned e(1) fot'the above written 1- the some as free and voluntary act and uses and purposes therein mentioned " I ! - 6.-1 ao f4 _ i ? LI e . N Given under m bon official se e day and"yAar), first J',, • 4 .. --‘' Punic in and for tip State of qr"1 gton, residing at 101/A4J . L-.1 ,z c--) kr-1 _ t " APZ"•-%73.4 -74V .27"—/ 404.112:5 0 W IVEL e Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at 404125 TEMPORARY EASEMENT FOR POWERLINE To SCHOOL SITE A TWENTY FOOT WIDE EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES ACROSS A PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST OUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH, RANGE 29 E., W.M., FRANKL4N COUNTY, WASHINGTON, THE CENTERLINE BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT THE NORTH OUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 14; THENCE S 89° 34' 08" E, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 14, A DISTANCE OF 1473.50 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE SOUTH 10 0 19' 58" W 593.00 FEET TO THE TERMINUS POINT OF SAID EASEMENT. -3 N•s >co 1n•n••n SEA IL OF WASIIING1ON, ss County of On this day personally appeared before me ,6-014)---d- 0Y) L.`ze -tt 'CP 61 to me known to be the individual_Sdescribed in and who executed the within and foregoing instrume,nk and \k‘ J \.• acknowledged to me that ,¢1:2,_s igned the same ass rio4 -L , free and Noluntary act 4Fid ciyeclifbr • (.-, , .. the purposes therein mentioned - Given under my band and official seal this c----,L5— day of TL -34 1/66 Security Title Insurance Company of Washington — ACKNOWLEDGMENT — ORDINARY 404125 l.P' I FRANKI.n ?OUNTY. WASH MAU 1-' REOORDEDINVOL /"X ° OF OFFICIAL RECORDS PACE,/1 ).P!,-.OEST OF (.41,- r UGZ9 4 tr; P4 '00 e A TOR Given under m above written id official sial the day and yeae ,fist t4;1,40' obwrgokoirR7t-isair.4 ,,P+,-7=3-prricy —wr4.7.72.,:m-k-Ah--7-nriwr-er--14,-.N,-.7,--?7,-PFTEA04 17e6.- .1011 t ior valuable consideration, including benefit to the grantor's `)PYclicr eiht ariact" hoarPodthLy91sbiedie f so iN71?ee .`-1.111A1 ifa.vnt e 0). 1 t eqe a'a r ailh °r , 7 , Donna F Whitehead, his wife does hereby grant, convey, and give to the grantee, City of Pasco, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, its successors and assigns an exclusive public utility easement across, ove,,r, and upon the following land, located in Franklin County, State of Washington, to-wit SEE ATTACHMENT "B" RECORDEO IN VOL .--. OF OFFICIAL RECORDS fY-1 3 pAcEiz -A -rovIgor 'i.,- j \ Auc 25 4 ivin Aa ,) ,4t.L o j.)11Jfi Illef I VAINTY,(WASH , 4-e-A_JL-ADE PUTY the grantee shall have the right, privilege, and aut001 y to construct, improve, repair and maintain public utilities on said land This easement is exclusive in that no other entity may be granted the use of the above described land for any public utility without the grantee's expressed written consent The grantor shall make no use of the land occupied by said public utility easement that is inconsistent with or conflicts with the grantee's use of the land for public utilities In exercising the rights herein granted, the grantee, its successors and assigns, may pass and repass over said land to cut and remove brush, trees, and other obstructions which in the opinion of the grantee interfere with the use of the land as a public utility easement and to otherwise use and occupy the land consistent vith its constiuction, maintenance, and uses as a public utility easement The covenants herein contained shall run with the land and are binding upon all subsequent owners hereof. IN W TNESS WHFREOUVaid grantor has executed this instrument this _ day of , 19 STATE OF WASHINGTON) S S Grant County of Franklin ) me the undersigned, a Notaty Public ii and for the State of Wash ngton, dul,y comissioned and sw rn, perso ally apt)eare jiCtC-1431CklalA 'alfe Fb__LC -ki_ilk6CIAALIJA ACK_ IC 6,{10(li iv. 0.C-1. to me known to he IThe lrd vdual escribed ii( d who ex uLed the within and fore9ii instrument., and acknm ,ledged that kLi signed the some as _ _ free and voluntary act and d d, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned Nota y Public in mnd for ithe State of Wash ngton, residing at KAAINJ, On this I of , 1 9 7f r I. / • . r e • / • •./ I, / 0 / WATER LINE EASEMENT 404126 A 20 FOOT WIDE EASEMENT FOR WATER LINE, THE EAST LINE OF SAID EASEMENT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST OUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH, RANGE 29 EAST, W.M., SAID POINT BEING 987.69 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF, THENCE N 01° 02' 4 7" EAST, 335 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE CONTINUING N 01° 02' 47" EAST, A D ISTANCE OF 105.00 FEET TO POINT OF CURVE OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS N 18° 39' 31" W A D ISTANCE OF 130.00 FEET, THENCE AROUND SAID CURVE A D ISTANCE OF 130.64 FEET TO THE POINT OF TERMINUS OF SAID EASEMENT AND A 20 FOOT WIDE EASEMENT FOR WATERLINE, THE SOUTH LINE SAID EASEMENT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF TAIL NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST OUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH, RANGE 29 EAST, W.M., SAID POINT BEING 987.69 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF, THENCE N 01 0 02' 47" E A DISTANCE OF 440.00 FEET TO POINT OF CURVE OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS N 05 0 45' 19" W A DISTANCE OF 90.01 FEET; THENCE AROUND SAID CRUVE A DISTANCE OF 90,.22 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID EASEMENT; THENCE N 770 26' 35" E A DISTANCE OF 26.25 FEET TO POINT OF CURVE OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS N 60° 47' 00" E A DISTANCE OF 329.69 FEET, THENCE AROUND SAID CURVE A D ISTANCE OF 334.38 FEET, THENCE N 44° 07' 26" E A D ISTANCE OF 105.75 FEET TO THE POINT OF TERMINUS OF SAID EASEMENT. (43.1-g n SiAlE OF WASHINGTON, ss County of / t h_ 6 On this day personally a peared before me /0/1. .0 0 eV. e k _ to me known to be the individual Sdescribed in and who executed the within and foregoing Instrument and acknowledged to me that ,It,7,,./..__ signed the same ak_e/;;L A_ free and voluntary act an ,d for 1 f the purposes therein mentioned J J 1, it--I , - s 3 Lit .,e - a- s iy_,..,, y 9.-"—_, _ Gi ..,_ , I JVOiol\ r (......// , , ' 404126 ^ 4 , 1ICISIN111.111111=6. sit-4 A —J r-D Gwen under my hand and official seal this day of Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing at I'L-34 1/66 Security Title Insurance Company of Washington — ACKNOWLEDGMENT — ORDINARY 404124 _V err., 4tt-A07;n-t. jar ps.—.1z-r7v,,i• Jag._ OVA •—n EASEMENT 404124 tly • For valuable consideration, including benefit to the grantor's appurtenant land and the benefit of the public interest, the grantor, Jack Hsieh and Dorothy Hsieh, his wlfe, and David L Whitehead and Donna F Whitehead, his wife does hereby grant, convey, and give to the grantee, City of Pasco, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, its successors and assigns an exclusive public utility easement across, over, and upon the following land, located in Franklin County, State of Washington, to-wit SEE ATTACHMENT "E" The grantee shall have the right, privilege, and authority to construct, Improve, repair and maintain public utilities on said land This easement is exclusive in that no other entity may be granted the use of the above described land for any public utility without the grantee's expressed written consent The grantor shall make no use of the land occupied by said public utility easement that is inconsistent with or conflicts with the grantee's use of the land for public utilities In exercising the rights herein granted, the grantee, its successors and assigns, may pass and repass over said land to cut and remove brush, trees, and other obstructions which in the opinion of the grantee interfere with the use of the land as a public utility (,asement and to otherwise use and occupy the land consistent with its constiuction, maintenance, and uses as a public utility easement The covenants herein contained shall run with the land and are binding upon all subsequent owners hereof. . IN IIITNESS UHFREOl ire sid grantor has executed this instrument this 15P day of , 19 'BO STATE OF WASHINGTON) S S r - G a to On this In- cloy of U4t,___ , (li me the the undeisigneaT -W-Notaly Pilblic n and for the --S.tate of Washin ton, duly commissioned and sworn personally apoeared g, 1-1 51 eki W VW.Slaritua_Outa clasmi40 oV / 14 10 to me ,known to be Che in 4di 3 lual described in anci who e cukt -CI,Urre within and fo going instrument, and acknowledge. that 0s'igned the some a s free and voluntary act and d a, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned - -_ .,. -,.., u (3iven under my h and official s the day afid ,yea firs4:. .4. ... ( \ mr , s 1 , , p „ , iy Public in and for i the State of ngton, residing at lCeNUNP-. County of Franklin ) above written RECO RDEDINVOL/ OF OFFI,GIAL RECORDS PACEe 1-TQUESTOF c 25 4 49 Pq '80 D0h9lo LAUDhuR Ftp K lh COUNTY, 4ASH cra-ce.-- DEPUTY MAIL To 'h J5 0A.29 SIAII OF 1IVA‘,11IN(-,1 ON, SS ount) of tj--1,4' ,t...•6 • -(/‘ /A 30—FOOT WIDE EASEMENT TO PROVIDE FOR THE EXTENSION OF 404124 HORIZON DRIVE NORTH FROM RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS, THE EAST LINE OF SAID 30 FOOT EASEMENT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE CENTERLINE OF HORIZON DRIVE AS CONSTRUCTED IN RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS, SAID POINT BEING SOUTH 89° 33' 54" EAST, 987.89 FEET DISTANT FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST OUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH, RANGE 29 EAST, W.M., FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AND TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID EAEM'NT; THENCE N 01° 02' 47" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 335.00 FEET TO ITS POINT OF TERMINUS. EASEMENT FOR ROAD & UTILITY PURPOSES ON PROPOSED HORIZON DRIVE ( SUNLAND PROPERTY) On this day personally appeared before me SL14.,L•._,--51.... 4r-1 'utt4 e- • • N>.)-d4 >e4,:-1 --/0 .0, to me known to be the individual Cdescribed in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that signed the same as .e/o4.1_ free and voluntary actond deed for the purposes therein mentione Gwen under my hand and official seal this day of (7' Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at 41-<-2 1 TL-34 1/66 Securit y Title Insurance Compan y of Washin g ton - ACKNOWLEDGMENT - ORDINARY 40412,1 / '0-Ll ri '4' VA, rant r STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss County of Franklin ) On this 10 4L ' day of q wof , 19 Co 1„.r me the undersigned, a Notary Public pi and for the State of Washingt , duly commissioned an worn personally apoeared3 cicl -tt El-I >,0,6 I i-lie14_,__ to sz) uo bt,i_ OcIc E(314.4 , lkUt Cifioincy ,,, ad. , to me 'known to be the naipi ual described in tnd who ex (--•4;t6d th'e • s- within and fore oing instrument, and acknowledged that ijsOnvi 4Vil: ^ , the same as free and voluntary act andiFd pd, Oe ivt,fie -- --: /f - 0 , , -- Ql , 'CD fficial 1 the da VI d yeaioofirsf• j - s- - ' a r, , cn _404 Public in and for the State of gton, residing at K.Ek),OCUJICfc.._ " uses and purposes therein mentioned. 404123 Given under my above written -sgolow.17.7N-7„.0m,wr7r7 EASEMENT 404123 For valuable consideration, including benefit to the grantor's .„,412purtenant land and the benefit-of the public interest, the grantor, Jack Hsieh and Dorothy Hsieh, his wife, and David L Whitehead and i s e does hereby grant, convey, and give to the grantee, City of Pasco, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, its successors and assigns an exclusive public utility easement across, ()vex, and upon the following land, located in Franklin County, State of Washington, to-wit. SEE ATTACHMENT "A" The grantee shall have the right, privilege, and authority to construct, improve, repair and maintain public utilities on said land. This easement is exclusive in that no other entity may be granted the use of the above described land for any public utility without the grantee's expressed written consent The grantor shall make no use of the land occupied by said public utility easement that is inconsistent with or conflicts with the grantee's use of the land for public utilities In exercising the rights herein granted, the grantee, its successors and assigns, may pass and repass over said land to cut and remove brush, trees, and other obstructions which in the opinion of the grantee Interfere with the use of the land as a public utility easement and to otherwise use and occupy the land consistent with its construction, maintenance, and uses as a public utility easement. The covenants herein contained shall run with the land and are binding upon all subsequent owners hereof. IN W iTNESS WHERET,. the laid grantor has executed this instrument this ill. day of L.1111U1E , 19 30 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at TL-14 1/66 Security Title Insurance Company of Washington - ACKNOWLEDGMENT - ORDINARY 404123 • • 404123 • EASEMENT FOR SEWERLINE SAHARA DRIVE A 20 FOOT WIDE EASEMENT FOR SEWERLINE ACROSS A PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF, NORTHEAST cUARTER OF SECTION 14, lOWNSHIp 9 NORTH, RANGE 29 E., W.M., FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON, THE NORTH LINE OF SAID EASEMENT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST nUARTER OF SAID SECTION 14, AND CENTERLINE OF ROAD 44; THENCE NORTH 01 ° 11 1 03" E, ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF ROAD 44 A DISTANCE OF 148.01 FEET, THENCE S 89° 33' 54" E, PARAtLFL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH HALF, NORTHEAST 0UARTER OF SAID SECTION 14, A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE CONTINUING S 89° 33' 54" E A DISTANCE OF 920.33 FEET TO THE TERMINUS OF %ID EASEMENT. RECORDED qi VOL - OFOFF7ALRECORDS PAGE/0 rAgsT0F An ZS 4 49114 10 HI r t4 mi._ AU IITOR I9.464, 1 CC NTY, WASH DEPUTY 10 (3 oss 3 A STATE OF WASHINGTON, S S SECURITY TITL E County of On this day personally appeared before me L9-1)-Y- j. ,i- C. ir to me known to be the individual 4 described in and v,ho executed the within and foregoing instrue,,ain acknowledged to me that.k,417______ signed the same as..0-444..) free and voluntary act aa \A ticeofor ., C -..,0 ,.."' v", the purposes therein mention ed' entione .-.' , Ii. Gwen under my hand and official seal this -.7.---- day o DI.-1:79:, e ii---- 2 i 'i014 . rl.