HomeMy WebLinkAbout1363 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO 1363 A RESOLUTION adopting a revised and extended comprehensive street program for the City of Pasco WHEREAS, R C W 35 77 010 provides for annual revision and extension of the Comprehensive Street Program of each city and town, after holding public hearings thereon, and WHEREAS, it is now time to revise and extend that Comprehensive Street Program, and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on the revision and extension of the City of Pasco Comprehensive Street Program on July 21, 1980, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO That the City Council of the City of Pasco hereby adopts the revision and extension of the Comprehensive Program for the ensuing six years as attached hereto and labeled "Six-Year Construction Program, 1981-86", incorporated by this reference as though fully set forth herein, and That the Comprehensive Street Program shall be filed with the Department of Transportation no later than July 31, 1980 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 21 day of July , 1980 Chet Bailie, Mayor Evelyn Wells, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM _ei/ c, 4 ,e/UAALS 11 Dennis De Felice', ty Attorney Iski a 140 -049 0 n 57RIBuTION I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENGIN ER I COPY CHAIRMAN, URBAN ARTERIAL e0ARD,OLYMPIA I COPY CRAB (CoUITTIE5 ONLY) 4 Ctty/County City No. County No. _Keypunching Note. Data entered in cols 1-8 must 3-6 be on all cards punched from MI5 -Form. Six YEAR TR4N5PORTAT1ON IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 _81 TO 19 86 OBLIGATION PROGRAM —UAB Hectrtng go.te Adoption Date Resolution Number • oN c-"Q4I PROJECT IDENTIFICATION iMauor Class I of Work Work Code _Total Length (Mt les) — d c :?... u c t, nzi 4 L. N 13 L z cc OBLIGATION SCHEDUI.Z FUNDING SOURCE TOTAL FUNDS "Title, Route, Road Log No., Section No., Carryover 1 _YE AR FEDERAL U A S. LOCAL Location/Termi nt „Description Of Work 5 1,t , kAnnudl Etement) ' Z ncl 3 rd .G±11 4 „ 5 Beginning Milepost 4 bridge No. AMOUNT PROGRAM 2. 35 _3 . 36 4 37 40 5 4I 44 6 45 7 46 8 47 5 48 51 _ 10 57 _ 55 11 SG 59 Go 12 63 64 13 61 68 14 11 15 72 75 '76. le, 79 80 17 9.5 1 21 0, Ti Hi I AI lh F1 i (ICI HI Ai SLEW )_, lAi V, E, i t 1 I I 1_ 2_E ALB ID 1 F GJ , 1513 141415 PE Const I _i_ 1 a 1 t I_ ab I 1_ I a_ I_ i I ,t. I I_ _I_ _._ i 4, Ot 0. l 1 45. i t 4 (1* 1 54 SR 12 to North CBC BDY - Widen to Match Segment being widened by WSDOT for Interchange III 11,11,111 3 ,11 M 1 i , 1 )/A,B,D,F ,I, , 4 5,2 MUX ILI 5,00 Ili_ „ 1 ill ,ii _Lit ili III_ iii tit III It i 4_1 5 ,0 Iii 1 1 5 1 0 11111 , i 5P10 2 OREGON AVE EXTENSION 11111,1 film' 1_111111Am New replacement Route fot Trucks - Ainsworth to "A" Street - Grade, Curb, Gutter, Crushed Rock, GAJ P E Const Sid ewalk , Dctiri, ACP tilI tItIt tittIIIIIIIIIiIII /I_4i II I I 1 1 I I I I __L_ 1 III III III 1;1 I IIIII 3 1 ..1 . V 1 F ....1 L it Ot TI H1 1 T1 0, 1 41 T1 HL 1 A L Ni St WI 0 R I NA 4_‘. A 1 13_, D,F i { 4, 4 M U X , 3 1 8,3 1_ 1_ 1 I I I tli ILA JIL 13 1 4, 4 , 3 19 1113 1 81 3 Reconstruction - Grade, Drain, Curb, Gutter, side- walk, Crushed Rock, ACP G P E Const ,IIII,,,,,,I] I 111,,LII,L,1 , I 1 I I 111 III I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I 4 A I, R S, WA R Ti HI , A1_111 El AI T, Hi t T1 01 1 G1 R1 El YL i 4 A, I3, DI F ,_ A 3, 2 M U X i_ 2 1 7i7 All _Ili ill III 1_11 12 _5 A _17 I I ,2 17 17 ' Reconstruction - Grade, Drain, Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk, Crushed Rock, ACP G ° ILIIIIIII,11,,JIIIILtilii , V, .____L A 1 —1-4 I __I I I 1 I I I L I I 1 I I I I I I I i I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I t Pasco PROJECT C05T5 IN THOU5AND5 OF DOLLARS 0 9 6 0 1 1 7-8 DOT 140 049 Art, taPn 0 n 57RIBuTION I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENIGINE'ER 1 COPY CHAIRMAIJORBAN ARTERIAL EkOARD,OLYMPIA t COPY C4 A 9 (COUNTIES 0/.10') 2 Pasco SIX YEAR TR4N5PORTAT1ON IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 81 TO 19 86 OBLIGATION PROGRAM BASIC _Keypunching Note. Data entered in Cols 1 -8 must 3-6 be on all cards punched -From MI5 -Form. C it ,y/e/lifill0 City No. County No. Heartng Date Adoption Date Resolution Number PROJECT C05T5 IN THOU5AND5 OF DOLLARS •••-.• - C z E -,2 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Work Code nzi _ cl t- Total c Length 9. \ .,-- — (Mtles) u ei c 45 2_ ci OBLIGATION 5CHEDUL FUNDING SOURCE TOTAL FUNDS 711 le, Route, Road Log No., Section No., _ YE A R FEDERAL U A B. LOCAL Location/Terrnint „Description of Work, Beginning Milepost 4. ,,brIci9e No. 1 st (Annuai Element) '-- Z nd 3 rd _ 4 „ 5 Gil-) AMOUNT PROGRAM i a -9 35 _3 34 4 37 4041 - 5 6 7 4445-464748 lit' 9 ____ 5452 10 55Sa 11 59 ta 66 63 13 64 61 14 68 11 15 72 75 16 16 79E10 17 BS 1 R,R, ,X,- I I ,N ,G , 1 G ,A ,T ,E I S ,- ,F ,R 1 0 IN 1Tigt IA t i 1 i i 6 VI L 1 1 . I._ i M U X II 1_2 5 lilettlelt 1•1 1 11 1 2 .FIASIP.111.11 1 13 .111 l t2 1 5 . Install RR Crossing Gates N/A PE Const I II lLi1I ill11111111111111 W It t III III III LII 111 III III 111 III 11111 2 R I R 1 I X,- I I ,N 1G , 1 G IA IT 1E,S 1- ,A II IN IS ,W 101R ITJH 18( 4 1 6 z /I , i , , 1 , M U 11 2 15 1 , i , I A t I i 11 il 12 F _A 1$ JP 1 I 1 1 11 i3 i 1 11 12 1 5_, Install R R Crossing Gates N/A P E Const ii, i,IIII ,11111,1,,,,i,l, -I 4 , L-4-i 111 III 1_1_t III 111 III III 11,L 11111 3 2 10 , 1841 IS tY IL IV IE IS IT tE IR 1- tS II AG IN A IL 1- il_ 11 - AU IR IN G M It FL S U 11510 III Ail it, A i4 15 F tA IS AP 1 A A IL A 5 111 1 5 1 Traffic Left Turn Lane and Traffic Actuated Signals N/A P E Const II_,,,, IIIIIIIIIII„,. R . i 1 I i I , I I I I I 1 I I i i , I I I t I I i III Illli 4 I -W FH I- 1- jA IV LE 1 A IR 1E E ,A ,S ,T , ,P I A ,S I C ,0 ,I L I I ,D [IE I 4 P,A B D IF 2 A 8, 2A .1.1 X A4_15 10 I 1 I i 1 A t I i I I A_ I I 1 I I 1 45O I I 1 4,1 5 1 0 III!! LID - Wehe to Owen Avenue and Lewis to Parkview grade, curb, gutter, sidewalk, crushed rock, ACP, stormstrau16Iiiiml. PT.,7 GJ _t_i____J____1 _ I P E Const It III 1_11 II_i_ III III W/HUD $ III LII , I,It Iiiii.iiitiiiiii_Liti , _L SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 138i TO 19 86 - OBLIGATION PROGRAM BASIC Hearing Da.te Pasco Adoption Date -- •----- = - Cty No. Counts No. 0 9 --- — r -- - .--) ' '-' - — - — • — - . v A 3-6 - be on alcards --- e punchd from ISCOU111 O iNurriuci 1 1 7-8 -11,15 -Form. 2 c 7 SI I- \ 1; L. z cc j Carry over Pros, (X) I PRO-JECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS Item No . 11 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION I of Work 1 Work Code -Total Length (Miles) 1-, — d C .,?.. v c u_ OBLIGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE 61-0TAL FUNDS title, Beginning Route, Road Log No., Section No., _ y _E A R FEDERAL U A 13. LOCAL Location/Termini l Descripiion o-F Work, Milepost 4 bridge No. 1 st (AfInUal Element) '-- 2 nd 3 rd 4,5 4 G th AMOUNT PROGRAM a -9 35 -9-6 3 - 4 37 40 5 41 4445 6 7 4647 8 5 48 V _ 10 52 _ 555G 11 5960 12. G3 64 13 61 14 68 11 15 72 15 16 '76 79 17 Lao 85 5 S I Y i Li V, EI SI Ti E i RI IP, AI RI K, , Li Il Di 1 i i _t_ I I I I 4VAIB_IDIF J1L1,2 A U X 1 5 1 °1 ° Lit iitaiiii, 111..tit,itt. L I D i51010.,11151010 LID - 5th to 10th, Henry to Sylvester Grade, Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk, Rock, ACP, Drain Illum GJ P E Const iltIILIII IIIIItilltIlliili .',' #1 Iii I. 1 iii Ii 1_ L 1 J 1 1 I ill lit lil 111 !lilt 6 P1 E1MI 0, VI A, LI , 01 Ft !OIL, DI , 8_31 I1D1GI El 1 1 L 1 1 9 / -LI-, , , A i U It ()L U L U I I t i t 1 II I ILA III IL 1 II t 11 1 101 0 1 0 Removal of old Pasco-Kennewick Bridge Timing and costs not certain N/A N A i li,,t ItItIIIIIIIIIIIAilt k . I j 1 I_11 lIl i_1_1 lll III I I I I I Lii Jill! 7 218, I &I ILI El WI It Si t St IL GI Ni AI Li I M1 11 DI It Fi 1 i I 6 7/ Ii i, LiIMU 1 1115111 'II II, lit III III Itli 5 iiil 5 Modify Signals to Traffic Actuated, plus Pedestrian Actuation N/A p E Const I.IIii,IiIii_ii_it,,_LIA,II I I 1 _i_ I I 111 III I L L I Al t)I Ili Li I III III] I - -1 1 d I fl 1 1 I IIIII 1 1 I ill _I 1 I t nt - 4 L it ,1 _a____4 I 1 1 111 Ill All III III 11 I I II L 11_ III IL 1 111 III itl III III II I I I 1111I _ ' iiiIIII 1,„t,,,,„....Li„,, - , _ DOT 140 049 Jan 19,R0 0151-4RIBUTIOr`4 1 COPY Q15TRICT STATE AID 'ENGlNCER I COPY CHAIRMA1.1, URBAN ART E R I AL 60ARD,OLYMPIA CCPY CRAB (COON -11E5 OWLY) 51A z a six YEAR TR4N5PORTAT1ON IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 81 TO 19 86 OBLIGATION PROGRAM BASIC Pasco Hearing Date Adoption Date City No. Cont KO. 0 9 6 0 3-6 be on all cards punched from rccroc) a 11 tOr / INLIMUCI 1 1 7 -8 itne -Form. @ ei 1 Rural/Ur-bar) I " 't 1 s. > ,.,E 0 PROJECT C05T5 IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS • 0 2 E 0 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION MaJor Closs 1 of Work Work Code _ Total Length (Mcle5) 'Functional CI, OBLIGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE TOTAL FUNDS -Tit le, Beginning Route, Road Log No., Section No., _ Y _E A R Z FEDERAL U A.B. LOCAL Location/Termini l Description of Work, Milepoof # bridge No. 15 t (Annual Element) --- Z nd 3 rd 4 , 5 Gfil AMOUNT PROGRAM I. z 9 35 34 4 37 40 5 41 44 6 45-4647 7 8 9 48 5? _ 10 52 _ 55 11 SG 59 a GO 63 15 64 67 14 C8 71 15 72 75 16 76 75 17 50 SS 8 7,1-,H, L 8t i [LiEiWIIISI ASIIIGMAILI ,MIOID[I1F1116Riti ,LIMU I I_ 1 A 1 ill5a 1 i 'Ail IA ItIstillbl_Lia11 1 1 5 al li W S , Modify Signals with new controller and traffic actuation N/A P E Const 1I __J ,,L,,,,11,11,11,111,111 Mil, 14 1 9 III 1,1 Iii ti 1 III Ii i II i lit !fill WE H, E„ A, V I E„S I T,O,R,M1 ,D,R,A,I,N, ,E,X,T LE 1 N , 9 7/B „ „ ,t 5 ,7 U 111 1 1 1 7 1 5 111 ILI 111 III lIt 1117i 5 [11_11715 "A" Street to River N/A P E Const W/HUD $ ,,,,,,, ,IIIIIIIIIIIi_iti_i PI.4 , IJ, 1 III III 1_1_1 III III III _i_il it, I_ Jill! 10 El Ai Si Ti i 01 F1 1 3, RI DI IL ) I LDJ iii ,i'LlI_L i 4K A 6 B ,D,F i U X Ili_ III 1415W 1 1 ,1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J1 t 1 4 1 5 J 0 1_1 4 5 cl East of 3rd, Assistance flrain, Curb, Court to Bonneville partial HUD to Low Income Residents - Grade, Gutter, Sidewal, ACP A W/HUD $ ,,,,,..111111,,111,,,, Mil, 14 I Ili III 111 &LA Iii 111 ILI III Mil 11 2 ,0 ,T ,H „A ,V ,E 1 ,( ,C ,IJ IA I s 1 E ) i• , 1 I , i L i 1 I I 1 2wp_pr t_ ,V 3 i 1 1 1 1 1 14010 i 1 I ± 1 1 1 1 1 Li] 14 1010 i 1 1 4 1010 SR 12 to North CBC BOY - Widen to Match Segment being widened byASDOT for Interchange GJ I I I t I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I 1 I I _I _1 X Z. I I I __I___4 I _ __I 1 1 III III III III_ 1 1 1 L i i I 1 _i_ 1 i 1 I 1 DOT 140 049 Jan 980 Ok57RIBU1IOT,4 I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER 1 COPY CHAIRMAN, URBAN ARTERI AL CAOARD,01.WPIA COP`" CR A B,(CoUNITIE5 OKILY) ra . Arab ian Ciity/Ciogin10/ City No. Count9 No. vr 1 ,0-049 icNpn 0%5TRIBLV1ION I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER / COPY CHAIRMAN, URBAN ARTERIAL 60AIRD,OLYMF'IA COPY CR A B (COUNITIE5 ONLY) al X YEAR TRAN5PORTAT1ON IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 13 31 TO 19 86 OBLIGATION PROGRAM -BASIC _Yeypunching Note: Pato entered in cob 1-8 must 3-6 be on all cards punched -From fl-its -Form. Hearing Date Adophon Date Resolution Number • o 2 E PROJECT IDENTIFICATION 1Mauor Class 1 of Work Work Code 'i- rrj L-1 0 a cci -.4- U) -4" f) \--,Z- — Functional CTI RuralArbor Carry overPro., OBLIGATION SCHEDULE FUNDING SOURCE TOTAL FUNDS TIt le, Route, Road Log No., Section No •, _ Y _E A R FEDERAL. U A B. LOCAL Localion/Termtnt,Desortplion of Work> Beginning Milepoof 4 bridge No. 1 5 t (Annucil Element) - Z nd 3rd 4 1 5 .G-1-il AMOUNT PROGRAM i a 9 3536 „3 4 37 4041 5 6 444541647 7 8 9 48 51 _ 10 57 5550 11 5960 12 6364 13 61 14 68 ii 15 12 7576 16 7950 17 85 12) NI0,RiT161, AC TiHt iffiVIFIRil LAAYI I i i v 1 I 1_ i _1 4 EAID i 1 1 2 LO 1 0 U llidi ilat L1_4121_2 1 5 . 1 i I — I i i ._ i 1 t • 1 2 ,5 1 5 . i I 12 12 1 5 A Bypass to N City Limits - Approx 2 miles of 2-1/2 inch overlay plus shoulders P E Const, IIII,L,,, ill, mm111 1 1_1_1_ M Ili 14 I 11 I I I I III III III Ill III III III!! 33 MI NI Si WI 0, RI T, RI i AI VIE -ill 0, TA HI Ti Or Lai RILYI i 4 n A,13,D1 i 17,6 M U X n 1 1 'iv ,II 131115 i 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 13 1 1, 5 I 131115 Remove existing Road Excavation, provide rock and ACP to 36 ft width, install crossings for future drainage 111,1 it,111[11111111vill RI4 1 1_4 I I I I I I I III III III III III I II IIIII , IIIII1i_t1111111111AliliIII K i i_LI 14_1 _III III III I1A III III III 111 11111 I I ii IIIiii_LilIiiiti_l_11JItA WI i 141 _III III (Li 1.1i [It III ILL III IIIII IIiII_IIIIIIIIIIIIIILILIIII Pill_ L_EI LIL III III III III III ill III 11111 „ I litIAAIIIiiIIIIIIIIIIIIII MIII --1-4 / III III III 11 I I I I I i I ' I i III IIIII PROJECT C05T5 IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS 2