HomeMy WebLinkAbout1361 Resolutionlrr- \ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RESOLUTION NO 1361 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, declaring its intention to order the improvement of Hopkins Street from Road 24 to goad 28 withing the City of Pasco, Washington, to city standards by grading, constructing and installing storm drains, sewer stubs, curbs, gutters, necessary sidewalks, base rock, leveling course, asphalt concrete surfacing, and all incidental work and to create a Local Improvement District to assess that portion of the cost and expense associated with residential street improvement standards against the property benefited thereby, and notifying all persons who may desire to object to said improve- ments to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO chat it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington to order street construction consisting of storm drains, sewer stubs, curbs, gutters, necessary sidewalk, base rock, leveling course, asphalt concrete surfacing, and all incidental work on the following streets in the City of Pasco, Washington, to-wit Hopkins Street from Road 24 to Road 28 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the total cost of such improvement to residential street standards shall be borne by and assessed against the properties specially benefited by such improvement to be included in the Local Improvement District to be established embracing as near as may be all of the property specially benefited by such improvement BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, to create a Local Improvement District to include for the purpose of assessing properties within the boundaries described as follows That portion of Hopkins Street on the north border line of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter Section 25, Township 9 North Range 29 East W M , extending from Road 24 to Road 28. Beginning at the intersection of Road 28 and Hopkins Street, the point of true beginning, thence southernly a distance of approximately 135 feet, thence easterly a distance of approx- imately 460 feet, thence southerly a distance of approximately 27 feet, thence easterly a distance of approximately 136 feet, thence northerly a distance of approximately 162 feet, thence easterly a dis Lance of approximately 266 feet, thence southerly a distance of approximately 155 feet, thence easterly a distance of approximately 296 feet, thence southerly a distance of approximately 200 feet, thence easterly a distance of approx- imately 132 feet, thence northerly a distance of approximately PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this ..,2/ , 1980 &Le,— day of c(— Dennis De Feltice, City Attorney 470 feet to the southerly right-of-way line of West Lewis Street, thence west northwesterly on said right- of-way line to the intersection with the east right-of-way line of Road 28, thence southerly along the east right-of- way line of Road 28 to the true point of beginning, EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING PARCEL W1/2, SW1/2, NW1/4, SEI/4, less otn to State for Hwy and less R/N Gas Co, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all persons who may desire to object to the imporvements herein mentioned are hereby notifed to aopear and present such objections, at a meeting of the City Council, to be held in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Pasco, Washington, at 8 00 pm , onkagust 18, 1980which time and place are hereby fixed for hearing matters relating to said Proposed improvements and all objections thereto and for determining the method of payment of said improvements BE IR FURTHER RESOLVED that James S Aja(, City Engineer, is hereby directed to submit to the City Council on or prior to July 28, 1980, all data and information required by law to be submitted Chet Bailie, Playor Evelyn Wells, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM SIGNATURE OF LOT BLOCK ADDITION ADDRESS OF OWNER OWNER )7P (c ) (971,2 a). ,7;7E3. /4/ 44/c) ...e!-A,Cx 4 - '7/ / ,72 '-7/6P't2/ 4 zs z P1a-„ir r,1ail To * Community Development Dept. PETITION FOR L.I D. CREATION City of Pasco P.O. Box 293 Pasco, Wa. 99301 We, the undersigned owners of the following described property, do hereby petition the City Coundil, City of Pasco, for the creation of a Local Improvement District for inprovement of streets to residential street standards. .r 1 ; 10 1. 9 I 1 8 12 2,„ 13 § ,14 ; 29 35 33 yAKI MA 3e SE 39 41 3 - 6 24 2 IRVING 9 SH°SHONE - HOPKINS '1 'I =II 1 1—at CO ITT I 7, II 111111 201 I CrI ía EAGLE 12 BOWNEVILLE 01710N t2 AD ESTATE "W IA 45 6 uJ LtJ cr 7 9 10 11' 2 13 14 '5 6 17 18 '9 20 'ELL" LOT " !3 2 2 3 COL UNBA ME144,4••• ARDENS I NC G 1 9 0 12 13 4 15 6 I ? I8 1 9 2 GE. .1 5 -a 9 0*- I I 2 '3 14 apar.sulrinavallirIPn IPAKINIPPAINININIPA INP4n•41:41P4p410* 10 w IRVING 28 2 20 W SHOSHONE