HomeMy WebLinkAbout1355 ResolutionE A _ Sni er, Mayor Pro Tern AT ST: ells, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Pt/LA/I-4-.4 Den is J. DeFe1iàe, City At orney RESOLUTION NO. 1355 WHEREAS, the City of Pasco and Basin Disposal, Inc., having entered into a Contract on December 18, 1978, relating to garbage service in the City of Pasco, and WHEREAS, the parties hereto agreeing that there should be a change in the service charges of said Contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: That the City Council of the City of Pasco does hereby approve the attached Amendment to Contract, an executed copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference is incorporated herein, and authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Pasco to execute said Amendment to Contract with Basin Disposal, Inc. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 2 day of June , 1980. 1. A AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT , ., THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 2nd day of June r 1980, by and between the City of Pasco, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as'the "City": and Basin Disposal, Inc., doing business as Pasco Garbage Service, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", is an amendment to an Agreement entered into between the Parties on the 18th day of December, 1978. The Agreement entered into between the Parties was for the purpose of establishing a contractual relationsnip with the Contractor for the collection of garbage within the City of Pasco. The amendment to the Agreement shall be to Subsection 1(A), (B), (C), (D), and (E) contained on pages 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the original Agreement. Subsectionl(A), (B), (C), (D), and (E) of the original , , Agreement shall be amended to read as follows: 1. SCOPE OF SERVICE. The Contractor shall collect, transport, and dispose of all solid waste originating within the City of Pasco and shall furnish and maintain all tools, materials, labor and equipment necessary to perform such collection, transportation, and disposal Said collection, transportation, and disposal of solid waste in the City of Pasco shall be accomplished prior to any other contract work to be performed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall arrange and allow for City residents to have and dispose of two (2) cans of solid waste per trip at the disposal site utilized by the Contractor without charge to the resident, providing that satisfactory proof of residence is shown. Said collection shall be made by the Contractor by regular route pickups at each residence, business, and citv-owned properties at the rates hereinbelow set forth A. CAN RATES (1) For each occupied residence or separate unit thereof the charge shall be Four & 60/100 ($4.60) Dollars per month for weekly full service garbage collection Full service garbage collection shall include: (a) The collection of an unlimited number of cans or containers (including plastic bags) which weigh not more than eighty (80) pounds, and otherwise meet the requirements of P.M C. 6.04.100, which section of the code is incorporated herein by this reference. (b) The collection of an unlimited number of bundles of boxes, cartons, shrubs, trees (less than six inches in diameter), small tree limbs, strips of boards or lurber, and other solid waste- said bundles not exceeding five feet in the lonuest dimension and two feet in girth and not exceeding eighty (80) pounds. -2- (c) Additional Service. Items too large for regular collection as described above shall be limited to 250 pounds per item from the premises. Calls for service to collect these items shall be made at least one full business day (see paragraph 8 of original Agreement - Office) in advance of the day specified for the additional collection service. The Contractor shall determine the day for the additional collection service, but the service to the customer requesting it shall be made within six full business days (see paragraph 8 of original Agreement) of receipt of such call. The place of collection for this additional service shall be the same place as for the place for regular collection. The City reserves the right to make the public aware by advertising this full service garbage collection. A residence customer as qualified below may apply for and receive a different rate and service. The rate shall be One and 75/100 ($1.75) Dollars per month for the weekly removal of one (1)' can or container per week. To qualify the customer must show satisfactory proof to the City that he or she: (a) Is at least sixty-five (65) years of age or is totally and permanently disabled (b) Has a minimum annual income from all sources of less than Four Thousand & 00/100 ($4,000.00) Dollars if single, and less than Six Thousand & 00/100 ($6,000.00) Dollars (combined income) if married; (c) Is the single occupant or head of household (d) Is directly responsible for payment of the garbage collection bill or will be granted proper credit resultant from this provision; and (e) Has resided at such residence for a period of not less than ninety (90) consecutive days. In addition, the Customer must certify to the City that one can per week is at least or more than adequate to meet the normal needs of the residence or separate unit thereof. (2) For each occupied unit or units of a multi-family residence the charge shall be Three & 20/100 ($3.20) Dollars per month for the weekly collection of two (2) cans per unit. (3) For each commercial establishment the charge shall be Four & 25/100 ($4.25) Dollars per month for the weekly collection of two (2) cans. ' (4) For each public food establishment the charge shall be Fourteen & 25/100 ($14.25) Dollars per month for the daily collection of one (1) can. (5) The charge of 65/100 (.65) Dollar Der can per week shall be added for the collection of a can of solid waste over and above the level of service required or permitted by ordinance or this agreement B. CONTAINER RATES In the event a multi-family residence, a commercial establishment, or a public food establishment elects to utilize a, container, rather than a can, for disposal of solid waste, the charge for collection of solid waste from containers shall be: (1) Four & 35/100 ($4.35) Dollars per collection for a one (1) cubic yard container. (2) Five & 40/100 ($5 40) Dollars per collection for a one and one-half (1 1/2) cubic yard container. (3) Six & 70/100 (6.70) Dollars per; collection for a two (2) cubic yard container. (4) Seven & 20/100 ($7.20) Dollars per collection for a three (3) cubic yard container. (5) Nine & 20/100 ($9 20) Dollars per collection for a four (4) cubic yard container. (6) Eleven & 80/100 (11.80) Dollars per collection for a six (6) cubic yard container. (7) Fourteen & 55/100 ($14.55) Dollars per collection for a eight (8) cubic yard container. C. ROLL-OFF CONTAINER RATES For collection of solid waste contained in a roll-off container the charge shall be as set forth below - CONTAINER SIZE Eleven (11) cubic yards Fifteen (15) cubic yards Twenty (20) cubic yards Twenty-Five (25) cubic yards Thirty (30) cubic yards Thirty-Five (35) cubic yards Forty (40) cubic yards Forty-Five (45) cubic yards **SEE FOOTWIT HUT; FOP ArENDPENT The Contractor at its discretion may accent amounts in excess of the yardaae limitations set forth above and charge for such excess on a pro-rata basis. D. MISCELLANEOUS RATES Miscellaneous rates for service not included in the base rates of paragraph A, B, dud C above shall be: (1) Eighteen and 75/100 ($18.75) Dollars per hour for a truck and one (1) ran c -_-ew for each special collection. (2) Twenty-Five and 00/100 ($25.00) Dollars per hour for a truck and two (2) man crew for each special collection. **There shall be a riri-ium of two (2\ collections oer month or in the alternative, an additional charne per durr of S2 20 per cubic yard CHAPGE DER DUMP Twenty-One & 60/100 ($21.60) Dollars Twenty-Three & 10/100 ($23.10) Dollars Thirty & 80/100 ($30.80) Dollars Thirty-Fight & 50/100 ($38.50) Dollars Thirty-Nine & 60/100 ($39.60) Dollars Forty-Six & 20/100 ($46.20) Dollars Fifty-Two & 80/100 ($52 80) Dollars Fifty-Nine & 40/100 ($59.40) Dollars -4- , , (3) Two & 50/100 ($2.50) Dollars per compacted cubic yard, plus disposal fees. (4) Five & 00/100 ($5.00) Dollars per compacted cubic yard if compactor belongs to Contractor, plus disposal fees. (5) For containers for special cleanups, rent of container at Two & 75/100 ($2.75) per day if kept over two days, plus a Ten & 00/100 ($10.00) Dollar delivery charge. In,addition to these charges, there shall be a service charge. The service charge for roll-off containers shall be as set forth in (C) above. For the following 41, described containers, the service charge shall be as set forth below: CONTAINER SERVICE CHARGE Four (4) cubic yards Eleven &20/100 ($11.20) Dollars Six (6) cubic yards Thirteen & 80/100 ($13.80) Dollars Eight (8) cubic yards Sixteen & 55/100 ($16.55) Dollaiis (6) Four and 50/100 ($4.50) Dollars per ,trio for a return trip when customer failed to place cans at collection point for regular collection. (7) 25/100 ($.25) Dollar per can for collection of solid waste over twenty-five (25) feet, but less than fifty (50) feet from the collection point; 35/100 ($.35) Dollars per can for collection of solid waste over fifty (50) feet, but less than seventy-five (75) feet from the collection point, and 50/100 ($,50) Dollar per can for , collection of solid waste over seventy-five (75) feet from the collection point. (8) For special pickups on the regular, collection route after notification by the customer to the Contractor, a fee of no more than Four & 00/100 ($4.00) Dollars for each item collected shall be charged; for special pickups not on a regular collection route a return trip fee for Four and 50/100 ($4.50) Dollars may be charged in addition hereto. (9) On all services other than those outlined in paragraph lA (Can Rates) above, a billing charge of 25/100 ($.25) Dollar may be added to each bill. E. MINIMUM CHARGES In the event the Contractor determines that certain minimum container service levels are required, the minimum level shall be two (2) pickups per week for one (1), one and one-half (1 1/2), and two (2) cubic yard containers and Thirty-Six & 00/100 ($36.00) Dollars minimum charge for a three (3) cubic yard container. 2 EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreement shall become effective on July 1, 1980. IN WITNESS WHERFOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. Not ublic in and for the of Washington, residing at -5- BASIN DISPOSAL, INC., d/b/a PASCO GARBAGE SERVICE By / Leonard Dietrich, Vice President APPROVED AS TO FORM-, 1 0 By- () l' 1A-v-,3 Dennis J De Felice, City Attorney STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS 'County of Franklin ) CITY OF PASCO E Snider, Mayor Pro Ter ATTP,ST By: Evelyn Wells, City Clerk On this day personally appeared before me Leonard Dietrich, Vice President of Basin Disoosal, Inc , and to me known to he an authorized representative for the above-named Contractor and who executed the within and foregoina instrument, and acknowledaed the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purnoses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorizdd to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporatJon. fitness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the -day 1980. - , - . q. - _ STATE OF wASTIINGTON) ss. County of Franklin ) On this day ,nersonally appeared before me E A Snider and Evelyn Wells, MayorVafid City Clerk of the City of Pasco, respectively, and to me known to be the authorized representative for the above- named City and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation ntness my hand and official seal hereto affixed this „,f day of , 1980. - IV _ e2C0-0-- Notary jiYard forfthe qta_a of Washington, residing at