HomeMy WebLinkAbout1351 Resolution• RESOLUTION NO. '135i 4 A RESOLUTION providing for 'the ,improvement of certain property within the City Of Pasco and of the intention tp create a,LocalImprovement. District; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINgTON, as follows: the necessary excavation, grading, ballasting, asphalt concrete pavement,, curb and gutters, illumination, drainage facilities; and all other work as-may be necessary in connection therewith, • and incidental thereto; all in accOrdance with theplans and specifications prepared byR.R. Juthp,Consulting Engineers, Inc: . _ - and,anproved,by the,Citv Engineerfor the folloung deScribe'd , ? 0., 4 treets: - , -, , '(a) ROAD 28 froin'SylvesterStreet to Brown e , ' (b) ROAD 26 from'Sylvester Street to Court Street (c) ,ROAD 24 froM,SvlveSter Street to Court' Street (d) I-'ROAD 22 from aylvester Street to Court ,gtreet, „ -..- (e) BROWN=:rom Road -28kto-Road 26 — r r a I ' , I , (4) MARIE STREET from Road 28 to Road 24 'J (-g) OCTAVE STREET from Road't28 .to Road ,24 , (h) HENRY STREET''frOMqqoad ,28 to Road 21). (1) PARK STREET from Road ,26 -to Road 22 - Section 2: - I . -In.addition, 4 s -theintention -.of thp City Council of the , , City of Pasco, Washington,, to order domestic water improvements - — V " , in adcordahce w-ith"standards_adopted by the City, incl u ding _. - , - t ' . installation of the necessarY,watermairis, fire hydrants, valves I a 'e P r , , and _other app -Lirtenances -for the purpose of supplying water for' . domestic use and fire protection; afl in accordance with the' m 4 4 Section 1; That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, to ode r the improvement of the following , streets in accordance with standards adopted by the City, inclu4- 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10_ ,11 12 13 - 14 15 _16 17 - 18 r n 19— 20 21 22 23 24 25 ,27 28 29 30 31 -32 L , , Page,2 , l't ' plans and spbcifications , prepared byqZ.R: Jump Consulting , , „> , , , 4 1., Engineers, Inc.,.and approved -by the City' Engineer withinthe , ., - (a) =' ROAD 28 from:Margaret 'Street - to Brown • - , -.a:0 ROAD 26 frOM:Sylvester'Street to Park'etreef (c)t ROAD 26 frOm Brown to approxiMafely 200 feet'n'orth . , -, F -(d) ROX'D ,22 frcrm Sylvester Street ,tO approxmateiy'1600 ,- a , , – , t , , , SF , ., , - ,th ereof. 4 ° , , r al" _ , . . , following described area:, ' (a) ROAD ,26 tfroth Sylveter Street' td ,.Henry Street „ ',.',,- , r•-• ., _ (b) ROAD 24 from ,Park,Street to Henry Street , ' , (c) ROAD 22,from:Sylvester Street to Henry Street (West),.. „ -..-- ,, ,, - „, I _ ',4 , - ,- (d) ROAD 22 from Henry Street (East),to ,approxomately 1,000 • , „ --- „ . , , -,, . , . - , feet nortl -C-thereof, thence approx)_Mately 200 feet eat. -, _ , , ,„ - , , , (e) ' MARIE STEET.f 5-' rom -Road 26tO approximately, 300 feet ▪ q _ east thereof a :- , i .,(f) HENRY STREET from Road 28 to approximate4r 300 e feet ,- 1111P111,6:,110, ) ig/ 44 0 S. •IND ' 2 3 - 4 5 'q 7 8 9 10 11 , 12 13 14 15 16 17 .18' '19 20 ,21 22 23, 21 25 26 27 28 29 , 31 32 " 'east of Road 26. , ' 2 r ,(g) ,4 PARK STREET from Road-26 to'aRnroximately 200 feet ea'st , , thereo f- (h) PARK STREET from Road 24 to Road 22 _ A _ , -'-- ,Section 3=" , ,, . - , — , , In additiOn, it'is the intention of the City Council of'the - City of Vasco, Washington, to order sanitary sewer impioveMents , „ ' • ,,, , .4_,n accordance with standards adoptecf,by the City, inclpding ,- , 4 , A It ,L 1 , installation of the necessary sanitary -sewer laterals, manholes, „iide sewer%serviCe.lines and other apPurtenances; all in accor- ,. _ dance with'the plansand specificationS'prepared by1R. ,R: Jump, - , - , 4. .7 , . . ' — ,— . „ , -COnsultihgnEngineers, 'Inc.' and approved by the,CitY Engineer , , - . , ' 'thin the r rfoll6Wing-described-area -so , , , feet nOrth„thereOf. r ' „ (e)' BROWW,from Road 28 to Road 26. , , , , , , , , (f) 'MARIE STREET froM'Road '28 toaPproximafely 600 feet - . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 l i i 12 13 14 15 16 17 18' 19 20 21 22 23 24' !,2:5 , 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 115 C Page 3, 4, 7 east thereof., '77 7 (g), zOCTAVE STREET from Road 28 to. approximately, 900 feet east thereof. ,(h) HENRY STREET from Road 28 tO'Road 24. .(i) PARK STREET' from Road 26 to approximateli 200 feet east thereof. , (j) 'PARK-STREET -from Road 24 to Road 22 (k) SYLVETER STREET from Road 24 to Road 22 --- Section 4 All persons who may desire to object to said proposed im- provements are hereby notified to appear and present such objec- tions, if any, at a meeting of the city Council to be held at _ the City' Hall in the City. of Pasco, Washington, at '800 'o'clock p.m. on Monday, June '9, 1980; Which time and place are ,hereby fixed for the hearing of all; matters pertaining to the proposed improvements and-all objections thereto, and for determining-the method of payment of the imiSrOvement. Section 5 The C]7 -ty's consulting engineer, R.R. JUMP, CONSULTING ENGIN- EERS, INC -.."is hereby directed to submit to the City Council at or prior to the date fixed for such hearing,,the estimated costs an expense of such -improveMents, a statement of the proport'ion- v- ate amount thereof which should be borne ,by the property within , the proposed' assessment district, a statement of the aggregate n assessed and actual valuations of all the real estate, exclusive of improveMents, within said district according to the valuation also placed upon:it for the purpode ,of general taxation, together ,with a diagram or print showing thereon the lots, tracts, and parcels of-land and other property which will be specially benefitted thereby a--,nd the estimated amount of the costs and 5 expense of such improvement td be, borne by each 'lot, tract or parcel of land or other property. Vage-4' 4 ff. 4 -Se,ction 6„: V f 4. , 3 „ z§- r 4 41 The,City:Cirerk-Treasurer is hereby di're'dted to give notice of the hearin4-by publication of this Resolution in the manner „ vow' r 'required by law and by mailing a riotibe of the hearing as re- , -:4- guired-by law to each owner or reputed owner,of any lot; tract, , , , A 4 , , A , or parceL of land or - dther property, specially benefitted by r 0 the improvement, the total estimated ,'6.ost therpof,- and the , u , estimated benefit to the ,particular lot, tract, or parcel of land owner by'sucia:person. .111NPTED,AND APPROVED by the City Councilto*'the City of Pasco, Wahingl'on this /1 day of /,Z7/4t. 1980. *- 0 NAYOR r 4 r 44 I, I — , .91 s - 5 6 ' 7 8 9 .. 10 11 12 13' 14 15 - 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 , 29 30; 31 32