HomeMy WebLinkAbout1341 ResolutionNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RESOLUTION NO 1341 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, declaring its intention to order the improvement of the west half of the south- east quarter of Section 30 T9N R30 E W M lying south of Sylvester Street, north of Lewis Street, west of 10th Avenue, and east of 14th Avenue, within the City of Pasco, Washington, to city standards by grading, constructing and installing storm drains, water mains, water stubs, curbs, gutters, necessary sidewalk, base rock, leveling course, asphalt concrete surfacing, and all incidental work and to create a Local Improvement District to assess that portion of the cost and expense associated with residential street improvement standards against the property benefited thereby, and notifying all persons who may desire to object to said improvements to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held April 21, 1980 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, to order street construction of storm drains, water mains, water stubs, curbs, gutters, necessary sidewalk, base rock, leveling course, asphalt concrete surfacing, and all incidental work on the following streets in the City of Pasco, Washington, to-wit Irving Street from 14th Avenue to 10th Avenue, Yakima Street from 14th Avenue to 10th Avenue, Shoshone Street from 14th Avenue to 10th Avenue, Hopkins Street from 14th Avenue to 11th Avenue, Bonneville Street from 13th Avenue to 10th Avenue, 13th Avenue from Lewis Street to Clark Street, 12th Avenue from Lewis Street to Sylvester Street 11th Avenue from Clark Street to Shoshone Street, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the total cost of such improvement to residential street standards shall be borne by and assessed against the properties specially benefited by such improvement to be included in the Local Improvement District to be established embracing as near as may be all of the property specially benefited by such improvements APPROVED AS TO FORM. ennis e ic , ity Attorney BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, to create a Local Improvement District to include for the purpose of assessing properties within the boundaries described as follows That portion of the west half of the southeast quarter Section 30 T9N R3OE E W M Beginning with the center of Section 30 T9N R30 E W M , which is the intersection of 14th Avenue and Sylvester Street and is the true point of beginning, thence southerly along said center- line of 14th Avenue to the intersection of Bonneville Street, thence easterly along said centerline to the intersection of 13th Avenue, thence southerly along said centerline to the inter- section of Clark Street, thence westerly along said centerline of Clark Street a distance of 160 feet more or less, thence southerly parallel to the centerline of 13th Avenue to centerline of Lewis Street, thence easterly along said centerline to the centerline of alley of Block 1, Pettit's Second Addition, thence northerly along said centerline to south line of Lot 8, Block 8 of Pettit's Second Addition, thence easterly along said south line of Lot 8 to the centerline of 10th Avenue, thence northerly along said centerline to the intersection of Sylvester Street, thence westerly along said centerline to the intersection of 14th Avenue being the true point of beginning EXCEPT the following parcels O'Keefe's Second Addition, Block 7, Lots 17 to 24, plus west half of vacated alley Block 8, Lots 12 to 32, plus east half of vacated alley Pettit's Second Addition, Block 6, Lots 18 to 22 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all persons who may desire to object to the improvements herein mentioned are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City Council, to be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Pasco, Washington at 8 00 P.M , on April 21, 1980, which time and place are hereby fixed for hearing matters relating to said proposed improvements and all objections thereto and for determining the method of payment of said improvements BE Ii FURTHER RESOLVED that James S Ajax, City Engineer, is hereby directed to submit to the City Council on or prior to April 21, 1980, all data and information required by law to be submitted PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasc this //7 , 1980 (g7" day o - - ,A $111der l ;layor Pro Tern AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION COUNTY OF Franklin )ss STATE OF WASHINGTON Phyllis Graves , being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says she is the Principal Clerk of the Tri-City Herald, a daily newspaper That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and It is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a daily news- paper in Franklin County, Washington, and is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper That the annexed is a true copy of a legal advertisement Hearing — Resolution # 1341 as it was printed in the regular and supplement thereof, for a period of on the 21st day of entire issue of the Tr-City Herald itself and not in a two consecutive weeks, commencing March , 19 80 and h ending on the 28th day of Marc , 19 80 , and that said newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of this period That the full amount of $ 166.66 has been paid in full, also at the rate of W. in.@ 5.45 = 89.93 16- in.@ 4.65 = 76.73 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of March ,19 80 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at IcaalumA4e123.4.2.4 _ Notice of Public Hearing Resolution No 1341, A ResolLittdir of the 'City Council - of the City of ,Pas co, Washington, declaring its intention to order 1. ttle improyernent of the west halt f the southeast quar ter pti Section 30 T9N R30 E W WI, lying south of, SYI vester Street, north of Lewit Street west of 10th Aven.Je, and east of 14th Avenue, within the City of Pqsco rsWoshington to city standards by grading, con structing and installing storm drains, water mains, water stubs, curbs, gutters, necessary sidewalk, base rock, leveling course, as Phait concrete surfacing, and all incidental work and to create a Local Improve ment District to assess that Portion of the cost and ex- pense associated with resi dential street improvement standards against the prop- erty benefited thereby, and notifying all persons who may desire to obiect to said improvements to ciP pear and present their ob lections at a meeting of the City Council to be held April 21, 1980 Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Pasco That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington to or der street construction of storm drains, water mains water stubs, curbs, gutters, necessary sidewalk, base rock, leveling course, as phalt concrete surfacing, and all incidental work on, the following streets in the City of Pasco, Washington, ,to-wit Irving Street from 14th Avenue to 10th Avenue, Yakima Street from 14th Avenue to 10th Avenue, Shoshone Street from 14th Avenue to 10th Avenue, Hopkins Street from 14th Avenue to 11th Avenue, Bonneville Street from 13th Avenue to 10th Avenue, 13th Avenue from Lewis Street to Clark Street, 12th Avenue from Lewis Street to Sylvester Street 11th Avenue from Clark Street to Shoshone Street Be If further resolved that the total cost of such im Provement to residential street standards shall be borne by and assessed against the properties spe- cially benefited by such im provement to be included in the Local Improvement Dis- trict to be established em bracing as near as may be all of the property specially benefited by such improvements Be It further resolved that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, to cre- ate a Local Improvement District to include for the purpose of assessing Prop- erties within the boundaries described as follows That portion of the west of the southeast ,quar- et Sectiol? 30 :19Ni R3DE Vr#11'; _ 414iigihnffig.."With - the:,:oenter of -Section 30 T9t4 'R30 E W M, which is the inter- section of 14th Avenue and Sylvester Street and Is the true point of beginning, thence southerly along said centerline of 14th Avenue to the intersection of Bonne ville Street, thence easterly along said centerline to the Intersection of 13th Avenue, thence southerly along said centerline to the intersection at S. fjPrIf Str.e.et_ tbeacs I tance of 160 feet more or , less, thence southerly paral- 1 lel to the centerline of 13th Avenue to centerline of ;Lewis Street, thence easter I ly along said centerline to the centerline of alley of Block 1, Pettit's Second Ad ditlon thence northerly along said centerline to south line of Lot 8, Block 8 of Pettit's Second Addition, thence easterly along said south line of Lot 8 to the centerline of 10th Avenue, thence northerly cijong said centerline to the intersection -of Sylvester Street, thence westerly along said center- line to the Intersection of 14th Avenue being the true Point of beginning Except the following parcels 0 Keefe s Second Addition , Block 7 Lots 17 to 24, PIUS west half of vacated alley , Block 8, Lots 12 to 32, plus east half of vacated alley Pettit s Second Addition, Block 6, Lots 18 to 22 Be If further resolved that all persons who may desire I to object to the improve , ments herein mentioned are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held in the Council Chambers of the [ City Hall, Pasco, Washing ton' at 8 00 pm on April 1 21 , 1980 which time and Place are hereby fixed for 1 hearing matters relating to said proposed improvements and all obiections thereto and for determining the method of payment of said improvements Be if further resolved that James S Alax City Engi neer, is hereby directed to submit to the City Council on or prior to April 21 1980 all data and informa tion required by law to be submitted Passed by the City Coun cil of the City of Pasco this 17th day of March 1980 s Chet Bailie Mayor Attest S Evelyn Wells City Clerk Approved as to form s Dennis J De Felice City Attorney Legal No 7527 Mar 21 28, 1980 —dr I I 01 91 17 1 C. 41 111 111 1 LI 111111 0MB 1111 91 111111111101 II 1 1 , ." • ; 1 1- 4 10 tP (lel& TAVAiset... 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