HomeMy WebLinkAbout1339 ResolutionAT Eve yn Wells, City Cler APPROVED AS TO FORM 3 ftA4A-c ( 4 Dennis J De Felice, City Attorney 400230 RESOLUTION NO, 1339 WHEREAS, the proposed Hopkins & Road 24 Storm Drain required construction improvements include the installation of a piped storm drain system, and WHEREAS, a storm drain at the proposed location for the general purposes of the City is desirable, and land, and WHEREAS, that storm drain pipe must necessarily be placed through this WHEREAS, the owner of the property has agreed to give a utility easement, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO That the City Council accept the proposed easement No 394514 from Jim Castrey, which provides for the construction, operation and maintenance of utilities lying within this easement PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this /7 day of , 1 980 L,A,. Snider, riayor Pro Tern RFC)RDL.., IN (1./D JF or_ni,it,L RECORDS 00 Pftn CE.......-'1REOUEST .5 OF cz.z 0,c) 111'1180 GDR° HY VIE. AUDITOR fRANK C UNTY,WASH DEPUTY 400230 MARI State of P ci Pas..., (4/4 - 400230 s 2,4 s J 11.• 22.42 A 391) 1,1 400230- ASEMENT or valuable consideration, including benefit to the grantor's appurtenant land and the benefit of the public interest, the grantor, Jim Castrey does hereby grant, convey, and give to the grantee, City of Pasco, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, its successors and as5igns, the right, privilege, and authority to construct, improve, repair, and maintain an exclusive public utility easement across, over, and upon the following land, located in Franklin County, State of Washington, to-wit The west ten feet of that portion of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 25, Township 9 North, Range ast W M lying southerly of Lewis Street firr This easement is exclusive in that no other entity may be granted the use of the above described land for any public utility without the grantee's e\pressed written consent. The grantors shall make no use of the land occupied by said public utility easement that is inconsistent with or conflicts with the grantee's use of the land for public utilities In exercising the rights herein granted, the grantee, its successors and assigns, may pass and repass over said land to cut and remove brush, trees, and other obstructions which in the opinion of the grantee interfere with the use of the land as a public utility easement and to otherwise use and occupy the land consistent with its construction, maintenance, and Uses as a public utility easement The covenants herein contained shall run with the land and are binding upon all subsequent owners hereof IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said grantoi has executed this instrument this ;,-4') day of /40C, , 19 7 cii. SlATE OF WASHINGTON) SS County of Iranklin ) Grantor On tins /5-- day of 4 1 l9 /7 , before me the underslyned, -5 N-otaly Publ tc —n r and —f -OF -Lhe State of Washington, duly _ _ commissioned 4 sworn peilsonally appeared ..4,e,:vni , ._J,, - 7____ to me known o be t he individual descrtbcd in and who e\-e uted 'ttle , - , wIthin and for going instrument, and acknowledged that _ ...,c,sigfiel d ', the same as free and voluntary act and deed, fOr',ttyistr-pAs clilop - :z- _ purposes therein therein mentioned ,' - A '1 6 VI Given under my hand and official seal the day and yeat -:y.,st'f rnox:e "•:7.<-„ -7;frt.f,t0. vaitten TV-5t -5ry 15-61)171C 61 at for Washington, residing at REC'ADEbiN vULik& OFFICIAL REOORDS _PEI! Si OF Of4 13 v4 ii iH ii 1 1 ).Y, 4 ^SH OLPUTY b. 1 %v. No i% Rez' Fstate Eq.,c ,.1 Tax Due This Instrument Exempt Under R C.W.28.45 Treasurer, Frankitn Co. .... , ... ..... ...a. ..04... .(.....41.Earano.s”....fita.w....,...ris.1 I. it ....../ 'WA 6 6 e .4.... —,..;..1......../ ..... of atl, r -...-I22 r t, .- ' . ' ". ' ' ' ' ' ' *-- '4-...--cC.,--- ..„. , .. , , , ,..., ,-, , „- ' ,..et, ---,:-...;:_.;`-t:f-e.-:: e ' 4