HomeMy WebLinkAbout1325 ResolutionChet Bailie, Mayor AT / EV I, s, City Cler RESOLUTION NO. 1325 WHEREAS, the City of Pasco and Tr-Cities Visitor & Convention Bureau, Inc., are desirous to enter into an agreement for the purpose of the Bureau performing services for the City by advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information in order to attract visitors and encourage tourist expansion to and within the City, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: That the City Council of the City of Pasco does hereby approve of the agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A", and incorporated herein as though fully set forth at length; and also hereby authorizes the mayor and city clerk to execute the agreement. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 3 rd day of March , 1980. ATT,s7 : ( ka, Den is J. De lie, City Attorney CITY MI NAGER (509) n 5-3404 Scan 726-3404 P 0 BOX 293 412 WEST CLARK PASCO, WASHINGTON 99301 March 4, 1980 Ms. Bobbi Bennett Director of Sales/Manager Tri-Cities Visitor & Convention Bureau Box 2241 Tr-Cities, Washington 99302. Dear Bobbi The City Council last night, by authorization of Resolution No. 1325, a copy of which is enclosed, approved an agreement between the City of Pasco and the Tri-Cities Visitor & Convention Bureau. I am enclosing the original copy of the agreement, which please have signed and returned to my office. It is always nice to do business with your Association, and we wish you the best. Sincerely, LFK pt ---- Leland F. Kraft encl. City Manager , AGRLLMENT THIS AGREEMENT between the City of Pasco, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "City", and Tr-Cities Visitor & Convention Burea, Inc., a non-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Buteau", WITNESSES It is mutually agreed as follows The Bureau agrees to perform services for the City advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting visitors and encouraging tourist expansion to and within the City. In providing such services, the Bureau shall N (1) Conduct solicitation of state, regional and other conventions, including maintaining convention files on organizations and groups holding convention meetings in the State of Washington and the Northwest, determining meeting dates and contacting local representatives to invite such organizations and groups to hold their meetings in Pasco and the Tr- Cities, providing such local representatives with convention invitational packets, assisting in making convention invitation presentations to such organizations and groups, such as preparation of a slide presentation on the Tr-Cities and Pasco, and/or furnishing brochures, lapel stickers, banners and posters, inviting persons responsible for convention site selection to visit the Tr-Cities and providing such persons with a familiarization tour of visitor attractions and convention hotel facilities. (2) Call on convention planners and executives of organizations and groups and participate in the Washington Society of Association Executives and like organizations, attending their conventions and participating in their activities to encourage them to hold meetings in the Tr-Cities and Pasco, and provide such organizations with a familiarization tour of convention hotel facilities for the purpose of assisting in the selection of a hotel or hotels in which to hold the convention and associated meetings. (3) Provide convention chairmen and/or association executives with a convention planner's handbook to assist them in planning their convention, such handbook to contain information regarding available entertainment, tours, speakers, etc., if requested, arrange for the Mayor of Pasco to welcome the convention, if in Pasco, provide brochures and folders, such as the Visitor Guide, for pre-mailings and as an item for convention registration desks or packets received by delegates on arrival. (4) Prepare on a semi-annual basis, and keep current witrra -monthly newsletter, a convention digest announcing the names of organizations which will be holding conventions in the Tr-Cities and Pasco. (5) Honor Tri-Citians who are instrumental in bringing conventions to the Tr-- Cities and Pasco at an Annual Convention Appreciation Luncheon and Industry Report and prepare and deliver an Annual Convention Industry Report showing the number of conventions, delegates, etc., each year. 2 (6) Participate in the meetings of and exchange of information with the Washington Convention Bureau Managers Association, prepare reports following each convention held in the Tr-Cities and exchange such reports for reports from other conventions held throughout the State. (7) Prepare and make appropriate distribution of convention invitational packets, including information on the Tn-Cities and Pasco and convention facilities available therein. (8) Determine priorities for expending funds in appropriate markets for advertising and promotion activities to attract visitors to the Tr-Cities, such as publication of brochures, participating in travel shows in other market areas, and invite travel writers and travel agents to the Tn-Cities and Pasco for familiarization tours. (9) Participate with the State of Washington Travel Development Division, the Pacific Northwest Travel Association, and other like agencies and organizations in activities to bring visitors to the State, the Tn.-Cities and Pasco. (10) Operate a Visitor Information Center in the Tn.-Cities providing literature and information to visitors to the Tr-Cities and Pasco, and encouraging visitors to spend extra time in the area. (11) Keep the City informed of all activities of the Bureau by providing to the City, through the City Manager, copies of newsletters and convention digests, and by providing an annual report of such activities to the City Council. For services herein contemplated, the City agrees to pay to the Bureau for the year 1980 the sum of Eight Thousand Five rlundred Dollars ($8,500). Payment shall be made in one (1) lump sum payment on the basis of a billing from the Bureau in the named amount. This Agreement shall be for a one-year term beginning January 1, 1980 and expiring December 31, 1980. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed this day of A k 4 , 1980. TRI-CITIES VISITORS & CONVENTION BUREAU CITY OF PASCO- _ BY BY Mayor ATTT — Approved as to form ,{ ( e-c_c Evelyn Wells, City Clerk Dennis J. De Felice, City Attorney