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Ordinance No. 3249
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Pasco, Washington, approving and
confirming the assessments and assessment roll of Local
Improvement District No 125 for the improvement of Frontage
Road from Hopkins Street to Lewis Street, as provided by
Ordinance No 3155, and levying and assessing the cost and
expense thereof against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land
and other property as shown on the assessment roll
WHEREAS, the assessment roll levying the special assessments
against the property located in Local Improvement District No 125 in the
City of Pasco, Washington (the "City"), has been filed with the City Clerk as
provided by law, and
WHEREAS, notice of the time and place of hearing thereon and making
objections and protests to the roll was published at and for the time and in
the manner provided by law fixing the time and place of hearing thereon for
the 2nd day of September, 1997, at the hour of 7 30 p m, local time, in the
Council Chambers in the City Hall, Pasco, Washington, and further notice
thereof was mailed by the City Clerk to each property owner shown on the
roll, and
WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed and designated in the notice the
hearing was held, all written protests received were considered and all
persons appearing at the hearing who wished to be heard were heard, and
the City Council, sitting and acting as a Board of Equalization for the purpose
of considering the roll and the special benefits to be received by each lot,
parcel and tract of land shown upon such roll, including the increase and
enhancement of the fair market value of each such parcel of land by reason
of the improvement, overruled all such protests, NOW, THEREFORE,
ORDAIN as follows
Section 1 The assessments and assessment roll of Local
Improvement District No 125, which has been created and established for
the purpose of improving Frontage Road from Hopkins Street to Lewis Street,
as provided by Ordinance No 3155, as the same now stand shall be and the
same are approved and confirmed in all things and respects in the total
amount of $199,714 85
Section 2 Each of the lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property
shown upon the assessment roll is determined and declared to be specially
benefited by this improvement in at least the amount charged against the
same, and the assessment appearing against the same is in proportion to
Charles D Kilbu Mayor
the several assessments appearing upon the roll There is levied and
assessed against each lot, tract or parcel of land and other property
appearing upon the roll the amount finally charged against the same thereon
Section 3 The assessment roll as approved and confirmed shall be
filed with the City Clerk for collection and the City Clerk is authorized and
directed to publish notice as required by law stating that the roll is in his
hands for collection and that payment of any assessment thereon or any
portion of such assessment can be made at any time within 30 days from the
date of first publication of such notice without penalty, interest or cost, and
that thereafter the sum remaining unpaid, plus a $50 00 account set up fee,
may be paid in 15 equal annual installments of principal plus interest on the
unpaid balance of principal The estimated interest rate is stated to be
6 25% per annum, with the exact interest rate to be fixed in the ordinance
authorizing the issuance and sale of the local improvement bonds for Local
Improvement District No 125 The first installment of assessments on the
assessment roll shall become due and payable during the 30-day period
succeeding the date one year after the date of first publication by the City
Clerk of notice that the assessment roll is in his hands for collection and
annually thereafter each succeeding installment shall become due and
payable in like manner If the whole or any portion of the assessment
remains unpaid after the first 30-day period, interest upon the whole unpaid
sum shall be charged at the rate as determined above, and each year
thereafter one of the installments, together with interest due on the unpaid
balance, shall be collected Any installment not paid prior to expiration of
the 30-day period during which such installment is due and payable shall
thereupon become delinquent Each delinquent installment shall be subject,
at the time of delinquency, to a charge of 6 0% penalty levied on both
principal and interest due upon that installment, and all delinquent
installments also shall be charged interest at the rate as determined above
The collection of such delinquent installments shall be enforced in the
manner provided by law
Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and
after its passage and five days following its publication as required by law
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, at a
regular open public meeting thereof, this 2nd day of September, 1997, and
signed in authentication of its passage this 2nd day of September, 1997
Catherine D Seaman, Deputy City Clerk
Leland B Kerr, City Attorney
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Notary public in and for the State of Wash-
ington, residing at Kennewick .1 r-INLI, WA
Ordinance No 3249
cN ORDINANCE of the City
Pasco Washingtor
approving and confirming
the assessments and
assessment roll of Local
Improvement District No
125 for the Improvement of
Frontage Road from
Hopkins Street to Lewis
Street as provided by
Ordinance No 3155 and
levying and assessing the
cost and expense thereof
against the several lots
tracts parcels of land and
other property as shown on
the aqqessment roll
WHEREAS the assess
ment roll levying the special
assessments against the
property located in Local
Improvement District No
125 in the City of Pasco
Washington (the City) has
been filed with the City
Clerk as provided by law
WHEREAS notice of the
time and place of heanng
thereon and making objec-
tions and protests to the roll
was published at and for the
time and in the manner pro-
vided by law fixing the time
and place of heanng there-
on for the 2nd day of
September 1997 at the
hour of 730 p m local time
in the Council Chambers in
the City Hall Pasco
Washington and further
notice thereof was mailed
by the City Clerk to each
property owner shown on
the roll and
WHEREAS at the time and
place fixed and designated
in the notice the heanng
was held all written protests
received were .considered
and all persons appeanng
at the hearing who wished
to be heard were heard and
the City Council sitting and
acting as a Board of
Equalization for the purpose
of considenng the roll and
the special benefits to be
received by each lot parcel
and tract of land shown
upon such roll including the
Increase and enhancement
of the fair market value of
each such parcel of land by
reason of the improvement
overruled all such protests
Section 1 The assess-
I ments and assessment roll h
1 of Local Improvement A
District No 125 which has D
been created and estab- G
fished for the purpose of W
limproving Frontage Road Li
from Hopkins Street to S1
Lewis Street as provided by TE
Drdinance No 3155 as the Ai;
>arne now stand shall be
and the same are approved
and confirmed in all things
and respects in the total
amount of $199 714 85
Section 2 Each of the lots
tracts parcels of land and
other property shown upon
the assessment roll is deter-
mined and declared to be
specially benefited by this
Improvement in at least the
amount charged against the
same and the assessment
appeanng against the same
is in proportion to the sever-
al assessments appeanng
upon the roll There is levied
and assessed against each
lot tract or parcel of land
and other property appear- r
trig upon the roll the amount
finally charged against the
same thereon
Section 3 The assessment
roll as approved and con- h
firmed shall be filed with the
City Clerk for collection and
the City Clerk is authonzed
and directed to publish t
notice as required by law '
stating that the roll is in his
hands for collection and that F,
payment of any assessment
thereon or any portion of
such assessment can be
made at any time within 30
days from the date of first
publication of such notice
without penalty interest or
cost and that thereafter the
sum remaining unpaid plus
a $5000 account set up (
fee may be paid in 15 equal
annual installments of prin-
cipal plus interest on the
Road balance balance of pnnapal If
is stateLmated interest rate A
annum wit) be 6 25% per
est rate to bie exact inter-
ordinance at. fixed in the Vt
Issuance and horiztng the
local improv -ale of the
for Local In M. bonds TI
District No 1 rovernent
Installment of The first
on the assessr assments
become due it roll shall
doting the 3, 1 payable
d d'aa Yte or7
date one
year after thP-
ey the Ci Clerk A
that the assess- 11 of notion City
m; it roll is in his hands for 1/
L.ollection and annually TI
thereafter each succeeding RI
installment shall become (5 due and payable in like V
manner If the whole or any W
portion of the assessment C n
remains unpaid after the HI
first 30-day period interest Of
upon the whole unpaid sum 01
,hall be charged at the rate DI ,
as determined above and
Bach year thereafter one of
the installments together RI
with interest due on the Ci
unpaid balance shall be a
zollected Any installment A ,
not paid prior to expiration of 17
the 30-day period during F
which such installment is F
due and payable shall
thereupon become delin-
quent Each delinquent
installment shall be subject
at the time of delinquency f
to a charge of 60% penalty F
levied on both principal and E
interest due upon that h
installment and all delin-
quent installments also shall ti
be charged interest at the 1 1
rate as determined above A
The collection of such delin II
quent installmlants shall be T
enforced in the manner pro- At
vided by law
Section 4 This ordinance F
shall take effect and be in P
force from and after its pas-
sage and five days following I
its publication as required
'PASSED by the City
Council of the City of Pasco
Washington at a regular
open public meeting there-
of this 2nd day of
September - 1997 and
signed in authentication of
its passage this 2nd day of
September 1997 CITY OF
-s- Charles D Kilbury
-s- Cathenne D Seaman
Deputy City Clerk
-s- Leland B Kerr
Ci Attome