HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-19-16 Pasco PFD Agenda PacketPasco Public Facilities District Building Regional Facilities through Community Partnerships July 19, 2016 4:00 p.m. Pasco City Hall — Council Chambers AGENDA I. Call to order and roll call II. Recognition of Visitors/Public Comments III. Approval of Minutes: * April 19 Meeting IV. Claims Approval: * 2nd Quarter 2016: $123,111.76 V. Financial Report: * 2nd Quarter: • Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance • Balance Sheet VI. Reports from Committees: ■ Kennewick Convention Center Advisory Board VII. Old Business: ■ Review of alternate configuration/costs for possible aquatic facility/community center; Chuck Musgrove, Barker, Rinker, Seacat, Architects VIII. New Business: ■ Board Meeting Schedule: MOTION: I move to set the Pasco Public Facilities District Board meetings be conducted on the third Tuesday of the first month of each quarter. IX. Other Business: X. Adjournment (* indicates documents mailed with agenda) PUBLIC FACILITIES DISTRICT BOARD April 19, 2016 MINUTES Call To Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m., by PFD President Morrissette, in Conference Room #1 at Pasco City Hall. Roll Call: Board Members Present: Craig Maloney, Spence Jilek, Mark Morrissette, Leonard Dietrich (via teleconference) and Caroline Bowdish (arrival 4:05pm). Also Present: Dave Zabell, PFD Chief Administrative Officer, Stan Strebel, Deputy City Manager, Lee Kerr, Attorney and Rick Terway, Director Administrative and Community Services. Visitors: Ken Ballard, Ballard*King & Associates, Doug Whittaker, Water Technology, hie., and Chuck Musgrave, Barker Rinker Seacat, Architects; and Jay Hendler, private citizen. President Morrissette suggested that the agenda be modified to handle new business, the discussion with the consultants on the possible aquatic facility feasibility and cost study, prior to the other business items. As this was agreeable to the Board, the agenda was so modified. New Business: Mr. Strebel introduced the consultants for the study on the possible aquatic facility and opened discussion between the representatives and the Board members. Mr. Ballard asked the Board: What is essential to move the project forward? What is your vision of an aquatic center and dry site amenities? President Morrissette responded: Facility operates at a positive cash flow plus provides funding to update facility as needed. Mr. Maloney responded: Due to financial responsibilities, lose the competition pool. Ms. Bowdish asked: Is it possible to partner with a school district? Mr. Ballard responded: Yes, however it would likely not make for a strong financial partnership. Dr. Jilek responded: Similar thoughts as above; create mostly outdoor activities and senior activities. Mr. Dietrich responded: Summer pool activities and possible senior activities; "no" on the competition pool. Mr. Strebel stated the consultants were meeting with the Park and Recreation Board this evening as well as representatives of the Regional Public Facilities District Board, and after all information had been gathered and compiled a special meeting with the PFD would be arranged in order to review the information. Following further review, if the PFD Board was wanting to move forward, public meeting(s) would be held. PUBLIC FACILITIES DISTRICT BOARD Minutes —April 19, 2016 Page - 1 Approval of Minutes: It was motioned by Dr. Jilek, seconded by Mr. Dietrich, and carried to approve the minutes of the February 23, 2016 Special Meeting. Claims Approval: President Monissette presented first quarter Claims History. Following discussion, it was motioned by Mr. Maloney seconded by Ms. Bowdish and carried to approve payment of fust quarter claims in the total amount of $109,198.44. Financial Report: President Morrissette presented the first quarter Operating Statement reflecting Total Sources of Funds $109,801.00 and Total Uses of Funds $109,198.00. The first quarter Net Assets Statement was also presented reflecting an actual Net Asset balance of $54,628.00. Following discussion, the Financial Report was accepted as presented. Reports from Committees: Mr. Maloney reported the Advisory Board Meeting had been cancelled, therefore no update available. Mr. Maloney further stated with the approval of the PFD he would contact the Advisory Board Chairman and request an update regarding the meeting schedule. Old Business: None Other Business Board Meeting Schedule Mr. Strebel shared the difficulties encountered by Toni Zunker, Executive Assistant in attempting to secure a new regular meeting date; he believed that the recommended meeting day was the third Thursday of the fust month of the quarter, but wanted to confirm with Toni Zunker if that appeared to be the best day for the board. General consensus of the Board — follow Toni's recommendation on securing a meeting date. Adjournment: There being no other business, President Morrissette adjourned the meeting at 5:26 p.m. Mark Monissette, President Debra L. Clark, PFD Secretary PUBLIC FACILITIES DISTRICT BOARD Minutes —April 19, 2016 Page - 2 JE(CHECK__ Date Status CITY OF PASCO - PRODUCTION Payment Register From Payment Data: 01/1/2016 - To Payment Date: 0 313112 01 6 Reconciled Date Somme Psyee Name Transection Amount Re enw OIL Account Number 931.13.590.54A530 Legal Combined Services 831.13.590.31.1311 PFD Sales 209840 5/6/2016 Accounts Payable 2016-00006833 4/29/2016 RA We State Treasurer 34,129.09 2016-00008615 5/31/2016 RA We State Treasurer 42,091.86 2016-000010520 6/30/2016 RA We State Treasurer 39.717.07 Amortize 2016 Prepaid Insurance 209634 4/29/2016 115,938.02 931.13.590.34.4527 PFO Pasco Support 34,129.09 210176 5/31/2016 2016-00000041 4/1/2016 JE City of Pasco 1,667.00 2016-00000041 51112016 JE City of Pasco 1,667.00 2016-00000041 6/1/2016 JE City0f Pasco 1,667.00 JE 115,938.02 5,001.00 931.13-990.34AS27 PFD Pasco Support JE City of Pasco 2016-00001370 4/30/2016 JE LGIP Interest Distribution 36.62 2018-00001739 5/31/2016 JE LGIP Interest Distribution 36.62 2016-00002111 6/30/2016 JE LGIP Interest Dlstribu0on 35.72 108.86 Total Rewnw Check ReglsterTotal 721,047.88 OIL Account Number 931.13.590.54A530 Legal Combined Services 209840 5/6/2016 Accounts Payable Ken Law Group 300.00 251.42 2016-00001176 5/31/2016 JE 300.09 931.13,590.544540 Organization Services 2016-00001176 6/30/2016 JE Amortize 2016 Prepaid Insurance 209634 4/29/2016 Accounts Payable Kennewick Public Facilities District 34,129.09 210176 5/31/2016 Accounts Payable Kennewick Public Facilities Dstrict 42,091.86 210767 6/30/2016 Accounts Payable Kennewick Public Facilities District 39,717.07 1,000.00 2016-00000026 5/112016 JE 115,938.02 931.13.590.54.4541 Advertising 2016.00000027 6/1/2016 JE City of Pasco 209497 4/6,2016 Amounts Payable Tri City Herald 46.96 209955 5/11;2016 Accounts Payable Tri City Herald (9.88) 37.08 931.13.590.54.4541 Professional Services 209973 5/10;2016 Accounts Payable Ballard King & Associates LTD 3,082.40 3,082.40 Total Expense 123,111.76 Pages. of 1 Check ReglsterTotal 3,382.40 931.13.590Ji4A635Insurance Premiums 8 Claims 2016-00001176 4/30/2016 JE Amortize 2016 Prepaid Insurance 251.42 2016-00001176 5/31/2016 JE Amortize 2016 Prepaid Insurance 251.42 2016-00001176 6/30/2016 JE Amortize 2016 Prepaid Insurance 251.42 754.26 931.13.580.54.4900 OF Admin Services 2016-00000026 4/1/2016 JE City of Pasoo 1,000.00 2016-00000026 5/112016 JE City of Pasco 1,000.00 2016.00000027 6/1/2016 JE City of Pasco 1,000.00 3,000.00 Total Expense 123,111.76 Pages. of 1 PASCO PUBLIC FACILITIES DISTRICT 2016 Operating Budget Revenues: 2016 Operating Budget Beginning Fund Balance $ 54,000 Sales Tax 370,000 Transfers In - City of Pasco (Interlocal Agreement) 20,000 Interest Income 100 Total Sources of Funds $ 444,100 Expenditures Legal Services $ 1,000 Professional Services 10,000 Advertising/Publications 1,000 Insurance 2,800 Kennewick PFD 370,000 Administrative Services 12,000 Total Expenditures 396,800 Ending Fund Balance 47,300 Total Uses of Funds $ 444,100 PASCO PUBLIC FACILITIES DISTRICT STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES & CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year to date ending June 30, 2016 Annual Current YTD Variance % Received/ 2016 Period 2016 Budget/YTD Used Account Description Budget Acitivity Actual Actual Actual REVENUES Sales Tax City of Pasco Grant Interest Income Total Revenues EXPENDITURES Advertising/Publications Legal Services Kennewick PFD Professional Services Insurance Administrative Services Total Expenditures Net Change in Fund Balances $ 370,000 115,938 S 220,646 $ 149,354 59.63% 20,000 5,001 10,002 9,998 50.01% 100 108.96 201.33 (101) 201.33% 390,100 121,048 230,849 159,250.98 59.18% 1,000 37 124 876 12.36% 1,000 300 750 250 75.00% 370,000 115,938 220,646 149,354 59.63% 10,000 3,082.40 3,282 6,718 32.82% 3,000 754 1,509 1,491 50.28% 12,000 3,000 6,000 6,000 50.00010 397,000 123,112 232,310 164,689.80 58.52% (6,900) (2,064) (1,461) 5,439 178.82% Beginning Fund Balance, January 1 54,000 54,026 54,026 (26) 100.05% Ending Fund Balance $ 47,100 $ 51,962 $ 52,565 $ (5,465) 111.60% PASCO PUBLIC FACILITIES DISTRICT BALANCE SHEET as of June 30, 2016 ASSETS Cash $ 90,773 Sales Tax Receivable 70,579 Prepaid Insurance 1,509 TOTAL ASSETS 162,861 LIABILITIES Accounts Payable 110,296 TOTAL LIABILITIES 110,296 TOTAL NET ASSETS $ 52,565