HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-01-1976 MinutesMINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING fine 1, 1976 CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Jan Tidrick, Mayor. ROLL CALL: By Deputy City Clerk. Councilmen present were: S.K. Adams, J.C.,Bailie, Vernon Schuelein, E.A. Snider and Jan Tidrick.. Councilmen David Sheeley and Bill Wilkins were absent due to illness. Also.present were: George Smith, City Manager; Leo Olney, Finance Director; James Ajax, City Engineer; C.F. Whetsler, Director of Public Works and Al Tebaldi, Chief of Police. PUBLIC HEARING: MAYOR TIDRICK DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN ON PLANNED USE REPORT FOR REVENUE SHARING: It was reported that the hearing had been duly published and posted. The City Manager opened Public Hearing by stating that the City of Pasco had been receiving revenue sharing funds since 1973 and it had been allocated as follows: Public Safety 815,457 Equipment Replacement' 104,110 Recreation 207,800 Library 16,200 Administration 43,490 Economic Development (U.R.) 14,500 Health 3,405 Streets 131,544 TOTAL: $1,336,506 Mr. Smith reported that, hopefully, the Act will continue for another 3 3/4 years. Mr. Snider asked, "in order to explore every avenue we can, is it possible for all or part of these funds to help offset deficit of InterCity Bridge?" Staff replied negative. Mr. Schuelein asked if revenue sharing funds could be put with matching funds. Staff responded that you could not use revenue sharing for matching funds. Mr. Schuelein then asked if we had -an obligation to East Pasco.Neighborhood Facility;.namely, new ceiling. 'The City'Manager replied that this was a high priority item and would cost approximately fifteen to eighteen thousand dollars. Following three (3) calls for further comments from the floor, the Public Hearing was declared closed. VISITORS: There were no visitors wishing to address the Council at this time. ORDINANCES: ORDINANCE NO. 1792:. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION NOS. 13.16.020, 13.16.120, 13.52.410, 6.04.285, CREATING A NEW SECTION 13.04.080 AND REPEALING SECTION 6.04.287. . . Ordinance No. 1792 was.read by title only. Mr. Schuelein moved that Ordinance No. 1792 be adopted'. Seconded by Mr. Snider. Motion carried by roll call vote of five. (5). (Mrs. Mary Oversby stated that she didn't agree with the Council on this Ordinance). MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING ORDINANCES - Continued: ORDINANCE NO. 1793: JUNE 1, 1976 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION NOS. 10.24.040, 10.36.080 AND 10.48.020 OF PASCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO CONFORM WITH PRESENT NAMES OF STREETS; AMENDING PASCO MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 10.48.020 BY PROVIDINGANGLE PARKING ON PORTIONS OF CERTAIN_STREETS; AMENDING PASCO MUNICIPAL CODE 10.56.090 BY PROHMBITING PARKING'ON_PART OF COURT STREET, AMENDING PASCO MUNICIPAL CODE 10.56.110 PROVIDING FOR TWO HOUR PARKING.ON PORTIONS OF CERTAIN STREETS; AMENDING PASCO MUNICIPAL CODE 10.56.120 TO PROVIDE FOR TEN MINUTE PARKING ON PORTIONS OF THIRD AVENUE.AND CLARK STREET AND SETTING FINES FOR TWO HOUR AND TEN MINUTE PARKING VIOLATIONS. REPEALING PASCO MUNICIPAL CODES 10.56.100 AND 10.24.060 AND REPEALING CHAPTER 10.80 PARKING METERS Ordinance No. 1793 was read by title only.. Mr. Adams moved that Ordinance No. 1793 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Schuelein. (Discussion) Mr. Snider was opposed to taking out parking spaces when the demand seems to be for more parking in the downtown area. Mr. Adams was opposed to angle parking ofi 5th Avenue due to congestion; further, he didn't feel there were that many high volume businesses in the area of 5th between Lewis and Clark to warrant angle parking. Mr. Bailie expressed concern over angle parking on 3rd & 4th as an extremely hazardous situation, especially generated by drive in window at Seattle First National Bank. Mr. Frank Thomsen gave the following support for angle parking; 10. angle parking is for the public, lots are for customers,. 2),parking wasn't considered in the mini -park area, 3) angle parking has not increased accidents, and 4) women prefer angle parking. Mr. Ajax, City-Engineer,.contacted businesses between Lewis & Columbia and they stated it would be a hardship to lose parking spaces; between Lewis & Clark, they preferred angle parking; however, from an engineer's standpoint, he still recommended parallel parking. Main motion carried by roll call vote of four (4). Councilman Snider voted no. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: ANNEXATION - Referred to later date for action. 1 REQUEST OF BENTON-FRANKLIN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION, INC. Mrs. Kathy Utz was seated in the audience and related that her group was operating with all volunteer help and that Pasco Housing Authority would act as agent, if project could get under- way. Mr. Adams moved that the City Council provide its support to the project, that up to $5,000 from the Community Development Program be allocated to meeting any deficit in F.H.A. financing required for the off-site improvement and that -the City Manager and staff be authorized to take appropriate action to provide the needed support and bring before the City Council any matters requiring its approval with respect to the projectp provided, however, that this approval is contingent'on H.U.D.'s approval of the City's Block Grant application, and F.-H.A.'s approval of the Benton -Franklin Housing Development Association, Inc's. project request. Seconded by Mr. Schuelein. Motion carried by roll.call vote of five (5). NEW BUSINESS: ANNOUNCEMENT OF MEETINGS: Mayor Tidrick announced that there would be a public meeting between the City Council and Mr. Ed Hendler on Phase One Analysis - Pasco Municipal Golf Course Redevelopment Program at 7:30 P.M., Monday, June 7, 1976, City Council Chambers. Meeting with Franklin County Board of Commissioners to discuss topics of mutual interest, 7:30 P.M,., Thursday, June 3, 1976, City Council Chambers. RECESS 9:00 - RECONVENED 9:10 397 . MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES: JUNE 1, 1976 Minutes of May 12, 1976 (Special Meeting - 1/4 Section), and Regular Meeting of May 18, 1976, to be approved at next regular.meetirig on June 15, 1976. TRANSPOSED TO REGULAR AGENDA NEW BUSINESS: RAILROAD CROSSING AGREEMENT: The City Engineer requested permission to submit to the State,.a preliminary unsigned City Railroad Agreement Requisite, allocating Federal safety monies for providing.cr.ossing protecti.on-dit-the intersection of "A" Street -a 0h. Burlington Northern Railroad tracks..in the -vicinity -of First Street. This This protection would include overhead­flash.ing warning lights -and swinging gates. Mr. Ajax stated the approximate total cost would be $75,000 with the City's share being approximately $10,000, plus or minus. . Mayor Tidrick polled the Council individually and they unanimously agreed to authorize staff to submit agreement. RESOLUTION RESISTING NUCLEAR MORATORIUM (Init.iative No. 325):_ The following memorandum was received from City Attorney in regard to Resolution resisting Nuclear Moratorium: "In conformation of my conversation.last evening with the City Council, it is my opinion that there are no legal.barriers inhibiting the City from passing Resolutions on non-parti.san issues of public importance which have an affect on the socio -economic. -conditions in the Tri City Area. The City has passed.Resolutions in the.past expressing favor or opposition to various issues, such as pub.lic hous.ing, good roads, methods of taxation, school levies, etc. The only restriction which I am aware of comes at the point where.the City actually commences lobbying before - the legislature, or expends funds.in support of lobbying efforts. At that time, the City would be required to meet State public disclosure law." The following memorandum was received from George Smith, City.Manager:, "Attached, for your information, is a copy::of :Initiative No., 325;'Which, was filed with the Secretary of State, and an.article which appeared in the Government Executive magazine for May, 1976, entitled "Nucl.ear Power Development; Will Facts Win Out over Unfounded Fear?" This particular article, as you will note, is very favorable to the.development of nuclear power and, therefore, would be.in.opposition to the purposes of Initiative 325. Inasmuch as the -pros and.cons have not been fully developed on the Initiative, I have had some difficulty in getting "balanced" materials whidh would address the pros and cons of the initiative. . In the Tri Cities area, the Tri City Chamber of Commerce and the Richland Chamber of Commerce have both taken positions in opposition. -to Initiative 325. The Board of the Pasco Chamber has.not, as.yet, taken.a stand since they are waiting for the election on the Nuclear Moratorium issue in the State of California on June 8, 1976. As you may be aware, the State of Oregon will vote on a similar nuclear moratorium._in September; and Washington in November, assuming the initiative receives the required number of signatures. In talking to the Tri City Chamber of Commerce, I.did learn that a significant number of Chambers of Commerce throughout the State have already taken positions in opposition.to Initiative 325, including the three large Chambers -of Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane." iNayor;T�irlr,ck;; reported that Mr. Siggel was requesting the City Council to pass some type of legislation, indicating whether or not they were for:or against the proposed Initiative, so that he may take it to the Democratic Convention. Mr: Snider objectedgby stating, "this is a partisan issue and -I do not feel we should become involved as a council." REGULAR MEETING MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL NUCLEAR MORATORIUM - Continued: . JUNE -1, 1976 Mr. Bailie felt this should be a businessmen decision and was wandering whether or not our local Chamber of Commerce had endorced it. Mr. Frank Thomsen, Manager of Pasco Chamber of Commerce, stated in the last bulletin the Chamber of Commerce went on record as opposing Initiative 325. Mr. Schuelein favored nuclear energy irregardl.ess of political platform. Mr. Jim Boldt suggested that our City Attorney check Attorney General's opinion on how much time City officials could spend on certain issues, and their responsibilities. Mr. Adams stated that he was not afraid of nuclear energy - he considered it the most feasible; however., he was concerned about moratorium of 75% needed to pass legislation. Mr. Snider again opposed the City Council passing any Resolution to•,take to the Democratic Convention. He would feel the same way if it were the Republican Convention. If the people are interested enough in this legislation, then they should decide whether or.not they want Initiative 325. Mayor Tidrick concurred with opinion of Mr. Snider. Mr.. Adams moved that the City Council go on record.as opposing nuclear moratoriym. Motion died for lack of a second. Councilmen Adams and Snider then requested a legal brief from City Attorney on Initiative 325. Mr. Schuelein requested this be placed on Workshop Agenda for further discussion. SUGGESTIONS. FROM COUNCIL - GENERAL DISCUSSION: Mr. Adams asked how negotiations on Boat Basin was coming along. The City Manager replied that the lease is in the hands of the City Attorney for perusal and, hopefully, it would be on the next Workshop Agenda. CONSENT AGENDA BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: (Taken off consent agenda) The following claims were presented for approval: Legislative $ 379.16 Judicial 55.19 Executive 156.68 Legal 28.76 Personnel 2,009.94 Planning 614.58 Other Govt. Service 2,774.12 Police 13,784.90 Fire 4,679.09 Detention/Correction- 1.,419.66 Protective Inspection 166:06 Ambulance & Aid 1,506.88 Engineering 157.22 Other Physical Environment 845.83 TOTAL GENERAL FUND: CETA STREET ARTERIAL STREET NEIGHBORHOOD FACILITY LIBRARY CEMETERY URBAN RENEWAL PARKS & RECREATION CAPITAL PROJECT, INTER CITY BRIDGE CAPITAL PROJECT, CBD REDEVELOPMENT ENTERPRISE WATER/SEWER ENTERPRISE GOLF ENTERPRISE SOLID WASTE Continued Next Page $ 28,578.07 99.04 641.23 27,275:49 110.76 1,388.50 178.04 307.14 3,378.74 353,457.82 72.50 8,268.39 2,808.17 28.20 J 1 MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL ti ' 1 REGULAR MEETING BILLS - Continued: JUNE 1, 1976 399' EQUIPMENT.RENTAL $ 22,718,82 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 1,209.26 FIREMEN'S PENSION 1,468.72 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS: $451,988.89 Mr. Adams moved that warrant nos. 5461 through 5566 in the total amount of $451,988.89, less $200 for Good Roads Association,. be approved for payment this 1st day of June, 1976. Seconded by Mr. Bailie. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). The following payroll claims were presented for approval: Legislative Judicial Executive Legal Planning Police Fire Protective Inspections Ambulance & Aid Engineering Other Physical Environment TOTAL GENERAL FUND: $ 1,068.56 1,266.88 2,917.22 1,171.20 481.28 38,811.19 23,175.65 2,379.40 2,685.83 3,841.86 q'1.4R $ 77,852.55 Mr. Adams moved that payroll claims, nos. 9797 through 10140 in the total amount of $143,596.34 be approved for payment this lst day of June, 1976. Seconded by Mr. Schuelein. Motion carried'by roll call votd of five (5). PRELIMINARY PLAT, 24th & BROWN: Mr. Schuelein moved -to approve preliminary plat for 24th & Brown Addition. Seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. ATTEST•" EVE -ON -WELLS, EPUTY CITY CLERK PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY ;.TIDZIR CK, MAYOR OF 1976. CITY STREET 6,736.09 INTER CITY BRIDGE 49.48 CETA 5,621.25 NEIGHBORHOOD FACILITY 1,066.96 CEMETERY URBAN RENEWAL 3,300.55 4,628.67 PARKS & RECREATION 9,206.42 ENTERPRISE WATER/SEWER 17,379:69 ENTERPRISE GOLF 3,962.19 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,658.67 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 9,733.08 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 400.74 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS: $143,596.34 Mr. Adams moved that payroll claims, nos. 9797 through 10140 in the total amount of $143,596.34 be approved for payment this lst day of June, 1976. Seconded by Mr. Schuelein. Motion carried'by roll call votd of five (5). PRELIMINARY PLAT, 24th & BROWN: Mr. Schuelein moved -to approve preliminary plat for 24th & Brown Addition. Seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. ATTEST•" EVE -ON -WELLS, EPUTY CITY CLERK PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY ;.TIDZIR CK, MAYOR OF 1976.