HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 Adopted Budget 2016 Annual Operations Capital Improvement Budgets Adopted December 7, 2015 by Ordinance No. 4250 and Ordinance No. 4251 CITY OF PASCO,WASHINGTON 2016 ANNUAL BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS Page A GUIDE TO THE CITY OF PASCO BUDGET BUDGET MESSAGE CITY MANAGER'S BUDGET MESSAGE LIST OF CITY OFFICIALS SUMMARIES 2016 OPERATING BUDGET ORDINANCE ....................................................... 1 2016 SUMMARIZED REVENUES-ALL OPERATING FUNDS .............................. 2 2016 SUMMARIZED EXPENDITURES-ALL OPERATING FUNDS ........................ 4 COMPARATIVE REVENUE SUMMARY-GENERAL FUND ................................ 6 COMPARATIVE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY-ALL OPERATING FUNDS .............. 8 COMPARATIVE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY-GENERAL FUND......................... 9 CITY WIDE ORGANIZATION CHART............................................................ 10 GENERALFUND CITYCOUNCIL ................................................................................................... 12 MUNICIPALCOURT .......................................................................................... 14 CITYMANAGER ................................................................................................. 17 POLICE DEPARTMENT ....................................................................................... 20 FIRE DEPARTMENT ............................................................................................. 23 ADMINISTRATIVE&COMMUNITY SERVICES .............................................. 27 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT .......................................................................... 31 ENGINEERING ................................................................................................... 34 LIBRARY/NON-DEPARTMENTAL ....................................................................... 41 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS CITYSTREET ...................................................................................................... 44 ARTERIALSTREET ................................................................................................ 46 1-182 CORRIDOR TRAFFIC IMPACT .................................................... 47 STREETOVERLAY ................................................................................................ 48 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT ..................................... 50 MARTIN LUTHER KING COMMUNITY CENTER................................................ 52 AMBULANCE SERVICE ...................................................................................... 54 CITYVIEW CEMETERY ................................................................................... 56 BOULEVARD PERPETUAL MAINTENANCE .......................................... 58 ATHLETIC PROGRAMS .................................................................................. 59 GOLFCOURSE................................................................................. 60 SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER .................................................................................... 62 MULTI-MODAL FACILITY ................................................................ 64 SCHOOL IMPACT FEE ...................................................................................... 65 RIVERSHORE TRAIL&MARINA MAINTENANCE .................................. 66 SPECIAL LODGING ASSESSMENT ...................................................... 67 LITTER ABATEMENT ....................................................................... 68 REVOLVING ABATEMENT ................................................................................. 69 T.R.A.C.DEVELOPMENT&OPERATING ............................................. 70 PARK DEVELOPMENT ......................................................................................... 71 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ................................................................ 72 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT................................................................ 73 STADIUM/CONVENTION CENTER ..................................................... 74 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS LIDGUARANTEE ............................................................................. 76 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS ........................................................... 77 CONSTRUCTION FUNDS GENERAL,PARK,STREET PROJECTS................................................... 80 ENTERPRISE FUND WATER/SEWER UTILITY .................................................................................... 82 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS EQUIPMENT RENTAL OPERATING-GOVERNMENT&BUSINESS TYPE..... 86 EQUIPMENT RENTAL REPLACEMENT- GOVERNMENT&BUSINESS TYPI 89 MEDICAL-DENTAL INSURANCE/CENTRAL STORES .................................... 91 PERMANENTFUND CITY VIEW CEMETERY ENDOWMENT .................................................... 94 TRUST FUNDS OLD FIRE PENSION-PENSION FUND................................................... 96 OLD FIRE PENSION-MEDICAL FUND................................................... 97 CAPITAL PROJECTS 2016 CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET ORDINANCE ............................................... 101 2016 BUDGET PROJECTS LISTING................................................................ 107 APPENDIX COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF AD VALOREM TAXES ..................................... 113 RATIO OF GENERAL BONDED DEBT TO ASSESSED VALUE................................ 114 LEGAL DEBT LIMITATION ................................................................................ 115 SUMMARY OF DEBT(except L.I.D.'s) ........................................................................... 116 WAGESCHEDULES..................................................................................... 119 GLOSSARY ............................................................................................... 125 A GUIDE TO THE CITY OF PASCO BUDGET The intent of this guide is to explain basic concepts of how the City of Pasco government is financed, how the City accounts for its finances in order to meet its stewardship obligation over the public's money, and how the budget process works. The City of Pasco's mission is to provide for the basic safety, health and welfare of its citizens by providing a variety of social, health, environmental, public safety, and other services to the public. The wide variety of services makes it a challenge for the City to keep its citizens informed and involved in the business of government. Hopefully, this Guide will make it easier to understand how some of the City's financial activities work. WHAT IS A BUDGET? The annual budget of the City of Pasco is a formal statement of the financial policy and plan of the City for the calendar year. The Budget document presents in detail the financial plan of the City, including its various sources of revenues and the allocation of these resources to the various programs. WHAT ARE REVENUES? Monies received through taxes, licenses and permits, intergovernmental sources, charges for services, fines and forfeitures, and other miscellaneous sources are called revenues. WHAT ARE EXPENDITURES? Expenditures occur when the City buys goods and/or services and pays its employees. Expenditures can be categorized into three types: operating expenditures, capital expenditures, and debt service expenditures. Operating expenditures are the day to day spending on salaries, supplies, utility services, and contracts. Capital expenditures are generally for acquisition of major assets such as land and buildings or for the construction of streets or other improvements. Debt service expenditures repay borrowed money and related interest. WHAT IS A FUND? The City is financially organized into separate fiscal and accounting entities known as Funds. Each Fund is a separate division for accounting and budgetary purposes. The Fund accounting process allows the City to budget and account for revenues that are restricted by law or policy to a specific use or purpose in accordance with nationally recognized rules of governmental accounting and budgeting. The City of Pasco budgets for approximately 38 separate Funds. Each Fund can be viewed as a separate checking account to be used for a specific purpose. All Funds of the City fall into one of the following major categories. Following is a brief description of these categories. General Fund: The General Fund finances most services that the City provides. This includes law enforcement, fire protection, municipal courts, parks and recreation, community development and administrative activities. The General Fund is, essentially, a "catch-all" fund for accounting for City operations that are not required to be accounted for in a separate fund. The General Fund receives all of the property taxes, except those that are voter approved for the repayment of debt. Special Revenue Funds: The City uses Special Revenue funds to account for revenues that must be used by law for specific purposes. An example is the City Street Fund and Arterial Street Funds that account for gasoline taxes received that can only be used for maintenance and improvements to roads and streets. Debt Service Funds: The Debt Service funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources for the repayment of monies borrowed through voter approved general obligation bond sales and the related interest. Construction Funds: The Construction fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources to fund construction projects related to general government. Utility related construction is included in the Enterprise Funds. Enterprise Funds: The Enterprise Funds are established to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business with the intent that the cost of the goods or services provided will be recovered primarily through user charges. The Water/Sewer Utility Fund is the City's only fund in this category. Internal Service Funds: Internal Service Funds are used by the City to account for the financing of goods and/or services provided by one department or fund to another department or fund of the City on a cost reimbursement basis. For example, the City uses the Equipment Rental Funds to purchase and maintain vehicles used by the various departments and funds. Each department or fund pays rent to the ER Fund to use that equipment. Trust and Agency Funds: These fiduciary-type funds are used to account for assets held by the City on behalf of outside parties, including other governments, or other funds within the City. For example, the Cemetery Trust Fund holds a portion of the proceeds from the sale of grave sites in order to provide ongoing grounds maintenance and care of the facility. WHY USE FUNDS? Reason 1: Fund accounting is required by the State of Washington. State law governs how local governments will account for revenues and expenditures. All local governments are audited annually by the State Auditor's Office to ensure that they have followed all the accounting rules. Reason 2: When a local government receives funding from the State or the Federal government in the form of a grant, the entity must account for those dollars in the manner prescribed by law. Reason 3: When a local government goes to the financial markets to borrow money, they must provide financial statements that show their financial condition. Financial institutions and investors will loan money to the local entities only if they can demonstrate the ability to repay the debt. Reason 4: Pasco, like all local government entities nationwide, use fund accounting because this system is the standard prescribed by national organizations that govern accounting rules and regulations. The principles used to account for businesses, called Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), are established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). Similarly, the principles used to account for governmental finances are established by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). ORGANIZATION OF THE BUDGET DOCUMENT The document is structured to provide the reader with increasing levels of detail at whatever depth desired. Major sections of the budget are as follows: The City Manager's Budget Message provides an executive overview of key policies, programs, and significant financial changes in the budget for the ensuing year. The Summary Schedules comprise the next section of the City budget. These schedules summarize revenues and expenditures by fund and by major category. Some of the funds or departments contain informational narrative and an organizational chart that includes a table of departmental personnel. The Capital Improvements Projects section lists capital improvements projects budgeted for the year. The Appendix section includes information on historical and estimated property taxes and debt; pay schedules; and a glossary. SUMMARY OF THE BUDGET PROCESS The City of Pasco's budgetary process follows the provisions of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), Chapter 35.33. During the spring and summer month's departments begin preparation of their budget request for the coming year. Throughout this process meetings are held with appropriate staff and with the City Manager to review the budget requests. After compiling the data, the Preliminary Budget document is prepared. This document is made available for public review in the City Clerk's office after November 1. The proposed budget includes the annual operating expenditures and estimated revenues, as well as the current period appropriation of the City's six year Capital Improvements Projects (CIP). The CIP matches available revenue sources with various street and parks projects, as well as water and sewer system improvements and other capital improvements. It is formally updated on an annual basis, although it is recognized that the program is continually updated and modified on an ongoing basis. The CIP is a flexible, dynamic tool that encourages long-term decision-making and assures the continuity of Council goals and objectives. The CIP is reviewed by the City Council and usually adopted in October. The capital projects for the upcoming year are included in the annual budget and formally adopted in December. The budget for governmental funds is prepared on a modified accrual basis of accounting in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The budget for proprietary funds is prepared on an accrual basis, also in accordance with GAAP. During November, the City Manager presents the proposed (preliminary) budget to City Council in a workshop session. Public hearings are conducted and the budget ordinance is given first and second readings at regular City Council meetings. Final adoption of the budget occurs after the second reading of the budget ordinance. State law directs the budget adoption by December 31. The adopted budget constitutes the legal authority for expenditures. The level of control at which expenditures may not legally exceed appropriations is the fund. Revisions that alter the total expenditures of any kind must be approved by the City Council and adopted by ordinance. The City's budget is amended once during the year before year-end. All appropriations, except for capital projects, lapse at the end of the year. CITY MANAGER (509) 545-3404 / Fax (509) 545-3403 1 ' ' • 1 P. O. Box 293, 525 N. 3 d Avenue, Pasco, WA 99301 Honorable Mayor and Council: On behalf of the entire management team, I am pleased to submit to you the preliminary budget for fiscal year 2016. As required by state law, revenues and expenses proposed in the preliminary 2016 budget are balanced in all funds. The proposed budget was developed in support of the adopted City Council Goals, current and projected service and infrastructure needs and is reflective of current and projected economic conditions impacting the City. INTRODUCTION As proposed, the preliminary 2016 budget presents a plan for the allocation of public resources toward a variety of City programs, activities and projects necessary to promote the physical security of our community, enhance the quality of life of our residents, support our businesses, promote public investment in our community in the form of capital improvements and strategic planning and private investment in the form of economic development. To further enhance transparency, considerable attention has been given to the budgeting process and this document to better reflect the allocation of resources to the appropriate cost centers. This practice will serve to increase accountability to the citizenry and make it easier to track the performance of various City programs. There are a number of high value capital projects proposed within the budget, some of the more non-routine and transformative ones are as follows: Police Community Services Facility: Much was accomplished in 2015 to move this important project forward; design was completed, the project was bid and awarded, financing was secured through limited general obligation bonds and construction is well underway. It is anticipated that the project will be more than 60% complete by the end of 2015; accordingly approximately $2.8 million is proposed to complete the project in 2016. The debt created through completion of this project will be serviced through proceeds generated by the Public Safety sales tax, approved by the voters in 2011, and fulfills the last significant expenditures which were represented to the electorate prior to the election. Completion of the facility is scheduled for mid-year. Once completed, this state-of-the-art facility will serve as a platform for the Department from which to interact with the community and project modern community policing activities. Fire Station 84 Remodel: Located in the Riverhaven neighborhood, the facility is in an excellent location from an operational standpoint as it is centered in an area experiencing high call volumes and longer response times. Aside from the operational need for a station in this area, development of this facility as a station is in strategic alignment with Council's near-term goal of attaining a Class IV community rating from the Washington State Raring Bureau. Built as a volunteer station, this former Fire Protection District No. 3 facility was recently transferred to the City. With upgrading and expansion, the facility has the potential to provide an economical and adequate fourth fire station. For 2016, and consistent with the CII', staff is proposing that the property be evaluated to determine necessary modifications, estimated costs and, depending on the results, some limited construction to prepare the station and property for use as a professional facility. An amount of$450,000 from the CIP is budgeted for Phase I. Process Water Reuse: The primary project is the result of successfully advocating for capital funding from the state legislature. The expansion of the area served by the City's process water reuse facility combines elements of economic development, water reuse, water quality, groundwater recharge and opportunity for the City's crop circle lessees. The $2.65 million grant from the state, coupled with a planned Federal (EDA) grant of $2 million, and $1 million in private dollars, makes possible the equipment and piping needed to serve an expanded industrial area which will further the development of what is already an impressive food processing industry cluster. Peanuts Park: The strong focus the City Council has put on downtown in recent years has signaled that downtown is a place to visit, shop and even invest. Outreach efforts in 2014 and 2015 yielded considerable information from the public regularly visiting or wanting to visit downtown more. Once a central feature of downtown, Peanuts Park scores high on the minds of community members. The aging park is in need of upgrading, its infrastructure tired and its functionality designed for another era. Geographically, the park is central to much of what is being seen by the community as ground zero for unlocking the potential for a revitalized downtown core. Done well, Peanuts Park will set the theme and tone for the transformation of the downtown core; done poorly, it will be another public park that ages before its time. Accordingly, design of this park must be culturally, thematically and architecturally coordinated with other downtown features like the future Lewis Street Overpass, downtown streetscapes, future Farmers Market structure and the fagades of some of the upgraded downtown buildings. With all of the above in play, the proposed budget provides $500,000 for a thoughtful and thorough outreach effort and design of a new Peanuts Park that will light the path for future public and private investment. Broadmoor Area Economic Development Efforts: Located in the western portion of the City, the Broadmoor area north and south of I-182 holds the potential to become an economic engine that could provide opportunities: food and entertainment; cultural; employment; housing; shopping; and professional services on a regional scale. Development of an area this large in a way that is efficient, attractive, durable and a place people want to be, is not an easy task. Investors want surety and they want to see a plan for how the area will develop and how the City will assure quality. With the high cost of bricks and mortar, the savvy investor today wants to know that those who come after will enhance - not detract - from his/her investment. The proposed budget provides for an area-wide master planning effort and a planned action SEPA at a combined cost of $405,000. The planned action SEPA is a valuable economic development tool. Such a review evaluates the totality of the impacts of buildout consistent with an area-wide plan. For the public this approach provides for greater understanding of the cumulative effects of development of a large area at the beginning, rather than after it is too late, and also allows for much more targeted, better timed and more-effective mitigation of the impacts of future development. For the developer, the approach provides surety of what will be expected, and eliminates costly delay from the project timeline as the environmental work is already complete. GENERAL FUND Revenues Revenue for the City's 2016 general fund is expected to decrease by approximately $2.4 million to $3.5 million from the current year's budget. The decrease is primarily due to the influx of construction dollars to the fund generated by issuance of the General Obligation (G.O.) Bond for the Police Community Services Facility planned and executed in 2015, that the majority of those funds were spent on construction in the current budget year leaving a lesser amount to carry forward into 2016 for completion of the structure. The three major general fund revenue sources are the City's share of property tax, local sales tax and utility tax. A brief synopsis of each for 2016 follows: Property Tax: Moderate gains in new construction and annexation, primarily the Road 80 Annexation, increased assessed valuation in the City by $79,307,800 and $117,581,200 respectively. New construction has slowed relative to recent years, particularly with respect to housing starts; however, 2015 saw an increase over the prior year,particularly in industrial development. The preliminary budget proposes an estimated property tax levy of$7,628,164, rounded up to $7,655,000, for budgeting purposes. This reflects an increase of$469,379 over the 2015 levy amount. The proposed increase in property tax revenue is derived by a combination of enacting the recommended and statutorily allowed 1.0% increase in the City property tax levy and the increases in assessed valuation due to new construction and annexations in 2015. Because the implicit price deflator (IPD) is below 1.0%, enactment of the statutorily allowed 1.0% will require a declaration of substantial need by the City Council. The IPD differs significantly from a regional Consumer Price Index (CPI) in that, unlike the CPI, the IPD is not based on a fixed basket of goods and services in a region, the IPD basket spans the nation and the basket on which it is based changes from year to year with people's consumption and investment patterns. Sales Tax: Sales tax represents the most elastic of the fund's three major revenue sources. With construction continuing to improve, one-rime construction sales tax is increasing sales tax proceeds. The regional economy continues to improve modestly and commercial areas are energized. It is anticipated that sales tax revenues will increase over the projected 2015 end-of-year by approximately 3% to a total of$13,145,000. Because of the elasticity of this revenue source, the preliminary budget does not provide for new expenditures equal to the increase. In times of economic growth, it is prudent to build reserves to help weather future economic downturns. This budget proposal seeks to fulfill this axiom. Utility Tax: Planned and anticipated increases in solid waste and electricity rate, as well as City-owned water and sewer, result in a projected increase of approximately 3.0% or $251,000 in additional utility tax revenues. Total utility tax revenues for all public and private utilities subject to the tax are projected to come slightly shy of$8.6 million. The City will enjoy an increase in state shared revenues in 2016. Following the privatization, by initiative, of liquor sales, cities experienced years of decline in liquor excise taxes as they were reduced by the legislature to fund other priorities. Through the efforts of many, the 2015-2017 state budget(ESSB 6052), passed by the 2015 legislature has returned the percentage distribution to pre-2013 state budget provisions, which means that 35% of revenues collected under RCW 82.08.150(1) and (2) are to be deposited in the liquor excise tax fund to be distributed to counties, cities, and towns. The restoration of this allocation results in the return of roughly $175,000 annually for use at the local level. Restoration of state shared revenues was a plank in the City Council's legislative agenda. Fines and forfeitures declined in 2015 as Police staffing levels were low and emergent matters served to redeploy staff from regular duties for large periods of time. It is anticipated that these revenues will return to historic per capita levels. A change in the City's investment strategy for 2015 yielded greater returns, as staff ramps up investment in secure government backed instruments we anticipate continued improvement. Expenses General fund expenses and transfers out for 2016 are anticipated to total $46,658,972. This represents a decrease by $2.8 million from the amended 2015 budget. Similar to the decrease in revenues, the Police Community Services Facility is driving a large part of the decrease in budgeted transfers out. Also impacting overall general fund expenditures is a reallocation of Fire personnel to the Ambulance Utility coupled with an ambulance rate increase, which lessens the subsidy along with personnel enhancements proposed for 2016 for public safety and public safety support positions. As introduced above, looming large in the 2016 preliminary budget, as a key Council policy decision, is the interrelation between the Fire budget and the Ambulance Utility. For greater transparency in reporting and rate equity fairness, major changes are proposed for 2016. Historically the General Fund budget provides for a programmed $420,000 annual subsidy to the Ambulance Utility. In past years, the general fund subsidy has regularly been increased toward the end of the fiscal year to reflect actual conditions; the subsidy was increased in 2012 and 2013 to $890,000 and $1,157,000 respectively. The $420,000 subsidy was established by statue; however, within the past several years, state law has changed such that the City would not be required provide such a subsidy. The 2016 preliminary budget recommends maintaining the $420,000 subsidy. In furthering transparency and sustainability, the preliminary budget is presented in a manner that more accurately allocates costs to the proper cost centers. The 2016 preliminary budget recommendation provides for a general fund subsidy to the ambulance utility of$420,000 and proposes an increase in the monthly ambulance rate (along with a decrease in transport fees) sufficient to render the utility otherwise sustainable. A cost-of-service study of the Fire and Ambulance functions conducted this year by the consulting firm of Financial Consulting and Services Group (FCSG) of Redmond, Washington revealed that on a pure cost-of-service basis of the services Fire and Ambulance personnel provide to the public, 73% of the time spent by the Department is spent on emergency medical services. Put in terms of dollars, to fully fund emergency services provided by the Department through the ambulance utility, fund revenues and expenditures would have to increase from the current amount of $3.8 million to approximately $7 million Fire budget expenditures reduced correspondingly. Stated alternatively, the true subsidy of the ambulance utility is on the order of $3.2 million, in the form of cash and misallocated personnel and equipment. The integrated operation of Fire and Ambulance services provides for an economy of scale that benefits the taxpayers and ambulance ratepayers. Crews from Fire are available to supplement emergency medical responses and visa-versa. While emergency medical calls represent almost three-quarters of the work performed by the Department, there is sound logic as to why the ambulance utility should not capture 100% of its costs from the ratepayer. So, what is a fair cost recovery model for the ambulance utility? Utilizing a modified cost-of-service model, staff determined as follows: ■ Staffing a paramedic position 24 hours per day 365 days per year requires a minimum of five FTEs for each FTE on a shift ■ Each ambulance requires two full-time paramedics under the City's staffing plan ■ The City currently operates three medic units, one per station This calculates to a need for 24 paramedics where currently 18 are budgeted. The preliminary 2016 budget reallocates 5 paramedics, 1.5 Battalion Chiefs and 0.5 of the Assistant Fire Chief and adds 2 paramedics and I billing clerk. This accounting of positions provides a much more accurate picture of the cost to operate the utility. The three additional positions are needed for staffing reliability, overtime reduction and billing coordination. The general fund budget is correspondingly decreased to account for the reallocations. To achieve these reallocations the monthly ambulance utility will have to increase to $12.65, an increase in the monthly fee of $4.90 over the current rate $7.75. Even with the increase, the ambulance utility still requires a healthy general fund subsidy of $420,000. In addition, the budget recommends a reduction in the resident transport rate from the current amount of$700, to $550 per incident. The table below, from the cost-of-service analysis, provides a snapshot of the actual cost of emergency services. You will note the true subsidy to the ambulance fund from a cost-of-service standpoint is currently on the order of $3.2 million. To achieve full cost recovery from ambulance-related rates and fees, an increase of the monthly ambulance fee from$7.75 to $21.13 would be required. The 2016 preliminary budget recommendation rejects the full cost recovery model by taking into account the mutual benefit created through joint Fire and Ambulance services. Under the recommended model, the ambulance utility would recover two-thirds of its actual cost-of-service through rates and fees, and one-third from general fund subsidy. 2015 Current 2015 Full Cost 2016 Proposed Cost Recovery Cost Recovery Recovery at 2/3 Recover Monthly Fee $7.75 $21.13 $12.65 Annual Fee $93.00 $253.51 $151.75 Total Annual Cost $7,034,687 $7,034,687 $7,764,249 Annual in City Cost $6,952,555 $6,952,555 $7,714,990 Revenue Ambulance Utility Fee $2,000,000 $5,790,137 $3,466,019 Transportation Fees $1,027,835 $1,027,835 $1,310,835 Miscellaneous Fees -$3,050 43,050 -$2,950 Net Out of City Revenue $137,633 1 $137,633 $170,505 Fund Balance $570,763 $0 $246,908 General Fund Contribution $3,219,374 $0 $2,523,672 Total Revenue $6,952,555 $6,952,555 $7,714,990 Out of City Demand Cost $82,131 $82,131 $49,260 total Annual Cost $7,034,687 $7,034,687 $7,764,249 Total General Fund Contribution $3,219,374 1 $2,523,672 General Fund Savings $0 $392192374 $695,701 The effect of the rate increase may be muted through an increase in the general fund subsidy beyond the proposed $420,000. However, further subsidy will impact recommended general fund personnel enhancements, as shown in the table below: Proposed Position Number Remarks Street Crimes Unit Officer 1 Supported by Public Safety sales tax Police Detective 2 Growth in caseload School Resource Officer I Supported by PSD contract 75%+/- Area Resource Officer 1 Community outreach Coordination of Department training Fire Training Captain 1 requirements Firefighter 2 Reduces overtime by corres ondin amount Network Specialist 1 Growth in tech support for Police and Fire Facilities Maintenance Worker 1 Addition of police station and training building HRSpecialist 1 Necessary to support staff/recruitment Total 11 Each proposed position includes a brief explanation. To expound, by department: Police: This has been one of the most taxing years in the modern history of the Police Department. Budgeted staffing levels are low and have been decreasing in relation to the population for a number of years. As a result, unallocated time for officers to pro-actively engage in community oriented policing activities has decreased. Chief Metzger recently presented a strategic plan to increase staffing to better address demands for service, but equally as important, to allow for more opportunity for officers and the public to interact outside of a crisis. The strategic plan is a multi-year goal, frankly, to catch up to where the Department should be in terms of staffing. The 2016 proposal is a good start. ■ Area Resource Officer: Provides an additional law enforcement presence working in an almost exclusively pro-active role. This will add to the capacity of the two current AROs and serve to fill an existing gap for patrol in a specific area of the City. ■ School Resource Officer: Similar to the ARO, the SRO is assigned a specific area, that being the school and surrounding neighborhood. The City and Pasco School District recently amended the interlocal agreement pertaining to SRO services to include an additional officer; the District provides approximately 75% of the funding for SRO officers. ■ Street Crimes Unit Officer: The addition of this position brings the unit to a full staff of five officers. The Unit is designed to operate proactively and has been extremely effective in quickly solving and deterring crimes. The fifth position allows the unit greater capacity and effectiveness. This position is proposed to be funded from Public Safety sales tax proceeds. ■ Investigations: The two Detectives proposed are necessary to handle current caseload. One Detective has been added to the Investigations Division since 1990. During that same period the population of the City has increased by almost 50,000 and caseload has increased correspondingly. While technology has been a tremendous aid in modern detective work, it also has created new areas where crime did not exist 25 years ago. Computer forensics has become a significant growth area and requires special skills and training. Fire: The good news here is that the Washington State Fire Ratings Bureau recently conducted its evaluation of the City and is poised to make official that the Community Rating will remain a Class V. This is a huge victory for the City and is due to some of the strategic enhancements Council approved in the 2015 budget. Nonetheless, like Police, the Fire Department has seen little growth in staffing relative to the increase in population. A total of four Firefighter positions were added in 2015. As Council will recall, one was the addition of a Firefighter that would allow for the Battalion Chiefs to respond to incidents in a command vehicle (as opposed to an engine) and to act as Incident Commanders rather than Engine Captains. Three Firefighters were hired to staff the ARFF vehicle at the airport due to a change in labor rules. The cost of these three positions was offset by an increase in revenue from the Port of Pasco for firefighting services at the airport. ■ Fire Suppression: Two additional Firefighters are proposed to reduce overtime. At current staffing levels, the Department is required to hire 12 hours of overtime each day just to provide minimum staffing for all stations. This does not include overtime needed in the event of injury, illness, vacations or training. The current staffing level is driving overtime in such a way that the addition of these two positions will reduce overtime by the cost of the positions. ■ Training Captain: The size of the Department, staffing schedule and regulation of the industry requires effort in the coordination of training. Much of this work is being completed by the Acting Assistant Chief (formerly one of the Battalion Chief positions). As a side note the reallocation of one of the Battalion Chief positions as a an Assistant Chief is extremely little in cost, but does positively impact consideration in future community class rating evaluations. ■ Other positions in Fire are reallocated to the Ambulance Utility as described above. The other general fund positions listed in the chart above: Facilities Worker, Network Specialist and Human Resources Specialist are necessary primarily to support Police and Fire operations. The general fund budget also anticipates an increase in general labor costs for settlement of open collective bargaining agreements for the Police, Fire and IUOE bargaining units as well as non- represented personnel. While the agreements are still in the negotiation phase, it is necessary to plan for the likely financial impact of wage and benefit adjustments. In addition to staffing costs, other cost category changes should also be noted. The significant increase in debt service of$980,000 includes payment in full of the Motorola financing of the 800MHz Police radios and the first year of debt service on the Police Community Services Facility. Capital outlays show an insignificant reduction of $6,000 (3.2%) from the amended 2015 Budget. For 2016, there is a $3,657,747 reduction in transfers out which is primarily attributable to the transfers out budgeted for 2015 and 2016 to pay for the construction of the new Police Community Services Facility. Because of timing issues, it is probable that the budgeted transfers out will be amended in 2016. The projected ending fund balance, at $8.4 million represents 20.6% of the budgeted recurring general fund expense, an improvement from 2015 (19.8%) and above the target level of 15%. The fund balance provides the necessary cushion of working capital to allow the City to avoid short term borrowing and unexpected expense during the year, as may be authorized by the Council. GENERAL FUND RESOURCES 2015 BUDGET $48,007,280(Excludes Fund Balance) OTHER FINAN. SOURCES PROPERTY TAX 14.91% 20.46% MISC.REVENUE 0.91% FINES&FORFEITURES 1.68% SALES TAX 21.64% CHARGES FOR SERVICES 13.54% INTERGOVERNMENTAL i 4.01% LICENSES &PERMITS 3.28% UTILITY TAX 17.39% OTHER TAXES 2.18% GENERAL FUND RESOURCES 2016 BUDGET $44,460,102(Excludes Fund Balance) OTHER FINANCING MISC.REVENUE 1.02% SOURCES 5.12% FINES&FORFEITURES PROPERTY TAX 17.22°6 1.97% CHARGES FOR SERVICES 14.52% INTERGOVERNMENTAL 4.77% LICENSES&PERMITS 3.91% SALES TAX 29.58% OTHER TAXES 2.56% UTILITY TAR 19.33% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT-2015 BUDGET $49,435,080(Excludes Fund Balance) CITY COUNCIL 0.23% LIBRARY 2.55% MUNICIPAL COURT 3.16% ITY MANAGER 2.61% NON-DEPARTMENTAL 26.60% POICE 28.88'.: ENGINEERING 3.72% COMM. DEVELOPMENT 3.07% FIRE 12.90% ADMIN 8 COMM.SVCS. 16.28% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT-2016 BUDGET $46,658,972(Excludes Fund Balance) CITY COUNCIL 0.25% LIBRARY 2.80% MUNICIPAL COURT 3.44% ITY MANAGER 3.10% NON-DEPARTMENTAL 22.29% POLICE 31.39% ENGINEERING 3.78% COMM. DEVELOPMENT 3.23% ADMIN &COMM.SVCS. 17.74% FIRE 11.98% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY- 2015 BUDGET $49,435,080 (Excludes Fund Balance) INTERfUND A NSFERS 19.94% SALARIES&WAGES 37.879'. DEBT SERVICE 1.16% CAPITAL OUTLAY O' O OTHR SVCS&CHGS 22.48% SUPPLIES 3.:Ed PERSONNEL BENEFITS 14.39% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY- 2016 BUDGET $46,658,972 (Excludes Fund Balance) NTERfUND TR4NS'f=5 13.?P t DEBT SERVICE 3.33% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.41% SALARIES&WAGES 39.07% OTHR SVCS&CHGS 25.42% SUPPLIES 3.06% PERSONNEL BENEFITS 15.42% AMBULANCE UTILITY Putting aside for a moment the cost-of-service study conclusions noted above, because of the ever-widening gap between fund expenses and revenues, during the previous budget cycle staff introduced the possiblity of an increase in the monthly ambulance service fee of$0.75 per month in 2015. Knowing a cost-of-service study was to be accomplished in 2016, the rate increase was put aside until the study could be completed. As was explained through considerable narrative above, changes to this utility have a direct impact on the General Fund. The aforementioned cost-of-service study determined the ambulance utility's true general fund subsidy to be on the order of$3.2 million. Capturing this amount through rates alone is not practical nor is it reflective of the mutual benefit derived through the joint operation of Fire and Ambulance. The current practice, however, is not reflective of real costs associated with these two functions. The 2016 preliminary budget proposes a realignment in the allocation of current personnel to the utility, adds two new paramedic positions and recommends a rate that can consistently maintain a $420,000 subsidy based on a two-thirds recovery model as illustrated in the chart above. From a policy perspective, staff recommends the following: ■ Establish two-thirds recovery as a realistic rate objective ■ Increase the monthly ambulance rate by$4.90 per month to $12.65 ■ Maintain a budgeted general fund subsidy of$420,000 per year ■ Reduce the resident transport from the current amount of$700,to $550 per incident As noted previously, the ambulance rate could be reduced through additional general fund subsidy over what is proposed, this would impact other program areas most readily illustrated by this table: Recommended Current Amendment Proposed Positions 2015 Budget 2015 Bud et 2016 Budget Fire Chief 0.50 0.50 0.50 Assistant Chief - 0.50 0.50 Battalion Chiefs - 1.50 1.50 Admin. Assistant 0.50 0.50 0.50 Department Assistant - 1.00 1.00 Paramedics 18.00 23.00 27.00 Total positions 19.00 27.00 31.00 Subsidy 420,000 1 1,375,000 420,000 There are several other municipalities utilizing an ambulance fee rather than an EMS property tax levy. The chart below illustrates where Pasco currently fits as compared to other utilities and how it would subsequent to the proposed rate. Ambulance Rate Comparisons Aberdeen $21.85 Monsanto $18.44 Pasco(Proposed) $12.65 Hoquaim $11.83 Moses Lake $11.10 Sunnyside $8.28 Richland $7.81 Pasco $7.75 Ocean Shores $7.48 Mercer Island $8.53 Kennewick $6.67 , Port Angeles $6.60 ' Lynden $6.00 AM Bridgeport $3.00 A word of caution on such comparisons: while there is a natural curiosity in wanting to know how your agency stacks up to others from a comparison standpoint, the dynamics of communities differ so greatly that it has little to no bearing on the setting of a rate. For instance, the number of Medicare transports differs significantly between the three Tri-Cities, with Pasco transporting the highest in number by far. The transport recovery amount reimbursed by Medicare to the City is a fraction of the fee as set by ordinance; as a result these losses must be absorbed by the utility at a much higher rate than our neighbors. This is just one example of how agencies differ and rates vary so widely. UTILITIES The utility rate evaluation authorized by the City Council earlier this year is complete for Water and Sewer, while Stormwater and Irrigation are not yet complete. In addition, as part of the CIP planning process and through other presentations, information has been shared with the City Council regarding the pressures exerted upon our aging infrastructure and state and federal requirements imposed upon our utilities which require additional outlays on the City's part to remain compliant. The City has engaged the services of FCS to perform rate studies on the Water, Sewer, Irrigation and Storm sub-utilities. The Water and Sewer rate studies were given priority and the recommendation being made by FCS and endorsed by the administration is to increase Water and Sewer Rates by 5% and 9%, respectively for 2016. These increases are reflected in the in the Water/Sewer Fund revenues. The Storm and Irrigation budgets are balanced based on current rates and a schedule for completion of the rate analysis has been established for early 2016. Operationally, there are a number of minor positon changes among the various utilities reflected in a change of fund allocation or position classification; e.g. Administrative Assistant rather than Engineering Tech I, which is essentially a no net cost swap but significantly enhances operational efficiencies. One additional position, Pump Mechanic, is proposed at the Process Water Reuse Facility, and an additional Maintenance Worker is proposed to be added to the Irrigation utility. Both positions will serve to reduce overtime in these functions and increase system reliability. In addition to revenue and operational changes, Council will note that several of the projects from the adopted CIP Plan have been modified to reflect current status, or resource limitations. For instance; the 30 inch diameter Northwest Area Sewer Trunk line has been modified to reflect design and easement acquisition in 2016 with construction in 2017 or 2018. This progress is more on par with what we expect to see occur, and avoid a needless premature additional increase in the sewer rate. SUMMARY As presented, the preliminary budget proposal meets several City Council goals by taking measured, but bold steps, in the public safety budgets and modest steps in other general government and utility budgets to enhance the quality of services we are currently providing. The general fund budget as proposed is a solid step to improving the sustainability of services while putting aside resources to maintain what is built in times ahead when resources shrink. The City provides a wide array of services to the public which require significant revenues in the form of taxes, fees and rates to support. A helpful decision-making filter in considering the value added by the City to its' citizenry, community priorities and the very purpose of this organization is as follows: If the City and its services went away tomorrow, why would the people want us back? Developing a balanced budget that serves to meet forward-thinking objectives while recognizing there is a need to be prudent in what government asks taxpayers and ratepayers to fund is not an easy task, making policy decisions on such a budget is a great responsibility. By its very nature the budgeting process involves difficult choices, assigning values and constantly weighing one thing against another. This proposal attempts to maximize value through the efficient provision of services and minimizing the level of taxes and fees paid by citizens. This budget proposal puts Pasco is in the enviable position of being able to sustain quality municipal programs and services to our residents and businesses — quality that makes Pasco a desirable location in which to live and conduct business. The rapid and sustained growth the City has experienced for more than a decade, with demands outpacing resources and staffing levels, presents an ongoing challenge. Events of this year brought more challenges to our Police and Fire staff and to almost every other department in the City as well as to the City Council. The cumulative impact of increasing service demands, aging infrastructure and limited resources has a taxing effect on individuals and workgroups alike; however, the City's workforce continues to pull together, meeting every challenge in generally excellent form. Much of this budget is about sustainability, and what it takes for our organization to begin to achieve this goal. Finally, I want to acknowledge the dedication and service of the City's employees. They are the ones who implement, converting numbers to service and product, without whose efforts our City would be a much different place. I also wish to recognize the City Council, whose collective leadership as policy makers, taking on the arduous task of evaluating the many volumes of information and briefings provided, so collectively they can make the difficult policy calls and direction necessary for this organization to succeed. Lastly, a special thanks to the many skilled and dedicated employees who worked to prepare the 2016 preliminary budget, a much more inclusive process this year, that list is big, but without whose assistance this comprehensive document could not have been developed. Respectfully submitted, A?- i Dave Zabet/�� l City Manager CITY OF PASCO PRINCIPAL OFFICIALS ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYOR: MATT WATKINS—At Large MAYOR PRO-TEM: REBECCA FRANCIK—District 5 AL YENNEY—District 1 MICHAEL GARRISON—District 2 ROBERT HOFFMANN—District 3 SAUL MARTINEZ—District 4 TOM LARSEN—At Large APPOINTED OFFICIALS DAVE ZABELL—City Manager STAN STREBEL—Deputy City Manager BOB GEAR—Fire Chief BOB METZGER—Police Chief AHMAD QAYOUMI—Public Works Director RICK TERWAY—Administrative &Community Services Director RICK WHITE—Community& Economic Development Director ORDINANCE NO. 72-,�U AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE CITY OF PASCO OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 2016. WHEREAS,subsequent to due notice and public hearing thereon,the City Council of the City Of Pasco has approved an operating budget for the year 2016;NOW,THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO,WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section One. The following budget containing the totals set forth for each fund for the year 2016 is hereby adopted. FUND EXPENDITURE REVENUE 010 GENERAL FUND $ 55,026,463 $ 55,026,463 110 CITY STREET FUND 2,163,721 2,163,721 120 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 2,163,231 2,163,231 125 1-182 CORRIDOR TRAFFIC IMPACT FUND 1,530,954 1,530,954 130 STREET OVERLAY FUND 3,782,946 3,782,946 14X COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT FUND 1,448,452 1,448,452 145 M.L.KING JR.COMMUNITY CENTER FUND 208,305 208,305 150 AMBULANCE SERVICES FUND 5,660,577 5,660,577 160 CITY VIEW CEMETERY FUND 276,721 276,721 151 BOULEVARD PERPETUAL MAINTENANCE FUND 2,409,232 2,409,232 165 ATHLETIC PROGRAM FUND 247,964 247,964 168 GOLF COURSE 1,846,122 1,846,122 170 SENIOR CENTER OPERATING FUND 312,533 312,533 180 MULTI-MODAL FACILITY FUND 242,316 242,316 182 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES 1,501,800 1,501,800 185 RIVERSHORE TRAIL& MARINA MAINTENANCE FUND 51,681 51,681 188 SPECIAL LODGING ASSESSMENT FUND 414,596 414,596 189 LITTER ABATEMENT FUND 20,501 20,501 190 REVOLVING ABATEMENT FUND 552,800 552,800 191 TRAC DEVELOPMENT&OPERATING FUND 535,349 535,349 192 PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND 1,897,125 1,897,125 193 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND REET 1ST QTR 4,204,778 4,204,778 194 ECONOMIC&INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT FUND 1,882,480 1,882,480 195 STADIUM/CONVENTION CENTER FUND 427,386 427,386 24X LID DEBT SERVICE FUND 1,111,597 1,111,597 27X G.O.BOND DEBT SERVICE FUND 250,757 250,757 357 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 21,447,570 21,447,570 410 WATER/SEWER UTILITY FUND 49,066,775 49,066,775 510 EQUIPMENT RENTAL OPERATIONS FUND-GOVERNMENT TYPE 1,080,474 1,080,474 511 EQUIPMENT RENTAL OPERATIONS FUND-PROPRIETARY TYPE 418,256 418,256 515 EQUIPMENT RENTAL REPLACEMENT FUND-GOVERNMENT TYPE 6,894,975 6,894,975 516 EQUIPMENT RENTAL REPLACEMENT FUND-PROPRIETARY TYPE 3,099,080 3,099,080 52X MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE FUND 7,179,961 7,179,961 530 CENTRAL STORES FUND 11,829 11,829 805 CITY VIEW CEMETERY ENDOWMENT 484,324 484,324 610 OLD FIREMEN'S PENSION TRUST FUND 2,479,017 2,479,017 619 OLD FIRE MEDICAL(OPEB) 2,617,647 2,617,647 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 184,950,295 $ 184,950,295 Section Two. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on January 1,2016. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this -Z—day of Dr2015. A EST bi Matt Watkins,Mayor era rk, ty i Approv s to Orm: Leland B.Ken,City Attorney City of Pasco, Washington 1 2016 Budget CITY OF PASCO 2016 SUMMARIZED REVENUES ALL OPERATING FUNDS INTER- CHARGES LICENSES GOVERN. FOR TAXES &PERMITS REVENUE SERVICES GENERALFUND GENERAL $30,533,000 $ 1,738,400 $ 2,122,148 $ 6,457,114 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS CITY STREET 237,000 445,000 997,000 - ARTERIAL STREET - - 498,500 5,750 1-182 CORRIDOR TRAFFIC IMPACT - - - 200,000 STREET OVERLAY 919,500 - - - COMMUN. DEVELOPMENT GRANTS - - 1,084,257 - M.L. KING JR.COMMUNITY CENTER - - - 10,500 AMBULANCE SERVICES - - 1,300 4,991,619 CITY VIEW CEMETERY - - - 205,250 BOULEVARD PERPETUAL MAINTENANCE - - - 90,900 ATHLETIC PROGRAMS - - - 130,850 GOLF COURSE - - - 1,378,607 SENIOR CENTER OPERATING - - 18,500 - MULTI-MODAL FACILITY - - - - SCHOOL IMPACT FEES - - - 1,500,000 RIVERSHORE TRAIL&MARINA MAINT. - - - - SPECIAL LODGING ASSESSMENT 321,000 - - - LITTER ABATEMENT - - - 5,000 REVOLVING ABATEMENT - - - 18,000 TRAC DEVELOPMENT&OPERERATION 331,000 - - - PARK DEVELOPMENT - - - 185,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REET 1ST QTR 1,200,000 - - - INDUSTRIAL DEVEL& INFRASTRUCTURE - - 270,000 - STADIUM/CONVENTION CENTER 331,000 - - - DEBT SERVICE FUNDS LID DEBT SERVICE FUND - - - - GO. BOND DEBT SERVICE FUND 138,000 - - - CONSTRUCTION FUNDS GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS - - 9,883,000 - ENTERPRISE FUND WATER/SEWER UTILITY - - - 22,324,587 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS EQUIPMENT RENTAL OPER.-GOV - - - - EQUIPMENT RENTAL OPER.-PROP - - - - EQUIP RENTAL REPLACEMENT-GOV - - - - EQUIP RENTAL REPLACEMENT-PROP - - - - MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE - - - 6,160,689 CENTRALSTORES - - - - PERMANENTFUND CITY VIEW CEMETERY ENDOWMENT - - - 15,000 TRUSTFUND OLD FIREMEN'S PENSION - - 51,700 - OLD FIRE MEDICAL(OPEB) - - - - TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES $34,010,500 $ 2,183,400 $14,926,405 $ 43,678,866 City of Pasco, Washington 2 2016 Budget FINES OTHER INTERAGENCY& BEGINNING TOTAL AND MISC. FINANCING INTERFUND FUND AVAILABLE FORFEITS REVENUE SOURCES TRANSFERS BALANCE RESOURCES $ 876,600 $ 454,840 $ 2,135,000 $ 143,000 $ 10,566,361 $ 55,026,463 - 5,640 - - 479,081 2,163,721 - 100 - - 1,658,881 2,163,231 - 1,000 - - 1,329,954 1,530,954 - 3,000 - 706,000 2,154,446 3,782,946 - 53,700 - - 310,495 1,448,452 - 36,760 - 120,000 41,045 208,305 - 750 - 420,000 246,908 5,660,577 - 300 - 60,000 11,171 276,721 - 26,496 152,308 - 2,139,528 2,409,232 - 1,150 - - 115,964 247,964 - 282,410 - - 185,105 1,846,122 - 38,084 - 250,000 5,949 312,533 - 77,100 - - 165,216 242,316 - - - 1,800 1,501,800 16,850 - - 34,831 51,681 - - - 93,596 414,596 - 7,500 - 5,000 3,001 20,501 115,500 2,300 - - 417,000 552,800 - 200 - - 204,149 535,349 - 1,800 - - 1,710,325 1,897,125 - 26,000 - - 2,978,778 4,204,778 - 1,051,000 - - 561,480 1,882,480 - 30,870 - - 65,516 427,386 - 192,270 - - 919,327 1,111,597 - 100 - - 112,657 250,757 - - 71,000 11,131,000 362,570 21,447,570 - 187,968 12,294,000 - 14,260,220 49,066,775 - 1,044,074 - - 36,400 1,080,474 - 317,506 - - 100,750 418,256 - 1,367,612 496,606 - 5,030,757 6,894,975 - 597,725 - - 2,501,355 3,099,080 - 2,000 - - 1,017,272 7,179,961 - - - - 11,829 11,829 100 - - 469,224 484,324 47,337 - - 2,379,980 2,479,017 - 40,150 - - 2,577,497 2,617,647 $ 992,100 $ 5,914,692 $15,148,914 $ 12,835,000 $ 55,260,418 $184,950,295 City of Pasco, Washington 3 2016 Budget CITY OF PASCO 2016 SUMMARIZED EXPENDITURES ALL OPERATING FUNDS OTHER SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES &WAGES BENEFITS SUPPLIES &CHARGES GENERAL FUND: CITY COUNCIL $ 87,594 $ 11,444 $ 1,000 $ 14,285 MUNICIPAL COURT 809,494 386,263 41,100 370,143 CITY MANAGER 834,033 333,453 23,000 257,122 POLICE DEPARTMENT 7,527,709 2,603,938 424,395 4,087,008 FIRE 3,571,129 972,163 196,184 772,871 ADMINISTRATIVE&COMM.SE 3,416,718 1,437,709 629,731 2,681,333 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 881,755 420,157 18,750 186,863 ENGINEERING 1,105,524 469,891 25,350 164,456 LIBRARY - - 12,500 1,292,700 NON-DEPARTMENTAL - - 55,000 2,593,832 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 16,233,956 6,635,018 1,427,010 12,420,613 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: CITY STREET 580,522 283,082 179,300 1,073,477 ARTERIAL STREET - - - 13,260 1-182 CORRIDOR TRAFFIC IMPACT - - - - STREET OVERLAY - - - 836,242 COMMUN. DEVELOPMENT GRANTS 63,255 26,952 1,500 493,690 M.L.KING JR.COMMUNITY CENTER 66,089 30,496 7,000 66,833 AMBULANCE SERVICES 2,993,627 833,654 220,878 1,471,892 CITY VIEW CEMETERY 86,142 28,198 51,000 101,871 BOULEVARD PERPETUAL MAINTENANCE - - - - ATHLETIC PROGRAMS 26,045 5,969 44,280 62,801 GOLF COURSE - - 5,000 1,525,134 SENIOR CENTER OPERATING 141,693 56,409 6,300 103,304 MULTI-MODAL FACILITY - - 9,000 49,382 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES - - - 1,500,000 RIVERSHORE TRAIL&MARINA MAINT - - - 10,859 SPECIAL LODGING ASSESSMENT - - - 202,067 LITTERABATEMENT - - - 15,905 REVOLVING ABATEMENT - - - 40,019 TRAC DEVELOPMENT&OPERATING - - - 250,000 PARK DEVELOPMENT - - - 25,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REET 1ST QTR - - - - INDUSTRIAL DEVEL&INFRASTRUCTURE - - 115,000 528,385 STADIUM/CONVENTION CENTER - - - 135,842 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS: LID DEBT SERVICE - - - - G.O. BOND DEBT SERVICE - - - - CONSTRUCTION FUNDS: GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS - - - - ENTERPRISE FUNDS: WATER/SEWER UTILITY 3,566,435 1,676,042 1,980,410 8,996,524 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS: EQUIPMENT RENTAL OPER.-GOV 200,157 93,778 552,950 156,854 EQUIPMENT RENTAL OPER.-PROP 87,031 40,788 224,600 63,815 EQUIP RENTAL REPLACEMENT-GOV - - - - EQUIP RENTAL REPLACEMENT-PROP - - - - MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE - - - 5,432,407 CENTRALSTORES - - 500 - PERMANENTFUNDS: CITY VIEW CEMETERY ENDOWMENT - - - - TRUSTFUNDS: OLD FIREMEN'S PENSION 108,900 - - 31,039 OLD FIRE MEDICAL(OPEB) - 105,039 - 28,786 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 26,153,852 $ 9,815,425 T 4,824,728 $35,636,001 City of Pasco, Washington 4 2016 Budget ENDING INTERFUND CAPITAL DEBT FUND TRANSFERS OUTLAY SERVICE BALANCE TOTAL $ - $ - $ 114,323 - 1,607,000 - 1,447,608 - - 14,643,050 78,000 - 5,590,347 111,700 - 8,277,191 1,507,525 1,765,221 - - 1,305,200 6,201,000 1,551,675 8,367,491 18,768,998 6,201,000 189,700 1,551,675 8,367,491 55,026,463 - 40,600 - 6,740 2,163,721 1,785,000 - - 364,971 2,163,231 256,000 - - 1,274,954 1,530,954 967,000 - - 1,979,704 3,782,946 414,000 - - 449,055 1,448,452 - - - 37,887 208,305 49,500 - 91,026 5,660,577 - - - 9,510 276,721 75,000 - - 2,334,232 2,409,232 - - - 108,869 247,964 - - - 315,988 1,846,122 - - - 4,827 312,533 - - - 183,934 242,316 - - - 1,800 1,501,800 - - - 40,822 51,681 - - - 212,529 414,596 4,596 20,501 - 512,781 552,800 - 285,349 535,349 675,000 - - 1,197,125 1,897,125 1,997,000 - - 2,207,778 4,204,778 465,000 - 485,457 288,638 1,882,480 - - 127,188 164,356 427,386 - 101,172 1,010,425 1,111,597 - 122,300 128,457 250,757 20,110,000 - 1,337,570 21,447,570 20,532,000 5,682,916 6,632,448 49,066,775 - - 76,735 1,080,474 - - 2,022 418,256 1,662,710 - 5,232,265 6,894,975 442,000 - 2,657,080 3,099,080 - - - 1,747,554 7,179,961 - - - 11,329 11,829 - 484,324 464,324 - - - 2,339,078 2,479,017 - - - 2,483,822 2,617,647 $ 12,835,000 $43,026,510 $ 8,070,708 $44,588,071 $184,950,295 City of Pasco. Washington 5 2016 Budget CITY OF PASCO REVENUE SUMMARY GENERALFUND SOURCE OF REVENUE 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 BUDGET-CM AMENDED State level-CM BUDGET as of ACTUALS as of NP ACTUAL ACTUAL 9/30 9/30 TAXES: GENERAL PROPERTY $ 6,603,373 $ 7,030,718 $ 7,159,507 $ 3,993,278 $ 7,655,000 RETAIL SALES TAX 10,797,407 11,938,203 10,390,765 9,565,657 13,145,000 B&OTAXES - Natural Gas 532,336 697,283 680,000 577,891 680,000 Solid Waste 493,395 505,620 500,000 394,405 540,000 Cable TV 383,497 455,315 408,000 326,368 440,000 Telephone 1,563,635 1,622,260 1,495,000 1,062,448 1,400,000 Electricity 3,405,021 3,552,160 3,608,000 2,766,443 3,750,000 Water 608,270 689,583 663,000 530,563 750,000 Irrigation 78,209 94,197 97,000 86,395 100,000 Sewer 588,007 587,005 624,000 452,403 660,000 Stormwater 85,363 95,506 109,000 81,273 107,000 PWRF 109,096 163,732 165,000 126,197 168,000 Gambling 736,755 732,127 696,000 585,587 778,000 EXCISE TAXES - Leasehold 203,602 202,285 205,000 156,278 205,000 Admissions Tax 157,173 157,691 145,000 106,143 155,000 26,345,139 28,523,685 26,945,272 20,811,329 30,533,000 LICENSES AND PERMITS: BUSINESS LICENSES 329,916 329,654 331,200 320,215 332,900 RENTAL LICENSES 59,556 64,072 60,800 63,649 64,000 BUILDING PERMITS 915,423 1,014,227 1,000,000 885,904 1,150,000 ANIMAL LICENSES 177,496 166,471 168,000 171,010 172,000 OTHER 15,609 13,203 14,500 17,055 19,500 1,496,000 1,587,827 1,574,500 1,457,833 1,738,400 INTERGOVERNMENTAL: GRANTS 233,095 316,551 270,170 223,933 230,000 STATE SHARED REVENUES PUD Privilege Tax 554,567 583,694 625,600 625,638 645,000 City-County Assistance 93,177 98,635 65,000 89,449 120,000 SST Mitigation 172,664 173,100 166,000 126,650 140,000 Criminal Justice 74,574 80,857 72,500 62,908 85,299 DUI-Cities 11,796 11,746 11,500 7,563 12,000 Liquor Excise Tax 86,435 113,500 126,000 107,019 302,303 Liquor Board Profits 573,141 582,880 588,000 445,415 587,546 1,799,449 1,960,963 1,924,770 1,688,575 2,122,148 CHARGES FOR SERVICE: GENERAL GOVERNMENT 2,272,035 2,738,660 3,327,951 2,260,658 3,734,541 PUBLIC SAFETY 802,313 893,596 1,062,143 781,422 772,548 ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 1,502,593 1,901,182 1,957,760 1,348,701 1,740,525 CULTURE AND RECREATION 160,747 150,117 150,714 157,789 209,500 4,737,686 5,683,455 6,498,568 4,548,570 6,457,114 FINES&FORFEITURES COURT 74,854 73,661 40,650 38,226 70,600 TRAFFIC 731,061 699,821 541,000 361,975 714,000 NONTRAFFIC 89,392 84,433 201,000 173,343 81,000 CONFISCATED MONEY 5,070 10,774 24,000 33,205 11,000 900,377 868,689 806,650 606,749 876,600 Citv of Pasr:n Washinton 6 2016 Budget CITY OF PASCO REVENUE SUMMARY GENERALFUND SOURCE OF REVENUE 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 BUDGET-CM AMENDED BUDGET as of ACTUALS as of State level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL 9/30 9/30 NP MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE: INTEREST EARNINGS 146,679 124,024 274,555 110,494 149,430 RENTS 434,710 280,121 143,910 214,815 277,910 CONTRIBUTIONS - 2,905 2,500 6,141 4,500 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 43,182 283,691 16,500 42,087 23,000 624,571 690,741 437,465 373,537 454,840 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE 35,905,224 39,315,360 38,187,225 29,486,593 42,182,102 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: DEBT PROCEEDS 511,596 1,026,299 9,682,055 9,341,852 2,135,000 TRANSFERS 138,000 136,000 138,000 103,500 143,000 649,596 1,164,299 9,820,055 9,445,352 2,278,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE& OTHER FINANCING SOURCE: 36,554,820 40,479,659 48,007,280 38,931,945 44,460,102 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 7,573,573 6,245,218 9,383,161 7,955,361 10,566,361 TOTAL GENERAL FUND RESOUR $ 44,128,393 $ 46,724,877 $ 57,390,441 $ 46,887,306 $ 55,026,463 City of Pasco, Washinton 7 2016 Budqet CITY OF PASCO EXPENDITURE SUMMARY ALL OPERATING FUNDS 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS AS ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET OF 9/30 BUDGET GENERAL FUND $47,583,808 $45,999,867 11146,753,410 $51,707,766 $57,390,441 $35,751,006 $55,026,463 CITY STREET 2,103,683 2,711,959 4,014,129 2,321,354 3,065,354 1,751,684 2,163,721 ARTERIAL STREET 1,411,505 1,611,296 1,916,463 1,157,723 2,003,878 1,857,193 2,163,231 1-182 CORRIDOR TRAFFIC IMPACT FUND 1,156,285 1,235,351 1,254,244 1,311,829 1,419,829 1,344,962 1,530,954 STREET OVERLAY 3,833,582 3,385,938 3,833,719 3,628,355 4,060,446 3,495,765 3,782,946 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANTS 1,160,881 1,072,641 1,032,163 1,277,619 1,726,118 392,118 1,448,452 M.L.KING JR.COMMUNITY CENTER 180,609 193,782 212,649 205,535 205,535 171,544 208,305 AMBULANCE SERVICES 3,527,777 4,167,956 4,210,994 4,090,250 4,491,245 3,516,639 5,660,577 CITY VIEW CEMETERY 310,609 345,394 360,926 341,604 296,604 234,819 276,721 BOULEVARD PERPETUAL MAINTENANCE 1,878,716 1,987,009 2,127,160 2,191,028 2,209,528 1,885,282 2,409,232 ATHLETIC PROGRAMS 321,437 274,166 263,689 236,398 252,398 216,654 247,964 GOLF COURSE 1,876,799 1,754,335 1,614,563 1,602,560 1,710,765 1,381,028 1,846,122 SENIOR CENTER OPERATING 401,417 329,499 332,473 335,088 335,088 251,410 312,533 MULTI-MODAL FACILITY 119,714 145,746 174,413 189,000 189,000 178,653 242,316 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES 831,815 1,568,697 1,303,133 1,501,900 1,501,900 1,065,448 1,501,800 RIVERSHORE TRAIL 8 MARINA MAINT 19,477 49,950 35,110 40,968 40,968 38,040 51,681 SPECIAL LODGING ASSESSMENT 208,744 196,689 269,096 243,906 293,906 211,198 414,59E LITTER ABATEMENT 22,033 19,140 16,529 18,826 18,826 14,643 20,501 REVOLVING ABATEMENT 330,929 391,620 440,378 394,804 456,304 482,772 552,800 TRAC DEVELOPMENT$OPERATIONS 431,122 422,799 571,747 427,149 454,149 398,965 535,349 PARK DEVELOPMENT 1,741,738 1,901,814 2,035,378 2,157,325 2,200,325 2,150,637 1,897,125 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REET 1ST QTR 2,986,874 3,285,772 4,354,614 4,483,515 4,854,517 4,722,370 4,204,778 ECONOMIC B INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT 2,758,551 2,107,916 3,985,662 2,484,902 2,256,290 3,201,173 1,882,480 STADIUM/CONVENTION CENTER 963,103 411,838 799,280 375,402 331,739 722,759 427,386 LID DEBT SERVICE FUND 1,796,983 1,460,228 1,714,590 1,224,351 1,203,851 1,223,298 1,111,597 G.O.BOND DEBT SERVICE 859,642 852,201 482,226 494,294 499,294 417,177 250,757 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 5,709,184 7,301,825 3,756,888 16,451,908 15,163,997 1,342,600 21,447,570 WATER/SEWER UTILITY 30,810,943 37,600,393 33,985,724 39,031,028 42,297,049 27,761,567 49,066,775 EQUIP RENTAL OPERATIONS-GOV 1,206,250 1,127,457 1,096,267 1,203,561 1,203,561 928,226 1,080,474 EQUIP RENTAL OPERATIONS-PROP 510,285 495,409 500,113 470,448 470,448 444,793 418,256 EQUIP RENTAL REPLACEMENT-GOV 4,792,367 5,135,693 5,917,885 6,303,870 6,358,670 4,652,665 6,894,975 EQUIP RENTAL REPLACEMENT-PROP 1,905,335 2,511,223 2,725,216 2,813,972 2,849,537 2,681,004 3,099,080 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 4,534,780 5,024,346 5,867,861 6,447,401 6,455,915 5,382,908 7,179,961 CENTRAL STORES 13,097 12,845 12,857 12,329 12,329 12,857 11,829 CITY VIEW CEMETERY ENDOWMENT 418,181 435,254 454,552 469,224 469,224 464,120 484,324 OLD FIREMEN'S PENSION 1,904,150 2,306,961 2,433,199 1,560,924 2,849,406 2,420,845 2,479,017 OLD FIRE MEDICAL(OPEB) 2,184,748 2,633,383 2,775,908 1,091,599 2,710,519 2,685,316 2,617,647 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $132,807,153 $142,468,392 $143,835,208 $160,299,715 $174,308,953 $115,854,138 $784,850,295 City of Pasco,Washington 8 2016 Budget CITY OF PASCO GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP DEPARTMENT as of 9130 CITY COUNCIL $ 108,093 $ 103,864 $ 113,543 $ 79,462 $ 114,323 MUNICIPAL COURT 1,428,265 1,511,595 1,564,015 1,087,033 1,607,000 CITY MANAGER 1,050,327 1,227,992 1,291,940 965,668 1,447,608 POLICE DEPARTMENT 12,295,459 12,586,189 14,271,196 9,691,300 14,643,050 FIRE DEPARTMENT 5,660,321 5,327,428 6,379,042 4,561,563 5,590,347 ADMINISTRATIVE&COMMUNITY SERVICES 6,527,058 7,265,296 8,047,581 5,805,470 8,277,191 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1,252,078 1,451,575 1,518,261 1,088,970 1,507,525 ENGINEERING 1,648,750 1,669,218 1,839,064 1,153,880 1,765,221 LIBRARY 1,181,294 1,220,033 1,261,686 941,500 1,305,200 NON-DEPARTMENTAL 8,603,004 5,007,059 13,148,752 2,420,799 10,401,507 TOTAL OPERATIONS 39,754,649 37,370,249 49,435,080 27,795,645 46,658,972 ENDING FUND BALANCE 6,245,218 9,383,161 7,955,361 7,955,361 8,367,491 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $45,989,887 $46,753,410 $57,390.441 $ 35,751,006 $ 55,026,463 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY CATEGORY 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9/30 NP CATEGORY as of 9130 SALARIES AND WAGES $16,974,605 $16,378,414 $18,725,541 $ 13,102,667 $ 18,233,956 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 5,950,355 6,469,816 7,112,139 5,064,960 7,195,274 SUPPLIES 755,820 1,249,730 1,858,774 1,011,690 1,427,010 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 9,140,216 10,126,907 11,111,828 7,532,678 11,860,357 CAPITAL OUTLAY 309,782 89,612 196,021 830,580 189,700 DEBT SERVICE 1,015,288 457,316 575,030 81,297 1,551,675 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 5,608,583 2,598,454 9,855,747 181,754 6201,000 TOTAL OPERATIONS 39,754,649 37,370,249 49,435,080 27,795,626 46,658,972 ENDING FUND BALANCE 6,245,218 9,383,161 7,955,361 7,955,361 8,367,491 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8 45,999,867 $46,753,410 $57,390,441 _135,750,987 $ 55,026,463 City of Pasco,Washington 9 2016 Budget - -- - ----------- ------ . CITY OF PASCO ORGANIZATIONAL CHART CITIZENS CITY COUNCIL DEPU Y O Y CITY MANAGER MgNAGER COMMUNICATIONS HUMAN RESOURCES COMMUNRY 8 ADMINISTRATIV MUNICIPAL POLICE CHIEF FIRE CHIEF ECONOMIC PURLICWORRS I EE COURTIUDGE DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMUNITY DIRECTOR SERVICES N,uniCipFl MwztlpNm fln &Mk WiM En{ineerin{ t pl Cautt S S�POro+lm DiVlvOn FFapnien FINE Sean fbMM Opentiom AtMub�ue %amir6 A4aimeru flacnatim Court SUPWrt InWactim/ Wath.SYxn Faa11En Sel✓m tlgafaliON Cotla flewafatllity, Spedal'ua Fn/mnment Irrig rimratr, SM'KM nim Unity Cit,0. fyuigllent RanDlB Inlama[ron f.Mlatama^t SnNru FiMMa City of Pasco,Washington 10 2016 Budget INDIVIDUAL GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS City of Pasco,Washington 11 2016 Budget City Council CITIZENS OF PASCO CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNTY/REGIONAL BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS FRANKLIN COUNTY EMERGENCY LEOFF DISABILITY BOARD MANAGEMENT CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION HOUSING AUTHORITY PARKS&RECREATION ADVISORY B-F REGIONAL COUNCIL BOARD PLANNING COMMISSION B-F TRANSIT AUTHORITY FIREMAN'S PENSION BOARD PUBLIC FACILITIES DISTRICT CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY MANAGER City of Pasco,Washington 12 2016 Budget CITY COUNCIL EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9130 SALARIES AND WAGES $ 87,594 $ 87,594 $ 87,594 $ 64,011 $ 87,594 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 10,246 10,657 11,049 7,934 11,444 SUPPLIES 54 441 1,000 - 1,000 OTHER SERVICESICHARGES 10,199 5,173 13,900 7,517 14,285 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 108,093 $ 103,865 $ 113,543 $ 79,462 $ 114,323 CITY COUNCIL PERSONNEL SUMMARY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES POSITION 2013 2014 2015 2016 MAYOR 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 COUNCILMEMBER 6.00 6.00 8.00 6.00 TOTAL 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 City of Pasco,Washington 13 2016 Budget Municipal Court JUDGE COURT ADMINISTRATOR COURT SERVICES F AOCOURT PR06ATION SPECIALIST CLERK ADMIN ASST It OFFICER VRDBATIDN CLERK DEPUTY COURT CLERKS DEPT ASST I Pasco Municipal Court PROGRAMS: Pasco Municipal Court is a court of]united jurisdiction with the jurisdiction to hear certain criminal cases, traffic infractions, non-traffic infractions and parking tickets. The city contracts with the City of Mesa and the Port of Pasco Airport to hear then cases as well. There are three divisions within the court system. The Probation division monitors those defendants who are placed on active supervision by the Judge at the time of sentencing. All DUI and domestic violence cases are on active probation for 2-5 years. Any defendant can be placed on the probation caseload depending on the severity of the crime, past criminal history or mental health status of the defendant. Probation tracks each case to ensure that the defendant is complying with each condition of sentence which may include required treatment or res- titution issues. If a defendant is non-compliant, probation can request a warrant of arrest be ordered or defendant be surmnoned to court. The Conmiu nity Service division has two Court Services Specialists responsible for defendant work crews for those persons ordered to perform a detennhned amount of hours as a case condition of sen- tencing. The crews not only assist with graffiti abatement, but also perform many other tasks within the City of Pasco. The Graffiti Abatement Prograrn (GAP) division helps local business owners and city residents with the removal of graffiti from their property. Public areas are also included in locations served by GAP. The crews are the same persons ordered to perforin connmmity service horns. 2015 KEY ACCOMPLISMIENTS: Court The city designed and created a database to hack indigent defense representative appointments as a result of U.S.District Court Judge Lasnik's opinion in the Wilber vs. City of Mount Vernon case. The database provides the number of case assigmnents per court appointed attorney and the arnou nt of time that attorney spends on each assigned case from fust contact information, phone contact, un-person contact whether at the jail facility for incarcerated clients or the attor- ney's office, motions filed, courtroom time, trial information. and final disposition. City of Pasco,Washington 14 2016 Budget • The covet began an intensive scanning project. The 2015 goal was to scan all closed DUI cases into the Laser Fiche database. The covet has accomplished this goal. • All cowl staff has been trained to use XI as a central location to access covet forms and other pertinent docwnents such as staff meeting n»mutes and case destruction list created by the state. Probation • Purchased Caseload Pro, a new WEB based probation case management system to replace the antiquated ACCESS database. The person who had been able to make necessary changes/updates to the ACCESS program was no longer available. Conununity Service • As of October 31. removed 47,300 pounds of garbage within the City of Pasco. 146 tires and 1 refrigerator. • Assisted city departments with numerous undertakings such as setting up for the Cable Bridge Run, softball fields, boat races, state cross-country meet. Road 54 boat launch grass and tunble- weed removal, and Peanuts Park cleanup. Graffiti Abatement Program • With the reduction of graffiti locations, a beautification effort was established to remove old graffiti cover-ups on light poles, block walls and wood fences. • Maintained aggressive removal of any graffiti either called in to police, graffiti hotline,calls from other city staff or located by Court Services Specialists who are familiar with trouble spots as they travel to known graffiti locations. 2016 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Cowl • Scan all files not on active probation with pending issues that may come back before the court. All cases that fit the criteria will be scammed by the end of 2016. • Expand XI database to include all policies and procedures and memos to employees. • Complete and update when necessary, a comprehensive list of all interpreters and add to X1 database. • Begin plain paper warrant process to save money and employee time and effort. • Continue to investigate the possibility of becoming a paperless court. Probation • Probation will work with Caseload Pro on case conversion from ACCESS database into the new database which will require communication and hands-on work to complete. • Cross-train coot office staff to assist the probation department for those times when probation is short staffed. 17his also gives a broader understanding to employees on }row probation duties interact with the broader court fimnction. Community Service • Respond timely to city departments requests to clean-up homeless camps and illegal dump sites within the city limits of Pasco. • Remind city departments of the work crew capabilities in assisting with projects. Graffiti Abatement Program • Continue with beautification effort on graffiti locations with uniformity of one color as opposed to two or more colors at one location. City of Pasco,Washington 15 2016 Budget MUNICIPAL COURT EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9/30 NP FUNCTION as of 9/30 SALARIES AND WAGES $ 744,198 $ 784,554 $ 797,995 $ 567,668 $ 809,494 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 323,895 372,616 375,766 276,950 386,263 SUPPLIES 33,136 31,402 41,100 21,294 41,100 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 327,036 323,024 349,154 201,121 370,143 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 1,428,265 $ 1,511,596 $ 1,564,015 $ 1,087,033 $ 1,607,000 MUNICIPAL COURT PERSONNEL SUMMARY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES POSITION 2013 2014 2015 2016 JUDGE 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 COURT ADMINISTRATOR 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 COURT PROBATION SERV SPEC. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 COURT SERVICES SPEC. 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 ADMINSTRATIVE ASST.II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 LEAD COURT CLERK 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 DEPUTY COURT CLERK 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 PROBATION SERVICES CLERK 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 DEPARTMENT ASST.I 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL 14.75 14.75 14.75 14.75 City of Pasco,Washington 16 2016 Budget City Manager MUNICIPAL _____________________ CITY MANAG ER COUPTIUDGF EXECUTIVE DEPUTY CITY ASSISTANT MANAGER HUMAN COMMUNICATIONS RESOURCES SPECIALIST MANAGER RESOUMAN ADMIN ASST PAYROLL ANALYST RESOURCES 11 SPECIALIST COMMUNITY& ApMiNISTRATIVE ECONOMIC PUBLIC WORKS &COMMUNITY POLICE CNIEf FIRE CHIEF DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SEPVICES DIRECTOR DIRECTOR City Manager PROGRAMS: The City Manager is the chief administrative officer of the City and provides general oversight of all City operations and programs. The City Manager is responsible to the City Council for: • Implementation of policy and delivery of services through the respective Department Di- rectors. • Formulating recommendations for City Council consideration,including preparation ofthe City's annual Operating and Capital Improvement budgets. • Representing the City on interlocal boards, as directed. The City Manager Department includes Human Resources and Communication functions which are supervised by the Deputy City Manager. • Human Resources includes recruitment,employee payroll and benefit administration,civil service, labor relations and safety compliance. • Communications includes public outreach and media relations, City publications,website, social media and operations of the City government access Channel,PSC-TV. 2015 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • Completed recommendations and draft plan for City Council voting districts. Council ap- proved the plan in March. Continued research and discussions to determine feasibility to conduct district-based elections for Council positions 1-5. • Sale of City property on Saudifur Parkway to Bill McCurley for a Subaru dealership was closed in January. The dealership is currently under construction. • Attended and actively listened at the Washington State Commission on Hispanic Affairs events in Pasco,commenced the US Department of Justice Community Relations Service's conciliation process, continued coordination between departments on media relations,and City of Pasco, Washington 17 2016 Budget met with various groups and citizens over concerns about the February 10 officer-iuvolved shooting. • Vigorously prosecuted City Council legislative objectives in the Washington State Legis- lature. With valuable assistance fi-om the City's delegation, several of the Council's Leg- islative goals were achieved. • Represented the City in the Road 80 Area Annexation Committee meetings and assisted affected residents in developing a document to compare regulations and costs between unincorporated Franklin County and the City.The annexation became effective on July 1. • Coordinated City public outreach efforts at the Cinco de Mayo celebration regarding Down- town Pasco and other initiatives. • Prepared and led City team to two Shopping Center conferences to promote economic de- velopment opportunities in the City. This was done in conjunction with other area agencies, such as TRIDEC. • Continued efforts with partner agencies to develop the MATRICS interlocal agreement for improved public safety dispatch and communications. Formal approval of all agencies is expected during the 41h quarter of 2015. • Significantly increased bi-lingual publication of City-generated materials,added language translator function to City website. • Worked with Council committee and BDI to prepare new solid waste agreement for full Council consideration. 2016 GOALS: • Assist City Council with the development and adoption of goal statements for 2016-2017. • Foster increased, meaningful citizen engagement with emphasis on outreach efforts to the Hispanic community. • Advance Police Department community relations and service efforts. • Complete negotiations and recommend replacement collective bargaining agreements for three major labor groups: Police,Fire and Operating Engineers. • Continue to enhance City economic development efforts and opportunities with special emphasis on Downtown Pasco, developing industrial areas, and the growing northwest (Broadmoor) area of the community. • Oversee major development projects as included in the City's Capital Improvement Plan. City of Pasco,Washington 18 2016 Budget CITY MANAGER EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9130 SALARIES AND WAGES $ 706,209 $ 753,884 $ 777,981 $ 567,455 $ 834,033 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 225,159 262,180 270,576 212,178 333,453 SUPPLIES 12,453 15,331 62,886 17,781 23,000 OTHER SERVICESICHARGES 106,506 196,598 180,497 168,254 257,122 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 1,050,327 $ 1,227,993 $ 1,291,940 $ 965,668 s 1,447,608 CITY MANAGER PERSONNEL SUMMARY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES POSITION 2013 2014 2015 2016 CITY MANAGER 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 DEPUTY CITY MANAGER 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 COMMUNICATIONS SPEC. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 HR ANALYST/ASSISTANT 1.00 1.00 1.00 SENIOR HR ANLAYST 1.00 1.00 SAFETY?RAINING SPECIALIST 1.00 1.00 EXECUTIVE ADMIN ASSISTANT 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PAYROLL SPECIALIST 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 HR SPECIALIST 1.00 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT I 1.00 1.00 1.00 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II 1.00 TOTAL 8.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 City of Pasco,Washington 19 2016 Budget Police CITY MANAGER POLICE CHIEF ADMIN A55T 11 SUPPORT FIELD OPERATIONS INVESTIGATIONS OPERATIONSCAPTAIN CAPTAIN CAPTAIN s[nvres SERGEANTS SERGEANTS ADMIN ASST R`N IWfI SRO/ARO POLICE SERGEANTS OFFICERS OFFICERS 9[PPUf15 SWAT SIU DETECTIVES CRIME ANALYST METRO rnn.R PRev[Anol+/ VIOLENT oeMmK Mq[xc[ CRIMES fLEET/ STREET EQUIPMENT pUMES TRAINING/IA EVIDENCE Police Department PROGRAMS: The Police Department provides die law enforcement function for the City. The Department is responsible for the protection of life and property of citizens through its enforcement of criminal law and traffic ordinances. The Field Operations Division provides first response to citizen complaints, traffic enforcement, maintenance of public order and accident report- ing. The Investigative Services Division handles investigations of more serious criminal offenses. 2015 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • Exceeded the minimum state required training for each commissioned officer by over 100 hours. Hosted several outside training classes at the training facility, including DOJ. • Improved Public Information and Media Relations. Developed a positive working rela- tionship with each major media outlet. Implemented a department Twitter and Facebook account that improved the Department's transparency to the public and media. Directed and authorized patrol supervisors to more expeditiously communicate with the media, especially during non-business hours. The supervisors have now been tweeting infor- mation on major incidents shortly after they occur. City of Pasco,Washington 20 2016 Budget • Ongoing review of Department policy manual and updating of policies in the following high risk areas, in advance of accreditation process: use of force; firearms and emer- gency vehicle operation/pursuits. • Coordinated the transition to 800 MHz radio equipment for all officers and vehicles to transition to a MATRICS dispatch format for police communications. • Completed design and began construction of the new police community services build- ing. This was done within the approved budget. • Updated the Major Crime Protocol used during major events to reflect the best practices in investigations and evidence collection. • Implemented a quarterly audits schedule to randomly audit the evidence room. • Worked with Civil Service and Human Resources to update and improve the hiring of new police officers. 2016 GOALS: • Complete construction of new police community services facility (Council Goal #3). • Complete Police Department accreditation process. • Work with the Council and City Manager to finalize and implement the Strategic Plan as presented in October 2015. • Work with City Manager to finalize and implement MATRICS consolidated dispatch. • Continue to implement improvements recommended by DOJ. • Continue to enhance community policing services as part of the strategic plan. City of Pasco,Washington 21 2016 Budget POLICE EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9130 SALARIES AND WAGES $ 6,535,164 $ 6,383,067 $ 7,419,298 $ 5,075,440 $ 7,527,709 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 2,132,425 2,275,077 2,476,299 1,732,367 2,603,938 SUPPLIES 243,691 306,418 613,203 205,488 424,395 OTHER SERVICESICHARGES 3,371,706 3,610,141 3,625,096 2,674,479 4,087,008 CAPITAL OUTLAY 12,483 11,487 137,300 3,526 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $12,295,459 $12,586,190 $14,271,196 $ 9,691,300 $ 14,643,050 POLICE PERSONNEL SUMMARY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES POSITION 2013 2014 2015 2016 POLICE CHIEF M47.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 CAPTAIN 2.00 3.00 3.00 SERGEANT 10.00 10.00 10.00 CORPORAL POLICE OFFICER 47.00 47.00 49.00 POLICE OFFICER-DETECTIVE 5.00 5.00 7.00 POLICE OFFICER-DEAIVCTF DETECT 1.00 2.00 2.00 POLICE OFFICER-SCU DETECT 3.00 3.00 4.00 POLICE OFFICER-METRO DETECT . 2.00 1.00 1.00 CRIME SPECIALIST-ANALYST 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 CRIME SPECIALIST-DOMESTIC VIOL 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 CRIME SPECIALIST-EVIDENCE 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 LEAD POLICE SERVS.SPEC. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 POLICE SVCS.SPEC. 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 LEGAL SECRETARY I-METRO 1.00 1.00 1.00 LEGAL SECRETARY II-METRO 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL 83.00 83A0 84.00 88.00 City of Pasco,Washington 22 2016 Budget Fire CITY MANAGER w FIRE CHIEF ADMIN ASSIST ASSISTANT CHIEF BATTALION CHIEFS CAPTAINS LIEUTENANTS FIREFI6HTER5 Ambulance & Fire Suppression PROGRAMS: Ambulance • Emergency Medical Services:To provide well-supervised,qualified and professional medical services in accordance with National, State, and Local ordinance and industry standards. • Safety Program:Provide medical safety training and education in accordance with WAC 296- 305 requirements. The EMS Officer serves as the City of Pasco Infectious Disease Control Officer. • Public Education: Provide pre-hospital training and safety education and outreach programs to the City of Pasco residents and the greater Tri-Cities community. • EMS Continuing Education: Provide advanced and basic life support EMS training to depart- ment members as defined by Washington State Department of Health and Benton/Franklin Pre-Hospital protocols. City of Pasco,Washington 23 2016 Budget Fire • Suppression Program: To provide well-supervised, qualified and professional fire suppression services in accordance with National, State, and Local ordinance and industry standards. • Safety Program: Provide safety training and education in accordance with WAC 296-305 re- quirements • ARFF Program: To provide aircraft rescue and firefighting services to the Tri-Cities Airport in accordance with FAA Regulations Pail 139 and applicable advisory circulars, WAC 296- 305 and applicable sections of NFPA 402. • Technical Rescue: Provide technical rescue capabilities as defined by NFPA 1670 and WAC 296-305 in the following disciplines: Rope Rescue, Confined Space,Trench and Excavation, Machinery and Vehicle, Structural Collapse, and Water. • Hazardous Materials: Provide well-supervised, qualified, and professional emergency re- sponse to hazardous materials incidents within the City of Pasco. • Public Education:Provide fire and safety education and outreach programs to the City of Pasco residents. 2015 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Ambulance • Active Intruder Awareness and Response: The Pasco Fire Department, in collaboration with Pasco Police,has been actively training on dealing with the potential injuries and patient man- agement of this event type during 2015. We developed and completed a full-scale exercise that included over 12 response agencies. We continue to regularly train on this subject with the Police Department. • Inter-agency/department Collaboration: The fire department has developed collaborative re- lationships with surrounding agencies that have improved auto/mutual aid operations, and in- cident management capabilities. Within the City,the department works collaboratively with the Police Department (see above), Parks and Recreation, Franklin County Sheriff's Depart- ment and Public Works Department by teaching continuing pre-hospital emergency medical education. • Emergency Medical Training Program: The EMS Division worked collaboratively with the Washington State Department ofHealth Radiological Protection,the Benton/Franklin Medical Program Director,and Washington State Department ofHealth—Region 8 in the development of regional EBOLA/Infectious Disease response protocols. • Improvement of EMS Response Quality: The EMS division and Lourdes Medical Center Man- agement staff have been developing a process to monitor and improve patient care quality from initial patient contact by EMS through the patient care processes at the hospital. • Public Outreach: The EMS Division assisted Columbia Basin College with attaining 20 auto- matic external defibrillators.The EMS Division also supports the Pasco School District"Every 15 Minutes"Program.The Pasco Fire Department provides"mentors"to the Columbia Basin College Paramedic Program. Fire • Active Intruder Awareness and Response: The Pasco Fire Department, in collaboration with Pasco Police, has been actively training on this scenario during 2015. We developed and completed a full-scale exercise that included over 12 response agencies. We continue to reg- ularly train on this subject with the Police Department. • Inter-agency/department Collaboration: The fire department has developed collaborative re- lationships with surrounding agencies that have improved auto/mutual aid operations, and in- cident management capabilities. Within the City,the department works collaboratively with the Police Department (see above), Parks and Recreation by teaching continuing education, and the Building Department with pre-fire planning. • Port of Pasco Contact Negotiation: During Ql & Q2 of 2015, the Port of Pasco and the fire department successfully concluded negotiations that included identification of actual costs and cost allocation of the ARFF program at the Tri-Cities Airport. City of Pasco,Washington 24 2016 Budget • Labor/Management Meetings: During FY2015 both Labor and Management have agreed to regular meetings. To date, these meetings have been successful in opening the lines of com- munications between both organizations. The meetings have been regularly attended by the Department Director and various members of the IAFF Local 1433 Executive Board. • Public Fire Education Program: Our public education program supports annual Exit Drills in the Home (over 3000 students were contacted in 2015), bi-annual smoke detector inspection and battery replacement, and business fire escape planning. We have partnered with Pasco School District and participated in 6 reading events to over 270 students and with Benton- Franklin Safe Kids Coalition to host Child Car Seat clinics. 2016 GOALS: Ambulance • Continue with efforts to develop a single dispatching system by working with council and other agencies, and upgrades to the computer aided dispatch system. • Identify options to increase data transfer and validation through the use of electronic patient care reporting systems. • Continue to develop positive and professional working and business relationships with the bargaining unit administration. • Identify options to equitably fund the Advanced Life Support program to other auto/mutual aid agencies. • Continue to improve and expand the Quality Assurance Program with Lourdes Medical Center. Fire • Continue with efforts to develop a single dispatching system by working with council and other agencies,and upgrades to the computer aided dispatch system. • Implement recommendations of findings from the Washington State Rating Bureau reclassi- fication evaluation within the allotted time&aures. • Update all station alerting devices to receive automated dispatching as well as ARFF alerts from the Tri-Cities Airport Tower. • Continue to develop positive and professional working and business relationships with the bargaining unit administration. • Identify options to equitably fund the Advanced Life Support program to other auto/mutual aid agencies. • Continue to enhance and develop the response capabilities of the Technical Rescue Program. City of Pasco,Washington 25 2016 Budget FIRE EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2018 AMENDED ACTUALS as of BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9130 SALARIES AND WAGES $ 4,134,937 $ 3,580,536 $ 4,328,343 $ 3,101,153 $ 3,571,129 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 876,047 947,315 1,072,052 803,245 972,163 SUPPLIES 106,394 121,191 214,673 127,089 196,184 OTHER SERVICESICHARGES 542,943 623,255 756,453 522,556 772,871 CAPITAL OUTLAY 55,129 7,521 7,521 76,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 5,660,321 $ 5,327,426 $ 6,379,042 $ 4,561,564 $ 5,590,347 FIRE PERSONNEL SUMMARY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES POSITION 2013 2014 2015 2016 FIRE CHIEF 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 ASSISTANCT FIRE CHIEF 0.50 BATTALION CHIEFS 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 TRAINING OFFICER 1.00 CAPTAIN 8.00 8.00 7.00 TRAINISAFETY BATTALION CHIEF 1.00 1.00 1.00 LIEUTENANT 8.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 FIREFIGHTERS 22.00 19.00 23.00 19.00 ADMINISTATIVE ASSISTANT II 0.50 FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALIST 0.20 DEPARTMENT ASSISTANT II 0.50 0.50 0.50 TOTAL 35.00 35.00 39.00 35.20 City of Pasco,Washington 26 2016 Budget Administrative and Community Services CITY MANAGER ADMINISTRATIVE&COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR DEPUTY ADMIN ASST DIRECTOR II W FINANCE LEGAL INFORMATIO RECREATIONMANAGER DEPT CITY[:TRK NSERVICES SERVICES FACILITIES MANAGER MANAGER MANAGER UTILITY ACCOUNTING BILLING LEADS NETWORK/ RECREATION CNIEF SYSTEMS SPECIALISTS GROUNDSMEN ACCWNTIN siaF G CLERK PLOJJIRANR OPLICA / DEPARTMEN G0.0Ux 11x1EN ArrolxaTlom TASSSTAM I&u CUSTDMER ACCOUNR CCNARUTER58 TEMPORARY FACRFTIES SERVN;E PAYg9LE/RTC HARDWARE MPRYTUTANC EMPLOYEES GIS CEMETERY FOR PARK PATROL TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES Administrative & Community Services Department PROGRAMS: The Administrative and Community Services Department provides the diverse internal ser- vices necessary to operate or support other City departments efficiently. These divisions in- clude Finance, Information Services, Facilities Maintenance, Records Management and Le- gal Services. In addition, this department delivers certain external services, including adult and youth recreation services, senior citizens services and utility customer services. The Finance Division is responsible for providing accurate financial information and con- sistent customer service to the City organization and citizens. The Accounting section is pri- marily responsible for the supervision and accountability of City resources through fiscally prudent budgeting, accounting and reporting and inter-office mail services to all City depart- ments. This section is also responsible for the billing for all monies owned to the City except for water/sewer monthly bills and the payment of all bills. The Customer Service section is responsible for the controlling and receipting of all City revenues, monthly billing for the water/sewer utility and providing customer assistance in all areas. City of Pasco,Washington 27 2016 Budget The Information Services Division is responsible for the City's computer and telecommuni- cations systems. It develops, implements,and maintains all automated municipal information applications including GIS, remote access points for traffic, utility monitoring, Police and Fire computer set-vices. The Administrative Services Division is responsible for purchasing controls, records man- agement, legal service and City Clerk functions. It also manages the Boat Basin, Gesa Sta- dium and Sun Willow Golf Course. The Recreation Services Division is responsible for the operation and implementation of rec- reational activities in the community, including management of Memorial Pool and the Soft- ball Complex. The Facilities Division is responsible for 5 areas: Buildings, Grounds, Cemetery, Urban For- estry and the Park Ranger Program. 2015 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Finance • Issue 2015 G.O. and Revenue Bonds • Ambulance and Water/Sewer Rate Study • Motorola-financed purchase of hand radios for PD • Creation and publication of 2016-2021 Capital Iinprovement Plan • Issue and submit 2014 CAFR to GFOA Certificate of Achievement Program • Hired new Finance Manager • Changed billing schedule resulting in fewer shut-offs • Assisted in pulling data for Ambulance and Water/Sewer Rate Studies Information Services • Police Department Training Building technology expansion/connectivity • Scada offsite fiber network connectivity to 19 sites • Fire Incident Management laptops • Graffiti camera upgrade • Initial implementation of Citywide Enterprise GIS System • Indigent Case Tracking application Facilities • Developed new Cemetery procedures resulting in better customer service • Replaced two playgrounds including pour-in-place safety surfacing • Improved/remodeled Police Training Center building appearance and usability for re- gional training • Added maintenance responsibilities for Public Works and Fire Station 82 Recreation • Introduced new programs and marketing at Memorial Pool resulting in highest revenue since the 2010 remodel • Implemented Concerts in the Park Series • Hosted first Mom-Sou and Daddy-Daughter events • Hosted Party in the Park in partnership with Pasco Jaycees Easter event at Chiawana Park • Hosted 19 tournaments at the Softball Complex, surpassed the goal of 16 City of Pasco,Washington 28 2016 Budget 2016 GOALS: Finance • Review and improve internal controls • Review and improve interfimd charge calculations • Implement usage of the NWS Encumbrance Module • Finalize update of Meter-reading routes • Finalize conversion to NWS Utility Billing Module Information Services • Upgrade/Add 2 additional IS staff • Implement 24 hour IT support for Police, Fire, PW systems • Expand Cartegraph Work Order System to Water, Streets, Irrigation and Parks • Additional Fiber Connectivity to City Offices, SCADA sites and Traffic Controllers • City Enterprise Phone and Voice System upgrade • Implement and support NWS PAF and E-time Suite Modules Facilities • Restructure to accommodate new staff members • Develop 5 year plan for the Cemetery,Facilities and Urban Forestry Recreation • Expand Concerts in the Park Series • Add Bubble Soccer to programs offered • Host 2016 All-Senior Picnic (rotates every 3 years with Richland and Kennewick) • Continue to diversify and expand offerings at Memorial pool to increase attendance and revenue City of Pasco,Washington 29 2016 Budget ADMINISTRATIVE&COMMUNITY SERVICES EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as of BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9130 SALARIES AND WAGES $ 2,889,250 $ 2,971,409 $ 3,260,885 $ 2,381,332 $ 3,416,718 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 1,107,900 1,236,373 1,370,747 975,694 1,437,709 SUPPLIES 298,489 705,900 807,012 595,337 629,731 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 2,130,350 2,328,619 2,557,737 1,782,857 2,681,333 CAPITAL OUTLAY 101,069 22,996 51,200 70,250 111,700 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 6,527,058 $ 7,265,297 $ 8,047,581 $ 5,805,470 $ 8,277,191 ADMINISTRATIVE&COMMUNITY SERVICES PERSONNEL SUMMARY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES POSITION 2013 2014 2015 2016 ADMIN&COMM SVCS DIR. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ADMIN&COMM SVCS DEPUTY DIR. 1.00 FINANCIAL SERVICES MANAGER 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 INFORMATION SVCS MGR 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 RECREATION SERVICES MGR 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 FACILITIES MGR 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 LEAD ACCOUNTANT 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 CHIEF GROUNDSMAN 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 CITY CLERK 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 GIS ADMINISTRATOR 1.00 1.00 1.00 DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR 1.00 1.00 1.00 GROUNDSMANI 750 7.50 8.50 8.50 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 STAFF ACCOUNTANT 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 LEAD RECREATION SPECIALIST 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PC SPECIALIST 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 APPLICATIONS SPECIALIST 1.00 1.00 1.00 LEGAL SECRETARY/PARALEGAL 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 RECREATION SPECIALIST 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 GROUNDSMAN II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ACCOUNTING CLERK 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 DATABASE SPECIALIST 2.00 INFORM SVC TECHNICIAN-GIS 0.75 0.75 1.00 1.00 DEPARTMENT ASSISTANT II 9.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 DEPARTMENT ASSISTANT 1 1.00 TOTAL 42.00 44.25 45.50 47.50 City of Pasco,Washington 30 2016 Budget Community Development CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ADMIN ASST II BLOCK GRANT INSPECTION ADMINISTRATOR CITY PLANNER SERVICES MANAGER ASSOCIATE CODE BUILDING PLANNER ENFORCEMENT INSPECTORS PLANS E%AMINER OFFICERS PERMIT PLANNER 1 TECHNICIANS Community & Economic Development PROGRAMS: Economic Development fosters growth of existing business, attraction of new business and po- sitioning the community for expansion of the tax base through planned provision of appropriate land use, utilities and assistance in project permitting. Community Planning provides predictability in zoning,subdivision,annexation and development and aesthetic regulations through the administration of State Environmental Policy Act, Growth Management Act and Pasco Municipal Code. Inspection Services protects community health and safety through the provisions of the Interna- tional Building Codes by construction plan review, building and fire inspections, and code and nuisance enforcement. Community Development Block Grant administers the City's entitlement Federal grants to ad- dress the City's community development, revitalization and housing needs that directly benefit low and moderate income persons and families. 2015 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • Implemented the Fire Safety Inspection Program consistent with Council approval parame- ters. • Implemented an emergency relocation program for tenants displaced as a result of substand- ard housing vacate orders. City of Pasco,Washington 31 2016 Budget • Annexed that portion of the Riverview County Island west of Road 80 consistent with Coun- cil 2014-2015 Goals. In a related task, and with Council approval, instituted the use of Out- side Utility Agreements for the provision of municipal sewer service outside City limits. • Successfully corroborated with our economic development partners to attract an estimated $75 million in industrial investment to the community in 2015. • Used and reused funds through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program to reclaim 16 fore- closed residences, including the purchase and resale of 4 hones and the provision of down payment assistance to 16 fust time home buyers. • Completed the Shoreline Management Program update consistent with the grant agreement between the Department of Ecology and the City. Provided the final draft of the Shoreline Plan to the Department for final review. • Administered the consultant contract for visioning associated with key Downtown improve- ments. Developed a second contract for the decision points key in revitalization of the core target area(four block area centered on 41h/Lewis). Council reaffirmed this priority program through the allocation of$125,000 of Community Development Block Funds for creation of biddable documents and downtown infrastructure consistent with revitalization plan decision points. • Obtained utility tax credit for the City's 2015 contribution to the Downtown Pasco Devel- opment Authority through the reimbursement program eligible for Main Street Communities. 2016 GOALS: • Review and implement a deferred Impact Fee Payment Option per 2015 State legislation. • Review and implement a revised Latecomer Agreement Option per 2015 State legislation. • Review and implement revisions to the City's Sign Code per 2015 United States Supreme Court decision and guidelines. • Revise the City's Facade Improvement Program to increase participation and effectiveness. • Undertake a significant portion of the cyclical update of the City's Comprehensive Plan re- quired through the Growth Management Act by completing the Land Use and Transportation Elements. City of Pasco,Washington 32 2016 Budget COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as of BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 9/30 NP FUNCTION as of 9/30 SALARIES AND WAGES $ 813,918 $ 759,463 $ 896,741 $ 624,293 $ 881,755 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 326,684 339,322 399,619 293,802 420,157 SUPPLIES 8,656 13,016 17,750 11,312 18,750 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 102,821 339,774 204,151 159,563 186,863 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 1,252,079 $ 1,451,575 $ 1,518,261 $ 1,088,970 $ 1,507,525 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES POSITION 2013 2014 2015 2016 COMMUNITY DEV.DIRECTOR 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 INSPECTION SERVICES MGR. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 CITY PLANNER 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ASSOCIATE PLANNER 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PLANS EXAMINER 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 BUILDING INSPECTOR 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 PLANNERI 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFF. 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II 1.001.00 1.00 1.00 PERMIT TECHNICIAN 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 TOTAL 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 City of Pasco,Washington 33 2016 Budget Public Works - Engineering CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DIREROR CITU ENGINEER ADMIN ASST I CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR DEVELOPMENT GIs TRAFFIC/ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT UTILITY/ TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS WATER QUALITY SENIOR TRAFFIC CONSTRUCTION SENIOR UTILITY DEVELOPMENT GIS ENGINEER CIP ENGINEERS MANAGER ENGINEER ENGINEER TECHNICIAN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATE ASSOCIATE TRANSPORTATION CONSTRUCTION DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER INSPECTORS ENGINEER ASSOCIATE TRAFFIC UTILITY TECHNICIAN TECHNICIAN Public Works Department PROGRAMS: The Public Works Department acts as the community stewards for the planning, design, construction, inspection, operation and maintenance of the City's infi-astructure. This in- cludes all roadways, sidewalks,street signals, street lighting, storm drainage,water produc- tion facilities, water and sewerage conveyance systems, process water reuse facility and sewage treatment systems The Engineering Division is responsible for the planning,designing,surveying, field inspec- tion and contract administration for most construction projects within the City. The Division also performs snapping and drafting services, assists in the formation and administration of local improvement projects and monitors traffic patterns and related problems. The Water Division's responsibility is to provide clean, clear, potable water to utility cus- tomers,to maintain a high quality and deliver the product economically and plentifully to the customers. The Wastewater or Sewer Division is charged with treating industrial and domestic wastes. Sewer maintenance insures that the system is leak and seepage proof, unblocked by sand, grease or roots, and graded to move wastes efficiently to the treatment plant where the treated water is sent back to the Columbia River cleaner than when it was originally taken out. City of Pasco,Washington 34 2016 Budget The Process Water Reuse Facility receives wastewater fi•om several food processing plants which is then pumped to large holding ponds and/or sprayed onto growing crops as a means of usage and disposal.During the non-growing season,the water is held in the storage ponds. The Stormwater management system was established, pursuant to state law, for the man- agement of surface and stoimwater runoff created on City streets and delivered to City- owned stormwater facilities. The Irrigation Division provides untreated water for irrigation to those living in housing developments in the northwestern portion of the City where sandier soil conditions exist. The utility provides a more cost effective alternative for water residential properties. Equipment Rental is responsible for the maintenance, repairs and inspections of all City owned vehicles and rolling equipment. The fleet ranges from Police and Fire vehicles and automobiles, utility vehicles and heavy construction equipment, and parks vehicles and maintenance equipment. Street Division-Provide critical maintenance of streets, sidewalks,traffic signals, roadway shoulders,snow removal,street signage,street sweeping,pavement preservations,and street striping in very effective manner.The city is practically pothole free and 80%of the streets have 70%or higher is pavement condition rating. 2015 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Engineering • Court St ADA&Pedestrian Upgrades • Lewis Street Demolition • Rd 40 E. Storm Drainage • School Zone Flashing Beacons—Upgrade • School Zone Safety Irnprovements • Rd 68 Improvements Ph 2 & Interconnect Rd 68 Signals • PWRF Ph 3,Pond Area Cnading • Butterfield Intake Screens • Memorial Park Upgrades • 2015 Crack Seal • Richardson Paris Pool Demo • 2014—2015 Chip Seal • 2015 Micro-Surfacing (Sylvester Street) • 2015 Overlays • 2015 Water Meter Relocations • Powerline Rd Improvements • Avion Pond • ADA Upgrade/Retrofit Program • ADA Improvements along Sylvester Street City of Pasco,Washington 35 2016 Budget • Design Completed-CIP 0 3rd Primary Clarifier o Rd 76 Widening o Oregon Ave, Pb 1 — 2 o Oregon Avenue Water Main Replacement o Argent Rd Widening (201h Avenue to Road 44) o East Side Booster Station Upgrade o City Wide Traffic Signal Controller Upgrade 0 201h Ave Access Management o WWTP Caustic Soda huprovements 0 2015 Sewer Re-Lining Sewer Collections • Maintained level of H2S at an acceptable level to minimize complaints. • Installed two pumps at chemical installation station so they operate independently to save chemicals. Stormwater • Changed programming software in CCTV buck so it is compatible with the new CCTV truck used by Sewer collections. This will also allow for the addition of the Asset Man- agement Program Cartegraph to be installed. This was all done with grant funds. Street • Completed Alley hard surfacing. Equipment Rental • Created parts room and inventory control measures in Equipment Rental Irrigation • Northwest Commons well rehab • Desert Plateau/I-82 well rehab • Repair/replace 40 irrigation isolation valves • Supplied 2.8MG of water to our irrigation customers (2% increase from same period in 2014). • Draft strategic plan for Irrigation PWRF • Replaced 280' of PWRF forcemain under Hwy 395 • Placed gravel around PWRF for dust control • Removed trash/old parts from PWRF • Reallocated staff resources to assist in o/m at PWRF and the Farms • Identified telemetry deficiencies at Fame • Repaired skimmer in clarifier at PWRF to remove more grease • Replaced sections of forcemain downstream of IPS heading into farms • RJR isolation valves for each farm circle • Identify methods and techniques to reduce sand leaving PWRF • Coordinate and meet consistently with farmers City of Pasco,Washington 36 2016 Budget • Identify and install more efficient sprinkler heads at circles • Created processes to improve communication between City and other professional ser- vices • Bladed in road along the south and eastern fence line at PWRF • Passed slope stability assessment • Supplied 5.9MG of processed water to the farms • Bladed roads into circles • Cleaned 35 and 8 million gallon pond • Reduced amount of man-hours required to clean screens • Draft strategic plan for PWRF WWTP • No NPDES permit violations in 2015 year-to-date • Replaced 9th and Washington lift station Variable frequency drives and Programming logic controller • Replaced Effluent weir • Added one additional operator position to WWTP staff • Caustic soda system currently under construction • Primary Clarifier project under construction • DYSTOR Control panel replacement currently under construction Water • Completed 2015 Water Meter Relocation Project -moved 34 water services from the old water main in alley to the new water main in the street. This work needed to be done before the alleys were chip sealed. • Started Fire Hydrant maintenance program this year. Performed maintenance on 1,279 hydrants in the first three quarters of 2015. • Continued meter replacement program-replaced 1,214 meters in the first three quarters of 2015. • Got pilot of Uni-Directional Flushing program underway. • Butterfield Raw Water intake upgrade completed. 2016 GOALS: Engineering • Customer Service - Continue to provide exceptional customer service to all citizens, coworkers, and City partners in accordance with the City of Pasco Customer Service Policy. • Development Review Improvement Process—Work to develop a review process com- bining the efforts of Community and Economic Development,Planning,Engineering, Public Works Operations, Building Codes, Code Enforcement, and Administration to better serve the public and provide procedure that promotes uniform application of City standards and expectations both for current and future citizens. • Establish an Administrative Project Filing and Tracking System — This system will ensure that the City of Pasco Engineering Department will be able to work within state and federal requirements for the collection,maintenance, and reporting of moneys ac- quired by grants and other funding sources that are utilized in Public Works projects. • Continue Improving the Relationship between Engineering and Operations - To con- tinue developing the working relationship between Engineering and Operations by con- tinuing to include Operations staff during the project design and development phase. City of Pasco,Washington 37 2016 Budget • Mentoring - Continue to develop a program on mentoring new engineers for project management and leadership development. Sewer Collections • To maintain odor levels with no complaints on Road 44. • Continue to save chemicals. • Install and begin using Cartegraph. Stormwater • Hire two new full time employees to begin CCTV inspections in storm system. These employees will also perform cleaning of storm water mainlines and will allow us to do more with illicit discharge detection. • Start using Cartegraph to monitor annual storm drain cleaning program. • Complete the Master Plan to meet the future demands and upcoming regulatory re- quirements for the 2019 NPDES permit Street • Purchase a new striping truckto improve safety of application and also improve produc- tivity. • Sidewalks: Complete Downtown area and Zone A. • Complete the pavement rating to help us outline and prioritize street for rehab and preservations • Use City crew to complete the prep work for Utah from James Street to the Cul-de-sac. • Start construction of Oregon Avenue • Complete the NEPA update for Lewis Overpass • Complete planning level for the Lewis Street Overpass Options Equipment Rental • Reduce costs for PMA in Equipment Rental o Create performance measures o Create inventory tracking and accountability plan o Streamline operations by creating protocols and procedures • Create/establish "quick lube center" in Equipment Rental • Contact other jurisdiction our size on their ER practices and restructure the ER program Irrigation • Desert Oasis well-head rehab • Desert Sunset well-head rehab • Develop CIP program using the adopted master plan • Construct 3 to 4 well houses PWRF • PWRF Facilities Plan • Meet DOE compliance • huprove water quality to Farms • Decrease sand coming into PWRF • Unify farm irrigation • Repair and replace ductile iron pipe at PWRF with poly/pvc • Complete the master plan • Complete the design and possibly start construction of the lift station at Dietrich Road City of Pasco,Washington 38 2016 Budget WWTP • No NPDES permit violations • Primary Clarifier project completed • Replace Grit Classifiers • Install 4te pump and VFD at Maitland Lift Station • Replace Programming logic controller(PLC) at Maitland Lift Station • Update Communications at 4 lift stations • Design DAFT #2 • Complete safety upgrades to W WTP and surrounding lift stations • Complete Screw press installation • Update WWTP preventative maintenance program • Add mechanic positon to W WTP staff Water • Get Uii-Directional Flushing zones and sequences completed and program in full swing. • Continue maintenance schedule on fine hydrants and begin painting them. • Continue meter replacement program-explore possibility of moving toward automated meter reading. • Continue installation of new fire hydrants. • Oregon Ave Water Line Replacement • Begin WPWTP Raw Water intake construction • East Side Booster Pump Station upgrades • Complete the water main construction at Oregon Avenue City of Pasco,Washington 39 2016 Budget ENGINEERING ENGINEERING EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as of BUDGET-CM level-CM - ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9130 SALARIES AND WAGES $ 1,063,345 $ 1,057,908 $ 1,156,704 $ 701,335 $ 1,105,524 PERSONNELBENEFITS 409,359 438,252 478,413 309,227 469,891 SUPPLIES 8,806 22,178 33,650 8,336 25,350 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 167,240 150,880 170,297 134,982 164,456 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 1,648,750 $ 1,669,218 $ 1,639,064 $ 1,153,800 $ 1,765,221 ENGINEERING PERSONNEL SUMMARY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES POSITION 2013 2014 2015 2016 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.15 CITY ENGINEER 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 SENIOR ENGINEER 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 CIVIL ENGINEER 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 ASSOCIATE ENGINEER 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 111 1.00 1.00 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL 17.20 17.20 17.20 16.65 City of Pasco,Washington 40 2016 Budget LIBRARY LIBRARY EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9/30 SALARIES AND WAGES $ - PERSONNEL BENEFITS - SUPPLIES 2,363 6,292 12,500 3,715 12,500 OTHER SERVICESICHARGES 1,178,931 1,213,740 1,249,186 937,785 1,292,700 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 1,181,294 $ 1,220,032 $ 1,261,686 $ 941,500 $ 1,305,200 NON-DEPARTMENTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9130 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 538,641 588,024 657,618 443,564 - SUPPLIES 41,777 27,562 55,000 21,338 55,000 OTHER SERVICESICHARGES 1,202,484 1,335,703 2,005,357 943,664 2,593,832 TRANSFERS 5,608,583 2,475,940 9,855,747 830,560 6,201,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 196,230 - DEBT SERVICE 1,015,288 579,830 575,030 181,754 1,551,675 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 8,603,003 $ 5,007,059 $ 13,148,752 $ 2,420,800 $ 10,401,507 ENDING FUND BALANCE 6,245,218 9,383,161 7,955,361 7,955,361 8,367,491 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $14,848,221 $14,390,220 $21,104,113 $ 10,376,161 $ 18,768,998 City of Pasco,Washington 41 2016 Budget This page let!blank City of Pasco,Washington 42 2016 Budget SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Special Revenue Funds are Funds used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditure for specific purposes. City of Pasco,Washington 43 2016 Budget Public Works - Streets CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUPERINTENDENT PW DIVISION MANAGER ADMIN ASST I LEAD STREET WORKER INSTRUMENT TECH HEAVY UTILITY EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE OPERATORS WORKERS City of Pasco,Washington 44 2016 Budget CITY STREET FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUALS as of BUDGET-CM level-CM REVENUE as of 9/30 9/30 NP TAXES $ 208,098 $ 225,410 $ 209,500 $ 170,580 $ 237,000 LICENSES AND PERMITS 309,906 395,448 407,000 276,243 445,000 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 931,919 1,883,279 1,405,000 752,395 997,000 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 6,805 63,607 63,040 9,390 5,640 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 779,892 649,294 492,072 40,350 TOTAL REVENUES 2,236,620 3,217,038 2,576,612 1,248,958 1,684,640 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 475,339 797,091 488,742 502,726 479,081 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 2,711,959 $ 4,014,129 $ 3,065,354 $ 1,751,684 $ 2,163,721 CITY STREET FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as of BUDGET- ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CM level-CM FUNCTION as of 9/30 9/30 NP SALARIES AND WAGES $ 357,608 $ 408,807 $ 515,776 $ 338,348 $ 580,522 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 159,760 193,558 258,931 164,745 283,082 SUPPLIES 103,482 269,164 440,800 92,455 179,300 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 1,293,818 2,581,821 1,664,766 875,661 1,073,477 CAPITAL OUTLAY - 58,053 6,000 1,590 40,600 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,914,868 3,511,403 2,886,273 1,472,799 2,156,981 ENDING FUND BALANCE 797,091 502,726 179,081 278,885 6,740 TOTAL $ 2,711,959 $ 4,014,129 $ 3,065,354 $ 1,751,684 $ 2,163,721 CITY STREETS PERSONNEL SUMMARY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES [ASST. SITION 2013 2014 2015 2016 BLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.11 BLIC WORK SUPERINTENDENT 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 OPERATIONS MANAGER 035 034 034 AD STREET WORKER 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 2.50 2.50 3.00 5.00 UTILITY MAINTENANCE WORKER I 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 INSTRUMENTATION TECH 0.50 1.00 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT I 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.25 LABORER 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL 6.40 7.39 8.39 10.01 City of Pasco,Washington 45 2016 Budget ARTERIAL STREET FUND ARTERIAL STREET FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as of BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 9/30 NP REVENUE as of 9130 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 465,338 489,193 497,000 348,909 498,500 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 6,065 7,650 5,750 5,898 5,750 MISCELLANEOUS 1,454 100 1,357 100 INTERFUND TRANSFERS TOTAL REVENUES 472,857 503,641 502,850 356,164 504,350 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 1,138,439 1,412,822 1,501,028 1,501,029 1,658,881 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 1,611,296 $ 1,916,463 $ 2,003,878 $ 1,857,193 $ 2,163,231 ARTERIAL STREET FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as of BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 9/30 NP FUNCTION as of 9130 OTHER SERVICESICHARGES 40,160 16,362 13,260 - 13,260 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 158,314 399,072 331,737 121,322 1,785,000 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 198,474 415,434 344,997 121,322 1,798,260 ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,412,822 1,501,029 1,658,881 1,735,871 364,971 TOTAL $ 1,611,296 $ 1,916,463 $ 2,003,878 $ 1,857,193 $ 2,183,231 City of Pasco,Washington 46 2016 Budget 1-182 CORRIDOR TRAFFIC IMPACT FUND 1-182 CORRIDOR TRAFFIC IMPACT FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP REVENUE as of 9130 CHARGES FOR SERVICES $ 183,481 $ 189,398 $ 234,000 $ 165,399 $ 200,000 MISCELLANEOUS 1,492 1,188 1,000 1,131 1,000 INTERFUND TRANSFERS TOTAL REVENUES 184,973 190,586 235,000 166,530 201,000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 1,050,378 1,063,658 1,184,829 1,178,432 1,329,954 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 1,235,351 $ 1,254,244 $ 1,419,829 $ 1,344,962 $ 1,530,954 1-182 CORRIDOR TRAFFIC IMPACT FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9130 INTERFUND TRANSFERS $ 171,693 $ 75,812 $ 35,875 $ 17,629 $ 256,000 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 171,693 75,812 35,875 17,629 256,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,063,658 1,178,432 1,383,954 1,327,333 1,274954 TOTAL $ 1,235,351 $ 1,254,244 $ 1,419,829 $ 1,344,962 $ 1,530,954 City of Pasco,Washington 47 2016 Budget STREET OVERLAY FUND STREET OVERLAY FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP REVENUE as of 9/30 TAXES $ 838,676 $ 903,557 $ 874,000 $ 683,774 $ 919,500 MISCELLANEOUS 3,833 3,256 3,000 2,544 3,000 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 534,000 160,000 706,000 TOTAL REVENUES 842,509 906,815 1,411,000 846,318 1,628,500 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 2,543,429 2,926,904 2,649,446 2,649,447 2,154,446 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 3,385,938 $ 3,833,719 $ 4,060,446 $ 3,495,765 $ 3,782,948 STREET OVERLAY FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9/30 NP FUNCTION as of 9/30 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 216,266 1,129,058 1,482,000 1,112,164 836,242 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 242,748 55,214 424,000 424,000 967,000 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 459,034 1,184,272 1,906,000 1,536,154 1,803,242 ENDING FUND BALANCE 2,926,904 2,649,447 2,164,446 1,959,611 1,979,704 TOTAL $ 3,385,936 $ 3,633,719 $ 4,060,446 $ 3,495,765 $ 3,782,946 City of Pasco,Washington 48 2016 Budget This page left blank City of Pasco,Washington 49 2016 Budget Community Development Block Grant CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY&ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ADMIN ASST fl BLOCK GRANT ADMINISTRATOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT FUND City of Pasco,Washington 50 2016 Budget COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVENUE as of 9/30 of 9/30 NP INTERGOVERNMENTAL 617,504 448,411 1,523,571 439,981 1,084,257 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 98,647 502,237 - MISCELLANEOUS 101,965 133,000 117,796 53,700 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 285,000 - INTERFUND TRANSFERS 7,629 22,720 TOTAL REVENUES 1,110,745 973,368 7,656,571 557,777 1,137,957 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (38,104) 58,795 69,547 (165,659) 310,495 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 1,072,641 $ 1,032,163 $ 1,726,118 $ 392,118 $ 1,448,452 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9/30 SALARIES AND WAGES $ 90,253 $ 88,782 $ 60,244 $ 57,444 $ 63,255 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 32,791 34,791 25,791 23,085 26,952 SUPPLIES 2,306 428 12,300 118,468 1,500 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 277,760 506,181 408,617 361,469 493,690 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 374,736 282,640 908,671 571,043 414,000 DEBT SERVICE 236,000 285,000 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,013,846 1,197,822 1,415,623 1,131,509 999,397 ENDING FUND BALANCE 58,795 (165,659) 310,495 (739,391) 449,055 TOTAL $ 1,072,641 $ 1,032,163 $ 1,726,118 $ 392,118 $ 1,448,452 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PERSONNEL SUMMARY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES POSITION 2013 2014 2015 2016 BLOCK GRANT ADMINISTRATOR 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 City of Pasco,Washington 51 2016 Budget Martin Luther King Center Fund CITY MANAGER ADMINISTRAIVE& COMMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR RECREATION SERVICES MANAGER RECREATION SPECIALIST M.L.KING JR.COMMUNITY CENTER FUND City of Pasco,Washington 52 2016 Budget M.L.KING JR.COMMUNITY CENTER REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED REVENUE ACTUALS as of BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 9/30 NP _ a,of 9n0 CHARGES FOR SERVICES $ 7,449 $ 6,790 $ 3,140 $ 2,541 $ 10,500 MISCELLANEOUS 31,522 34,594 30,780 26,588 36,760 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 120,0D0 120,000 120,000 90,000 120,000 TOTAL REVENUES 158,971 161,384 153,920 119,129 167,260 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 34,811 51,265 51,615 52,415 41,045 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 193,782 $ 212,649 $ 205,535 $ 171,544 $ 208,305 M.L.KING JR.COMMUNITY CENTER EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as of BUDGET- ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CM level-CM FUNCTION as of 9/30 9/30 NP SALARIES AND WAGES $ 64,183 $ 65,976 $ 64,898 $ 49,137 $ 66,089 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 25,325 28,115 28,329 21,005 30,496 SUPPLIES 1,020 7,014 7,200 4,953 7,000 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 51,989 59,129 64,063 42,611 66,833 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 142,517 160,234 164,490 117,706 170,418 ENDING FUND BALANCE 51,265 52,415 41,045 53,838 37,887 TOTAL $ 193,782 $ 212,649 $ 205,535 $ 171,544 $ 208,305 MARTIN LUTHER KING SUMMARY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES POSITION 2013 2014 2015 2016 RECREATION SPECIALIST 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 City of Pasco,Washington 53 2016 Budget Ambulance Service Fund FIRE CHIEF ADMIN ASST 11 & EMSO ASSISTANT TRAINING CHIEF BATTALION CHIEFS CAPTAINS LIEUTENANTS PARAMEDICS City of Pasco,Washington 54 2016 Budget AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2016 2016 AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUALS as of BUDGET-CM level-CM REVENUE as of 9130 9/30 NP INTERGOVERNMENTAL 1208, 1,473 1,200 1,341 1,300 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 2,833,497 3,358,703 3,426,772 2,555,639 4,991,619 MISCELLANEOUS 5,231 1,192 750 2,136 750 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 1,157000 420,000 420,000 315,000 420,000 TOTAL REVENUES 3,996,936 3,781,368 3,848,722 2,874,116 5,413,669 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 171,020 429,626 642,523 642,523 246,908 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 4,167,956 $ 4,210,994 _$ 4,491,245 $ 3,516,639 $ 5,660,577 AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as of BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET FUNCTION as of 9130 9130 NP SALARIES AND WAGES $ 2,182,955 $ 1,810,210 $ 2,048,166 $ 1,495,443 $ 2,993,627 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 445,948 478,304 494,659 374,880 833,654 SUPPLIES 125,091 131,728 191,052 144,123 220,878 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 935,068 997,168 1,193,606 833,340 1,471,892 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 1,268 135,040 264,000 - CAPITAL OUTLAY - 16,021 52,854 52,853 49,500 DEBT SERVICE 48,000 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,738,330 3,568,471 4,244,337 2,900,639 5,569,551 ENDING FUND BALANCE 429,626 642,523 246,908 616,000 91,026 TOTAL $ 4,167,956 $ 4,210,994 $ 4,491,245 $ 3,516,639 $ 5,660,577 AMBULANCE PERSONNEL SUMMARY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES [ASSISTANT SITION 2013 2014 2015 2016 E CHIEF 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 FIRE CHIEF 0.50 TTALION CHIEFS 1.50 PTAIN PARAMEDIC EMS OFFICER 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 CAPTAIN PARAMEDIC OFFICER 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 LIEUTENANT 1.00 PARAMEDIC 16.00 16.00 16.00 23.00 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II 0.50 DEPARTMENT ASSISTANT II 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 TOTAL 19.00 19.00 19.00 31.00 City of Pasco,Washington 55 2016 Budget Cemetery Fund CITY MANAGER ADMINISTRAIVE& COMMMUNIIY SERVICES DIRECTOR FACILITIES MANAGER CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE GROUNDSMANI City of Pasco,Washington 56 2016 Budget CITY VIEW CEMETERY FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVENUE as of 9/30 of 9130 NP CHARGES FOR SERVICES 246,116 257,677 189,000 141,033 205,250 MISCELLANEOUS 458 441 300 71 300 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 30,000 30,000 30,000 22,500 60,000 TOTALREVENUES 276,574 288,118 219,300 163,604 265,550 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 68,620 72,808 77,304 71,215 11,171 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 345,394 $ 360,926 $ 296,604 $ 234,819 $ 276,721 CITY VIEW CEMETERY FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9/30 SALARIES AND WAGES $ 102,721 $ 101,241 $ 100,533 $ 67,364 $ 86,142 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 38,299 45,105 44,101 22,597 28,198 SUPPLIES 55,638 70,218 48,400 40,000 51,000 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 75,928 73,147 102,399 58,340 101,871 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 272,586 289,711 295,433 188,301 267,211 ENDING FUND BALANCE 72,808 71,215 1,171 46,518 9,510 TOTAL $ 345,394 $ 360,926 $ 296,604 $ 234,819 $ 276,721 CEMETERY PERSONNEL SUMMARY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES POSITION 2013 2014 2015 2016 GROUNDSMANI 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 CUSTOMER SERVICE REP. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 City of Pasco,Washington 57 2016 Budget BOULEVARD PERPETUAL MAINTENANCE FUND BOULEVARD PERPETUAL MAINTENANCE FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP REVENUE as of 8130 CHARGES FOR SERVICES $ 59,395 $ 75,755 $ 85,900 $ 76,950 $ 90,900 MISCELLANEOUS 50,840 24,883 31,267 29,711 26,496 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 106,518 109,713 147,537 147,537 152,308 TOTAL REVENUES 216,753 210,151 264,704 254,198 269,704 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 1,770,256 1,917,009 1,944,824 1,631,084 2,139,528 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 1,987,009 $ 2,127,160 $ 2,209,528 $ 1,885,282 $ 2,409,232 BOULEVARD PERPETUAL MAINTENANCE FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET FUNCTION as of 9130 of 9130 NP OTHER SERVICESICHARGES - 953 - INTERFUNDTRANSFERS 70,000 70,000 70,000 52,497 75,000 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 70,000 496,076 70,000 52,497 75,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,917,009 1,631,084 2,139,528 1,832,785 2,334,232 TOTAL $ 1,987,009 $ 2,127,160 $ 2,209,528 $ 1,885,282 $ 2,409,232 City of Pasco,Washington 58 2016 Budget ATHLETIC PROGRAMS FUND ATHLETIC PROGRAMS FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9/30 NP REVENUE as of 9/30 CHARGES FOR SERVICES $ 126,973 $ 127,881 $ 130,000 $ 58,954 $ 130,850 MISCELLANEOUS 4,168 3,341 550 470 1,150 INTERFUND TRANSFERS TOTAL REVENUES 131,141 131,222 130,550 59,424 132,000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 143,025 132,467 121,848 157,230 115,964 TOTALRESOURCES $ 274,166 $ 263,689 $ 252,398 $ 216,654 $ 247,964 ATHLETIC PROGRAMS FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9/30 NP FUNCTION as of 9/30 SALARIES AND WAGES $ 28,744 $ 20,802 $ 23,768 $ 16,727 $ 26,045 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 5,921 4,661 4,224 3,972 5,969 SUPPLIES 14,328 20,995 48,230 17,440 44,280 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 92,706 60,001 60,212 22,973 62,801 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 141,699 106,459 136,434 61,112 139,095 ENDING FUND BALANCE 132,467 157,230 115,964 155,542 108,869 TOTAL $ 274,166 $ 263,689 $ 252,398 $ 216,654 $ 247,964 ATHLETIC PROGRAM PERSONNEL SUMMARY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES POSITION 2013 2014 2015 2016 INSTRUCTOR 3 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 TOTAL 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 City of Pasco,Washington 59 2016 Budget GOLF COURSE FUND GOLF COURSE FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP REVENUE as of 9130 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,405,287 1,295,643 1,337,452 1,098,667 1,378,607 MISCELLANEOUS 306,263 275,710 313,812 245,346 282,410 TOTAL REVENUES 1,711,550 1,571,353 1,651,264 1,344,013 1,661,017 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 42,785 43,210 59,501 37,015 185,105 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 1,754,335 $ 1,614,563 $ 1,710,765 $ 1,381,028 $ 1,846,122 GOLF COURSE FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9/30 SUPPLIES - 42 5,000 32 5,000 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 1,711,125 1,577,506 1,520,660 1,279,739 1,525,134 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,711,125 1,577,548 1,525,660 1,279,771 1,530,134 ENDING FUND BALANCE 43,210 37,015 185,105 101,257 315,988 TOTAL $ 1,754,335 $ 1,614,563 $ 1,710,785 $ 1,381,028 $ 1,846,122 City of Pasco,Washington 60 2016 Budget This page is intentionally blank. City of Pasco,Washington 61 2016 Budget Senior Citizen Center CITY MANAGER ADMINISTRATIVE & COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR RECREATION SERVICES MANAGER RECREATION SPECIALIST ADMfN ASST I REGISTERED NURSE City of Pasco,Washington 62 2016 Budget SENIOR CENTER FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9/30 NP REVENUE as of 9/30 INTERGOVERNMENTAL $ 22,163 $ 18,492 $ 25,300 $ 9,378 $ 18,500 MISCELLANEOUS 73,719 63,203 50,750 37,235 38,084 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 190,000 240,000 250,000 187,497 250,000 TOTAL REVENUE 285,882 321,695 326,050 234,110 306,584 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 43,617 10,778 9,038 17,300 5.949 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 329,499 $ 332,473 $ 335,088 $ 251,410 $ 312,533 SENIOR CENTER FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 913D SALARIES AND WAGES $ 133,998 $ 136,351 $ 145,827 $ 99,874 $ 141,693 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 47,838 53,261 54,825 39,159 56,409 SUPPLIES 6,866 8,870 9,800 4,441 6,300 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 130,031 116,691 118,687 77,216 103,304 CAPITAL OUTLAY SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 318,721 315,173 329,139 220,690 307,706 ENDING FUND BALANCE 10,778 17,300 5,949 30,720 4,827 TOTAL $ 329,499 $ 332,473 $ 335,088 $ 251,410 $ 312,533 SENIOR CENTER PERSONNEL SUMMARY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES POSITION 2013 2014 2015 2016 RECREATION SPECIALIST 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 REGISTERED NURSE 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 ADMINSTRATIVE ASSISTANT 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 City of Pasco,Washington 63 2016 Budget MULTI-MODAL FACILITY FUND MULTI-MODAL FACILITY FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS a5 BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP REVENUE as of 9130 MISCELLANEOUS 74,185 76,348 68,850 54,446 77,100 TOTAL REVENUES 74,185 76,348 68,850 54,446 77,100 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 71,561 98,065 120,150 124,207 165,216 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 145,746 $ 174,413 $ 189,000 $ 178,653 $ 242,316 MULTI-MODAL FACILITY FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9130 SUPPLIES 3,084 4,065 2,400 19,577 9,000 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 44,597 46,141 44,442 30,753 49,382 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 47,681 50,206 46,842 50,330 58,382 ENDING FUND BALANCE 98,065 124,207 142,158 128,323 183,934 TOTAL $ 145,746 $ 174,413 $ 189,000 $ 178,653 $ 242,316 City of Pasco,Washington 64 2016 Budget SCHOOL IMPACT FUND SCHOOL INPACT FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVENUE as of 9130 of 9130 NP CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1566,200 1,301,325 1,500,000 1,050,500 1,500,000 MISCELLANEOUS 249 106 100 TOTAL REVENUES 1,566,449 1,301,433 1,500,100 1,050,500 1,500,000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 2,248 1,700 1,800 14,948 1,800 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 1,568,697 $ 1,303,133 $ 1,501,900 $ 1,065,448 $ 1,501,800 SCHOOL INPACT FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9130 INTERAGENCY PASS THROUGH 1,566,997 1,288,185 1,500,000 926,229 1,500,000 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,566,997 1,288,185 1,500,000 926,229 1,500,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,700 14,948 1,900 139,219 1,800 TOTAL $ 1,568,697 $ 1,303,133 $ 1,501,900 $ 1,065,448 $ 1,501,800 City of Pasco,Washington 65 2016 Budget RIVERSHORE TRAIL&MARINA MAINTENANCE FUND RIVERSHORE TRAIL&MARINA MAINTENANCE FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVENUE as of 9/30 of 9/30 NP MISCELLANEOUS 14,657 15,726 14,450 12,600 16,850 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 25,000 TOTAL REVENUES 39,657 15,726 14,450 12,600 16,850 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 10,293 19,384 26,518 25,440 34,831 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 49,950 $ 35,110 $ 40,968 $ 38,040 $ 51,681 RIVERSHORE TRAIL&MARINA MAINTENANCE FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9/30 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 30,464 9,670 6,137 9,295 10,859 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 30,566 9,670 6,137 9,295 10,859 ENDING FUND BALANCE 19,384 25,440 34,831 28,745 40,822 TOTAL $ 49,950 $ 35,110 $ 40,968 $ 38,040 $ 51,681 City of Pasco,Washington 66 2016 Budget SPECIAL LODGING ASSESSMENT FUND SPECIAL LODGING ASSESSMENT FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP REVENUE as of 9/30 TAXES $ 188,395 $ 254,797 $ 270,000 $ 190,275 $ 321,000 MISCELLANEOUS 8 10 - OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 11,491 TOTAL REVENUES 188,403 266,298 270,000 190,275 321,000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 8,286 2,798 23,906 20,923 93,596 TOTALRESOURCES $ 196,689 $ 269,096 $ 293,905 $ 211,198 $ 414,596 SPECIAL LODGING ASSESSMENT FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2D15 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9/30 NP FUNCTION as of 9/30 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES $ 193,891 $ 248,173 $ 200,310 $ 194,262 $ 202,067 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 193,891 248,173 200,310 194,262 202,067 ENDING FUND BALANCE 2,798 20,923 93,596 16,936 212,529 TOTAL $ 196,689 $ 269,096 $ 293,906 $ 211,198 $ 414,596 City of Pasco,Washington 67 2016 Budget LITTER ABATEMENT FUND LITTER ABATEMENT FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP REVENUE as of 9/30 CHARGES FOR SERVICES $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 3,750 $ 5,000 MISCELLANEOUS 7,507 6,877 7,500 4,688 7,500 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 5,000 3,753 5,000 TOTAL REVENUES 12,507 11,877 17,500 12,191 17,500 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 6,633 4,652 1,326 2,452 3,001 TOTALRESOURCES $ 19,140 $ 16,529 $ 18,826 $ 14,643 $ 20,501 LITTER ABATEMENT FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9/30 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 14,488 14,077 15,825 10,151 15,905 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 14,488 14,077 15,825 10,151 15,905 ENDING FUND BALANCE 4,652 2,452 3,001 4,492 4,596 TOTAL $ 19,140 $ 16,529 $ 18,826 $ 14,643 $ 20,501 City of Pasco,Washington 68 - 2016 Budget REVOLVING ABATEMENT FUND REVOLVING ABATEMENT FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9/30 NP REVENUE as of 9/30 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 36,917 21,668 5,000 11,862 18,000 FINES&FORFEITURES 48,356 91,902 92,000 102,038 115,500 MISCELLANEOUS 24,609 2,527 2,300 1,958 2,300 TOTAL REVENUES 109,882 116,097 99,300 115,858 135,800 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 281,738 324,281 357,004 366,914 417,000 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 391,620 $ 440,378 $ 456,304 $ 482,772 $ 552,800 REVOLVING ABATEMENT FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9/30 NP FUNCTION as of 9/30 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 67,339 73,464 39,234 69,211 40,019 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 67,339 73,464 39,234 69,211 40,019 ENDING FUND BALANCE 324,281 366,914 417,070 413,561 512,781 TOTAL $ 391,620 $ 440,378 $ 456,304 $7 482,772 $ 552,800 City of Pasco,Washington 69 2016 Budget TRAC DEVELOPMENT&OPERATING FUND TRAC DEVELOPMENT&OPERATING FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVENUE as of 9130 of 9/30 NP TAXES $ 243,204 $ 251,069 $ 257,000 $ 195,920 $ 331,000 MISCELLANEOUS 192 238 200 200 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 15,046 - INTERFUND TRANSFERS 103,000 103,000 TOTALREVENUE 346,396 369,353 257,200 195,920 331,200 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 76,403 202,394 196,949 203,045 204,149 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 422,799 $ 571,747 $ 454,149 $ 398,965 $ 535,349 TRAC DEVELOPMENT&OPERATING FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2016 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 019130 NP FUNCTION as of 9130 OTHER SERVICESICHARGES 117,969 264,575 250,000 195,646 250,000 DEBT SERVICE 102,436 104,127 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 220,405 368,702 250,000 195,846 250,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 202,394 203,045 204,149 203,319 285,349 TOTAL $ 422,799 $ 571,747 $ 454,149 $ 398,965 $ 535,349 City of Pasco,Washington 70 2016 Budget PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP REVENUE as of 9130 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 157,581 211,647 213,000 154,097 185,000 MISCELLANEOUS 2,495 1,917 1,800 2,148 1,800 TOTAL REVENUES 160,076 213,564 214,800 156,245 186,800 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 1,741,738 1,821,814 1,985,525 1,994,392 1,710,325 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 1,901,814 $ 2,035,378 $ 2,200,325 $ 2,150,637 $ 1,897,125 PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9130 OTHER SERVICESICHARGES $ - $ 14,001 $ 25,000 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 80,000 26,985 490,000 6,574 675,000 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 80,000 40,986 490,000 6,574 700,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,821,814 1,994,392 1,710,325 2,144,063 1,197,125 TOTAL $ 1,901,814 $ 2,035,378 $ 2,200,325 $ 2,150,637 $ 1,897,125 City of Pasco,Washington 71 2016 Budget CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REET 1ST QTR FUND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REET 1ST QTR FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP REVENUE as of 9130 TAXES $ 1,019,913 $ 1,198,244 $ 1,098,000 $ 975,044 $ 1,200,000 MISCELLANEOUS 3,066 (8,556) 26,000 14,809 26,000 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 188,759 TOTALREVENUE 1,022,979 1,378,447 1,122,000 989,853 1,226,000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 2,262,793 2,976,167 3,732,517 3,732,517 2,978,778 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 3,285,772 $ 4,354,614 $ 4,854,517 $ 4,722,370 $ 4,204,778 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REET 1ST QTR FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9130 INTERFUND TRANSFERS $ 309,605 $ 622,097 $ 1,875,739 $ 173,798 $ 1,997,000 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 309,605 622,097 1,875,739 173,798 1,997,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 2,976,167 3,732,517 2,978,778 4,548,572 2,207,778 TOTAL $ 3,285,772 $ 4,364,614 $ 4,854,517 $ 4,722,370 $ 4,204,778 City of Pasco,Washington 72 2016 Budget ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVENUE as of 9130 of 8/30 NP INTERGOVERNMENTAL 209,965 303,425 256,000 134,286 270,000 MISCELLANEOUS 977,080 952,322 1,147,600 575,021 1,051,000 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 1,626,623 700,000 700,057 TOTAL REVENUE 1,187,045 2,882,370 2,103,600 1,409,364 1,321,000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 920,871 1,103,292 152,690 1,791,809 561,480 TOTALRESOURCES $ 2,107,916 $ 3,985,662 $ 2,266,290 $ 3,201,173 $ 1,882,480 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET FUNCTION as of 9/30 of 9130 NP SUPPLIES $ 15,905 $ 23,795 $ 26,000 $ 40,639 $ 115,000 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 293,623 374,274 555,497 406,720 528,385 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 450,000 200,000 125,000 465,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY - 1,350,688 257,760 - DEBT SERVICE 245,096 245,096 730,553 730,552 485,457 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,004,624 2,193,853 1,694,810 1,177,911 1,593,842 ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,103,292 1,791,809 561,480 2,023,262 288,638 TOTAL $ 2,107,916 $ 3,985,662 $ 2,256,290 $ 3,201,173 $ 1,882,480 City of Pasco,Washington 73 2016 Budget STADIUMICONVENTION CENTER FUND STADIUMICONVENTION CENTER FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9/30 NP REVENUE as of 9/30 TAXES $ 243,204 $ 251,069 $ 257,000 $ 195,920 $ 331,000 MISCELLANEOUS 32,467 31,008 32,870 12,202 30,870 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES - 15,046 - - INTERFUND TRANSFERS 400,000 TOTALREVENUES 275,671 697,123 289,870 208,122 361,870 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 136,167 102,157 41,869 514,637 65,516 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 411,838 $ 799,280 $ 331,739 $ 722,759 $ 427,386 STADIUMICONVENTION CENTER FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9/30 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 182,493 157,455 139,035 102,123 135,842 DEBT SERVICE 127,188 127,188 127,188 127,187 127,188 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 309,687 284,643 266,223 229,310 263,030 ENDING FUND BALANCE 102,157 514,637 65,516 493,449 164,356 TOTAL $ 411,838 $ 799,280 $ 331,739 $ 722,759 $ 427,386 City of Pasco,Washington 74 2016 Budget DEBT SERVICE FUNDS City of Pasco,Washington 75 2016 Budget LID GUARANTEE AND DEBT SERVICE FUND LID GUARANTEE AND DEBT SERVICE FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVENUE as of 9130 of 9130 NP MISCELLANEOUS 158,693 278,264 171,770 120,143 192,270 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 129,074 414,593 TOTAL REVENUES 287,767 692,857 171,770 120,143 192,270 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 1,172,461 1,021,733 1,032,081 1,103,155 919,327 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 1,460,228 $ 1,714,590 $ 1,203,851 $ 1,223,298 $ 1,111,597 LID GUARANTEE AND DEBT SERVICE FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9130 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 129,074 100,000 - DEBT SERVICE 295,143 611,435 184,524 98,721 101,172 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 438,495 611,435 284,524 96,721 101,172 ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,021,733 1,103,155 919,327 1,126,577 1,010,425 TOTAL $ 1,460,228 $ 1,714,590 $ 1,203,851 $ 1,223,298 $ 1,111,597 City of Pasco,Washington 76 2016 Budget GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND G.O.BOND FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVENUE as of 9/30 of 9130 NP TAXES $ 514,967 $ 148,595 $ 143,000 $ 68,101 $ 138,000 MISCELLANEOUS 596 134 100 100 TOTALREVENUES 515,563 148,729 143,100 68,101 138,100 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 336,638 333,497 356,194 349,076 112,657 TOTALRESOURCES $ 852,201 $ 482,226 $ 499,294 $ 417,177 $ 250,757 G.O.BOND FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9130 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES $ - $ 100,000 $ - DEBT SERVICE 518,704 33,150 128,100 13,875 122,300 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 518,704 133,150 128,100 13,875 122,300 ENDING FUND BALANCE 333,497 349,076 371,194 403,302 128,457 TOTAL $ 852,201 $ 482,228 $ 499,294 $ 417,177 $ 250,757 City of Pasco,Washington 77 2016 Budget This page left blank City of Pasco,Washington 78 2016 Budget CONSTRUCTION FUNDS City of Pasco,Washington 79 2016 Budget GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECT FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM levelCM REVENUE as of 9130 of 9/30 NP INTERGOVERNMENTAL 1,740,087 1,762,499 2,654,724 204,678 9,883,000 MISCELLANEOUS - OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 50,000 118,500 140,D00 71,000 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 4,478,413 1,677,116 12,335,912 1,104,563 11,131,000 TOTALREVENUES 6,268,500 3,558,115 15,130,636 1,309,241 21,085,000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 1,033,325 198,773 33,361 _ 33,359 362,570 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 7,301,825 $ 3,756,888 $15,163,997 $ 1,342,600 $ 21,447,570 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECT FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET FUNCTION as of 9130 of 9130 NP SUPPLIES 19,365 43,122 1,048,885 37,480 - OTHERSERVICESICHARGES 5,193 3,399 285,000 19,222 - INTERFUNDTRANSFERS - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 7,078,494 3,677,008 10,958,642 3,385,413 20,110,000 DEBT SERVICE SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,103,052 3,723,529 12,290,427 3,442,115 20,110,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 198,773 33,359 2,873,570 (2,099,515) 1,337 570 TOTAL $ 7,301,825 $ 3,756,888 $15,163,997 $ 1,342,600 $ 21,447,570 City of Pasco,Washington 80 2016 Budget ENTERPRISE FUND City of Pasco,Washington 81 2016 Budget Public Works-Utilities cm XLx4ceq wow rugR[ROP sxrl4�NRNDlM WSLeNA[MRCM1 TVOMLDN IW DY DM p[pX4Dq M41Y4[q m4xweRX W Y0 D4XXT0RY XXIWN wrna Goss wMeq plaa wa3T<gwaTER Moms MmcaTroX gsip,pxigN WxXE[TM TpEATM[ sFW<P WIYRWH MCaRAEM 4Yxf WaRgq[Y[ Waw @033 M:[ISYMi Wwroa� rYMe Iy0 FY EOMM[D�W 0IYp[o4 MFW. ����3 �OFJNLDKYTM ,[4pnyp[ uEDMX,t srE nwo4Ye WppplVp rYM Ea�.NrM Hour Wwiops mwnEm w�3sr .uEn ww oraarW enu:MRM <YrW mD:KX DnYmY we Eoux3YM eVW.TM wwim Ww orwrW xuw EW:ru Ww[ws City of Pasco,Washington 82 2016 Budget WATER/SEWER UTILITIES FUND WATER/SEWER UTILITIES FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as of BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVENUE as of 9130 8130 NP INTERGOVERNMENTAL 41,848 22,818 60,000 27,183 - CHARGES FOR SERVICES 17,850,903 19,895,362 20,369,655 15,637,764 22,324,587 MISCELLANEOUS 213,716 232,894 155,900 131,954 187,968 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 13,221,020 3,385,400 11,774,500 1,352,835 12,294,000 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 450.000 _ 200,000 2,753 TOTAL REVENUES 31,777,487 23,736,474 32,350,055 17,152,489 $4,806,555 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 5,822,906 10,249.250 9,946,994 10,609,078 14.260,220 TOTAL RESOURCES $37,600,393 $33,985,724 $42,297,049 $ 27,761.567 $ 49,066,775 WATERISEWER UTILITIES FUND EXPENSES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as of BUDGET-CM level-CM FUNCTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 9130 NP as of 9130 SALARIES AND WAGES $ 2,599,431 $ 2,830,832 $ 3,386,306 $ 2,356,761 $ 3,566,435 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 1,113,138 1,330,549 1,503,878 1,021,690 1,676,042 SUPPLIES 1,121,492 1,492,845 2,128,811 1,257,046 1,980,410 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 7,291,511 7,738,008 9,003,568 6,571,559 8,996,524 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 252,913 50,180 14,495 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 8,312,043 4,447,590 9,023,804 1,895,349 20,532,000 DEBT SERVICE 6,660,615 5,486,642 4,975,967 3,870,521 5.682,916 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 27,351,143 23,376,646 30,036,829 16,972,926 42,434,327 ENDING FUND BALANCE 10,249.250 10,609,078 12,260,220 10,788,641 6,632,448 TOTAL $37,600,393 $33,985,724 $42,297,049 $ 27,761,567 $ 49,066,775 PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES POSITION 2013 2014 2015 2016 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.63 OPERATIONS MANAGER 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 PLANTS DIVISION MGR 1.00 1.00 1.00 ASST.OPERATIONS MANAGER 0.30 1.16 1.16 PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION MANAGER 317 LEAD WATER OPERATOR 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 CHIEF OPERATOR-PLANTS 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 INSTRUMENTATION TECH 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.OD LEAD PWRF OPERATOR 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 COLLECTION LEAD WORKER 1.O1) 1,00 100 1.00 LAB TECHNICIAN 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 WATER PLANT OPERATOR 3.00 3.00 3.OD 3.D0 WN PLANT OPERATOR 6.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 H.E.OPER./MECHANIC 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PUMP MECHANIC 1.00 CROSS CONNECT SPECIALIST 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 HEAVY EQUIP.OPERATOR 14.50 16.50 18.00 17.00 SAFETY/ENV SPECIALIST 1.00 1.00 1.00 UTILITY MAINT.WORKER 5.00 6.00 8.00 11.00 DEPARTMENT ASSISTANT II 0.50 TECHI 0.50 0.50 1.00 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II 0.50 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT I 1.50 0.85 0.85 1.65 PLANT UTILITY WORKER 2.00 2.00 2.00 TOTAL 46.10 50.31 54.81 57.65 City of Pasoo,Washington 83 2016 Budget This page is intentionally blank. City of Pasco,Washington 84 2016 Budget INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS City of Pasoo,Washington 85 2016 Budget Equipment Rental CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT DIVISION MANAGER ADMIN ASSISTANT 1 CHIEF MECHANIC MECHANICS City of Pasco,Washington 86 2016 Budget EQUIPMENT RENTAL OPERATING FUNDS EQUIPMENT RENTAL OPERATING FUND REVENUES GOVERNMENTAL TYPE ACTIVITIES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as of BUDGET- ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CM level-CM REVENUE as of 9/30 9/30 NP MISCELLANEOUS 863,960 969,390 1,168,336 880,206 1,044,074 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 19,534 TOTAL REVENUES 863,960 988,924 1,168,336 880,206 1,044,074 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 263,497 107,343 35,225 48,020 36,400 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 1,127,457 $ 1,096,267 $ 1,203,561 $ 928,226 $ 1,080,474 EQUIPMENT RENTAL OPERATING FUND EXPENDITURES GOVERNMENTAL TYPE ACTIVITIES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as of BUDGET-CM level-CM FUNCTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 9/30 NP as of 9/30 SALARIES AND WAGES $ 231,436 $ 239,376 $ 291,009 $ 186,838 $ 200,157 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 92,975 104,781 131,422 84,381 93,778 SUPPLIES 556,674 556,092 599,250 354,012 552,950 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 139,029 147,998 137,372 103,565 156,854 CAPITAL OUTLAY 8,100 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,020,114 1,048,247 1,167,153 728,796 1,003,739 ENDING FUND BALANCE 107,343 48,020 36,408 199,430 76,735 TOTAL $ 1,127,457 $ 1,096,267 $ 1,203,561 $ 928,226 $ 1,080,474 EQUIPMENT RENTAL PET.9 W0,51AU POPERATIONS 20136 ;DIRECTOR 1 0.155GER 0.35 NAGER 3 CHIEF MECHANIC 1.000 MECHANIC 2.000 DEPARTMENT ASSISTANT II 0.50 ENGINEER TECH ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT I 0.30 . 0 TOTAL 4.30 5.60 5.60 4.69 City of Pasco,Washington 87 2016 Budget EQUIPMENT RENTAL OPERATING FUNDS EQUIPMENT RENTAL OPERATING FUND REVENUES BUSINESS TYPE ACTIVITIES 2013 .2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as of BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 9130 NP REVENUE as of 9130 MISCELLANEOUS $ 325,567 $ 337,458 $ 360,379 $ 280,137 $ 317,506 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 8,320 TOTALREVENUES 325,567 345,778 360,379 280,137 317,506 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 169,842 164,335 110,069 164,858 100,750 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 495,409 $ 500,113 $ 470,448 $ 444,793 $ 418,256 EQUIPMENT RENTAL OPERATING FUND EXPENSES BUSINESS TYPE ACTIVITIES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as of BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9130 SALARIES AND WAGES $ 44,173 $ 59,148 $ 55,903 $ 52,008 $ 87,031 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 16,355 24,426 25,699 22,021 40,788 SUPPLIES 233,132 215,694 251,600 135,386 224,600 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 47,394 36,189 36,496 26,787 63,815 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 341,054 335,457 369,698 236,202 416,234 ENDING FUND BALANCE 154,355 164,656 100,750 208,591 2,022 TOTAL $ 495,409 $ 500,113 $ 470,448 $ 444,793 $ 418,258 City of Pasco,Washington 88 2016 Budget EQUIPMENT RENTAL REPLACEMENT FUNDS EQUIPMENT RENTAL REPLACEMENT FUND REVENUES GOVERNMENTAL TYPE ACTIVITIES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM REVENUE as of 8130 of 9130 NP MISCELLANEOUS 1,050,719 1,011,302 1,105,451 865,904 1,367,612 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 96,000 64,827 487,457 487,456 496,606 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 212,000 392,850 170,280 170,280 TOTAL REVENUES 1,358,719 1,468,979 1,763,188 1,523,640 1,864,218 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 3,776,974 4,448,906 4,595,482 3,129,025 5.030,757 TOTALRESOURCES $ 5,135,693 $ 5,917,885 $ 6,358,670 $ 4,652,665 $ 6,894,975 EQUIPMENT RENTAL REPLACEMENT FUND EXPENDITURES GOVERNMENTAL TYPE ACTIVITIES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9130 SUPPLIES $ - $ 15,824 $ 147,347 $ 67,160 $ - CAPITAL OUTLAY 686,787 1,373,036 1,180,566 859,313 1,662,710 DEBT SERVICE 1,400,000 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 686,787 2,788,860 1,327,913 926,473 1,662,710 ENDING FUND BALANCE 4,448,906 3,129,025 5,030,757 3,726,192 5,232,265 TOTAL $ 5,135,693 $ 5,917,885 $ 6,358,670 $ 4,652,665 $ 6,894,975 City of Pasco,Washington 89 2016 Budget EQUIPMENT RENTAL REPLACEMENT FUND REVENUES BUSINESS TYPE ACTIVITIES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP REVENUE as of 9130 MISCELLANEOUS 467,960 503,389 791,880 603,498 597,725 TOTAL REVENUES 625,960 503,389 791,880 603,498 597,725 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 1,885,263 2,221,827 2,057,657 2,077,506 2,501,355 TOTALRESOURCES $ 2,511,223 $ 2,725,216 $ 2,849,537 $ 2,681,004 $ 3,099,080 EQUIPMENT RENTAL REPLACEMENT FUND EXPENSES BUSINESS TYPE ACTIVITIES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9130 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 289,396 $ 647,710 $ 348,182 $ 327,711 $ 442,000 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 289,396 847,710 348,182 327,711 442,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 2,221,827 2,077,506 2,501,355 2,353,293 2,657,080 TOTAL $ 2,511,223 $ 2,725,216 $ 2,849,537 $ 2,681,004 $ 3,099,080 City of Pasco,Washington 90 2016 Budget MEDICALIDENTAL INSURANCE FUND MEDICALIDENTAL INSURANCE FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP REVENUE as of 9/30 CHARGES FOR SERVICES $ 4,882,241 $ 5,687,187 $ 5,765,509 $ 4,364,362 $ 6,160,689 MISCELLANEOUS 701 1,278 1,250 1,583 2,000 TOTAL REVENUES 4,882,942 5,688,465 5,766,759 4,365,945 6,182,689 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 141,404 179,396 689,156 1,016,963 1,017 272 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 5,024,346 $ 5,867,861 $ 6,455,915 $ 5,382,908 $ 7,179,961 MEDICALIDENTAL INSURANCE FUND EXPENDITURES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9/30 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 4,844,950 4,850,898 5,430,129 _ 3,654,372 5,432,407 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,844,950 4,850,898 5,430,129 3,654,372 5,432,407 ENDING FUND BALANCE 179,396 1,016,963 1,025,786 1,728,536 1,747,554 TOTAL $ 5,024,346 $ 5,867,861 $ 6,455,915 $ 5,382,908 $ 7,179,961 City of Pasco,Washington 91 2016 Budget CENTRAL STORE FUND CENTRAL STORE FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2018 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVENUE as of 9/30 of 9/30 NP MISCELLANEOUS $ 17 $ 12 $ $ - $ TOTALREVENUES 17 12 - - - BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 12,828 12,845 12,329 12,857 11,829 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 12,845 $ 12,857 $ 12,329 $ 12,857 $ 11,829 CENTRAL STORE FUND EXPENDITURE 2013 2014 2015 2015 2018 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9/30 NP FUNCTION as of 9/30 SUPPLIES $ $ $ 500 $ - $ 500 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - 500 500 ENDING FUND BALANCE 12,845 12,857 11,829 12,857 11,329 TOTAL $ 12,845 $ 12,857 $ 12,329 $ 12,857 $ 11,829 City of Pasco,Washington 92 2016 Budget PERMANENT FUND City of Pasco,Washington 93 2016 Budget OLD FIRE PENSION FUND OLD FIRE PENSION FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP REVENUE as of 9130 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 47,624 51,705 51,700 54,506 51,700 MISCELLANEOUS 450,877 230,735 147,337 40,019 47,337 TOTAL REVENUES 498,501 282,440 199,037 94,525 99,037 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 1,808,460 2,150,759 2,650,369 2,326,320 2,379,980 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 2,306,961 $ 2,433,199 $ 2,849,406 $ 2420,845 $ 2,479,017 OLD FIRE PENSION FUND EXPENSES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP FUNCTION as of 9/30 SALARIES AND WAGES $ 152,287 $ 102,971 $ 116,980 $ 89,557 $ 108,900 OTHER SERVICES/CHARGES 3,915 3,908 28,398 2,547 31,039 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 156,202 106,879 145,378 92,104 139,939 ENDING FUND BALANCE 2,150,759 2,326,320 2,704,028 2,328,741 2,339,078 TOTAL $ 2,306,961 $ 2,433,199 $ 2,849,406 $ 2,420,845 $ 2,479,017 City of Pasco,Washington 96 2016 Budget OLD FIRE MEDICAL(OPEB) FUND OLD FIRE MEDICAL(OPEB)FUND REVENUES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET of 9130 NP REVENUE as of 9130 MISCELLANEOUS $ 558,639 $ 259,186 $ 60,150 $ 34,946 $ 40,150 TOTAL REVENUES 558,639 259,186 60,150 34,946 40,150 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 2,074,744 2,516,722 2,650,369 2,650,370 2,577,497 TOTAL RESOURCES $ 2,633,383 $ 2,775,908 $ 2,710,519 $ 2,685,316 $ 2,617,647 OLD FIRE MEDICAL(OPEB)FUND EXPENSES 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 AMENDED ACTUALS as BUDGET-CM level-CM ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET FUNCTION as of 9130 of 9130 NP PERSONNEL BENEFITS $ 113,471 $ 122,556 $ 105,048 $ 78,786 $ 105,039 OTHER SERVICESICHARGES 3,190 2,982 27,974 2,232 28,786 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 116,661 125,538 133,022 81,018 133,825 ENDING FUND BALANCE 2,516,722 2,650,370 2,577,497 204,298 2,483 822 TOTAL $ 2,633,383 $ 2,775,908 $ 2,710,519 $ 2,685,316 $ 2,617,647 City of Pasco,Washington 97 2016 Budget This page left blank City of Pasco,Washington 98 2016 Budget CAPITAL PROJECTS City of Pasco 99 2016 Budoet This page left blank City of Pasco 100 2016 Budaet ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE CITY OF PASCO CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 2016 WHEREAS,subsequent to due notice and public hearing thereon,the City Council for the City of Pasco has approved the THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section One: That the capital projects are hereby authorized as detailed.The following schedule summarizes newly authorized projects CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 201E 2016 Annual Pardon CIP Budget Increases New CIP Budget Status Protect Title 2015 Decreases Proleefa 2016 General Protects(2015 Continued) Continuing Fire Alerting Systems 285,000 - - 285,000 Continuing Fire station Alerting Devices 45,000 - 45,000 Continuing Police Station 6,747,429 2,771,000 9,518,429 Continuing Financial System-Utility&Proj Acctq 292,687 - - 292,687 Continuing Fire Station 81 Mobile Home 50,000 - 50,000 Condnuing Police Training Facility _ 70,000 70,000 Total General Projects(2015) 7,490,116 2,771,000 10261 116 General Prolects(Naw 20161 2016 New Fire Station 84 Remodel - - 450,000 450,000 2016 New City Hall Remodelling 1,500,000 1500 000 Total General Projects(New 20181 1,950,000 1,950 000 Total General Projects 7.490,116 2,771,000 1,850,000 12211,116 Park&Facilities(2015 Continued) Continuing Three Riven;Park 455,000 - - 455,000 Condauing Animal Shelter Facility 203.000 - - 203,000 Continuing 30 Acre Park NW Quad 950,000 - 950,000 Continuing Railroad Underpass Trail 35,000 35,000 Total Park&Facilites(2015) 1,643,000 1,643,000 Ell&Fac6tias INew 20181 Now(in 2016) Highland Park Lighting - - 241,000 241,000 New(in 2016) Specialty Kitchen Flooring Replacement - - 70.000 70,000 New(in 2016) Peanuts Park Restoration - - 250,000 250,000 Now(in 2016) Soccer Facility - - 1,200,000 1,200,000 Now(in 2016) Community Center - - 150,000 150,000 Now On 2016) Schiagle Park Improvements - - 40,000 40,000 New(in 2016) Chiawana Park Shelter 55,000 55,000 Total Park&Facilities(2016) 2,006,000 2,006,000 Total Park&Facilities 1,643,000 2,006,000 3,649,000 E&I Develop(2015 Cominuedl Continuing Browtmoor Development 1651000 155,000 320,000 165,000 155.000 320,D00 E&I Develop(2016 Naw) New(in 2016) Broadmoor Planned Action SEPA - 250,010 250,000 Total E&I Development Construction(2016) 250,0(70 250,000 Total E&I Development Construction 165,000 155,000 250,000 570,000 Street Construction(2015 Continued) ROD Continuing Road 68 Improvements(Phase ll) 11960,008 - - 1,960,008 Continuing Argent Road(Road 44 to 20th Ave) 831,212 332,000 - 1,163,212 Comitnuing Oregon Ave(SR397)-Phase 1 828,400 5,633,000 - 6,461,400 Continuing Oregon Ave(SR397)-Phase 2 310,560 - - 310,560 Continuing Oregon Ave(SR397)-Entrance(Ph 2 Intersection) 192,617 - - 192,617 Continuing Dual RT SB Road 68 663,275 486,000 - 1,149275 Continuing 20th Ave Safety Improvements 815,000 1,223,000 - 2,038,000 Continuing interchange Feasibility Study - 500,000 - 500,000 City of Pasco,Washington 101 2016 Budget 2016 Annual Portion CIP Budget Ineiaese I NOW CIP Budget Proletl Tate 2015 Decresaes Protech 018 Continuing Sylvester Neighorhood Perk St(5th Ave) 100,000 _ 1,000 101,000 5,701,072 81175,000 - 13876,072 Swna/s Continuing Road 68&Court St Signal _ Continuing Road 68-Triple Right 105,000 420,000 - 525,000 Continuing Traffic Signal Controller Upgrade 641,711 2,182,000 2,723,711 Continuing Bus Pre-Exemption @ CBC/Argem 848,711 2,602,000 - 3.F48 711 Ramns 6 Under/OvN Pas__ Continuing Lewis St One Way Couplets 428,600 50,000 478,600 Continuing Lewis St Overpass 6,017,726 250,000 - 6,267,726 Continuing Wrigley Drive Extension 10,000 250,000 - 260,000 Continuing Chapel Hill Extension-Street 6g,Og0 _ 60,000 Continuing 2015 Alley Hard Surfacing(Chip Sealing) 135,600 127,000 262,600 6,651,926 677,000 7,328,926 Total Street Construction(2015) 12999,709 11 454,000 24.453,709 Street Construction(New,2018) New(in 2016) Pavement Preservation Program - - 750,000 750,000 Continuing Utah Avenue Extension to James Street _ - 64 000 64.D00 New(in 2016) Sandifur Parkway Widening - - 200,000 200,000 New,(in 2016) James Street Improvements - - 40,0W 40 Opp New(m 2016) Transportation System Planning - - 160,000 160,000 New(in 2016) Pavement Rating 90,000 90,000 New(in 2016) Powedine Road(Road 68 to Convention Drive) - - 200,000 200,000 New(in 2916) Road 76 Overpass(Argent Road to BurdenBoulevard) - - 20,000 20 000 Street Construction)New 20181 - - 1,524 000 1,524 000 Total Streets Construction 12,999,70811,454,000 1,524,000 25 977 709 Water Construction 12015 Continued) Continuing Columbia Water Supply Project 4,819,550 4,500A00 - 9,319,550 Continuing Butterfield WTP-Sludge Drying Bed 100,000 104,000 - 204,000 Continuing Oregon Avenue Water Line(Phase 1) 100,000 1,000,000 - 1,100,000 Continuing East Side Booster Station Upgrade(BS 2.1) 510,000 669,000 - 1,179,000 Continuing Butterfield WTP-Travelling Screens _ _ - Continuing Butterfield WTP 241n.Valve Replace 14,284 243,000 - 257,284 Continuing Butterfield WTP-South Basin Drain By-Pass 70,000 - - 70,000 Continuing Butterfield WTP-Intake Screens 1,479,077 - - 1,478,077 Owbbuiion- Continuing Wamett Pipeline 25,000 70,000 - 95,000 Continuing 2015 Annual Water Une Upsize Match 100,000 100,000 - 200,000 Continuing Water line Ext-Chapel Hill Blvd. _ Continuing Water Lure Extension-PWRF 60,000 - - 60,000 Plants.Meters.&Pump Stations Continuing Water Master Plan/Comprehensive Water System Plan 100,000 100,000 200,000 Continuing 3`Poly Water Main Loop 200,000 - - 200,000 Continuing Comprehensive Water System Plan 80,000 _ - 80,000 Dis"bution-Reolecernertt Continuing 2015 Water Line Replacement 19,000 150,000 169,000 Total Water Construction(2015) 7,676,911 6,936,000 14,612,911 Water ConsfrucHon(New 20161 Now(in 2016) Butterfield-Fluoride Room Tank Trude Access - - 65,000 65,000 New(in 2016) West Side Water Treatment Plant Film - - 100,000 100 000 New(in 2016) 2015 Water Line(Asbestos Cement)Replacement(Vent - - 150,000 160,000 Now(in 2018) Butterfield WTP-Chlorine Safety improvements - - 75.000 76,000 New(in 2016) WPWTP Backwash Ponds - - 100,000 100,000 New(in 2016) Butterfield WTP-Sedimentation Basin Roof Structures 30,000 30 000 Total Water Construction New 20181 520,000 520000 Total Water Construction 7,676,911 6,936,000 520,000 16,1 911 motion Construction(2015 Continued) Continuing Well House -Linda Lovitsa 59,900 - - 59,900 Continuing Freshwater Mussels Study 25,000 - - 25,000 City of Pasco,Washington 102 2016 Budget 2016 Annual Portion CIP Budget Increases New CIP Budget Status Prolact Title 2015 Decreases Pr0Iscta 2018 Continuing Well House Additions Road 52 10,000 - - 10,000 Continuing Irrigation Line Ext-Chapel Hill 10,000 - 10,000 Total Irrigation Construction(2015) 104,900 104,900 Irrination Construction(New 2016) New(in 2016) Well Replacement-Village At Pasco Heights - - 200,000 200,000 New(in 2016) irrigation O 8 M Building - - 100,000 100,000 New(in 2016) Road 108 VFD Upgrade - - 65,000 65,000 New(in 2016) Activate Dry Systems - - 750,000 750,000 New(in 2016) Irrigation Line Extensions - - New(in 2016) Irrigation Booster Pump Station - 60,000 60,000 Irrigation Construction(New 2016) 1,175,000 1,175,000 Total Irrig Construction 104,900 1,175,000 1,279,900 _Sewer Construction(2015 Continued) Plant and Lift Stations Continuing 2013 VWdTP Imp-Screw Press 500,000 50,000 - 550,000 Continuing WWTP-Primary Clarifier No.3 2,621,763 2,430,000 - 5,051,763 Collections-Extensions Continuing 30'Main(NW Area) 322,000 - - 322,000 Continuing 2015 Annual Sewer Line Extension - 100,000 - 100,000 Continuing Chapel Hill Blvd.Extension-Sewer - - - Collections-RealacemeMs Continuing 2014 Annual Sewer Line Re-lining Program 182,992 - - 182,992 Continuing 2015 Annual Sewer Line Re-lining Program 310,000 300,000 - 610,000 Continuing West Pasco Trunk Sewer Repair 1,314,557 - - 1,314,557 Continuing 2015 Annual Sewer Line Re4ining Program 100,000 - - 100,000 Plant and Lift Stations Continuing Plant Roof Railing 125,000 - - 125,000 Continuing Maitland Lift Station-Purchase/Install 4th Pump 75,000 - - 75,000 Continuing Turbo Compressor Inlet Suction Retrofit 25,000 100,000 125,000 Total Sewer Construction(2015) 5,576,312 2,980,000 - 8,556,312 Sewer Construction(Naw 2016) New(in 2016) Capitol Let Station - - 320,000 320,000 Now(in 2016) L1ft Station-Peat Street - - 170,000 170,000 Newlin 2016) Kahiutus Litt Station Force Main Pipe - - 250,000 250,000 New(in 2016) Retrofit Secondary Digester#1 - - 60,000 60,000 Now(in 2016) Replace Grit Clarifiers - - 108,000 108,000 New(in 2016) Maitland Lift Station-Purchase/Install 4th Pump - - 751000 75,000 New(in 2016) Waste Activated Thickening - - 975,000 975,000 New(in 2016) 9th 8 Washington Lift Station - 78.000 78,000 New(in 2016) Road 36 Lift Station Upgrades 30,000 30,000 Total Sewer Construction(2016) 2.068.000 2,068,000 Total Sewer Construction 5,576,312 2,980,000 2,066.000 10,622,312 pMW Construction/2015 Continued) Continuing PWRF Plant-Phase 2-Sed Basin - - - Continuing PWRF Phase 3 BOD-Aeration Pond 1,647,950 437,000 - 2,084,950 Continuing PWRF Master Plan 40,000 90,000 - 120,000 Continuing Phase 3-BOD-Screw Press 255,000 100,000 - 355,000 Continuing Phase 5-EO Basin Rebuild (5MG) 8,000 134,000 - 142,000 Continuing Phase 6-Valve/Meter/SCADA 2014 Replace 100,817 - - 100,817 Total PWRF Construction(2015) 2,051,767 751,000 - 2,802,767 PWRF Construction(New 20181 New(in 2016) Foster Wells Let Station-Air Conditioning Unit - - 20,000 20,000 Newlin 2016) Dietrich Lift Station(eke Kahiotus/PWRF) - - 5,650,000 5,650,000 New(in 2016) PWRF Storage Pond System Piping - - 64,000 64,000 New(in 2016) Process Water Reuse Facility Pump Station - - 100,000 100,000 New(in 2016) Farm Operations Optimization - 120,000 120,000 Total PWRF Construction(2016) - 5,954.000 5,954,000 Total PWRF Construction 2,051,767 751,000 5,954,000 8,756,767 City of Pasco,Washington 103 2016 Budget 2016 Annual Portion CIP Budget Increases New CIP Budget �jgg- Protect Tkle 2014 ) ProiacYa 018 Stormwater Construction(New 2016) Stone Water Master Plan - 150,000 - 150,000 Annual Stormwater Improvement - - _ - Stormwater Relining Program Total Stormwater Construction(2016) - 150,000150,000 Total Stormwater Construction 150,000 150,000 TOTAL CIP BUDGET 97,707,715 25,197,000 15,445,000 78,349,715 TOTAL 2015 CONTINUING 37,707,715 25,197,000 - 52,754,715 TOTAL 2016 NEW - 15,445,000 15,595,000 Section Two: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on January 1,2016 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this day of CeM 1W 2015. EST Mak Watkins.Mayor .G ily Clerk Approved as to Fonn: Leland B.Kerr,City Attorney City of Pasco,Washington 104 2016 Budget Budgeted 2016 Capital Projects This page left blank ON of Pasco 106 2016 Rudnet 2016 BUDGETED PROJECTS Project Name 2016 CIP 1016 BUDGETED Percentage PROJECTS PROJECTS Change GENERAL PROJECTS City Hall Renovations 90,000 1,500,000 1567% Police Station 2,771,000 2,771,000 0.00% Water Tender(Fire Department) 70,000 0.00 -100.00% Fire Station 84 Remodel 450,000 450,000 0.00% 3,381,000 4,721,000 39.63% PARKS AND RECREATION Highland Park Lighting 241,000 241,000 0.00% Specialty Kitchen Flooring Replacement 70,000 70,000 0.00% Volunteer Park Playground Structure 130,000 0.00 -100.00% Soccer Facility 1,050,000 1,200,000 14.29% Community Center 850,000 150,000 -82.35% Schlagle Park Improvements 40,000 40,000 0.00% Peanuts Park Restoration 510,000 250,000 -50.98% Chlawana Park Shelter 55,000 55,000 0.00°% 2,946,000 2,006,000 -31.91% ECONOMIC AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Broadmoor Area Master Planning 155,000 155,000 0.00% Broadmoor Planned Action SEPA 250,000 250,000 0.00% 405,000 405,000 0.000/0 STREETS Dual Right SB Road 68 486,000 486,000 0.00% Oregon Avenue(US-397)-Phase l 5,633,000 5,633,000 - 0.00% 20th Avenue Corridor Safety Improvements 1,223,000 1,223,000 0.000/0 Citywide Traffic Signal Controller Improvements 2,182,000 2,182,000 0.00% Argent Road Widening(Road 36 to 20th Avenue) 4,046,000 332,000 - -91.79% Lewis Street Overpass 1,130,000 250,000 -77.86% Sylvester Neighborhood Improvements 1,000 1,000 0.00% Lewis Street Downtown Circulation Plan 50,000 50,000 0.00% Interchange Feasibility Study 500,000 500,000 0.00% Wrigley Drive Extension 250,000 250,000 0.000/0 Chapel Hill Blvd.COMBINED Extension 1 210,000 - Road 68-Triple Right 420,000 420,000 0.00% Sandifur Parkway Widening(Road 68 to Convention Drive) 300,000 200,000 -33.33% Utah Avenue Extension to James Street 64,000 64,000 0.00% James Street Improvements 40,000 40,000 0.00% East B Circle LID 200,000 0.00 0.00% Transportation System Planning 200,000 160,000 -20.00% Pavement Rating 100,000 90,000 -10.00% Powerline Road(Road 68 to Convention Drive) 200,000 200,000 0.00% Road 76 Overpass(Argent Road to Burden Boulevard) 20,000 20,000 0.00% Traffic Signals2 - _ Overlay Projects Pavement Preservation Program 1,000,000 750,000 -25.00% Alley Hard Surface Maintenance&Preservation(Chip Seal) 127,000 127,000 0.00% Adjustment for Chapel Hill Blvd.COMBINED Extensions (120,000) 0.00 -100.00% 1,007,000 877,000 -12.91% City of Pasco, Washington 107 2016 Budget 18,262,000 12,978,000 -28.93% WATER Butterfield WTP-Sludge Drying Bed 104,000 104,000 0.00% East Side Booster Pump Station 1,022,000 669,000 -34.54% Butterfield WTP 24 In.Valve Replacement 366,000 243,000 -33.61% Columbia Water Supply Project 4,000,000 4,500,000 12.50% Comprehensive Water System Plan 100,000 100,000 0.00% Oregon Avenue Water Line(Phase 1) 1,000,000 1,000,000 0.00% 2015 Water Line(Asbestos Cement)Replacement(Various) 203,000 150,000 -26.11% Wernett Pipeline 70,000 70,000 0.00% Annual Water Line Upsize Match 100,000 100,000 0.00% Butterfield-Fluoride Room Tank Truck Access 65,000 65,000 0.00% Butterfield WTP-Chlorine Safety Improvements 500,000 75,000 -85.00% Water Line Replacement Water Line Replace-Maple:Park - 150,000 Water Line Replacement(Various Locations)4 - 150,000 WPWTP Backwash Ponds 300,000 100,000 -66.67% Butterfield WTP-Sedimentation Basin Roof Structures 30,000 30,000 0.00% Water Line Extensions(Various Locations) West Pasco Water Treatment Plant Filters(Design) - 100,000 Adjustment for Chapel Hill Blvd.COMBINED Extension 3 - - 7,860,000 7,456,000 -5.14% IRRIGATION Well Replacement-Village At Pasco Heights 200,000 200,000 0.00% Irrigation O&M Building 100,000 100,000 0.00% Road 108 VFD Upgrade 65,000 65,000 0.00% Activate Dry Systems 750,000 750,000 0.00% Irrigation Line Extensions 500,000 -100.00% Irrigation Booster Pump Station 60,000 60,000 0.00% 1,675,000 1,175,000 -29.85% SEWER Annual Sewer Line Extensions 100,000 100,000 0.00% Annual Sewer Line Re-lining Program 352,000 300,000 -14.77% WWTP Primary Clarifier No.3 2,430,000 2,430,000 0.00% 30"Main(NW Area) 4,900,000 -100.00% WWTP Improvements-Screw Press Building 500,000 50,000 -90.00% Capitol Lift Station 640,000 320,000 -50.00% Kahlotus Lift Station Force Main Pipe 200,000 250,000 25.00% Retrofit Secondary Digester Nl 60,000 60,000 0.00% Replace Grit Clarifiers 108,000 108,000 0.00% Turbo Compressor Inlet Suction Retrofit 100,000 100,000 0.00% Maitland Lift Station-Purchase/Install 4th Pump 75,000 75,000 0.00% 12"Sewer Line from Commercial to Dietrich 250,000 -100.00% Waste Activated Thickening 100,000 975,000 875.00% Trunk Sewer Relining 500,000 -100.00% Purchase and Install 2 Turbo Compressors 35,000 -100.00% Pearl Street Lift Station Replacement 170,000 170,000 0.00% 9th&Washington Lift Station 78,000 78,000 0.00% Road 36 Lift Station Upgrades 30,000 30,000 0.00% 10,628,000 5,046,000 -52.52% STORM Storm Water Master Plan 150,000 150,000 0.00% City of Pasco, Washington 108 2016 Budget Adjustment for Chapel Hill Blvd. COMBINED Extension 3 120,000 -100.00% 270,000 150,000 -44.44% PWRF Process Water Reuse Facility Phase 3 BOD-Aeration Pond 302,000 437,000 44.70% PWRF Master Plan 80,000 80,000 0.00% PWRF Phase 3 BOD-Screw Press Building 235,000 100,000 -57.45% PWRF Equalization Pond Rebuild 440,000 134,000 -69.55% Foster Wells Lift Station-Air Conditioning Unit 20,000 20,000 0.00% Add new Circle,South of Circle 115 140,000 0.00 -100.00% Dietrich Lift Station(aka Kahlotus/PWRF) 5,650,000 5,650,000 0.00% Titus Aerator for Equalization Pond 70,000 0.00 -100.00% Installation of Sedimentation Basin Clarifier p2 750,000 0.00 -100.00% PWRF Storage Pond System Piping 160,000 64,000 -60.00% Process Water Reuse Facility Pump Station 100,000 100,000 0.00% Farm Operations Optimization 337,000 120,000 -64.39% 8,284,000 6,705,000 -19.06% TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 53,711,000 40,642,000 MAJOR OPERATING PROJECTS Street Road 68 to Road 100 Trail Overlay 300,000 300,000 0.00% Road 68 to Road 44 Trail Overlay 305,000 305,000 0.00% Chiawana Trail Overlay 101,000 101,000 0.000/0 Street Overlay 706,000 706,000 0.00% Annual Americans with Disabilities Act Upgrade/Retrofit Program 150,000 - -100.00% Water 150,000 - -100.00% Water Fire Hydrant&Flushing Program 50,000 - -100.00% Annual Waterline&Fire Hydrant Upgrades 125,000 64,000 -48.80% Maintenance Meter Replacement&Cross Connect 175,000 175,000 0.00% Water Treatment Plants-0&M Manuals 75,000 - -100.00% Irrigation 425,000 239,000 -43.76% Irrigation Well Rehab Program 50,000 25,000 -50.00% Irrigation Isolation Valves 120,000 - -100.00% Sewer 170,000 25,000 -85.29% Sewer Line Repairs 100,000 300,060 0.00% Class A Biosolids 75,000 25,000 -66.67% 175,000 125,000 -28.57% STORM Annual Stormwater Improvement 125,000 90,000 -28.00% Stormwater Relining Program 125,000 90,000 -28.00% 250,000 180,000 1,876,000 1,275,000 -32.04% TOTAL CIP PROJECTS 55,587,000 41,917,000 -24.59% City of Pasco, Washington 109 2016 Budget This page left blank City of Pasco, Washington 110 2016 Budget APPENDIX City of Pasco 111 9016 Rudoet This page left blank Citv of Pasco 112 2016 Budget CITY OF PASCO COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF AD VALOREM TAXES ($per$1000 ASSESSED VALUE) 2013 Tax Year Assessed in 2012 2014 Tax Year Assessed in 2013 ASSESSED LEVY PER ASSESSED LEVY PER VALUE $1000A.V. AMOUNT VALUE $1000A.V. AMOUNT GENERAL LEVY CURRENT EXPENSE $3,300,169,365 $1.9174 $6,327,851 $3,541,628,630 $1.8332 $6,492,514 SPECIAL LEVY Voted: 1999 L.T.G.O.FIRE $2,847,741,025 0.0282 80,355 $2,892,376,982 0.0268 77,394 1999 L.T.G.O.LIBRARY $2,847,741,025 0.0223 63,445 $2,892,376,982 0.0211 61,106 2002 U.T.G.O.REFUNDING $2,551,722,674 0.1484 378,600 0.0479 138,500 Sub-Total 0.1989 522,400 GRAND TOTAL $2.1163 $6,850,251 $1.8811 $6,631,014 2015 Tax Year Assessed in 2014 Est 2016 Tax Year Assessed in 2015 ASSESSED LEVY PER ASSESSED LEVY PER VALUE $1000 A.V. AMOUNT VALUE $1000A.V. AMOUNT GENERALLEVY CURRENT EXPENSE $3,679,413,343 $1.9456 $7,158,785 $3,935,119,950 $1.9385 $7,628,164 SPECIAL LEVY Voted: 1999 L.T.G.O.FIRE $3,040,963,456 $0.0235 71,387 $3,168,530,032 $0.0216 68,341 1999 L.T.G.O.LIBRARY $3,040,963,456 $0.0185 56,363 $3,168,530,032 $0.0170 53,959 Sub-Total $0.0420 127,750 $0.0386 122,300 GRAND TOTAL $1.9876 $7,286,535 $1.9771 $7,750,464 City of Pasco 113 2016 Budget CITY OF PASCO RATIO of GENERAL BONDED DEBT(General Obligation Only) to ASSESSED VALUE and NET BONDED DEBT PER CAPITA as of DECEMBER 31 RATIO OF BONDED DEBT FISCAL APRIL 1 ASSESSED BONDED TO ASSESSED BONDED DEBT YEAR POPULATION VALUATION DEBT VALUE PER CAPITA 2005 44,190 $ 1,779,825,339 14,500,000 0.8% 328.13 2006 47,610 1,987,640,071 13,650,000 0.7% 286.70 2007 50,210 2,314,634,072 12,765,000 0.6% 264.23 2008 52,290 2,483,166,932 11,850,000 0.5% 226.62 2009 54,490 2,861,340,058 10,915,000 0.4% 200.31 2010 56,300 2,934,792,310 9,945,000 0.3% 176.64 2011 59,781 3,100,250,228 7,670,000 0.3% 166.36 2012 62,670 3,214,780,310 4,710,000 0.1% 75.16 2013 65,000 3,300,169,365 3,635,000 0.1% 75.16 2014 67,770 3,541,628,830 3,315,000 0.1% 48.92 2015 68,240 3,679,413,343 11,480,000 0.3% 154.79 2016' 68,710 3,935,119,950 10,630,000 0.3% 140.96 Estimated City of Pasco 114 2016 Budget CITY OF PASCO ESTIMATED DEBT LIMITATION AS OF DECEMBER 31,2016 ESTIMATED ASSESSED VALUATION for 2015 TAXES $3,935,119,950 GENERAL PURPOSES Councilmanic: Capacity(1,50%of Assessed value) 59,026,799 Less: G.O.Bonds Outstanding 10,330,000 State L.O.C.A.L.Program 0 Port of Pasco 13,941 10,343,941 Available Councilmanic Capacity Excluding Capital Leases 48,682,858 Voter-Approved: 60 percent approval Total Capacity(2.50%of Assessed Value) 98,377,999 Less: Councilmanic Outstanding 10,343,941 Issued Voter-Approved 300,000 10,643,941 Available Voter-Approved Capacity $87,734,058 UTILITY PURPOSES Voter-Approved: Capacity(2.5%of Assessed Value) 98,377,999 Available Utility Capacity 98,377,999 OPEN SPACE AND PARK FACILITIES Voter-Approved: Capacity(2.5%of Assessed Value) 98,377,999 Available Open Space and Park Facilities Capacity 98,377,999 TOTAL AVAILABLE DEBT CAPACITY $284,490,056 City of Pasco 115 2016 Budget CITY OF PASCO Projected As of December 31,2016 SUMMARY OF DEBT(EXCEPT L.I.D.'s) ORIGINAL ISSUE INTEREST MATURITY PURPOSE AMOUNT DATED RATE(S) DATE GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT COUNCILMANIC BONDS: 2011 L.T.G.O.REFUNDING 2001 LTGO REFUNDING 4,110,000 9115/2011 2.004.00% 12/1/2020 2015 L.T.G.O. POLICE STATION 8,150,000 2/112015 2.00-5.00% 2/1/2030 VOTER-APPROVED BONDS: 1999 U.T.G.O.LIBRARY LIBRARY/FIRE ST. 1,700,000 10/7/1999 440-560% 12/1/2019 OTHER GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT: STATE L.O.C.A.L.PROGRAM ANIMAL CONTROL 275,500 11/1/2001 5.72% 6/1/2016 PORT OF PASCO AIRPORT BLDG 120,000 8/112006 4.00% 7/1/2016 MOTOROLA CAP LEASE POLICE EQUIPMENT 329366 1/212020 4.00% 1/1/2021 UTILITY DEBT WATER/SEWER UTILITY REVENUE BONDS: 2002 REVENUE BONDS WATER/SEWER/IRRIGATION 5,945,000 10/1/2002 2.00-4.70% 1211/2022 2005 REVENUE BONDS WATER 4,400,000 12/5/2005 3.50-4.25% 12/5/2025 2007 REVENUE BONDS ULID 141 8142 845,000 6/18/2007 4.25-4.75% 9/1/2022 2009 REVENUE BONDS ULID 143 8 Water Plant 10,045,000 5/1/2009 3.00-4.75% 5/112029 2010 A REVENUE BONDS REFUNDING 98 B PLUS 9,070,000 6/3/2010 3.00-5.00% 12/1/2019 2010 T REVENUE BONDS REFUNDING 98 A 1,240,000 6/3/2010 4.62% 12/1/2029 2013 A REVENUE BONDS SEWER 2,717,300 12/9/2013 2.00-4.13% 121112028 2013 T REVENUE BONDS PWRF 7,260,000 12/912013 1.23-4.82% 12/1/2028 2015 REVENUE BONDS' WATER/SEWER/IRRIGATION 18,600,000 12/1/2015 4% 12/1/2035 OTHER WATERISEWER UTILITY DEBT: P/W TRUST FUND LOAN RD 100 WATER RES 2,687,300 6/27/1995 1.00% 7/1/2015 P/W TRUST FUND LOAN SEWER PLANT 812,700 6/27/1995 1.00% 7/1/2015 P/W TRUST FUND LOAN SEWER PLANT 1,890,000 5/1/2000 1.00% 7/1/2020 STATE REV FUND LOAN SEWER PLANT PHASE 182 25,010,505 1131/2000 3.50% 7/31/2019 STATE REV FUND LOANDWSRF 4,494,884 1/2/2020 4.00% 1/1/2040 City of Pasco 116 2016 Budget CITY OF PASCO Projected As of December 31,2016 SUMMARY OF DEBT(EXCEPT L.I.D.'s) PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL INTEREST OUTSTANDING 2016 DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS OUTSTANDING DUE DATE DUE DATES 12/3112019 PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 12/31/2020 12/1 6/1,12/1 2,285,000 445,000 90,950 535,950 1,840,000 2/1 2/1,8/1 8,795,000 305,000 330,950 635,950 8,490,000 TOTAL COUNCILMANIC BONDS 11,080,000 750,000 421,900 1,171,900 1D,330,DD0 12/1 6/1,12/1 400,000 100,000 22,300 122,300 300,000 TOTAL VOTER APPROVED BONDS 400,000 100,000 22,300 122,300 300,000 TOTAL G.O.BOND DEBT 11,480,000 850,000 444,200 1,294,200 10,630,000 6/1,12/1 6/1,12/1 29,678 29,678 1,391 31,069 0 MONTHLY MONTHLY 22,333 8,392 112 8,504 13,941 ANNUAL ANNUAL 329366 329,366 10,836 340,202 0 TOTAL OTHER GENERAL DEBT 381,377 367,436 12,339 379,775 13,941 TOTAL GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT $ 11,861,377 $ 1,217,436 $ 456,539 $ 1,673,975 $ 10,643,941 12/1 6/1,12/1 755,000 0 51,950 51,950 755,D00 9/1 3/1,9/1 2,605,000 215,000 105,993 320,993 2,390,000 911 3/1,9/1 315,000 0 14,963 14,963 315,000 5/1 5/1,11/1 7,630,000 450,000 317,675 767,675 7,180,000 6/1 6/1,12/1 5,040,000 275,000 217,300 492,300 4,765,000 6/1 6/1,12/1 520,000 165,000 20,195 185,195 355,000 6/1 6/1,12/1 2,320,000 100,000 88,100 188,100 2,220,000 6/1 6/1,12/1 6,800,000 435,000 259,436 694,436 6,365,000 6/1 6/1,12/1 18,600,000 116,182 862,470 978,652 18,483,818 TOTAL REVENUE BONDED DEBT 44,585,000 1,756,182 1,938,082 3,694,264 42,828,818 7/1 7/1 0 0 0 0 0 7/1 711 0 0 0 0 0 7/1 711 555,703 111,140 5,557 116,697 444,563 1/31,7/31 1/31,7/31 6,388,921 1,509,436 210,519 1,719,955 4,879,485 12/1 1211 4,494,884 118,287 33,712 151,999 4,376,597 TOTAL OTHER UTILITY DEBT 11,439,508 1,738,863 249,788 1,988,651 9,700,645 TOTAL UTILITY DEBT 56,024,508 3,495,045 --T682,916 52,529,463 City of Pasco 117 2016 Budget This page left blank City of Pasco 118 2016 Budget PPOA Uninformed HOURLY WAGE RATES-(Effective 07.01.2015) CLASSIFICATION I BASE 1 2% 1 3% 1 4% 1 5% 1 6% 1 7% 1 8% 1 9% 1 10% Officer 0.6 31.35 31.98 32.29 32.60 32.92 33.23 33.54 33.86 34.17 34.49 34.80 35.11 Officer 7.12 33.07 33.73 34.06 34.39 34.72 35.05 35.38 35.72 36.05 36.38 36.71 37.04 Officer 13-24 34.67 35.36 35.71 36.06 36.40 36.75 37.10 37.44 37.79 38.14 38.48 38.83 OiFcer 25J6 36.43 37.16 37.52 37.89 38.25 38.62 38.98 39.34 39.71 40.07 40.44 40.80 Officer 36+ 38.10 38.86 39.24 39.62 40.01 40.39 40.77 41.15 41.53 41.91 42.29 42.67 Se cant 0-12 43.81 44.69 45.12 45.56 46.00 46.44 46.88 47.31 47.75 48.19 48.63 49.07 Se; cant 13+ 45.72 46.63 47.09 47.55 48.01 48.46 48.92 49.38 49.83 50.29 50.75 51.21 Effective 01.01.15 2.00% Effective 07.01.15 2.00% Sergeant 0-12 15% Above Top Step Officer Wage Sergeant 13+ 20% Above Top Step Officer Wage *Additional%added to base is for reference only. City of Pasco,Washington 119 2016 Budget PASCO POLICE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION(Non-Uniformed) 2015-WAGE SCALE POSITION GRADE STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP MAX EL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Merit PSS 6 17.00 17.34 17.69 18.04 18.40 18.77 19.14 19.53 19.92 20.32 20.72 22.38 Lead 7 18.70 19.07 19.46 19.84 20.24 20.65 21.06 21.48 21.91 22.35 22.80 24.62 Crime Specialist 8 21.39 21.82 22.25 22.70 23.15 23.62 24.09 24.57 25.06 25.56 26.07 28.16 All rates are hourly rates. All steps are dependent upon satisfactory performance evaluations. City Manager may grant double step increase for meritorious performance upon recommendation of Chief of Police. Lead Police Services Specialist rate is to be at 10%over PSS EL range. 2015: 6%Increase over 2011 wages. (Effective 01.01.2015) 2016: 90%CPI-U,B/C western cities(June/June),10/W%(min/max) City of Pasco,Washington 120 2016 Budget [AFF Effective 01/04/2015 Longevity FF Rate FF/PM Rate 2%over 3%over 4%over 5%over base base base base FF 0-12 80% 24.22 26.64 FF 13-24 85% 25.74 28.31 FF 25-36 90% 27.25 29.98 FF 37-48 95% 28.77 31.65 FF 49+ 100% 30.28 33.31 30.89 31.19 31.49 31.79 LT 110% 33.31 33.98 34.31 34.64 34.98 Capt. 115% 34.82 35.52 35.86 36.21 36.56 BC 125% 37.85 38.61 38.99 39.36 39.74 Capt./MO +5% 45.70 46.61 47.07 47.53 47.99 BCrFO +5% 49.68 50.67 51.17 51.67 52.16 City of Pasco, Washington 121 2016 Budget ADMINISTRATIVE/PROFESSIONAL WAGE SCALE(Non-Represented/Non-Management)-2015 Effective 01.01.2015-1% Position Grade Step Step Step SUP Step SNP Sup SNP Step Stop SNP Ml .1 EL 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 M Department Assistant1 5 17.10 11.32 71.55 11.78 12.01 12.26 12.50 12.75 13.01 13.27 13.53 14.b. Administrative Ae uata d 1 26 16.82 17.16 17.50 17.85 18.21 18.57 18.95 19.33 19.71 20.11 20.51 22.15 Cemetery Customer Service Rep. Legal Secretary 1 27 17.16 17.50 1785 18.21 18.57 18.95 19.33 19.71 20.11 20.51 20.92 22.59 Probation Services Clerk Department Assistant 2 28 17.50 17.85 1621 18.57 18.95 19.33 19.71 20.11 20.51 20.92 21.34 23.04 Deputy Court Clerk Accounting Clark 33 19.33 19.71 20.11 20.51 20.92 21.34 21.76 22.20 22.64 23.10 23.56 25.44 Engineering Technician 1 IS Technician.GIS Lead Court Clerk Legal Secretary 2 AtlministmWe Assistant 2 35 20.11 20.51 20.92 21.34 21.76 22.20 22.64 23.10 23.56 24.03 24.51 26.47 Court servioes specialist 39 21.76 22.20 22.64 23.10 23.56 24.03 24.51 25.00 25.50 26.01 26.53 28.65 Legal Secretary/Parelegal Planner 1 Recreation Specialist RN Engineering Technician 2 40 22.20 22.64 23.10 23.56 24.03 24.51 25.00 25.50 26.01 26.53 27.05 29.22 Court Probation macer 41 22.64 23.10 23.56 24.03 24.51 25.00 25.60 26.01 26.63 27.06 27.60 29.81 Database Specialist Lead Recreation Specialist Payroll Specialist PC Specialist Block Grant Administrator 43 23.56 24.03 24.51 25.00 25.50 26.01 26.53 27.06 27.60 28.15 28.72 31.01 Executive Administrative Assistant Safetyfrreining Specialist Building Inspector 45 24.51 25.00 25.50 26.01 26.53 27.06 27.60 28.15 28.72 29.29 29.88 32.27 Construction Inspector Staff Accountant Associate Planner 49 26.53 27.06 27.60 28.15 28.72 29.29 29.88 30.47 31.08 31.71 32.34 34.93 City Clerk Database Administrator GISAdminiatralor Plans Examiner Associate Engineer 51 27.60 28.15 28.72 29.29 29.88 30.47 _31.08 31.71 32.34 32.99 33.65 3f Network Administrator 53 28.72 29.29 29.88 30.47 31.08 31.71 32.34 32.98 33.65 34.32 35.01 37.81 Communication Specialist 54 29.29 29.88 30.47 31.06 31.71 32.34 32.99 33.65 34.32 35.01 35.71 38.56 Insinanentation Technician City Plemsr 66 30.47 31.08 31.71 32.34 32.99 33.65 34.32 35.01 35.71 36.42 37.15 40.12 Civil Engineer Lead Aemurtant Senior HR Analyst Construction Manager 61 33.65 34.32 35.01 35.71 36.42 37.15 37.89 38.65 39.42 40.21 41.01 44.30 Senior Civil Engineer City of Pasco,Washington 122 2016 Budget Management Salary Scale - 2015 (Monthly Maximum) Effective 01.01.2015-1% Position Maximum Salary City Manager CONTRACT Deputy City Manager 11,734 Public Works Director 10,610 Police Chief A & CS Director 10,201 Fire Chief C & ED Director 9,895 Deputy A&CS Director City Engineer 9,182 Police Captain HR Manager 8,773 IS Manager Field Division Manager 8,369 Finance Manager Inspection Services Manager 7,753 Facilities Manager Recreation Services Manager 7,039 PW Division Manager Court Administrator 6,594 Customer Service Manager 5,817 Position by Appointment/Contract(1560 Annual Hours): Municipal Court Jude 9,124 City of Pasco, Washington 123 2016 Budget 1 GLOSSARY OF TERMS AD VALOREM TAXES - (Property Tax) A tax levied on the assessed value of real property. AGENCY FUND - A fund used to account for assets held by a government as an agent for individuals,private organizations, other governments and/or other funds. APPROPRIATION - A legal authorization granted by a legislative body to make expenditures and to incur obligations for specific purposes. An appropriation is usually limited in amount and as to the time when it may be expended. APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION - An ordinance or resolution by means of which appropriations are given legal effect. It is the method by which the expenditure side of the annual operating budget is enacted into law by the legislative body. ASSESSED VALUATION - A valuation set upon real estate or other property by the County Assessor as a basis for levying property taxes. BASIS OF ACCOUNTING — The timing of recognition, that is, when the effects of transactions or events should be recognized for financial reporting purposes. For example, the effects of transactions or events can be recognized on an accrual basis (that is, when the transactions or events take place), or on a cash basis (that is, when cash is received or paid). Basis of accounting is an essential part of measurement focus because a particular timing of recognition is necessary to accomplish a particular measurement focus. Cash Basis - A basis of accounting under which transactions are recognized only when cash is received or disbursed. Accrual Basis - A basis of accounting under which transactions are recorded in the periods in which those transactions occur, rather than only in the periods in which cash is received or paid by the government. Modified Accrual Basis - A basis of accounting according to which (a) revenues and other financial resources are recognized when they become available and measurable and (b) expenditures are recognized in the accounting period in which the fund liability is incurred, if measurable, except for un-matured interest on general long-term debt and certain similar accrued obligations, which should be recognized when due. Modified Cash Basis — is the cash basis of accounting adjusted for Washington State statute. RCW 35.33.151 and RCW 35A.33.150 requires cities to keep their books open in order to pay December bills by the following January 20. RCW 36.40.200 requires counties to keep their books open until January 30 in order to pay December bills and charge the prior year. City of Pasco,Washington 125 2016 Budget BOND - A written promise to pay a specified sum of money, called the face value or principal amount, at a specified date or dates in the future, called the maturity date(s), together with periodic interest at a specified rate. The difference between a note and a bond is that the latter rums for a longer period of time and requires greater legal formality. BUDGET - A plan of financial operation embodying an estimate of proposed expenditures for a given period and the proposed means of financing them. Used without any modifier, the term usually indicates a financial plan for a single fiscal year. The term "budget' is used in two senses in practice. Sometimes it designates the financial plan presented to the appropriating body for adoption and sometimes the plan formally approved by that body. It is usually necessary to specify whether the budget under consideration is preliminary and tentative or whether the appropriating body has approved it. BUDGETARY CONTROL - The control or management of a government or enterprise in accordance with an approved budget for the purpose of keeping expenditures within the limitations of available appropriations and available revenues. BUDGET DOCUMENT - The instrument used by the budget-making authority to present a comprehensive financial program to the appropriating body. In addition to the budget document, an appropriation ordinance is necessary to formally approve the budget. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT - A plan for capital expenditures to be incurred each year over a fixed period of years to meet capital needs arising from the long-term work program or otherwise. It sets forth each project or other contemplated expenditure in which the government is to have a part and specifies the full resources estimated to be available to finance the projected expenditures. CAPITAL OUTLAYS - Expenditures that result in the acquisition of or addition to fixed assets. DEBT - An obligation resulting from the borrowing of money or from the purchase of goods and services. Debts of governments include bonds, registered warrants, notes, contracts and accounts payable. DEBT SERVICE FUND - A fund established to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal and interest. Formerly called a sinking fund. DEBT LIMIT-The maximum amount of gross or net debt that is legally permitted. City of Pasco,Washington 126 2016 Budget DEFICIT - (1) The excess of the liabilities of a fund over its assets. (2) The excess of expenditures over revenues during an accounting period; or, in the case of proprietary funds, the excess of expense over income during an accounting period. EMPLOYEE/PERSONNEL BENEFITS - For budgeting purposes, employee benefits are employer payments for social security, retirement, group health and life insurance, and worker's compensation. These expenses are budgeted at the activity level. ENTERPRISE FUND - Proprietary fund type used to report an activity for which a fee is charged to external users for goods or services. EXPENDITURES - Decreases in net current assets. Expenditures include debt service, capital outlays, and those current operating costs that require the use of current assets. EXPENSES - Decreases in net total assets. Expenses represent the total cost of operations during a period regardless of the timing of related expenditures. FISCAL POLICY - The City Government's policies with respect to revenues, spending, and debt management as these relate to government services, programs and capital investment. Fiscal policy provides an agreed upon set of principles for the planning and programming of government budgets and their funding. FISCAL YEAR - A 12-month period to which the annual operating budget applies and at the end of which a government determines its financial position and the results of its operations. The City begins its annual operations on the first day of January and ends on the last day of December. FIXED ASSETS - Assets intended to be held or used for a long term purpose, such as land, buildings, improvements other than buildings, machinery and equipment. In common usage, the term refers only to operating facilities and equipment, not to long-term investments and other non-current assets. The City's capitalization threshold is $5,000. FUND - A fiscal and accounting entity with self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and other financial resources, together with all related liabilities and residual equities or balances, and changes therein, which are segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with special regulations,restrictions, or limitations. FUND BALANCE - The difference between assets and liabilities reported in a governmental fund. GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPALS (GAAP) — Uniform minimum standards and guidelines for financial accounting and reporting. They govern the form and content of the financial statements of an entity. GAAP encompasses the conventions, rules and City of Pasco,Washington 127 2016 Budget procedures necessary to define the accepted accounting practice at a particular time. They include not only broad guidelines of general application, but also detailed practices and procedures. GAAP provide a standard by which to measure financial presentations. The primary authoritative body on the application of GAAP to state and local governments is the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD (GASB) — The authoritative accounting and financial standard-setting body for government entities. GENERAL FUND - Accounts for all revenues and expenditures that are not accounted for in any other fund except those required by statute. It is a fund supported by taxes, fees and other miscellaneous revenues. GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS - Bonds for the payment of which the full faith and credit of the issuing government are pledged. G.O. Bonds can be voter approved (unlimited-tax general obligation bond-UTGO) where property owners are assessed property taxes for the debt repayment, or non-voted (limited-tax general obligation bonds-LTGO) that are authorized by the governing authority(City Council) and are paid with existing tax revenues or another source. INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS — These funds account for operations that provide goods or services to other departments or funds of the City or to other governmental units on a cost- reimbursement basis. INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - Funds received from federal, state and other local government sources in the form of grants, shared revenues, and payments in lieu of taxes. LEVY - (1) (Verb) To impose taxes, special assessments or service charges for the support of government activities. (2) (Noun) The total amount of taxes, special assessments or service charges imposed by a government. LIABILITY- A debt or other legal financial obligation. LICENSES AND PERMITS - Documents issued in order to regulate various kinds of businesses and other activity within the community. A degree of inspection may accompany the issuing of a license or permit, as in the case of business licenses or building permits. In most instances, a fee is charged in conjunction with the issuance of a license or permit, generally to cover the cost of administration. LID - Local Improvement District or Special Assessments made against certain properties to defray part or all of the cost of a specific improvement or service deemed to primarily benefit those properties. LONG TERM DEBT -Debt with a maturity of more than one year after the date of issuance. City of Pasco,Washington 128 2016 Budget E LIMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION (LTGO) BONDS - See General Obligation Bonds OPERATING BUDGET - Plans of current expenditures and the proposed means of financing them. The annual operating budget is the primary means by which most of the financing of acquisition, spending, and service delivery activities of a government are controlled. The use of annual operating budgets is usually required by law. Even where not required by law, however, annual operating budgets are essential to sound financial management and should be adopted by every government. OPERATING TRANSFER -Routine and/or recurring transfers of assets between funds. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART - A graphic portrayal of relationships among positions and officials established by the City. PERSONNEL= Refers to the number of full-time or part-time regular authorized positions which may be employed within the operation of the City. REFUNDING BONDS - Bonds issued to retire bonds already outstanding. The refunding bonds may be sold for cash and outstanding bonds redeemed in cash, or the refunding bonds may be exchanged with holders of outstanding bonds. RESERVE - (1) An account used to segregate a portion of fund balance to indicate that it is not available for expenditure; and (2) an account used to segregate a portion of fund equity as legally set aside for a specific future use. REVENUE - Income received by the City in support of a program of services to the community. It includes such items as property taxes, fees, user charges, grants, fines and forfeits, interest income and miscellaneous revenue. The term designates an increase to a fund's assets from other than expense refunds, capital contributions, and residual equity transfers. REVENUE BONDS - Bonds whose principal and interest are secured by and payable exclusively from earnings of an enterprise or proprietary fund. SALARIES AND WAGES - Monetary compensation in the form of an annual or hourly rate of pay for hours worked. SERVICES AND CHARGES - Expenditures for services other than personal services which are required by the City in the administration of its assigned functions or which are legally or morally obligating on it; such as, contracted services, utilities, printing, advertising, insurance and rental of equipment. City of Pasco,Washington 129 2016 Budget SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - Funds used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditure for specific purposes. SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS - Articles and commodities which are consumed or materially altered when used; such as,office supplies,motor fuel,building supplies and postage. TAXES - Compulsory charges levied by a government to finance services performed for the common benefit. This term does not include specific charges made against particular persons or property for current or permanent benefits, such as special assessments. Neither does the term include charges for services rendered only to those paying such charges (e.g., sewer service charges). TAX RATE - The amount of tax stated in terms of a unit of the tax base. The amount of tax levied for each $1,000 of market valuation. TAX-RATE LIMIT - The maximum rate at which a government may levy a tax. The limit may apply to taxes raised for a particular purpose or to taxes imposed for all purposes and may apply to a single government or to a class of governments operating in a particular area. Overall tax rate limits usually restrict levies for all purposes and of all governments, state and local, having jurisdiction in a given area. The tax rate limit for general purposes for the City of Pasco is $3.60. TRUST FUNDS - Funds used to account for assets held by a government in a trustee capacity for individuals,private organizations, or other governments, and/or other funds. City of Pasco,Washington 130 2016 Budget