HomeMy WebLinkAbout1307 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO. 1307 WHEREAS, the City of Pasco, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Washington; and the State of Washington, Washington State Department of Transportation, acting by and through the Secretary of the Department of Transportation, have entered into an agreement regarding reimbursement being made on the Road 36 Sanitary Sewer Project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE :IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: That the City Council of the City of Pasco does hereby approve the agreement as to form between the City of Pasco and the Washington State Department of Transportation and does hereby authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute said agreement. A copy of the agreement is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A", and incorporated herein as though fully set forth at length. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 17 day of December , 1979. Chet Bailie, Mayor ATT T: Eve ae ls, City Clerk APPROVED .AS TO FORM: _ S i U -- Den is J. De Felice, City Attorney C AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of October, 19.79,•between the State of Washington, I Washington State Department of Transportation, acting by and through the Secretary of the Department of Transportation, .by virtue of. R.C.W. Chapter. 47.12, hereinafter called the "State" and the City of Pasco, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Washington and located in Franklin County, with an address of 412 West Clark Street, Pasco, Washington 99301, hereinafter called the "City"; WHEREAS, the State is planning the construction of State Route 182, Road 68 Interchange to Jct. SR 395 Interchange, and in connection therewith it will be necessary to relocate a sanitary sewer, if said sanitary sewer is installed at the grade line it would normally be installed -at to meet City of -Pasco requirements; and WHEREAS, the City required a developer who installed said sanitary sewer line along Road 36, a county road (in the section which intersects the above --mentioned state project) in order to proceed with his sub- division to construct the said line at a grade line which will not conflict with the State's proposed construction which was at greater expense to the developer than otherwise.would have been the case if construction had been to normal city requirement; and WHEREAS, the City gave as consideration.to the developer for said construction the promise to pay to him for such additional work the amount of any money the City received from the State for locating the sanitary sewer line to meet the State requirements for SR 182; and WHEREAS, the developer employed a contractor who has constructed said sanitary sewer line to meet the State's requirements; and WHEREAS, the City did the above with the understanding from representatives of the State of Washington that the City's eligibility for reimbursement would not be affected by proceeding in the manner described above. WHEREAS, the City intends to annex the above-mentioned -section of 'Road '36; and WHEREAS, it is deemed to be much more economical for the State to participate at the present time and have'the.sanitary sewer line installed at the grade which will -not conflict with the State's proposed construction rather than to adjust it at a.later date; WHEREAS, the City will -have a compensable interest in the facility and a right-of-way by virtue of being located in the area to be annexed, and the State will, therefore, be obligated to reimburse the City for the relocation of the facility if it is constructed to normal City requirements rather than at a grade line which will not conflict -with the State's proposed construction; and -2 - WHEREAS, the City has received from the developer the assignment of the right to receive the reimbursement from the State in settlement of matters between the developer and the City; and WHEREAS, if at the time of construction of this section of SR 182, the City has not annexed this section of Road 36, the City will be obligated to reimburse the State the amount paid to the City by the State under this agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE TERMS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, AND PERFORMANCE CONTAINED HEREIN, OR ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED AND MADE A PARTY HEREOF IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: I. GENERAL Federal -Aid Highway Program Manual Volume 1, Chapter 4, Section 4, and amendments thereto, determine and establish the definitions and applicable standards for this Agreement and payment hereunder, and by this reference are incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement for all intents and purposes as if fully set forth. The City, through the developer, Bosch Development, and his contractor, Uribe.Construction Company, has furnished all labor, materials, equipment, and tools and did all work required for the* construction and installation of the City facilities in accordance with and as described in the specifications marked Exhibit."A" and the plans marked Exhibit "D" attached hereto and by this referenced made a. part of this Agreement. II. Parts of the costs of locating said sanitary sewer facilities of the City in the manner and in the location described above is the obligation of the State. The State, in consideration of the faithful. performance of the work done by the City through the developer and his contractor, agrees to pay to the City'the actual direct and related indirect costs accumulated in accordance with the work order accounting procedure prescribed by the Division of Municipal Corporations of the State Auditor's Office. The State shall have a final settlement.of all costs incurred, and, in the event that the payment received by the City is in excess of that determined by the final 'settlement, the City agrees to refund any overpayment to the State. For a period not less than three years from the date of final payment to the City, the records and accounts pertaining to the construction of the project and accounting therefore are to be kept available for inspection and audit by, and copies of all records, - accounts, documents or other data pertaining to the project shall be furnished upon request to representatives of the State and Federal government. The City shall submit a final billing to the State within 90 calendar days following notification by.the State of its acceptance of this Agreement. STATE OF APPROVE WORK DONE The State must approve the work that has been completed prior to.the City receiving reimbursement. IV. LEGAL RELATIONS The City does hereby release and agree to save and hold harmless the State from any and all causes of actions, suits at law or equity, or claim or demands, or from any liability of any nature growing out of the performance of this Agreement on the part of the Ctiy, its officers, employees, the developer, his contractor, and/or subcontractors. No liability shall attach -to the State by reason of entering into this Agreement except as expressly provided herein. V. EXTRA WORK In the event it is determined that any change from the statement of work contained in this Agreement is required, approval-mu.st be. secured from.the State prior to beginning of such work. Where the change is substantial, written approval must be secured. Reimbursement for increased work and/or a substantial change in the statement of work shall be limited to costs covered by a modification of the Agreement or a written change, or extra work order approved by the State. VI. WORK BY CONTRACT It is acknowledged that. the City through the developer and his contractor, Uribe Construction Company, is constructing the sewer line which, if built, as originally designed, would conflict with the State's proposed interstate highway, SR 182. It is also acknowledged that the City through its developer and his contractor shall do the extra work as described in Exhibit "B" and "D" at the cost as stated in the bid. The City itself, the developer, and his contractor, its assigns and its successors agree that -it shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, or national origin in its choice of contractors and/or subcontractors and shall include all of -the non-discrimination.provisions set forth in Exhibit "C"., attached hereto and made a part hereof in any contract or agreement pertaining to the construction of said sanitary sewer line. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement as of the day and year first above written. STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By. Title: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By. Assistant Attorney General October , 1979 STATE OF WASHINGTON) .ss. County of Franklin ) CITY OF PASCO Chet Bailie, Mayor ATTEST- By: Evelyn Wel-1s, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: 4 1 By: q I .. �� •l //} . Dennis J. Db Felice, Pasco City Attorney On this day of October., 1979, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Chet Bailie and Evelyn Wells to me known to be the mayor and city clerk, respectively, of the City of Pasco, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at STATE OF WASHINGTON) .ss. County of Franklin ) On this day of October, 1979, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State -of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared and to me known to be the and the , re:.;pecti.vely, of the State of Washington, Department of Transportation, Hie corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of.said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal'of said corporation. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed.the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at uyi alis r "n" SPLCIFIC.ATIONS AND SPLCLAL CONSIDLIZATIONS The work proposed udder this Agreement contemplates the removal, adjustment and/or relocation of certain facilities as described herein. hORK '1'O BE: PLRFOI& D BY -1111' STKI'L None. WORK TO BE: PLRFORIvIED BY 'I1-113- CITY a -Mbit "D" 1. Construct. 163S ft. of 12" PVC pipe (sewer) class an additional 8 feet lower at proposed SR 182 crossing, 'Station LIV 1698+00.. INS TCTION AND ACCEPTANCE All of the City's construction operations, as provided under this agreement, ,,hall be subject to inspection by the State. Final acceptance of the work shall be by payment of the final and complete itemized billing certifying that all the work has been done and upon recommendation of the Dist- rict Administrator, Department of Transportation, Yakima, Washington. R .T•rrRN-n-NrM The adjustment of the City's facilities, as required herein, does not constitute a betterment as defined in Federal -Aid Highway Program Manual Volume 1, Chapter 4, Section 4 and is not included in the estimate of cost. EXPIRED SERVICE LIFE AdjusUnent of the City's facilities does not involve a credit due for the value of the expired service life of the facility being replaced and this value is not included in the estimate of cost. COW City agrees to comply with all applicable requirements of the State which - si-all be in accordance with the Utilities Accommodation Policy, Chapter 252-04 WAC, and Lunendments thereto, and said policy 'and amendments are hereby incorporated in and made a part of this agreement for all intents and purposes as if fully set forth 1101.01I1. The City sluill apply .for and the State shall convey the necessary statutory permits or franchises pursuant to Chapter 47.44 RCW required for installation of such facilities that remain on or cross the state highway right of way. 1 TINE FOR COW -1 The City agrees to complete the relocation this ngruone)t at the earliest possible tix result Or tJna State's contractor. ' ----- ' ' | 2 EXHIBIT "$"' Bid cost to excavate additional 8.ft. so.`as to clear proposed Interstate highway. Labor and :material included in below.items. Description ,Unit Trench Excavation i', Backfill 10-12 ft L.F. it 12-14 ft L.F. " 14-16 ft L.F. " 16-18 ft L.'F. 18-20 ft L.F. F & 148" Diameter MU -tholes Extra Depth L.F. Road 36 Restoration Excess Width of Resurfacing S.F. Labor & Material Sub -Total NU I PMENT Classification Model 23S Cat Backhoe Model 966 4 Yard Rubber Tired Loader Equipment Sub -Total Quantity Unit Price Amount 140 4.50 $ 630.QO ' 322 6.50 2,093.00, 483 8.50 4,105.50 448 10.50 4,704.00''• 242 12.00 2,904.00 53.5 60.00 3,210.00'` 2,133 3.23 6,889.59 30 12.00 $24,S36.09 Rate/Hr Hours Amount 7S.00 36 $2,700.00 35.00 36 17260.00 $3,960.00 Cost of Cutting, Removing, Replacing and Relaying 180 feet of 30" Dia. Irrigation Line, Cuned by Franklin County Irrigation District Est. Est. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount Model 22S Cat Backhoe Hrs. 45 65.00 $2,925.00 •Model 966-4 Yard Rubber Tired Loader firs. 45 35.00 1,57S.00 Labor. for Removing & Relaying Hrs. S5 20.83 1014S.65 Rubber Gaskets Ea. 30 12.00 360.00 30" Steel -Pipe L.F. 180 14.31 2,575.80 Sub -Total Irrigation Line $8,581.45 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECT' COST: Franklin County Irrigation District cost to be charged to Contractor for their inspection and assistance in relaying their lines Frulklin County P.U.U. cost to be charged Contractor for assistance in bracing their poles Settlement of Private Encroachments SMIAR1` : Est. 'Est. Unit t i ty Unit Price Amount, L. S. $ 560.00 :. Hrs. 72 20.83 1,499.76 L.S. 2,500.00 $4,559.76 Labor and Material Equipment Irrigation Line. Miscellaneous Engineering & Supervision Wash. State Sales Tax (5.10) TOTAL SEWER BID $24;536.09 3,960..00 8,581.45 4,559.76 3.152.20 $44,789.50.. 2,284.26 $47,073.76 I I Ckm I .• B*0 . EXH 1. SHEET �- OF__._.� .y �l�'['I�I�:' IX "A" During the performance of this contract, the con- tractor, for itself, its assi;;nees its facilities as may be determined by the and successors in interest (hereinafter referred to as the "contractor"), State l i, hway Department or the Bureau of Public Roads to be to agrees as follows: pertinent ascertain compliance with such Re,,ulatiotls, orders (1) Col lip] .iance v"ith RcE�lllatinns: The contractor and instructions. Where any information required of a contractor is in the exclusive will comply with the Regulations of the Department of Commerce possession of another who fails or refusEs relative to non- discrimination in federally,•-asssstecl prr,-rams to furnWi this information, the contractor shall so certify to the State High•,vay of the Department of Commerce (Title 15, Department, or the Bureau of Public Roads Code of Federal Regulations, Part 8• here- as appropriate, and shall set forth what inafter referred to as tho Rel;ulations), v;hich efforts it has made to obtain the information. are herein iticorporateci by reference and made a part of this contract. (5) Sanctions for Noncompliance: In the * (2) Nondiscrimination: The contractor, �xilh re- event of the contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination on of this contract, Bard to the work perforated by it after the State Highway Ucpartment shall impose award and prior to conipietien of the contract such contract sanctions as it or the Bureau work, will not discriminate on the ground of Public Roads may determine to be ap- of race, color, or national origin in the selection propriate, including, but not limited to, and retention of subcontractors, including- procurements of materials and (a) withholding of payments to the con - leases of equipment. The contractc,r will tractor under the contract until the not participate either directly or indirectly contractor complies, and/or ' in the discrimination prohibited by Section (b) cancellation, termination or suspension 8.4 of the Reulations, including employment of the contract, in whole or in part. practices when the contract covers a pro- " "� a ^ TT of the Reoulations. (6) Incorporation of Provisions: The contractor will include the provisions of paragrann (1) through (6) in every subcontract, ine'ludi.rig (3) Solicitations for Subcontracts, Including procurements of materials and leases of Procurements of -Materials and Ecluipmen[ equipment, unless exernbt by the Re;utlla- In •Ili solicitations either by competitive tions, orders, or instructions issued pursant bidding or ne-,otiation made by the con- thereto. The contractor will take such action tractor for work to be performed under a with' respect to any subcontract or pro - subcontract, including procurements of ma- curemeni as the State Highway- Department terials or equipment, each potential sub- or the Bureau of Public Roads may direct contractor or supplier shall be notified by as a means of enforcing such provisions the contractor of the contractor's obligations including sanctions for noncompliance: Pro - under this contract and the Regulations vided, however, that, in the event a con - relative to nondiscrimination on the ground tractor becomes involved in, or is threatened of race, color or national origin. _ with, litigation with a subcontractor or supplier as a result of such , direction, the (4) lnfornnation and Reports: The contractor contractor may request the State to. enter wiii provide all inforniation and reporis into such litigation to protect the interests of the Slate, required by the Regulations, or orders and and, in addition, the contractor instructions issued pursuant thereto, and may request the United States to enter into -Will permit access to its books, records, such litigation to protect the interest of accounts, other sources of information, and the United States. * PROtI181T10N OF DISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF SEX SEC. i62. (a) Chapter -3 of title 23, united States at the end thereof the following new section: Code is amea,ded by adding 324, Prohibition of discrimination on the basis of "No person shall on the ground of sex be excluded be denied the benefits sex. from parti6pation in, of. or .be subiected to discrimination program or activity receiving Federal assistance under under anv this titlz or carried on under this title. This provision w i I I be enforced through agency provisions and rules similar to those already established, with respect to-,Tacial and v� iIun, U"dUl ii Lie Vi i niyi�i� ►1.i c r.,.,,,f. _.fir �,,,,.I.,r i n.l i I I :+ci vi u uti•~ hvweVer , remedies available to a diseriminatee.,, %%c II a^bO_o r1►��� a al 7 MIND I W oa NE'/, NE 1'4 SEC. Z3 SE i4 NW V4 SEC. 24 - N i '11 01 V Imo' t lco U. �.%�,✓ LQp.. Jr� ��� •�. 3 I LEGEND. ACCESS TO BE PROHIBITED SHOWN THUS PROPERTY OWNEP-SHIP NUMBERS 03230 PROPERTY LINES '-GALE IN FEET CURVE .DATA oS� �I R a _I 124.35 174802' � 3054.8_-1' O s l 0 c y �, n coy On, u 00112E 3000.00' 147.60' i '11 01 V Imo' t lco U. �.%�,✓ LQp.. Jr� ��� •�. 3 I LEGEND. ACCESS TO BE PROHIBITED SHOWN THUS PROPERTY OWNEP-SHIP NUMBERS 03230 PROPERTY LINES '-GALE IN FEET CURVE .DATA oS� �I R PARCEL 1`40.11 NAME �'" RT �� 1000.00 �Z.25 • J' ft—Z(767000' `33-174' S -LT.' 150670Y+71 -43i -.-Be' 124.35 174802' � 3054.8_-1' 30"12" 1500.00' 365.76' 71'1. 55' 00112E 3000.00' 147.60' Z94.9G _ 5 da V) � L I —y-► ``:O ir090 RC2\CHLP.ND I U N 5-03Z4: } / C'IG6%48.1ov.0.T. rj L IG 8«5a.23v. .T. iZ9D.DD'GT.1 T, -rrl / 5- r �I PARCEL 1`40.11 NAME TI w � 111 5_o31.94 —5-0314:x_ BELL_ __ E5E_LL _ 5 da V) � L � L t}• ' N n 5-03250 WAITE 5-03251 HANEP 5-03'Z5Z CARTER 5 03253 5-03254 J TO JC -T SR 395 CE NE 10 `.A O \ 0 r `c. b Limited Access features tentatively approved Oclober 7, 1977 - by the Secretary of Transportation. CITY OF PASCO 5 514 2 RD. 3(z• SANMAF'Y-)F-WF-7, SR 182 MP 8.49 TO MP 13.93 ROAD 68 INTERCHANGE VICINITY Y TO SR 395 INTERCHANGE VICINITY FPANKLIN COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY AND LIMITED ACCESS PLAN 'FULL CONTROL STATION e1688+00 TO STATION e1716*00 WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT Of TeAN:`OeTATION OLYMPIA. WASHINGTON W. A. WLIEY SiG[Ei All JCS 1635 FEET OF EXHI BIT " Dom' iAIZY 5wEQ PIPS \-.. D►rE October T. 19771 SHEli 1 �. Of I q -Ts I • _ — i-- D•.Iperned la Li -.!,c! Acc... C-1-1 by f.vne.R...No.24,2,:uy' -:��... .c.\\'.. .. _ .. ._.. ....._.`...,.!1. ... ..• ..+.-�..... ..-. .. .,.-. .--..�.._.. ...... .... :.�_—.�r._...•_. u?..�:1.hvr-�.......�:iw.a..►.�....:uL•..i�i.,`e.ti�i'le.e•L .e-l.R:�,: PARCEL 1`40.11 NAME TI :__5.03 NOT U51-1) 5_o31.94 —5-0314:x_ BELL_ __ E5E_LL _ 5 da 5-0324-7 1 TEORO L 5-031 48 W.A. 11 F.E. SGEYES 5-037.49 W.A.ICEVES 5-03250 WAITE 5-03251 HANEP 5-03'Z5Z CARTER 5 03253 W. D.3 F. KIR1GW00D 5-0525A SCHULTZ__ 5- 03'1_78 W. d F. Ic19-V-WOOD _ 5- 03"1.80 N. It M.' JOB 5-03231 N.J. JOB 5-033'34 PORT OF PASCO 5 .1 5-03254 J TO JC -T SR 395 CE NE 10 `.A O \ 0 r `c. b Limited Access features tentatively approved Oclober 7, 1977 - by the Secretary of Transportation. CITY OF PASCO 5 514 2 RD. 3(z• SANMAF'Y-)F-WF-7, SR 182 MP 8.49 TO MP 13.93 ROAD 68 INTERCHANGE VICINITY Y TO SR 395 INTERCHANGE VICINITY FPANKLIN COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY AND LIMITED ACCESS PLAN 'FULL CONTROL STATION e1688+00 TO STATION e1716*00 WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT Of TeAN:`OeTATION OLYMPIA. WASHINGTON W. A. WLIEY SiG[Ei All JCS 1635 FEET OF EXHI BIT " Dom' iAIZY 5wEQ PIPS \-.. D►rE October T. 19771 SHEli 1 �. Of I q -Ts I • _ — i-- D•.Iperned la Li -.!,c! Acc... C-1-1 by f.vne.R...No.24,2,:uy' -:��... .c.\\'.. .. _ .. ._.. ....._.`...,.!1. ... ..• ..+.-�..... ..-. .. .,.-. .--..�.._.. ...... .... :.�_—.�r._...•_. u?..�:1.hvr-�.......�:iw.a..►.�....:uL•..i�i.,`e.ti�i'le.e•L .e-l.R:�,: