HomeMy WebLinkAbout1216 Resolution11 RESOLUTION NO. 1216 1 A RESOLUTION providing for the improvement of certain property within the City of Pasco 2 and of the intention to create a Local Improve- ment District. 3 4 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, 5 WASHINGTON, as follows: 6 Section 1: 7 That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of 8 Pasco, Washington, to order the improvement of the following 9 streets in accordance with standards adopted by the City, includ 10 ing the necessary excavation, grading, ballasting, asphalt con - 11 crete pavement, curb and gutters, illumination, drainage facili-- 12 ties, and all other work as may be necessary in connection there 13 with and incidental thereto; all in accordance with the plans an 14 specifications prepared by R.R. Jump, Consulting Engineers, Inc. 15 and approved by the City Engineer for the following described 16 streets: 17 (a) HILLSBORO STREET from State Route 395 to the East line 18 of Section 17, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M. 19 (b) COMP!IERCIAL AVENUE from Hillsboro Street to approximatel 20 3400 feet east of the West line of Section 21, Township 21 �I 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M. 22 (c) CAPITOL AVENUE from Hillsboro Street to the East line 23 of Section 17, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M. 24 (d) KING AVENUE from Hillsboro Street to St. Helens Street. 25 (e) ST. HELENS STREET from Commercial Avenue to the East 26 line of Section 17, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, 27 W.M. 28 Section 2: 29 In addition, it is the intention of the City Council of 30 the City of Pasco, Washington, to order domestic water 31 improvements in accordance with standards adopted by the City, 32 including installation of the necessary watermains, fire 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 hydrants, valves and other appurtenances for the purpose of supplying water for domestic use and fire protection; all in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by R.R. Jump, Consulting Engineers, Inc. and approved by the City Engine within the following described areas: (a) HILLSBORO STREET from Commercial Avenue to the East li of Section 17, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M. (b) COMMERCIAL AVENUE from approximately 400 feet west of the West line of Section 21, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M. to approximately 3400 feet east of the West line of Section 21, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M. (c) CAPITOL AVENUE from Hillsboro Street to the East line of Section 17, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M. (d) KING AVENUE from Hillsboro Street to St. Helens Street. (e) ST. HELENS STREET from Commercial Avenue to the East line of Section 17, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M. (d) Within the Northeast Quarter of Section 20, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M.; Beginning at the North- east corner of said Section, thence in a Southwesterly direction to a point on Commercial Avenue approximately 400 feet west of the East line of said Section. Section 3: In addition, it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, to order sanitary sewer improvements in accordance with standards adopted by the City, including installation of the necessary sanitary sewer trunk lines and laterals, manholes, side sewer service lines and other appurten- ances; all in accordance with the plans and specifications pre- pared by R.R. Jump, Consulting Engineers, Inc. and approved by the City Engineer within the following described areas: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 0) COMMERCIAL AVENUE from Hillsboro Street to approximatel 2400 feet east of the West line of Section 21, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M. (b) CAPITOL AVENUE from Hillsboro Street to the East line of Section 17, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M. (C) KING AVENUE from Hillsboro Street to St. Helens Street. (d) ST. HELENS STREET from Commercial Avenue to the East line of Section 17, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M. fie) Within the Northeast Quarter of Section 20, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M.: Beginning at the North- east corner of said Section, thence in a Southwesterly direction to the intersection of James Street, Cincin- nati Street and Frontier Loop which is approximately 600 feet west of the East line of said Section. (f) CINCINNATI STREET from its intersection with James Street and Frontier Loop to Nevada Avenue. (9) NEVADA Avenue from Cincinnati Street to Trinidad Street (h) TRINIDAT STREET from Nevada Avenue to Main Street 0 ) MAIN STREET from Trinidad Street to Yakima Street. 0) Within Section 29, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M.; Beginning at the intersection of Main Street and Yakima Street, thence in a Southwesterly direction to the intersection of Shoshone Street and First Avenue which is the terminus. Section 4: All persons who may desire to object to said proposed im- provements are hereby notified to appear and present such objec- tions, if any, at a meeting of the City Council to be held at the City Hall in the City of Pasco, Washington, at 3:00 O'clock p.m. on Monday, January 15, 1979, which time and place are hereby 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 IN 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 fixed for the hearing of all matters pertaining to the proposed improvements and all objections thereto, and for determining the method of payment of the improvement. Section 5: The City's consulting engineer, R.R. JUMP, CONSULTING ENGIN- EERS, INC. is hereby directed to submit to the City Council at or prior to the date fixed for such hearing, the estimated costs and expense of such improvements, a statement of the proportion- ate amount thereof which should be borne by the property within the proposed assessment district, a statement of the aggregate assessed and actual valuations of all the real estate, exclusive of improvements, within said district according to the valuation also placed upon it for the purpose of general taxation, together with a diagram or print showing thereon the lots, tracts, and parcels of land and other property which will be specifically benefitted thereby and the estimated amount of the costs and expense of such improvement to be borne by each lot, tract or parcel of land or other property. 1 Section 6: 2 The -Ca ty C1erk"'Treasurer is he'xeby d.ir-.ected., to give notice 3: of `.the hearing by,publicatian:of this Resolution in the manner 4 �, required -by law and by.mailing a, notice of `the hearing as re- 5 . quire'd by... law to".: each."owner or reputed owner of any lot', tract, . : 6 or parcel of :Land`, bt other property, . special.ly'be iefitted by 7' the improvement, the total. estimated cost thereof, .and the 8 estimated benefit to the paxtiau,lar iot,° tract, or parcel of 9., land ow4er by such person. 10 ADOPTED AID APPROVED by . the City Council .of .the City - of 11 Pasco, Washington' this day of december. 1979'. 12 .13 Chet -.Bailie, MAYOR' 14 16: ATTEST: 17 .CITY C RR _, 19 20 APPROVED -AS TO FORM: " .� • 21 � - Dennis: -:,J.; 0b F&Tice,,- City Attorney �3 24. : 25 26 27 2.8 29 30 31