HomeMy WebLinkAbout1299 Resolution - Recordede RESOLUTION NO. 1.299 I/E1EREAS, the proposed Mansion Estates Subdivision's recnzired construction improveTents include the -'installation of a piped storm drain system, and Iid EREAS, a storm drain outfall at the proposed location for the general purposes of the city is desirable, and I%MREAS that storm drain pipe must necessarily have an outfall and point of discharge, and WHEREAS, the logical point of discharge is into the U. S. Army Corps of Engineer drainage ditch, generally paralleling the Columbia River Dike at a point immediately westerly of the the Blue Bridge, State Route 12, right-of-way, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE'CITY COUNCIL OF, THE CITY OF PASCO: That the City Council accept the proposed. easement No. DACE^] 68-2=80-4 from the Department of the Army Corps of Engineers, which provides for the construction, operation and maintenance of a pipe discharging into said Corps drainage ditch. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 19 day of November , 1979. AIE , I J ON � F APPROVED 'rev � 'J•,.%:a P_.'SD C�,' .vV n De 's J., De Fdlic_e,"Ci-ESFAftorney Chet Bailie, Mayor 397021 131 �--- JF O'FF1 ►A^E' UES D0� pt�GE City of Pas HY jct_,4F Tt1�11UR iP! Cull iti,��s Y F� i0 P.O. Box 293 Pasco, W. 99301 6W :C.v �4 -q Imo! ,397021 . . ....... ....... .... c 1" Aa - E F EF1 EV11fv c 1" Aa WALLA WALLA DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS .' BLDG. 602, CITY—COUNTY AIRPORT ,°.. WALLA WALLA, WASHINGTON 99362 9' November 1979•. NPWRE-MD t Mr. Jim Ajax, Director Department of Community Development City of Pasco p. 0. Box 293 Pasco, WA 99301 "� 01 ' w 0V 131979. L_ -P,_ Dear Mr.. Ajax: c'of Department of the Army ' Inclosed for your records is an executed copy cg � . Easement No. DACW68-2-80-4 to the City of.Pasco.fora storm drain pipe- line over, across, and upon land situated in the McNary Lock and Dam Project.. Sincerely, I ' Fol�eBSTATTE 1 Incl ✓ Chief,'Real Estate Division Easement IP80-4 DACW68-2-80-4 mcmARY LOCK AND - DAM PROJECT,, (LAKE WALLULAi,. .......... ...................... 0, THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY, under and by virtue of the authority vestedin him by Title 10, United -States Code, Section 2669, hereby.grqntsdw-, CITY, OF PASCO, ;,a) municipal corporation of the State of Washington hereinafter designated as the.grantee, f or.a, period notexceeding -fifty 1q; I 50 years from the date hereof, an easement for , a right of way for construction, opera- tion and maintenance of a storm drain pipeline hereinafter referred to as •% (N ,as 4 line" and upon land under the control of the Secretary of the over, across, in, a y.at the location shown in red on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, and described as follows: The"ea'iterly 20 feet of that portion of ''Gove"rnmen't Lot 1, 'Se'Aion' 25 `Towftship'9 North, Range -29 East,, W.M., lying westerly of State High-., way'3,-as established by de'ed*'recorded.undir'Auditor's'-File t 139975, .." - I, and measured perpendicular to the westerly line of said highway, southerly of the northerly line of a-.par'cel conveyed to the UNITED STATES'OF'AMERICA byinstkumieint, . recorded under Auditor's File 143667, and northerly of center,line of'drainage`'ditc'h"ascon'stru'cted and now I . . I existing*..Said easement being approximately"35' feet The tract of land above described contains 0.02 of.an acre, more or ":,.less. \1 ,x. I - THIS, EASEMENT, i3'granted subject to the foll6wing conditions: %; 1. The grantee shall pay to the'United States compensation in the amount of mpe tion shall be made payable'tO.4the. %4% 7-Arlasurer of the United States and forwarded by the grantee to- J,f C/ i 4-4 vvt CQ LJ ENO FORM 361 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED (ER 405-14140) 2. The installation and/or operation and maintenance of said line shall be accomplished States under the general supervision and su1�j without cost or expense to the United .44 to the approval of the officer having immediate jurisdiction over the property, Mr"einafter designated as "said officer", and in such manner as not to endanger personnel or property of the United States on the said United States land or obstruct travel on any road thereon. The grantee shall have the right of ingress and egress for such purposes. 3. The use and occupation of said land incident to the exercise of the privileges hereby granted shall be subject to such rules and regulations as the said officer may from time to time prescribe. ,. s , , 4. --The grantee shall supervise the said line and .cause it to be inspected at reasonable intervals, and shall immediately repair any leaks.f ound therein as a result of such inspection, or when requested by said officer to repair any defects. Upon completion of the installation of said line and the -making of any repairs thereto, the premises. shall,be.restored immediately by the grantee, at the grantee's own expense, to the same condition as that in which they existed prior to the commencement of such work, to the satisfaction of the said officer. 5. Any property of the United States damaged or destroyed by the grantee incident to the use and occupation of the said premises, shall be promptly repaired or replaced by the grantee to the satisfaction of the said officer or in lieu of such repair or replacement the grantee shall, if so required by the said officer, pay to the United States money in an amount sufficient to compensate far the loss sustained by the United States by reason of damages to or destruction of Government property. 4` _ 6. The United States reserves to itself the right to construct, use, and maintain across, over, and/or'tunder the right of way hereby granted, electric transmission, telephone, telegraph, water, gas, gasoline; oil and sewer lines, and other facilities, in such manner as not to create any unreasonable interference with the use of the right of way herein granted.--,:, ; A II � i 'i .. i ; 7: The Unit'e'd States shall 'not be responsible 'for'darn,a 'es to property or injuries to t. s .:.: ' :,CII uil': + i persons: which may ajiy e from dr be in.culerit ,to the use and occupation of the said premises, nor for'ddrs.ages to the property of the granteeac�x xh*umdnsftxUWXiVh"xQdx#fkelcg t x( nn dace3cj, nor for -damages to the property or injuries to the person of the grantee's o• .vers, agents, servants, or employees, or others who may be on said premises at their invita- tion or 'the •invi,tati,on of anyone of them, arising from or incident to government activities, and the grdn ee shall -hold the United States harmless flrom. any and all such claims. c. ,........ .• , 8. The United States shall not be responsible for damages to property or injuries to persons_ which may arise from or be incident to the construction, maintenance, and use of said ,� .�..•i , a,s c i° .,.. ,� s :..; i y be re qu fired from 9.,That the. grantee shall furnish through said line such service as. may time to time for governmental purposes on said land, provided that payment for such service will be made by the United States at rates which shall be mutually agreeable but which shall never exceed the most favorable rates granted by the grantee for similar service. t.uT.Liii.l:ul:.�'-.,.ti l,: l: :l.« I:�q. �� .•i v�e�,r�10: In: the.event all or Iany.port'ion•of said, land occupied by said line shall be needed -by the United•States, or -.in the event the existence of said line shall be considered detrimental to governmental activities, grantee shall, from time to time, upon notice so to do, and as mthe often as so notified, remove said line and related facilities to such other location or locations on said project land as may be designated by said officer, and,.in the event said Iine, shall not be removed or relocated within ninety (90) days after any aforesaid notice, the United States may cause the same to be done at the expense of the grantee. etre art thereof oy time notice tTtuWbgrantee'1 osal of said land or any p or failure, neglect, or refusal by t he granted interferes with the use e S Secretary o f the Army f f this grant, or for or it may be te""nin°ted by l with any and all of the conditions of grantee fly and promptly to comp y nnnvue, or for abandonment. ,,,.r,,ntee shall, without expense 5 GSD NO CIQ ',i pTo jec�t a d- roti a'J t e y te9t b daof the grantee, of i„ c:, a� ti t U refusal by tthe y sa de ter any as vnnay be n 90) ntee. y ... w a E Thereof with ,u.1; oor any p reloeat be done. ai the a osal o satid' f ailurc� neglect, rant, or f or sam a or for this 0 e n erferes wLth the the S cir ith of yeand alt of the eondtitions g,anted b , to 7nina,ted by ,ncp y nse 1 or it may and promptly to 00 l without exile grantee fully ?nent• th t �ne� halmaU i►�dica}e, remove nonuse, or f'or abandon this grant, > termination of. of ed and occupied ' etary zed to be used , or the expiration or h time as the Secr author+ 11 a, neglect Upon within suc 'ices hereby ntee sha f 12• States, and restore the prem the. gra have the option United • said and In the evhnet United States shall ensatian to the line from to the said o�ieer' ises, witlwut oomp e the said satisfactory so restore the pr f the United States, said at the eVnit to a condition said line and erty w nafges afore against the United to remove the the said line as the prom n the restoration on �coun.t of its refuse over have any claim for said line , I > Line and pertor either to take remove the said l the grantee ha over of ' theref or, or to in no event shat the taking rantee, and agents, on account of and shad inure' i of the g o ers or g States or its fT� and be binding upon �" removal• tni shall extend a d assigns of the grantee. ent this ins s'u,�;cessors, 13 The conditions of representatives, ar as the rights of the ective only ipso( tarn such Per - AS the benefit °f the�� meet is efl rantee shall ob • od that this •instn and that the 9 un rned; rights. I� That it is Percy are conce ting in the said Pro ny other exis United States account of a as may be necessary °n conditions' mission tional See Attach ed sheet for adds tie 10, United States Code, Section 2662• f' the Army ect to Tt ' easel" is not sub? the Secretary •o This eas hard this 9th by authority to +nv ' • IN. WITNESS W HEREOF/ I haV° her8wK 9 19 November - day of . R. �%l�i�y. ."'a l'w' .� y''�i�2fS �i..p ..zz+i L`r�rlr�•1'•t• �� ,'+'' + � , 44 RSTNT TE 'Division o f Engineers tG�hief Real Estate Corp District, Walla Walla f" h� GPO 937•jj9 397()Z-1 ;z —i +� n . R. �%l�i�y. ."'a l'w' .� y''�i�2fS �i..p ..zz+i L`r�rlr�•1'•t• �� ,'+'' + � , 44 RSTNT TE 'Division o f Engineers tG�hief Real Estate Corp District, Walla Walla f" h� GPO 937•jj9 397()Z-1 ,1. t rl {".a-:n..�..14:6...`• :_�:.�:?-it :•a'rli`Nl.•lt i • t i ..st -,.R v 1.?,i' : V', i _ a.u.:.._:iJ,e.S �' _>__s 15. That the grantee shall not discriminate against any person or persons because of race, creed, color, sex, or national origin in the conduct of its operations hereunder. The grantee furnishes as part of this contract an Assurance (Exhibit "B") that the City of Pasco will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (-978 Stat. 241) and Department of Defense Directive 5500.11 issued pursuant thereto and published in Part 300 of Title '32, Code of -Federal Regulations. 16. The United States shall not be responsible for damages to property or injuries to persons which may arise from or be incident to the use and occupation of the said premises, nor for damages to the property of the grantee, nor for damages to.the property or injuries to the person of the grantee's offices, agents•, servants, or employees, or others who may be on said premises at their invitation or the invitation of any one of them, arising from or incident to the flooding of the said premises by the Govern ment activities, and the grantee shall hold the United States harmless from any and all- such claims. 17. That the grantee shall comply with all State and Federal laws.and regulations with regard to .the disposal or emptying of pollutants of any nature into the interceptor drain. 18. In construction of the storm drain the grantee shall provide concrete, or gabion slope protection below and across from pipe invert to prevent erosion of the inplace filter -materials. The protection method should'not materially reduce the ditch cross-sectional area or prevent flow from reach- ing the pump plant. Pipe invert to the open ditch should not be less than one foot above ditch 'invert grade. All excavation should be confined to the land side of the levee drain ditch. 19. The grantee agrees that the subject easement will be for only those drains presently proposed and will not cover future expansion of the system a -t a later date. 20. Inasmuch as construction requirements may necessitate the temporary use of additional land adjoining the right-of-way during the construction period, the right to use the additional land required during the construction period is hereby granted. 21. The grantee agrees to assume responsibility and clean tip of any petroleum based products or pollutants from the drain if they have reached the Corps of - Engineers drain system from the storm sewer. outfall. 22. That Condition 1 was deleted; Conditions 7, 10, and 13 were altered;-{ and Conditions 15,•16,. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22 were added. prior to execu- tion of this easement. '9 r R ti �` 1'r:. � � � '�. r '•� fir_+:.R �, r i�,�+�-'S�S� L�. r��r. �:. ..,:t. - ..�. �. .. war � 'r:. 3i ` ,: � _ 1 'eb: .n.. -. r� �• •mak. .x.. . STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF WALLA WALLA ) On this day personally appeared before me Harold Buerstatte , to me known to be the'Real Estate Officer, Walla Walla District, Corps of Engineers, who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknow- ledged that (s)he signed the same in the capacity above stated by authority of the Secretary of the Army and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this 9th day of November 1979. (SEAL) �No ary Public in and for he State of Washington, residing at Walla Walla My Commission expires,%/ ����1�Z RE :10M ua cv C6