HomeMy WebLinkAbout1251 Resolution4 RESOLUTION N0. 1251 A RESOLUTION conditionally approving the preliminary plat of Sunland Heights and setting forth the specific conditions under which a final plat of Sunland Heights may be prepared. WHEREAS, an application for preliminary plat was filed by Sunland Investment Company, owner, on November 15, 1978, said a�?lication being assigned Planning Division Master File No. 78 -38 -PP, Sunland Heights; and WEA S, the City Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on December 22, 1978, due notice of which was property given; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission directed teat substantial revisions see made before further consideration of the preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, the review process was properly delayed until April 1979, at which time a substantially revised preliminary plat of Sunland Heights was submitted; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on April 19, 1979, due notice of -which was properly given, and issued its recommendation that the preliminary plat be conditionally approved; and Wim, the City Council conducted a public hearing on May 21, 1979, due notice of which was properly given, in consideration of the City Planning Commission's recommendation; and WHEREAS, the City Council deems the preliminary plat of Sunland Heights to be in the public interest and, if properly conditioned, makes adequate provision for the population to be generated thereby; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT'RESOLUED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: That the preliminary plat of Sunlarid Heights hereby is conditionally.. approved and the applicant may cause to be prepared a final plat to conform, in addition to all other applicable regulations and requirements, with the following specific conditions: (1) Block 14, at the time it is included in any final plat, shall be platted as shown in this preliminary plat or shall be lefted undivided. (2) Blocks 7 and 8 shall be redesigned to provide access by cul-de-sac extending southerly from Sirocco Drive. (3) The final plat shall contain the statement that vehicular access shall not occur beyond the north line of the plat east of Sirocco Drive. (4) Tracts A through H be designated for planned density development and each tract shall be respectively noted as follows: ' -2- Tract A: Not to exceed 16 dwelling units Tract B: Not to exceed 22 dwelling units Tract C: Not to exceed 16 dwelling units Tract D: Not to exceed 14 dwelling units Tract E: Not to exceed 11 dwelling units Tract F: Not to exceed 14 dwelling units Tract G: Not to exceed 12 dwelling units Tract H: Not to exceed 13 dwelling units (5) The planned density development designations shall include the following design review conditions: ;(a) Development plans, including site grading, site improvement, building elevations and.site:cross sections, shall be submitted to the Planning Commission prior to issuance of building .per -its for constnzction within planned density development designations. (b) The Planning Commission shall review and modify said plans as necessary to assure that the proposed. multi -family devel6pment does not detract from the single family along the ridge and appropriate ingress/egress is provided at Road 36. (6) Tracts B, C, and D shall extend to the boundary of the plat and the 4.2 acre triangular area shall be assigned to said tracts B, C, and D as an easement for development and maintenance of a storm water detention facility and open recreation area, and the final plat shall clearly :indicate such. (7) Construction of plat improvements shall not,:coiunence till all applicable engineering design documents have been submitted and approved by the city. (8) That the subdivision and all lots within it be served with the City of Pasco sanitary sewer service. (9) T_ze subdivision and all lots within it shall be served with the City of Pasco water, and the design of the water system shall take into account the proposed phasing of the subdivision with each completed phase or combination of complete phases being capable of providing required flow and not be dependent on future phasing and lines for adequacy. (10) That no later than after completion of Phases 1, 2, and 3 of the plat and as a part of the required improvements requisite to the approval of the final plat of Phase 4, Road 36 shall be dedicated as a public right-of-way and improved to the same standards other streets within the plat from the east boundary of Phase 4 south and east to the north boundary of Phase 1 of the Riverview Heights Subdivision. (11) That no phase of the plat receive final approval until the water booster station in the area is complete and accepted for maintenance and operation by the city; further, the cost of any incremental increase in capacity in the _3_ booster station above the 5,000 gallons per minute that others are committed to provide, be at the expense of this subdivider. (12) All subdivision improvements shall be designed. in accordance with the design standards identified by the City of Pasco City Engineer and stated in the design criteria for the R-1 Surburban-Zone attached and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A". PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco day of 1979. ATTEST: Evelyn Wells, City lerk APPRO4U) AS TO FOR I- 0 kA , r Dennis J. De elic ity Attorney Chet Bailie, .Mayor QULE.i:D II. PK0VIs,'--,LN1'S AND DE -SIGNED FOR SUBDIVISIONS WITHIN Tlln R-1 SU`'BUiWlJ t'i ZOc1L: 11L LT., Ical access yht-of-c•ray widL11 60 feet Cul-Dc-S,lcs Ricjflt-of-way wicth 60 fact Cul -Dc -Sac bull, r i ;ht of way radius SU feet Aecess sLroct ron1h..ay width 36 feet Cul-Dc-Sn�: r.oadwo,, width 36 feet Cul-Ue-Sac hvlb road' -;ay radius 38 feet Roadway structur�cl section - 4" to roti; - 2" al.phalt concrete :Cross slopu .02 feet; per foot Curb reLurn raci 1u s :'J feet t'lannirlc 'SL.rip/tir,l;n,rk;c: swoll - 7-1/2 feet wicle - located between pavement and sidewal'� Sideway:: - 4-1/2 w.idc - 5-1/2 sac mix thick Street 1ic;ilLs.- t -i1 be located at'all intersections with the maximum spacing between luminary o1' :130 iect - steel poles-'unaordround wiring - 30 foot mounting height - city to provide actual lumillar developer to provide all other. ttOiJUt?Gt:T0 - to }le located at intersections of centerlines of right=of-way and , PI's (it: pi's f;ll l outside of pavon,ont aroa the PC ", PT to be monumented) . t•1011ulll"tti case r1:ld COb•Or to Conform to Washlnc �+'i" A standard plan no. 19. Maxim= grade d'. minimum grade .20 STREET Il :'1"t:i151 C'i'Tli?:S Gcnera_il',' ;IL olle Demonant S rcct) shall maintain grade and crown tllrouclll Lhe inLur�c uLiun. GRADE t•tinur crro6.: ch ;in,.ws Ivoici-:Ik! if at all poss.ib- le - angle points, if minor . grade ciran,le rannclt be avoid -:!d, -,,ill only be allowod where there is no change in direction of yrad-2 when the total grade ch;inge is less than a tenth of a percent - where lidera is, c:hajige in di.recL.ion of grade on a crest situtl,tion greater than a tenth of ., p0l7(,,c,nt a vCrLical Curve shal.:] be used. - In the case of a change in dil:CCL,ioll Of cll;il'.e which r.osults in a low point si(*IC all angle point shall. t)c: emplo,. cCnl 1n r,n.;!1 a 1 ?:,c. flat.. slot would rosul t if n vertical curve bklL in no C.aSC WhCre the total grade change i5 c;t •:,il •`,' Ilion one porccnt.. AL inLcrr,cc.C.ioi,s a:lcre the total of huLh street grades is more than six percent or one sLrc:,'t h;c::: n c}mite of tori: Lh.,rl four h0::ccnt proEiles for the cage of asphalt. 1110lt, d ,Iluny edge of asphalt elevation shall be shown as well as centcr- line C1ov;lLiui,s. 1em*1(5kT ?A INTERSECTIOKS: In cases where the nnndominant stroll at an intersection has a grade, qrUaLO . 17 than cross slope 0, the dominant street shall be projected to a point 50 feet from the centerline of the dominant street to determine the elevation for A vertical curve connecting the nondominant street to the dominant street and thdt vertical curve shall length Of 50 feet - this is to insure a reasonably loval area at the interWcLion.for stopping together with providing proper sight. diSLJnCO- WAT L 11 Minimum line sizq 6" (except in the case of short cul -do -sacs not involving fire hydrants where two inch lines will be allowed"' PIPE MATERIALS - AWYA class 150 ducti)o iron cement lined A',-A�A Class 150 PVC only allowed in areas wiLh native sandy soil. .1 11" and larger lines Butterfly type VALVES - 10" and imaller lines, gate type WATER LINE LOCATION i N RIGHT-OF-WAY - 15 feet north or west of centerline right- of-way - exception allowed where connecting to existing 1 . ines incompatible with such. VALVINS - on sWile lines valve spacinq shall be no more than one block or 1,320 foun whichcvnr is les --ler - intersection of water lines, valve all but Ono lee) - valve5 to be located on the projection of property lines through inLerSeCLIOnS. For R-1 SuibYfban zoned areas without irrigation water. - Maximum voliCiLy Of flow five feet per second Without fire flow - maximum voliciL7 01 flow "Y" feet per second with fire flow I - system shall *'', dusiqrco to provide at least 90 feet of water head (approximately forty pnq win, a consumption of onn gallon per minute per connection without any fire flow At all points S7SLQM 5hail hu dysigned to Yield seventy feet Of waterhead (approximately 30 PSI) with a abnourXiOn Of six gallons per minute per connection without fire flow SySLCM ShIll he dosiqned to yield fifty fact of watorhead Qproximately 20 PSI) WiLh a con=pLiOn Of six qallons per minute per connection and fir, fl,,. C 1,000 gallon per minute at at hydrant locat,ion.-•; ih 0` NOTE: If oLhor than detached SOW family residences . are to be allowed in Lho area fire flow may increase as determined by the Pasco Fire Department F q- P 660 feet betwo,en hydranLs With specific spacinq and nur-bex to be Fire Department - Approved hydrants, watcrOu s jetermillud P,-i!;c--o pp pacer, mu eller 3yterian - LIcp.Lh of burial, four fL!C:L Soo- standard detail. .1inilnum line size "s" ,laterials - pvc = 1 10 34 SDI: 35 in 1)01:maL 'depth ranges in sandy so il lalTole 330 feet with all line:: LO end with manholes -.--oacinq that:rC(luireLl to serve all lots or six foot minimum cover whichever is Location in scvorl feet Sout.", or cast OC centerline right-of-way All lines to ht2(i.orizuntal and %,errical) bet-,:ecii manholes Siziny CL-iLuci'l 100 cel cl)tl 3.0 3.5 people Wr ill,�UCa'L: Cd by manufLctor but r to be less than .010. maniny n = as P Ui.'..1 I FI•'K.IA •:r This requi rec,eua i:: SPC cial and onl; ,gylio5 to the Riverview iluights area (section 1.1 T I:9', ;:? Lt,':t) since tri:.; nr:e�a is to he sorvcd by an in Line booster station which must roshond to h•i.yh peak }lour demands on a direct - basis the cr.iter.irr is suhstanLially hither than would normally be associated With a system where the source had storagC connected with it. Fire floe rt!serve of 1500 c;allons ter ninute or that of the largerst pump within th,-• 'booster ,;LaLion whichever is (ireaLcr - together with :cix'gl)m her conn>��tion or potential dwelling, unit for the first five hundred connections plus five gallons po r minute for the next 250 - plus four gallons per minute for the neat 250. Since the partic•ulot-s of the dcsiyn of an in line booster•station of this size involve rather :;>eciali::ed cncjineerinc; skills anci since the proper operation of the booster st:.itiun is of paramount importance to_public health and safety and since tltr City c>f Pasco will ultimately ci•.:n and operate the booster station tete City of Pasco (icclls that: it is .in the City's best interest to have a con5ultant. actinki as an agent of the city rev ew.and make rccorunendations to the city as to tltc. c ;;ab.ilit;; and dcsirabilit of the booster station.as designed L-1 the duvel.oper I-i;tcl his accnts, to n•c�et the design criteria and also to such in an economic and lunctional sense when measured over a period of several years.