HomeMy WebLinkAbout1065 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO. 1065 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PASCO URGING THE BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION TO RECONSIDER ITS ROUTING FOR A 500 -KILOVOLT TRANSMISSION LINE ACROSS FRANKLIN COUNTY. WHEREAS , Franklin County has developed a land use policy and comprehensive plan, Resolution No. 75-64, which intent is to protect and promote the development of agricultural lands; and WHEREAS , the State of Washington has developed through the public hearing process, the Alternatives for Washington planning program with a major goal of protecting agricultural lands of the State; and WHEREAS , the Soil Conservation Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture has been directed to cooperate with the local farmers and governments in planning their non-renewable resource of agricultural grounds; and WHEREAS , the U.S. Department of Agriculture has appealed to the American people to stop the wanton destruction of prime agricultural lands; and WHEREAS , the Bonneville Power Administration, U.S. Department of Interior, has continuously reviewed the economics of land use planning based solely upon their capital costs; and WHEREAS , the Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of Interior, has planned ahead and designated power corridors across the Columbia Basin Irrigation Project; and WHEREAS , there has been demonstrated to the Bonneville Power Administration alternative routes to the north of the present proposed line that are based upon sound economic land use planning policies presented by both local farmers and Franklin County; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City of Pasco respectfully requests and strongly urges the Bonneville Power Administration to reconsider its present position for routing its 500 -kilovolt transmission line from Lower Monumental Dam through Franklin County and to re-route such line in a manner which will not in any way be detrimental to the valuable farmland of Franklin County. Section 2. That a copy of this Resolution be transmitted forthwith to the Bonneville Power Administration, the Secretary of the Interior, United States Senators Jackson and Magnuson, and Congressmen McCormick and Foley, and President Carter. Section 3. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect after its passage as required by law. ATTES Evelyn Wells, Deputy City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: D. Wayne Campbell, Acting City Attorney J TIDRICK, Mayor • POST OFFICE BOX 293 January 20, 1977 President Jimmy Carter Office of the President White House Washington, D.C. Dear Sir: PASCO, WASHINGTON 99301 Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 1065 which was passed by the Pasco, Washington City Council on January 18, 1977. It clearly defines their position on situation between Bonneville Power Administration and farmers of the mighty Columbia Basin Area. This corridor is located in one of the richest farm belts in the north- west and has been transformed from bare sage brush to rich farmland through irrigation. While the farmers are not opposing electricity, because they know they need it for their irrigation, they are opposing power lines and towers over their valuable property and amount of land they will be losing due to easements, right of ways, etc. They are appalled that in view of the opposition, Bonneville Power Administration is proceeding anyhow. We respectfully request that you be aware of our situation, and at the same time, we are sending a copy of Resolution No. 1065 to our respective Washington Senators and Congressmen. On behalf of the Pasco, our warm congratulations President. ew Washington City Council and Staff, may I convey and wishes for a most successful term as Sincerely yours, Mrs. Evelyn Wells City Clerk 0 POST OFFICE BOX 293 PASCO, WASHINGTON 99301 January 19, 1977 Congressman Fifth District Thomas S. Foley House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Sir: Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 1065 which was passed by the Pasco City Council at their regular meeting, held January 18, 1977. It clearly defines their position and we respectfully request that you review it and advise the undersigned of your position. Thank you for your courtesy in this matter. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Evelyn Wells Deputy City Clerk ew Enc: (1) a POST OFFICE BOX 293 1 PASCO, WASHINGTON 99301 January 19, 1977 The Honorable Henry M. Jackson United States Senate Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Sir: Attached is.a copy of Resolution No. 1065 which was passed by the Pasco City Council at their regular meeting, held January 18, 1977. It clearly defines their position and we respectfully request that you review it and advise the undersigned of your position. Thank you for your courtesy in this matter. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Evelyn Wells Deputy City Clerk ew Enc: (1) a o. �a�'rsrre byr, IN POST OFFICE BOX 293 1 PASCO, WASHINGTON 99301.. January 19, 1977 Congressman Fourth District Mike McCormack House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Sir: Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 1065 which was passed by the Pasco City Council at their regular meeting, held January 18, 1977.. It clearly defines their position and we respectfully request that you review it and advise the undersigned of your position. Thank you for your courtesy in this matter. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Evelyn Wells Deputy City Clerk ew Enc: (1) a POST OFFICE BOX 293 1 PASCO, WASHINGTON 99301 January 19, 1977 The Honorable Warren G. Magnuson United States Senate Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Sir: Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 1065 which was passed by the Pasco City Council at their regular- meeting, held January 18, 1977. It clearly defines their position and we respectfully request that you review it and advise the undersigned of your position. Thank you for your courtesy in this matter. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Evelyn Wells Deputy City Clerk ew Enc: (1) . r CI'SY ®F POST OFFICE BOX 293 PASCO, WASHINGTON 99301 f f January 19, 1977 t Bonneville Power Administration P.O. Box 3621 4 Portland, Oregon 97208 Gentlemen: Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 1065 which was passed by the Pasco City Council at their regular meeting, held January 18, 1977. It clearly defines their position and we are sending you a copy for your permanent file.. Your representative was most impressive in his presentation and we certainly appreciate your efforts to enlighten our Council members. Sincerely yours, Mrs, Evelyn Wells Deputy City Clerk ew Enc: (1) RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS, Franklin County has developed a land use policy and comprehensive plan, Resolution No. 75-64, which intent is to protect and promote the development of agricultural lands; and WHEREAS, the State of Washington has developed through the public hearing process, the Alternatives for Washington.planning program -with a major goal of protecting agricultural lands of the State; and WHEREAS, the Soul Conservation Service of the Department of Agriculture has been directed to cooperate with the local farmers and governments in planning their non-renewable resource of agricultural grounds; and WHEREAS, the Department of Agriculture has appealed to the American people to stop the wanton destruction of prime agricultural lands; and WHEREAS, the Administrator of the Bonneville Power Administration, Department of Interior has continuously reviews the economics of land use planning based solely upon their capital costs; and WHEREAS, the Bureau of Reclamation, Department of Interior, has planned ahead and designated power corridors across -the Columbia Basin Irrigation Project; and WHEREAS, There has been demonstrated to the Bonneville Power Administration, alternative routes to the north of the present proposed line that are based upon_ sound economic land use planning policies presented by both local farmers and Franklin County; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners, Franklin County, Washington, do respectfully request that President -Elect Carter appoint a Bonneville Power Administrator who recognizes that farming and the tranmission of electrical newer may exist together, when non-farmable lands are utilized for the transmission of no,Yer. Unfortunately no such effort has been shown by the present Bonneville Power Administrator. (:.Attest: DATED this 10th day of January, 1977• BOARD OF COUNl'Y COP- ?ISSIONERS FRANKLIN CCUNTY, WASHINGTON BY /'%/I�l��C' '`�� F �� lz h, By Member Clerk f the Board By , t Member THE WHITE HOUSE ,• WASHINGTON February 24, 1977 Dear Mrs. Wells: Thank you.fbr your letter dated January 20 to President Carter. He appreciates your taking the time and trouble to write him about the Bonneville Power Administration's intentions in Franklin County and your sending us a copy of your resolution. Thanks also for your good wishes and support, which mean a great deal to us. Sincerely, k ax -.l " ��� H. Watson, Jr. Mrs. Evelyn Wells City Clerk City of Pasco Post Office Box 293 Pasco, Washington 99301 y HENRY M. JACKSON, WASH., CHAIRMAN FRANK CHURCH, IDAHO PAUL J. FANNIN. ARIZ. LEE METCALF, MONT. CLIFFORD P. HANSEN, WYO. J. BENNETT JOHNSTON, LA. MARK O. HATFIELD, OREG. JAMES ABOUREZK, S. DAK. JAMES A. MC CLURE, IDAHO FLOYD K. HASKELL. COLO. DEWEY F. BARTLETT, OKLA. JOHN GLENN, OHIO � nif e8 of em Zenaf e RICHARD STONE, FLA. ,cif DALE BUMPERS, ARK. COMMITTEE ON GRENVILLE GARSIDE, SPECIAL COUNSEL AND STAFF DIRECTOR INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS WILLIAM J. VAN NESS, CHIEF COUNSEL WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 January 27, 1977 Mrs..Evelyn Wells Deputy City Clerk CITY OF PASCO Post Office Box 293 Pasco, Washington 99301 Dear Mrs. Wells: Thank you for forwarding to me a copy of the resolution adopted by the Pasco City Council regarding the proposed route of the Bonneville Power Administration's 500 KV transmission line through Franklin County. I have always been concerned regarding the potential damage to agricultural production due to the routing of transmission lines and I have repeat- edly acted in the behalf of individual farmers and groups along proposed rights-of-way in an effort to minimize adverse impacts. In an effort to be of all proper assistance, I have asked the Bonneville Power Administration to supply me with a report on their concept of Resolution 1065. As soon as I receive their reply, I shall write to you again. Sincerely yours, vv/ Henry M Jacks Chairman HMJ:rbh