HomeMy WebLinkAbout1035 ResolutionRESOL,UMN. N0-, 1035 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PASCO AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL SETTLEMENT AND EXECUTE CLOSE OUT AGREEMENT FOR THE URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, WASH. R-18 LOAN AND GRANT CONTRACT. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pasco has reviewed the proposed application and close out agreement between the City of Pasco and the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, and WHEREAS, the City Council has found that said application and agreement is in the best interests of the City of Pasco and wishes to concur and execute the same, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Pasco City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the application and close out agreement between the City of Pasco and the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, a copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. Section 2. This Resolution shall be in full force after its passage as required by law. PASSED by the City Council and APPROVED this 4 day of flay; 1976-,:', JAN IDRICK, MAYOR ATTEST;— EVELYN WELLS, DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: P TRICK 'T. ROACH, C TY ATTORNEY April 30, 1976 TO: George D. Smith, City Aanager � FROM: Webster U. JacksJ, Di ector of Urban Renewal SUBJECT: Updhted Urban Renewal Close-out Status Report As you are aware, Mr. Donald Phillips, Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment Representative from the Seattle Regional Office, appeared before the City Council on March 9, 1976, and made a presentation concerning the close-out of the Urban Renewal Project. Since that time, areas such as land sales and interest have changed to some ex- tent, causing changes in the amount of surplus funds to be realized at close-out by the City. These changes are shown on the attached "Analysis" sheet. The amount shown on line 1 represents the total indebtedness estimated through May 14, 1976. Line 14 shows the total resources to be applied to the total debt. The balance of the debt will be paid from the amount shown in line 20, which is the total of unused grants and line 22 represents the amount of surplus funds available to the City after close-out, no later than May 14, 1976. On the Analysis sheet, dated February 25, 1976, the amount shown on line 18 (land proceeds to be realized by close-out) will not be collected by close-out due to changes in the purchaser's plans. The purchasers still plan to follow through with their developments, but need more time to get their plans together. I will be present at the May 4th Council Meeting to answer any additional ques= tions that Council may have. wuj:sc ANALYSIS PASCO R-18 APRIL 30, 1976 OBLIGATIONS 1'. Principal & Interest on Federal Loan (5-14-76) $263,264.65 2. Total Indebtness $263,264.65 3. LESS: Cap Grant Progress Payment $ 35,029.68 4. Relocation Grant Payment 200.00 5 TOTAL $ 35,229.68 6. EQUALS: Direct Loan Outstanding (5-14-76) @ 7.125% $ 259,468.57 7. Balance thru (5-14-76) ( Int) 3,796.08 TOTAL $263,264.65 RESOURCES 8. Cumulative Earned Grant (5-14-76) $ 2,411,291.43 9. Grant Paid (3-4-76) 2,376,462.38 10. Retained Earned Grant (Audited Costs ) $ 34,829.43 11• CASH: (Investments, Cash on hand,ect.) (4-29-76) $ 95,302.80 12. LESS: Imputed Value of land to be retained at $ 95,139.60 CLOSEOUT 13. Land proceeds to be realized by closeout -0- 14. TOTAL RESOURCES $130,132.23 ACTION 15. Capital Grant ( L & G Contract) $ 2,519,172.00 16. LESS: Max Potential Earned Grant 2,411,291.43 17. EQUALS: Remaining Capital Grant $ 107,880.57 18. Remaining Relocation Grant 144,459.46 19 Remaining Rehabilitation Grant 34,654.00 20. TOTAL UNUSED GRANTS $ 287,194.03 21. LESS : Current Estimated Deficiency $ 161,301.69 22. EQUALS: Total Surplus Funds $ 125,892.34 APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL SETTLEMENT In Accordance with 24 CFR Part 570, Section 570.803 and Section 570.804 requirements, we submit the following pursuant to: 570,804 (b) (1) Requested in letter dated March 11, 1976. 570.804 (b) (2) The applicable parts of Section 570.803 and steps taken to comply are stated below: 570.803 (a) (2) The City of Pasco concur in the use of unearned grants, necessary to effect financial settlement. 570.803 (a) (4) The City of Pasco agree to commit surplus grant funds remaining after settlement to the Community Development Block Grant program. 570.803 (d) There are no approved project activities that will be discontinued as a result of settlement. 570.803 (d) (2) Citizen participation requirements are met under the City's second year Community Development Block Grant Application. No Urban Renewal Project Area Committee presently exist. 570.803 (d) (3) There are no proposed changes in the scope of renewal treatment of housing. 570.803 (d) (4) There are no proposed changes in scope. 570.803 (d) (5) Relocation provided for in the Certificate of Completion Form HUD-6204. 570.804 (3) Incompleted activities consist of the"Roadside Park Restroom Facility"and the "Oregon Street Extension" and both projects are under construction and due for completion within thirty (30) days. 570.804 (4) Attached. 570.804 (5) Attached. 570.804 (6) Contained in the City Of Pasco's second year Community Development Block Grant Application to be submitted, 570.804 (7) Attached. Date By Title may. CLOSEOUT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 1976, by and between the City of Pasco, Washington, hereinafter referred to as the "City", and the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Pasco, Washington, hereinafter referred to as the "Agency", and concurred in by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, hereinafter referred to as "HUD". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Agency has heretofore entered into an Urban Renewal Loan and Grant Contract with the United States of America providing for financial assistance to the Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, identified as WASH -R=18 (LG), dated September 10, 1974, as amended; and WHEREAS, the City and Agency contend it has become necessary, due to the sub- stantial completion of project urban renewal activities insofar as same may be completed from a practical and financial standpoint, to close out the project; and WHEREAS, it is determined to be mutually agreeable to the City and the Agency to terminate all further paid administrative functions and operations of the Agency, and WHEREAS, the City is willing to assume additional obligations respecting the carrying out of certain necessary duties and responsibilities imposed upon the Agency by the (Loan and Grant) Contract relating to the disposal of project lands presently under the control of the Agency; NOW THEREFORE, the Agency and HUD and the City do hereby mutually agree as follows: 1.All paid Agency administrative functions shall cease not later than the date of this Agreement. 2. Immediately following the execution hereof by all necessary parties the Agency shall proceed with all due diligence to transfer and convey to the City title to all unsold project lands as listed on the attached Exhibits "A". 3. The City shall make diligent effort to sell said lands in accordance with the terms and requirements of the Urban Renewal Plan for Project No. R-18(LG) as well as any other requirements for the sale of land that would be imposed upon the Agency if it were selling the land itself. 4. The City shall apply all proceeds from the sale of land or any other surplus funds deducting proper administrative costs to the City's Community Development Block Grant funds program income (as provided in 24 CFR 570.506). 5. The City concurs in the use of unearned grant funds from Project No. WASH R-18(LG) to pay for the value of unsold land in the Agency's project. 6. The Agency and the City acknowledge hereby their obligations under Section 105(h) of Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended. 7. If the Agency or City proposes a change in the Urban Renewal Plan which would affect the statutory requirements of said Sections 105(f) and 105(h), referred to in the foregoing paragraphs, the prior written approval of HUD will be obtained before development or disposition for development occurs; it is a contingency of the concurrence of HUD hereto that its prior written approval shall be obtained prior to any such change in the Urban Renewal Plan as aforesaid. 8. Any costs or obligations incurred in connection with the project with respect to claims which are disputed, contingent, unliquidated or unidentified, and for the payment of which insufficient project funds have been reserved under the financial settlement, shall be borne by the unit of general local government. Such additional expenses may be paid from funds made available under this Closeout Agreement. 9. All parties to this Agreement agree that the Certificate of Completion will be conditioned upon proper completion of the requirements of 24 CFR 570.803. 10. it is agreed by all parties that this Closeout Agreement is drawn in conformance with 24 CFR 570.801 through 804 and hereby incorporates all the requirements therein. 11. The City and Agency agree that in all dispositions of real property in the urban renewal project after closeout they will provide in the deeds that the grantees shall: (a) Devote the property only to in accordance with the uses specified in the Urban Renewal Plan for the Project; and (b) Not discriminate upon the basis of race, color, creed, sex, or national origin in the sale, lease, or rental or in the use of occupancy of the property or any improvements erected hereon, or any part thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date hereinabove shown. ATTEST: By Title URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON By Title ATTEST: By Title ATTEST: By Title City of Pasco, Washington By Title UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Secretary of Housing and Urban Development By Robert C. Scalia, Assistant Regional Administrator for Community Planning and Development, Region X EXHIBIT "A" DISPOSITION LEGAL MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE PARCEL NO. DESCRIPTION PRICE 1 Lots 307 and 308, Block 12, Terrace Heights Addition $ 1,400.00 2 Lots 406, 407 and 408, Block 12, Terrace Heights Addition 1,800.00 5 Lots 392 through 395, Block 12, Terrace Heights Addition 2,500.00 39 Lots 389 through 391, Block 11, Terrace Heights Addition 1,600.00 6 Lots 386, through 388, Block 11, Terrace Heights Addition 1,725.00 7 Lots 383 through 385, Block 11, Terrace Heights Addition 1,725.00 40 Lots 375 and 376, Block 11, Terrace Heights Addition 1,700.00 41 Lots 373 and 374, Block 10, Terrace Heights Addition 1,600.00 13 Lots 286 and 287, Block 8, Terrace Heights Addition 1,500.00 14 Lots 277 through 279, Block 8, Terrace Heights Addition 2,200.00 42 Lots 218 through 221, Block 7, Terrace Heights Addition 2,640.00 15 Lots 222, 223 and the north 15 feet of lot 224, Block 8, Terrace Heights Addition 1,750.00 16 Lots 225, 226 and the south 10 feet of lot 224 and the north to feet of lot 227, Block 8, Terrace Heights Addition 1,610.00 17 Lots 228, 229 and the south 15 feet of lot 227 and the north 5 feet of lot 230, Block 8, Terrace Heights Addition 1,61 0.00 18 Lots 231, 232 and the south 20 feet of lot 230, Block 8, Terrace Heights Addition 1,610.00 19 Lots 196 and 197, Block 6, Terrace Heights Addition 1,000.00 ZONING R-2 R-2 R-2 R-2 R-2 R-2 R-2 R-2 R-2 R-2 R-2 R-2 R-2 R-2 R-2 R-2 SQUARE FOOTAGE 7,150 9,600 13,200 9,600 9,000 9,000 7,200 6,600 6,500 9,750 13,200 9,100 9,100 9,100 9,100 6,500 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" DISPOSITION LEGAL MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE ZONING SQUARE PARCEL NO. DESCRIPTION' PRICE FOOTAGE 43 Lots 191 through 193, Block 6, Terrace Heights Addition $ 2,200.00 R-2 9,000 20 Lots 175 -and 176, Block 5, Terrace Heights Addition 1,100.00 R-2 6,500 21 Lots 169, 170 and the south 16 feet of lot 168, Block 4, Terrace Heights Addition 1,340.00 R-2 9,230 22 Lots 166, 167 and the south 9 feet of 168 and the north 8 feet of lot 165, Block 4, Terrace Heights Addition 1,340.00 R-2 8,710 23 Lots 163, 164 and the south 17 feet of lot 165, Block 4, Terrace Heights Addition 1,340.00 R-2 8,710 24 Lots 157 through 160, Block 4, Terrace Heights Addition 2,000.00 R-2 13,000 44 Lots 100 through 102, Block 1, Terrace Heights Addition 2,500.00 R-2 10,800 28 Lots 76 through 78, Block, 2, Terrace Heights Addition 1,950.00 R-2 10,125 31 Lots 52, 53 and the south 20 feet of lot 54, Block 3, Terrace Heights Addition 1,540.00 R-2 9,450 33 Lots 18, 19 and the north 10 feet of Lot 20, Block 2, Terrace Heights Addition 1,625.00 R-2 8,775 34 Lots 21, 22 and the south 15 feet of lot 20 Block 2, Terrace Heights Additon 1,430.00 R-2 8,775 37 Lots 44 through 47, Block 3, Terrace Heights Addition 2,000.00 R-2 13,500 45 The north 60 feet of lot 8, Block 3, Acre Park Addition 1,320.00 R-1 11,700 I-4 Lots 1 through 81 and 12 through 16, including the north south vacated alley and 100 feet of the east west vacated alley and the north 10 feet of the vacated alley adjacent to lots 12, 13 and 14 and the west 250 feet of the vacated East Hagerman Street, Block 101, Pasco 23,620.00 I-1 118,100 I-4 Lots 1 through 20, 27 through 32, Block 100, including all vacated alleys except the north 150 Pa ge 3 EXHIBIT "A" DISPOSITION PARCEL NO. LEGAL DESCREPTION MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE PRICE ZONING SQUARE FOOTAGE I-4 (con't) X 10 feet of the east north south alley and all of the vacated E. Marvin Street bounded on the east by South Main Avenue and on the west by South Front Avenue, all located in Pasco Land Company's First Addition $23,728.00 I-1 118,640 I-8 Lots 1 through 12, Block 124, Pasco Land Company's First Addition 7,500.00 I-1 37,500 I-9 The vacated Hayes Street between Blocks 127 and 128, Pasco Land Company's First Addition 2,550.00 I-1 17,000 TOTAL $107,053.00 The City of Pasco is -holding Earnest Money deposits on the following parcels: I-4, $225.00 I-4, $11,186.40 I-9, $127,00 I-8, $375.00 TOTAL $11,913.40 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW CERTIFICATION Other than the sale of all Urban Renewal Project land, all Item I and Item II activities have been completed in the East Pasco Redevelopment Project, Wash R-18, with the exception of the "Roadside Park. Restroom Facility" and the "Oregon Street Extension". The contracts for both projects have been awarded and the construction is underway. There are no changes in the scope of the Urban Renewal Plan due to financial settlement prior to completion of all Urban Renewal activities. Therefore, we conclude that no significant envion- mental consequences remains. Date By George D. Smith City Manager Title RESOLUTION N0. 1035 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PASCO AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL SETTLEMENT AND EXECUTE CLOSE OUT AGREEMENT FOR THE URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, WASH. R-18 LOAN AND GRANT CONTRACT. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pasco has reviewed the proposed application and close out agreement between the City of Pasco and the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, and WHEREAS, the City Council has found that said application and agreement is in the best interests of the City of Pasco and wishes to concur and execute the same, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Pasco City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the application and close out agreement between the City of Pasco and the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, a copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. Section 2. This Resolution shall be in full force after its passage as required by law. PASSED by the City Council and APPROVED this 4 day of May, 1976. ATTEST: EVELYN WELLS, DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: PATRICK T. ROACH, CITY ATTORNEY F k: ..7-7 - .' JANCTIDRICK, MAYOR CLOSEOUT AGREEMENT �A THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 1976, by and between the City of Pasco, Washington, hereinafter referred to as the "City", and the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Pasco, Washington, hereinafter referred to as the "Agency", and concurred in by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, hereinafter referred to as "HUD". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Agency has heretofore entered into an Urban Renewal Loan and Grant Contract with the United States of America providing for financial assistance to the Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, identified as WASH -R-18 (LG), dated September 10, 1974, as amended; and WHEREAS, the City and Agency contend it has become necessary, due to the sub- stantial completion of project urban renewal activities insofar as same may be completed from a practical and financial standpoint, to close out the project; and WHEREAS, it is determined to be mutually agreeable to the City and the Agency to terminate all further paid administrative functions and operations of the Agency, and WHEREAS, the City is willing to assume additional obligations respecting the carrying out of certain necessary duties and responsibilities imposed upon the Agency by the (Loan and Grant) Contract relating to the disposal of project lands presently under the control of the Agency; NOW THEREFORE, the Agency and HUD and the City do hereby mutually agree as follows: ;i r` 1. All paid Agency administrative functions shall cease not later than the date of this Agreement. 2. Immediately following the execution hereof by all necessary parties the Agency shall proceed with all due diligence to transfer and convey to the City title to all unsold project lands as listed on the attached Exhibits "A". 3. The City shall make diligent effort to sell said lands in accordance with the terms and requirements of the Urban Renewal Plan for Project No. R-18(LG) as well as any other requirements for the sale of land that would be imposed upon the Agency if it were selling the land itself. 4; The City shall apply all proceeds from the sale of land or any other surplus funds deducting proper administrative costs to the City's Community Development Block Grant funds program income (as provided in 24 CFR 570.506). 5. The City concurs in the use of unearned grant funds from Project No. WASH R-18(LG) to pay for the value of unsold land in the Agency's project. 6. The Agency and the City acknowledge hereby their obligations under Section 105(h) of Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended. 7. If the Agency or City proposes a change in the Urban Renewal Plan which would affect the statutory requirements of said Sections 105(f) and 105(h), referred to in the foregoing paragraphs, the prior written approval of HUD will be obtained before development or disposition for development occurs; it is a contingency of the concurrence of HUD hereto that its prior written approval shall be obtained prior to any such change in the Urban Renewal Plan as aforesaid. 8. Any costs or obligations incurred in connection with the project with respect to .claims which are disputed, contingent, unliquidated or unidentified, and for the 7 T payment of which insufficient project funds have been reserved under the financial settlement, shall be borne by the unit of general local government. Such additional expenses may be paid from funds made available under this Closeout Agreement. 9. All parties to this Agreement agree that the Certificate of Completion will be conditioned upon proper completion of the requirements of 24 CFR 570.803. 10. it is agreed by all parties that this Closeout Agreement is drawn in conformance with 24 CFR 570.801 through 804 and hereby incorporates all the requirements therein. 11. The City and Agency agree that in all dispositions of real property in the urban renewal project after closeout they will provide in the deeds that the grantees shall: (a) Devote the property only to in accordance with the uses specified in the Urban Renewal Plan for the Project; and (b) Not discriminate upon the basis of race, color, creed, sex, or national origin in the sale, lease, or rental or in the use of occupancy of the property or any improvements erected hereon, or any part thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date hereinabove shown. ATTEST: By Title URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY OF THE CITY OF PASCO) WASHINGTON By Title U ' ATTEST: By Title ATTEST: By Title City of Pasco, Washington i .�2 /4 - Title 1;•�L ✓1-0�-.<e-iJ UNITED STATES OF A14ERICA Secretary of Housing and Urban Development By Robert C. Scalia, Assistant Regional Administrator for Community Planning and Development, Region X • s 47; S'.`�i 2 if k+n •.+ryr.�.+ vb"%?'r,�- . •3;u - •.s ' I --�-rte. r-. ,v. -.a-.: . £.k�''�' tia�`1�,6r,.'*.1e^�'-i'�QV �"�3��.,�"w1��(I_�f,<i•<. r. `��..�"^roY}r ,,,x� .. :.v,. .. .. i.,,•, v''�'..,_� ',s,:c"°f:,rr .... .�4 .v.'"�4G�; ;:^?M•i.+ +'� _• '�,�'p"f•' EXHIBIT "A" DISPOSITION LEGAL MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE PARCEL NO. DESCRIPTION PRICE ZONING SQUARE FOOTAGE 1 Lots 307 and 308, Block 12, Terrace Vit' Heights Addition $ 1,400.00 R-2 7,150 2 Lots 406, 407 and 408, Block 12, Terrace Heights Addition 1,800.00 R-2 9,600 5 Lots 392 through 395, Block 12, Terrace Heights Addition 2,500.00 R-2 13,200 39 Lots 389 through 391, Block 11, Terrace Heights Addition 1,600.00 R-2 9,600 6 Lots 386. through 388, Block 11, Terrace Heights Addition 1,725.00 R-2 9,000 7 Lots 383 through 385, Block 11, Terrace Heights Addition 1,725.00 R-2 9,000 40 Lots 375 and 376, Block 11, Terrace Heights Addition 1,700.00 R-2 71200 41 Lots 373 and 374, Block 10, Terrace Heights Addition 1,600.00 R-2 6,600 13 Lots 286 and 287, Block 8, Terrace Heights Addition 1,500.00 R-2 6,500 14 Lots 277 through 279, Block 8, Terrace Heights Addition 2,200.00 R-2 9,750 42 Lots 218 through 221, Block 7, Terrace Heights Addition 2,640.00 R-2 13,200 15 Lots 222, 223 and the north 15 feet of lot 224, Block 8, Terrace Heights Addition 1,750.00 R-2 9,100 16 Lots 225, 226 and the south 10 feet of lot 224 and the north 10 feet of lot 227, Block 8, Terrace Heights Addition 1,610.00 R-2 9,100 17 Lots 228, 229 and the south 15 feet of lot 227 and the north 5 feet of lot 230, Block 8, Terrace Heights Addition 1,610.00 R-2 9,100 18 Lots 231, 232 and the south 20 feet of lot 230, Block 8, Terrace Heights Addition 1,610.00 R-2 9,100 19 Lots 196 and 197, Block 6, Terrace Heights Addition 1,000.00 R-2 6,500 Vit' , Page 2 EXHIBIT "P" DISPOSITION LEGAL MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE ZONING SQUARE PARCEL NO. DESCRIPTION PRICE FOOTAGE 43 Lots 191 through 193, Block 6, Terrace R-2 6-,500 Heights Addition $ 2,200.00 20 Lots 175.and 176, Block 5, Terrace R-2 9,450 Heights Addition 1,100.00 21 Lots 169, 170 and the south 16 feet of lot R-2 13,500 168, Block 4, Terrace Heights Addition 1,340.00 22 Lots 166, 167 and the south 9 feet of 168 and the north 8 feet of lot 165, Block 4, Terrace Heights Addition 1,340.00 23 Lots 163, 164 and the south 17 feet of lot 165, Block 4, Terrace Heights Addition 1,340.00 24 _ Lots 157 through 160, Block 4, Terrace Heights Addition 2,000.00 44 Lots 100 through 102, Block 1, Terrace Heights Addition 2,500.00 28 Lots 76 through 78, Block, 2, Terrace Heights Addition 1,950.00 31 Lots 52, 53 and the south 20 feet of lot 54, Block 3, Terrace Heights Addition 1,540.00 33 Lots 18, 19 and the north 10 feet of Lot 20, Block 2, Terrace Heights Addition 1,625.00 34 Lots 21, 22 and the south 15 feet of lot 20 Block 2, Terrace Heights Additon 1,430.00 37 Lots 44 through 47, Block 3, Terrace Heights Addition 2,000.00 45 The north 60 feet of lot 8, Block 3, Acre Park Addition 1,320.00 I-4 Lots 1 through 81 and 12 through 16, including the north south vacated alley and 100 feet of the east west vacated alley and the north 10 feet of the vacated alley adjacent to lots 12, 13 and 14 and the west 250 feet of the vacated East Hagerman Street, Block 101, Pasco 23,620.00 I-4 Lots 1 through 20, 27 through 32, Block 100, including all vacated alleys except the north 150 R-2 9,000 R-2 6-,500 R-2 9,230 R-2 8,710 R-2 8,710 R-2 13,000 R-2 10,800 R-2 10,125 R-2 9,450 R-2 8,775 R-2 8,775 R-2 13,500 R-1 11,700 I-1 118,100 Pa ge 3 EXHIBIT "A" F DISPOSITION LEGAL MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE ZONING SQUARE PARCEL NO. DESCREPTION PRICE FOOTAGE I-4 (con't) X 10 feet of the east north south alley and all of the vacated E. Marvin Street bounded on the east by South Main Avenue and on the west by South Front Avenue, all located in Pasco Land Company's First Addition $23,728.00 I-1 118,640 I-8 Lots 1 through 12, Block 124, Pasco Land Company's First Addition 7,500.00 I-1 37,500 I-9 The vacated Hayes Street between Blocks 127 and 128, Pasco Land Company's First Addition 2,550.00 I-1 17,000 TOTAL $107,053.00 The City of Pasco is•holding Earnest Money deposits on the following parcels: I-4, $225.00 I-4, $11,186.40 I-9, $127,00 I-8, $375.00 TOTAL $11,913.40 ENVIRON14ENTAL REVIEW CERTIFICATION i Other than the sale of all Urban Renewal Project land, all Item I and Item II activities have been completed in the East Pasco Redevelopment Project, Wash R-18, with the exception of the "Roadside Park. Restroom Facility" and the "Oregon Street Extension". The contracts for both projects have been awarded and the construction is underway. There are no changes in the scope of the Urban Renewal Plan due to financial settlement prior to completion of all Urban Renewal activities. Therefore, we conclude that no significant envion- mental consequences remains. / r B 1 4 Date yam_ / George D. Smith City Manager Title 4• r +„e�A.''k�,+.F* `?Y.��y �:. ,�. ,': w+. � .�gx�.''��.: x's ,, ,�+g " ���:AP"i+ j�q�.J�„9Sry..1.ti�"�'."�� yd^y�,•`�w4�'.n'�`Ir"+�'�,. �y'r�.✓A"�'��I. .r��"r �+., y.d "l- 4r� �s�A" � . i�p� ���'�^o�` A' �'"'r�{'?'�y '�'SdiiW,;F�'�^^"+/� "pd �' +,�+r , #'1b' L'�,�'t �. yr �+.^,1,y�Y � q„� •�,-, y�p�{ �rS a''' +�f"7`iw.- Kd'i �'L'}A(}�� �fi� '�" � _ _ 7R �'.����3. L�Ob .�FS'��'�,,�rtC a/-�`X•j�����.��;`y'� v�� .j'y,�__y� p � " '�'9+. ANALYSIS PASCO R-18 APRIL 30, 1976 OBLIGATIONS 1. Principal & Interest on Federal Loan (5-14-76) $263,264.65 2. Total Indebtness 3. LESS: Cap Grant Progress Payment $ 35,029.68 4. Relocation Grant Payment 200.00 5 TOTAL 6. EQUALS: Direct Loan Outstanding (5-14-76) @ 7.125% 7. Balance thru (5-14-76) ( Int) 8. Cumulative Earned Grant (5-14-76) 9. Grant Paid (3-4-76) 10. Retained Earned Grant (Audited Costs ) 11. CASH: (Investments, Cash on hand,ect.) (4-29-76) 12. LESS: Imputed Value of land to be retained at CLOSEOUT 13. Land proceeds to be realized by closeout 14. TOTAL RESOURCES ACTION 15. Capital Grant ( L & G Contract) 16. LESS: Max Potential Earned Grant 17. EQUALS: Remaining Capital Grant 18. Remaining Relocation Grant 19 .Remaining Rehabilitation Grant 20. TOTAL UNUSED GRANTS 21. LESS : Current Estimated Deficiency 22. EQUALS: Total Surplus Funds �•. �•-�c,,,, ;,a� 'a./it'�.�Sprw.ehl,•�,fs:= ;,;�,H,(�.�.a�' 'i!^�'gmf;:ti 1.e��; 0.4. `�, „k , ..,x °'^ �•„ r,'yr�+ZT "r � , :�b � -.1'r ,�„M,�;s,*;�L,a4,,: �' TOTAL $263,264.65 $ 35,229.68 $ 259,468.57 3,796.08 $263,264.65 $ 2,411,291.43 2,376,462.38 $ 34,829.43 $ 95,302.80 $ 95,139.60 -0- $130,132.23 $ 2,519,172.00 2,411,291.43 $ 107,880.57 144,459.46. 34,654.00 $ 161,301.69 $ 287,194.03 $ 125,892.34 APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL SETTLEMENT In Accordance with 24''CFR Part170, Section 570 803 and Section 570.804 requirements, we submit the following pursuant to: 570,804 (b) (1) Requested in letter dated March 11, 1976. 570.804 (b) (2) The applicable parts of Section 570.803 and steps taken to comply are stated below: 570.803 (a) (2) The City of Pasco concur in the use of unearned grants, necessary to effect financial settlement. 570.803 (a) (4) The City of Pasco agree to commit surplus grant funds remaining after settlement to the Community Development Block Grant program. 570.803 (d) There are no approved project activities that will be discontinued as a result of settlement. 570.803 (d) (2) Citizen participation requirements are met under the City's second year Community Development Block Grant Application. No Urban Renewal Project Area Committee presently exist. 570.803 (d) (3) There are no proposed changes in the scope of renewal treatment of housing. 570.803 (d) (4) There are no proposed changes in scope. 570.803 (d) (5) Relocation provided for in the Certificate of Completion Form HUD -6204. 570.804 (3) Incompleted activities consist of the"Roadside Park Restroom Facility"and the "Oregon Street Extension" and both projects are under construction and due for completion within thirty (30) days. 570.804 (4) Attached. 570.804 (5) Attached. 570.804 (6) Contained in the City Of Pasco's second year Community Development Block Grant Application to be submitted, 570.804 (7) Attached. Date G J moi, Y Title