HomeMy WebLinkAbout0992 ResolutionA RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHING- TON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN "BLOCK 8" OF H.U.D. STANDARD FORM NUMBER 1194-101 IN CONNECTION WITH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT ENTITLEMENT NUMBER B -75 -HS -53-0001. WHEREAS, There are certain necessary forms to be executed in the pro= cess of implementing use of Block Grant Funds; and WHEREAS, H.U.D. Standard Form 1194-101 card has been signed and submitted to the Department of Housing & Urban Development bearing signa- tures of Harry D. Kinzer, City Manager; Leo E. Olney, Director of Finance; and Ruth Modesky, City Treasurer as "any two signatures required to sign or countersign certain documents"; and WHEREAS, Donald D. Linton, Mayor has signed certifying that the above "names and signatures are the individuals authorized to draw payment vouchers for the cited letter of credit"; and WHEREAS, The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) re- quires certain verification of authority and delegation of authority therefor, all as set out on page 2, Appendix 2, Handbook 1900.23; NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That at the General Election held November 2, 1971 Donald D. Linton was elected as a City Councilman and that on January 4, 1972 was duly elected by the City Council as Mayor of the City of Pasco; subsequently, on January 15, 1974 Donald D. Linton was elected by the City Council to serve the second two-year term as Mayor of the City of Pasco. Section 2. That a copy of R.C.W. 35.18.190 and copies of the Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Pasco City Council held January 10, 1972 and the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Pasco City Council held January 15, 1974 be attached to this Resolution as reference material for review by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Section 3. That the Mayor of the City of Pasco is hereby granted and dele- gated authority to certify that the signatures placed on Form 1194-101; namely, Harry D. Kinzer, City Manager; Leo E. Olney, Director of Finance and Ruth Modesky, City Treasurer are signatures of the individuals authorized to draw on the cited letter of credit. Section 4. That Donald D. Linton is currently the Mayor of the City of Pasco and that the following specimen signature is in fact his signature: Donald D. Linton, Mayor - City of Pasco and that a signature specimen is attached hereto as requested in HUD Hand- book 1900.23, Appendix 2, page 2. Section 5. That Mayor Linton is hereby authorized to certify the authen- ticity of the signatures of individuals authorized to execute Treasury Form GFO-7578. Section 6. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval as required by law. PASSED and APPROVED this 16 day of June ;• 1975. Donald D L' ton, qr S terl K. Ad" ms , Councilman M. R. Denney, Co ycilman Billie' argent, Al Schor, Councilman jtz�: J ja T/7idrick,, Councilman /� Bill Wilkins, Councilman Attes Leo E. Olney, City Clerk Approved as to form: Patrick T. Roach, City Attorney 35;18.130 Title 35: Cities and Towns writing to the resolution stating the council's intention to remove him. In the event no reply is timely filed, the resolution shall upon the thirty–first day from the date of such service, constitute the final resolution removing the manager, and his services shall terminate upon that day. If a reply shall be timely filed with its clerk, the council shall fix a time for a public hearing upon the question of the manager's removal and a final resolu- tion removing the manager shall not be adopted until a public hearing has been had. The action of the council in removing the manager shall be final. [1965 c 7 § 35- .18.130. Prior: 1955 c 337 § 18; prior: 1943 c 271 § 14, part; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 9198-23, part.] 35.18.140 City manager Substitute. The council may designate a qualified administrative officer of the city or town to perform the duties of manager: (1) Upon the adoption of the council–manager plan, pending the selection and appointment of a manager; or (2) Upon the termination of the services of a manag- er, pending the selection and appointment of a new manager; or (3) During the absence, disability, or suspension of the manager. [ 1965 c 7 § 35.18.140. Prior: 1955 c 337 § 19; prior: 1943 c 271 § 14, part; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 9198-23, part.] 35.18.150 Council Eligibility. Only a qualified elector of the city or town may be a member of the council and upon ceasing to be such, or upon being convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude, or of violating the provisions of RCW 35.18.110, he shall im- mediately forfeit his office. [1965 c 7 § 35.18.150. Prior: 1955 c 337 § 15; prior: (i) 1943 c 271 § 19, part; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 9198-28, part. (ii) 1943 c 271 § 9, part; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 9198-18, part.] 35.18.160 Council Authority. The council shall have all of the powers which inhere in the city or town not reserved to the people or vested in the city manager, including but not restricted to the authority to adopt ordinances and resolutions. [1965 c 7 § 35.18.160. Prior: (i) 1943 c 271 § 9, part; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 9198-18, part. (ii) 1943 c 271 § 10, part; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 9198-19, part.] 35.18.170 Council meetings. The council shall meet at the times and places fixed by ordinance but most hold at least one regular meeting each month. The clerk shall call special meetings of the council upon request of' the mayor or any two members. At all meetings of the city council, a majority of the councilmen shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of' business, but a less num.bcr may adjourn from time to time and may compel the attendance of absent members in such manner and (itI&F Stteh penalties as may be prescribed by ordinance. Requests for special meetings shall state the subject to be considered and no other subject shall be considered at a special meeting. All meetings of the council and of committees thereof shall be open to the public and the rules of the council ITille 35--p 481 shall provide that citizens of the city or town shall have a reasonable opportunity to be heard at any meetings in regard to any matter being considered thereat. [ 1965 c 7 § 35.18.170. Prior: 1955 c 337 § 20; prior: 1943 c 271 § 7; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 9198-16.1 35.18.180 Council—Ordinances Recording. No ordinance, resolution, or order, including those granting a franchise or valuable privilege, shall have any validity or effect unless passed by the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the members of the city or town council. Every ordinance or resolution adopted shall be signed by the mayor or two members, filed with the clerk within two days and by him recorded. [1965 c 7 § 35- .18.180. Prior: 1959 c 76 § 3; 1943 c 271 § 11; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 9198-20.1 35.18.190 Mayor—Election—Vacancy. Biennial- 4e ly at the first meeting of the new council the members thereof shall choose a chairman from among their number who shall have the title of mayor. In addition to the powers conferred upon him as mayor, he shall continue to have all the rights, privileges and immuni- ties of a member of the council. If a vacancy occurs in the office of mayor, the members of' the council at their next regular meeting shall select a mayor from among their number for the unexpired term. [1969 c 101 § I; 1965 c 7 § 35.18.190. Prior: 1955 c 337 § 9; prior: 1943 c 271 § 8, part; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 9198-17, part.] 35.18.200 Mayor Duties. The mayor shall pre- side at meetings of the council, and be recognized as the head of the city or town for all ceremonial purposes and by the governor for purposes of military law. He shall have no regular administrative duties, but in time of public danger or emergency, if so authorized by the council, shall take command of the police, maintain law, and enforce order. [ 1965 c 7 § 35.18.200. Prior: 1955 c 337 § 10; prior: 1943 c 271 § 8, part; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 9198-17, part.] 35.18.210 Mayor pro tempore. In case of the mayor's absence, a mayor pro tempore selected by the members of the council from among their number shall act as mayor during the continuance of the absence. [ 1969 c 101 § 2; 1965 c 7 § 35.18.210. Prior: 1955 c 337 § 11; prior: 1943 c 271 § 8, part; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 9198-17, part.] 35.18.220 Salaries. Each member of the council shall receive such compensation as may be provided by law to cities of the class to which it belongs. The city manager and other officers or assistants shall receive such salary or compensation as the council shall fix by ordinance and shall be payable at such times as the council may determine. 11965 c 7 § 35,18,220, Prior: (i) 1943 c 271 § 9, part; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 9198-18, part. (ii) 1943 c 271 § 20; Rem. Supp. 1943 § 9198-29.1 35.18.230 Organization on council–manager plan Eligibility. Any city or town having a population of less than thirty thousand may be organized as a council– MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING CALL TO ORDER: JANUARY 10, 1972 Special meeting for the purpose of swearing in new councilmen and electing a Mayor and Mayor Pro -Tem was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by the Honorable G.E. Carter, outgoing Mayor. ROLL CALL: By Clerk's Representative. Councilmen present were: G.E. Carter, M.R. Denney, R.L. Greenlee, Katie Barton, Sam Hunt, Sterl Adams and George Stork. Also present were: M.B. Winegar, City Manager; D. Wayne Campbell, City Attorney; Harry Kinzer, Director of Finance; C.F. Whetsler, Director of Public Works; Al Tebaldi, Chief of Police and Ben Rea, Senior Planner. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Denney moved that minutes of the regular meeting, held January 4, 1972, be approved as written. Seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried. ELECTION AND SWEARING-IN OF COUNCILMEN: Prior to oath of office for each new incoming councilman, Mayor Carter presented a City of Pasco plaoue to each outgoing councilman; namely, Katie Barton, Bob Greenlee, George Stork, and in turn, Councilman Hunt presented plague to Mayor Carter. Mayor Carter responsed by stating he had served the City under the old Mayor/Council form of Government up to City Manager form of Government and praised our City Managers as dedicated men. Further, the Council had always tried to please at least 51% of the people , but it was impossible to please everyone. He publicly praised Mrs. Esther Schlagel for her tireless efforts and assistance and charged the new council with the responsibility of not spending money out of the City, and further, work towards a more balanced number of Franklin County members on the Governmental Conference Board. (At present, 3 from Franklin County, 7 from Benton County). Individually, Mayor Carter gave the oath of office to Lawrence Larsen, Donald D. Linton, Alvin Schor and Bill Wilkins, who then took their seats on the Council. Mr. Denney moved that Mayor Carter be named Chairman of election. Seconded by Mr. Larsen. Motion Carried. First ballots were distributed and Mr. Denney and Mr. Linton were high for Mayor. Seconded ballot indicated that Don. Linton be named new Mayor of the City of Pasco Mr. Linton responded by stating: "Thank you for the confidence you've shown by electing me -Mayor of the City of Pasco. I feel very humble considering the responsibility, yet very proud that you have entrusted to me;this vital job of leading this portion of our City Government. I think. -that actually the honor of this evening belongs to the outgoing councilmen - Bob Greenlee, George Stork, Ed Carter and Katie Barton for the tremendous job that they have done in our City Government over the past several years. They have given un- sparlingly of their time and it,had to be a labor of love, since they weren't doing it for the money. I feel very privileged to follow in the footsteps of Mayo.r Ed Carter. As Mayor these past many years, he has performed his job of leadership extremely.well and his shoes will be very hard to fill. There is no way to adenuately compensate Ed Carter and the outgoing councilmen for their past duty and devotion to the City, but we must agree that the citizens of Pasco owe them a large debt of gratitude." Third 'ballots were distributed to elect a Mayor Pro -Tem. It was announced that Sam Hunt had the majority vote; therefore, was,Mayor Pro -Tem. Mr. Hunt thanked the council for their confidence and publicly.acknowledged assistance received from outgoing council. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 7':55 P.M. ATTEST: (DO�fTALD D. LINTON, AYOR 0. HARRY D. KINZER, DIRECTOR OF FINAf:d AND-'�=-��--- EX-OFFICIO CITY GLERK G.E. CARTER, MAYOR 4 F' MINUTE'S PASC'O CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER: 59 JANUARY 15, 1974 Meeting called to order at 8:00 P.M. by the Honorable Donald D. Linton, Mayor ROLL CALL: By Clerk's representative. Councilmen present were: S.K. Adams, M.R. Denney, Sam Hunt, Donald Linton, Al Schor, Jan Tidrick and Bill Wilkins. Also present were: M.B. Winegar, City Manager; D:• Wayne Campbell, City Attorney; Harry D. Kinzer, •�4„�.. Director of Finance, Sandra Stanley, City Engineer, Al Tebaldi, Chief of Police and Ben Rea, Senior Planner. ELECTION OF MAYOR: In accordance with an advice from the Attorney General's office, previously reported by Attorney Wayne Campbell that. -an executive session may be utilized for the selection of the Mayor and Mayor Pro -Tem, Mr. Denney moved that the City Council retire to the Office of the City Manager for that purpose. Seconded by Mr. Wilkins. Motion carried. (The Council retired at 8:07 P.M.) At 8:27 P.M., the Councilmen returned to the chambers and Mr. Wilkins announced that ,�- Donald D. Linton had been elected Mayor for another two-year term. Mayor Linton, in turn, announced that Sam Huntiwould be Mayor Pro -Tem. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Denney moved that the minutes of regular meeting, held January 2, 1974, be approved as written. Secondedi.by Mr'. Hunt. Motion carried. CLAIMS: The following payroll claims were presented for approval: F111 Judicial $ 184.06 Executive 527.65 Legal 179.17 Planning 160.80 Building & Property Service 15.01 Police 6,446.52 Fire 4,453.66 Protective Inspections 78.82 Engineering 643.20 Housing & Occupancy 78.82 TOTAL GENERAL FUND: $12,767.71 STREET 1,180.17 E.E.A. FUND 655.81 NEIGHBORHOOD FACILITY 50.82 LIBRARY 521.06 CEMETERY 414.27 URBAN RENEWAL 569.88 PARKS & RECREATION 1,514.80 ENTERPRISE WATER/SEWER 2,578.53 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 421.98 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 1,624.04 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS: $22,299.07 Mr. Schor moved that Payroll Voucher Nos. 14199 through 14355 in the total amount of $22,299.07 be approved for payment this 15th day of January, 1974. Seconded by Mr. Wilkins. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). (This represents pay period of December 26, 1973 through December 31, 1973). MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING CLAIMS -.Continued: 60 JANUARY 15, 1974 The following general claims as of December 31, 1973 were submitted for approv4l: Legislative $ 20.00 Judicial Judicial 90.49 259.01 Executive 72.15 Planning Legal 138.18 188.84 Planning 1,781.81 Police Building & Property Service 185.96 1,552.13 Police 2,994.89 Engineering Fire 2,088.13 12.00 Detention/Correction 481.40 Health Protective Inspections 46.74 $12,650.23 Ambulance & Aid 245.97 Engineering 87.63 TOTAL GENERAL FUND: $ 8,233.35 STREET 10, 947.63 NEIGHBORHOOD FACILITY 487.50 LIBRARY 801.71 CEMETERY 105.70 URBAN RENEWAL 413.76 PARKS & RECREATION 924.80 CAPITAL PROJECT - INTER CITY BRIDGE 28.59 CAPITAL PROJECT - PARKS & RECREATION 400.00 ENTERPRISE WATER/SEWER 3,586.43 ENTERPRISE WATER/SEWER ENCUMBRANCE RESERVE 813.13 ENTERPRISE GOLF -0- ENTERPRISE SOLID WASTE 1,871.46 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 516.74 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 1,170.80 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS: $30,301.60 Mr. Hunt moved that voucher nos. 9104 through 9164 in the total amount of $30,301.60 be approved for payment this 15th day of January, 1974. Seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). The following general claims for 1974 were submitted for approval: Legislative $ 75.00 Judicial 73.81 Executive 259.01 Legal 270.13 Planning 2,907.09 Building & Property Services 188.84 Other Services 3,870.23 Police 2,345.88 Fire 1,552.13 Protective Inspections 74.37 Engineering 184.45 Housing & Occupancy 12.00 Other Physical Environment 696.00 Health 141.29 TOTAL GENERAL FUND: $12,650.23 STREET 185.88 E.E.A. FUND 145.64 LIBRARY 221.58 CEMETERY 111.23 URBAN RENEWAL 5,763.91 PARKS & RECREATION 311.55 CAPITAL PROJECT.INTER CITY BRIDGE 21,768.64' ENTERPRISE WATER/SEWER 1,923.19 ENTERPRISE GOLF 501.45 ENTERPRISE SOLID WASTE 19,683.76 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1,273.13 ADMINISTRATIVE .SERVICES 2,489.23 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS: $67,029.42 MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING CLAIMS - Continued= JANUARY 15, 1974 kr. Wilkins moved that claim voucher nos. 9102 and 9103 and 9165 through 9214. in the total amount of $67,029.42 be approved for payment this 15th day of January, 1974. Seconded by Mr. Schor. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). I.A.F.F. ##1433 - AMBULANCE DRIVERS: In response to correspondence in agenda (at Manager's request), Mr. Winegar stated he was at a disadvantage to negotiate with the ;i firefighters in view of his leaving; however, it was his recommendation that ambulance drivers be included in the bargaining agreement but not under Civil Service regulations. Mr. Denney moved that the City Manager be authorized to negotiate with International Association of Firefighters concerning ambulance drivers, with the understanding that they be included in the Firemen's contract but not placed under Civil Service. Seconded by Mr. Wilkins. Motion carried. RESIGNATION - RALPH OAKLEY - PLANNING COMMISSION: Correspondence was received from Ralph Oakley, resigning as a member of the Planning Commission due to conflict in his working schedule. Mayor Linton reluctantly accepted Mr. Oakley's resignation and commended him for his long time participation. Mr. Hunt moved that the City of Pasco accept resignation of Ralph Oakley "with regret." Seconded by Mr. Schor. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: MAYOR LINTON DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN TO VACATE A PORTION OF NORTH SECOND AVENUE IN THE VICINITY OF BOLIN'S ADDITION: It was reported that the Hearing had been duly published and posted. There were no adverse communications. Correspondence was read from City Planning Commission, recommending the vacation of North Second Avenue between West Pearl Street and West North Street, and further, that the entire street remain as an easement. Following three (3) calls from Mayor Linton for further comments from the floor, either for or against, the Public Hearing was declared closed. VISITORS: MILTON SCHULTZ called attention to letter he had written the City Council re: location of proposed new bridge and unnecessary tearing down of existing bridge. He reminded the Council that he had written the Coast Guard too, and then asked for an itemized list of expenditures connected with new bridge. Mr. Winegar assured him he could get a copy. Councilman Denney asked Mr. Schultz if he.had abandoned the idea of an underwater river tunnel. The reply was negative. Councilman Wilkins asked Mr. Schultz if he was an engineer. Again, the answer was negative, he was an electrician. At this point, Mayor Linton .invited Mr. Ed Hendler to respond on progress of new Inter -City Bridge. Mr. Hendler stated that he would be going back to Washington again as he had met with opposition from the Coast Guard relative to vertical clearance. He enlightened the Council of progress from 1970 to date and expressed his concern that one man could alter the decision of many and cost the taxpayers an additional $190,000.'00 in order_ to raise the vertical clearance from 56' to 61 1/2'. Mayor Linton thanked Mr. Hendler for his response and commended him for his efforts. ORDINANCES: ORDINANCE NO. 1622: AN ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH THE PROCEDURES WHEREBY THE CITY OF PASCO MAY PAY ADDITIONAL FUNDS ON CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTS THAT UTILIZE CONTRACTORS AND RESIDENTS OF A DESIGNATED AREA WHEN THE COST THEREOF IS AT LEAST 2/3 SUPPORTED BY A FEDERALLYFUNDED PROGRAM. Ordinance No. 1622 was read by title only. Mr. Hunt moved that Ordinance No. 1622 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Wilkins.. Prior to question, Councilman Tidrick moved that this Ordinance be tabled to next regular Workshop Meeting for further study. M.I NUT E'S PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING ORDINANCE No. 1622 - Continued: JANUARY 15, 1974 Motion to table passed by four (4) yes (Adams, Denney, Schor & Tidrick) and three (3) no. (Wilkins, Linton & Hunt). ORDINANCE NO. 1623: AN ORDINANCE VACATING CERTAIN STREETS AND ALLEYS IN THE URBAN RENEWAL AREA, LYING WITHIN THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON. O.rd.inance No. 1623 was read by title only. Mr. Adams moved that Ordinance No. 1623 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Hunt. Motion carried by,roll• call vote,.of seven (7). (The City Manager stated that this Ordinance would not.be published until necessary easements were received, and correction of legal description of property within the area) . ORDINANCE NO. 1624: AN ORDINANCE VACATING A CERTAIN STREET IN TIME BOLIN ADDITION, LYING WITHIN THE CITY OF PASCO. Ordinance No. 1624 was read by title only. Mr.. Wilkins moved that Ordinance.' No. 1624 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). UNFINISHED BUSINESS: APPOINTMENT - PLANNING COMMISSION: Mayor Linton appointed ROBERT ORANGE to fill the unexpired term of Larry Forbes (expires April 7, 1974) on the Planning Commission and asked the Council's concurrence. Mr. Hunt moved that the City Council confirms appointment of Robert Orange to fill the unexpired term of Larry Forbes on the Planning Commission. Seconded by Mr. Wilkins. Motion carried. RESIGNATION OF WALTER OBERST - CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION: A letter of resignation was read from Walter Oberst and accepted by Mayor Linton with regret. Mr. Wilkins moved to accept resignation of Walter Oberst: from the Civil Service Commission with extreme regret. Seconded by Mr. Tidrick. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT - CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION: Mayor Linton appointed SPENCE JILEK to fill the unexpired term of Walter Oberst and asked the Council's concurrence. (February 17, 1976) on the Civil Service Commission, Councilman Denney asked that this appointment be referred to Workshop Session of the City Council as he was opposed to appointment of Mr. Jilek due to handling of recent salary study for City Councilmen. Councilman Tidrick stated he was not opposed to appointment of Mr. Jilek, but would like to know of vacancies and appointments prior to regular City Council meetings. He questioned the urgency. Mayor Linton responded by stating there was a possibility the City may lose another member on the Civil Service Commission and he felt Mr. Jilek was experienced on that Board and had served the City well. Further, it would have been highly inappropriate for him to .submit name of appointment.prior to tonight's meeting when no one knew who the new Mayor would be. Councilman Schor defended Mr. Jilek as a conscientious citizen who had devoted many hours to City service without charge and did not feel his character should be defamed in public without just cause. Mr. Schor moved that the City Council concurs c✓ith appointment of Spence Jilek to fill the unexpired term of Walter Oberst on the Civil Service Commission. Seconded by Mr. Hunt. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: YES: Adams, hunt, Linton, Schor & Tidrick. NO: Denney & Wilkins. MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING NEW BUSINESS: JANUARY 15, 1974 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR CITY HALL REMODELING: Mr. Hunt moved that the City Manager be authorized and directed to proceed with proposal of McCue & Associates for architectural services, as presented. Seconded hy'Mr. Wilkins. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY - URBAN RENEWAL: Air. Adams moved that'the City'be authorized to purchase Parcel 36-3 in the amount of $4,750 from Johnnie B. Searcy. Seconded by Mr. Wilkins. Motion carried'by'roll call vote of seven (7). COOPERATIVE USE AGREEMENT - JUMP OFF JOE RADIO FACILITIES: Mr. Adams moved that the City Manager be authorized to execute agreement on behalf of the City of Pasco. Seconded by Mr. hunt. Motion carried. PA.SCO ARCADE: As the. decision has not been handed down from King County 're: Arcades, and word had been received that tenants of the Pasco Arcade may vacate, the City Manager asked the Council if they wished to go chasing'after delinquent taxes when legal fees to do so would probably amount to as much as taxes owed. It was his recommendation that if the premises were vacated by March 1, 1974, that the City take no further action to collect outside taxes. The City Attorney responded by stating that in exchange for vacation of premises, the Cit, would be settling a disputed matter The City Manager further responded to the Council that the fees could not be collected until the court case is resolved, so the money owed is only an assumption of debt, but would have no effect on Elmo's if the Icing County case supports our City Ordinance. If the Pasco Arcade were to reopen at another location, the business would be under the new Ordinance. Mr. Schor moved that the City of Pasco accept offer of settlement from the Pasco Arcade with amended date of March 1, 1974 for vacancy. Seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). (Councilman Denney voting no) PARTICIPATION IN TRI -CITY FIRE CONSOLIDATION STUDY: Mr. Hunt moved that the City of Pasco participate in Tri -City Fire Consolidation Study and authorized that two Councilmen serve as part of the committee along with the City Manager, Fire Chief, and invite two Union representatives to participate. Seconded by Mr. Schor. Motion carried. COUNCILMEN COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS FOR 1974: Mayor Linton asked that each Councilman take committee appointment recap home and list their preference for service and return to him. Councilman Schor stated he would be unable to attend meeting of Benton -Franklin Governmental Conference on January 18th due to conflict of meeting dates, and asked that alternate Ster1 Adams attend for him. Mayor Linton asked Mr. Adams if he would serve as an alternate on Benton -Franklin Governmental Conference and the reply was affirmative. Mayor Linton asked Councilman Tidrick if he would consider filling vacancies of former Councilman, Larry Larsen temporarily. SUGGESTIONS FROM COUNCIL - GENERAL DISCUSSION: Councilman Tidrick asked that Pasco Municipal Code be placed on Workshop Agenda as he felt some sections were antiquated and needed to be either eliminated or modernized. The City Manager reminded the Council that January 22, 1974 had been suggested as date for initial screening of City Manager applications; therefore, regular Workshop Meeting would be held January 29, 1974. Air. Hunt moved that the City Council concurs with recommendation of City Manager with date of January 22, 1974 as date of screening applications for City Manager in an executive session, and regular Workshop Meeting to be held January 29, 1974. Seconded by Mr. Wilkins. Motion carried. MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MELTING JANUARY 15, 1974 SUGGESTIONS FROM COUNCIL - GENERAL DISCUSSION: Councilman Schor suggested that he and the City Manager get together soon to discuss progress edition as they were the original committee selected to work on this and report back at Workshop Meeting, January 29, 1974. Councilman Tidrick asked that a follow-up be made of Mr. Earl Warren's complaint of January 2, 1974 re: Humane Society. This was noted by staff. Mayor Linton asked that his salary as Mayor be reduced to $200 per month, per recommendation of Citizen Committee as he felt this was a fair figure. The City Attorney reminded Mr. Linton that this request should be in writing to avoid paying income tax on the full amount. Councilman Tidrick reiterated that he felt the Mayor's position should be paid well as he could regulate his hours better than some; however, he should be compensated for time away from his business which is quite demanding at times. Councilman Wilkins felt all councilmen should be compensated for time spent on City business. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. i ATTEST: / 1 j HARRY' D. KIN 1ER, DIREC OR 01� FINANCE AND EX -OFFICIO • C.d TY CLERK . � I e DONALD D. LINTON, kAYOR PASSED and APPROVED this_,; _day of February, 1974. lerk's Representative