HomeMy WebLinkAbout0966 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO. 966 A RESOLUTION OF INTENT CONCERNING FUND- ING OF THE PASCO-KENNEWICK INTERCITY BRIDGE. WHEREAS, On December 17, 1974 the Cities of Pasco and Kennewick did by letter to Mr. George Andrews, Director of the State Highway Department, advise him and the State Highway Department that the Cities of Pasco and Kennewick would assume the obligation of the additional funding in connection with the construction of the Inter -City Bridge Project; and WHEREAS, That letter was signed by the Mayor of Kennewick, Lawrence Mabry; the Mayor of Pasco, Donald D. Linton and the Chairman of the Inter -City Bridge Committee, Ed Hendler; and WHEREAS, The Cities of Pasco and Kennewick do officially recognize the membership of the Inter -City Bridge Committee and the Inter -City Bridge Construction Committee to be: Mr. Ed Hendler, Chairman; the City Manager of Kennewick, Mr. A. H. Colby and the City Manager of Pasco, Mr. Harry D. Kinzer; and WHEREAS, Subsequent to the letter of December 17th referred to above, a second letter dated January 3, 1975 was addressed to Mr. George Andrews, Director of the State Highway Department, setting out the intent of the Cities of Pasco and Kennewick to accept the deficiency of financing on the Project, and stressing the im- portance of calling for bids without further delay to avoid further escalation of costs due to inflation, (that letter bearing signatures of the Mayors of Pasco and Kennewick and also those of the City Council members of both Cities); NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. It is of prime importance to the life of the Inter -City Bridge Project to call for bids for construction of the Pasco -Kennewick Intercity Bridge without further delay. Section 2. It is the intent of the Cities of Pasco and Kennewick to assume and assure the financing for the completion of the Inter -City Bridge Project. Section 3. That the City Council of the City of Pasco do accept the two letters re- ferred to above and do hereby agree with the contents thereof. Section 4. That copies of the two letters referred to herein are attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 5. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect after its passage as required by law. PASSED and APPROVED AS REQUIRED BY LAW THIS 7 DAY OF January, 1975. Donald D. Linton, Mayor - Pasco Attest: Leo E. Olney, City Clerk A �:Qv_e�d as to form: _ � 1 Pa trick T. Roach, City Attorney POST OFFICE BOX 293 1 PASCO, WASHINGTON 99301 December 17, 1974 Mr. George H. Andrews, Director Department of Highways Highway Administration Building Olympia, Washington 98504 Re: Pasco -Kennewick Bridge FAM 5015(1), BRM 5015(3) BRM 5015 (2) Dear Mr. Andrews: With regard to Mr. Bulley's letter of December 11th addressed to Mr. Paul C. Gregson please be advised that the Cities of Pasco and Kennewick assume the obligation of the additional $2,880,958 on the above project. This is in addition to the $4,467,941.95 indicated in Mr. Bulley's letter as Local Funds. We would appreciate your amending Mr. Bulley's letter of December 11th to Mr. Paul Gregson to so indicate the above commitment. The above commitment therefore should alleviate any need at this time for any additional Bridge Replacement Funds or obligation authority. Sincerely, i Lawrence Mabry, Mayor City of Kennewick Donald D. Linton, Mayor City of sco Ed HendIer, Chairman eh:es Inter -City Bridge Committee 1-C1-1\/%/AY COMMISSION { L� 017 I I IGI MIA1'S Highwny Adrninis:CraLion Ouilding f Olymh,o. Wechinocon 90(.304 (20G) 753-6000 December 11, 1974 .. y Mr. Paul C. Gregson Division Engineer Federal Higl-lway Administration Olympia, Washington 98507 Pasco-I:ennewick Bridge FAM 5015 (1) , BRM 5015 (3) BRM 5015 (2)' Dear Mr. Gregson: Your approval of the attached'PS&E for the two Federal -aid projects is requested prior to advertising the project on January 6, 1975. The Federal -aid participating groups shown in the estimate were pre- pared after an agreement was reached between your office and the Department on the project. The attached.estimate reflects a need of $13,135,708.12 in Federal Bridge Replacement funds, $347,657.15 in Federal -aid "AZ" funds and $4,467,941.95 in local funds to match the Federal funds. Attached is a letter from the two cities committing the local funds and those received from the State Urban Arterial Program. The Highway Commission has made available $750,000 of the FAM funds allocated to the State. The federal -aid amount of FAM funds eligible at this time for this project is $347,657.15 as shown on Page 2 of the estimate. The original project of considerable smaller scope was funded through competition based on national priorities and was authorized from funds made available at the national level. Our latest records show you have written to us indicating $7,416,250 in Bridge Replacement funds are available for this project. Presently, $662,000'is under Federal agreement for Preliminary Engineering. It is estimated the total. amount of Federal Dridge Replacement funds required. for Preliminary Engineering may be $5,000 to $7,000 less than this amount. In addition, $69,500 in Federal Urban Extension funds also have been used for Preliminary Engineering. It is my understanding that an additional 3.5 million dollar:, more Bridge Replacement funds have been made available for this project without effecting the state's allocation, based on your established formula. This leaves an estimate of $2,880,958 to be funded. e err � e 'r.•, ! 1,: "1., I1.1"."I 1•..,.J, A 11 ,'.rl.• , �,,; .n,.l l.. f.l ,•r, rr .1(.411 �, rrn,.vl Ir N Paul C. Gregson December 11, 1974 Page 2 The city has informed us they have reason to believe,' from their con- tacts in Washington, D.C. that Bridge Replacement funds over and above the 3.5 mill -ion dollars will be available for this project. They also indica ted they had reason to believe that additional obligation authority will be available for this project. When you approve this project for advertisement, we request acknow- ledgement of the two following assurances: 1. Additional funds needed to obligate the total of $13,135,708.12 in Bridge Replacement funds for construction will be made available above the state's normal allocation of Bridge Replacement funds. 2. An additional $2,240,000 in obligation authority will be available above the Department's present level. The Department will not be able to advertise this project without the above two commitp.,ents because of present obligation demand for other projects and the urgent request by agencies funding other projects on the Bridge Replacement priority listing. We have incorporated in our estimate'5% of the contract amount for a contingency fund. This is the amount we normally set up on projects of this size. We have requested these funds at this time because no other funds are Gvailable except those provided from local sources and from federal sources. Since the'local'agency is not in a position to cover the total cost of overruns and will be requesting federal funds for eligible work, it is suggested this contingency fund be established at the beginning of -the contract to eliminate the need to receive approval from Washington, D.C. for funding each minor overrun. The authority for use of this fund should be left with the Department or the Division Office. At this time, under current procedures, only major extra work items are submitted to you for approval. Attached is a draft of the Municipal Agreement to be executed prior to adve):tisement of the project. .tul C. Gregson Decom])er 11, 1974 Page 3 Also attached are the program documents for FAM 5015(1), BRM 5015(3), and BRM 5015 (2) . , Federa 1 -aid project FAM 5015 (3) , demolition of the old bridge, will be advertised under a sc•-..rate contract because of the extended length of time before this •ration can commence. The city is committed to match the hridc; .placement funds required for the cost of demolition. We request urance the commitment of future Bridge Replacement funds for demolition costs will not effect our. state's allocation of Bridge Replacement funds but will be provided "off the TOP". in accordance with Paragraph 6a PPM 90-1, coordination has been effected with appropriate agencies for the review of the planning for the section of highway involving this improvement. Attached is our letter certifying our consideration concerning Economic, Social and Environmental aspects pertaining to this pro- ject. ' Please expedite your response because of the urgency of this project. Sincerely, G. H. ANDRE3 S Director of Highways W. A. BULLEY Deputy Director GHA:vr WAIS Attachments 1. 3 sets of PS&L 2. Pasco -Kennewick letter of Nov. 20-21 3. Final analysis Municipal Agreement 5. 1 set of programs for FAM 5015(1) BRM J015 (3) , BRII 5015 (2) 6. ES&E letter of certification cc: G. H. Andrews Ii. R. Goff W. M. Foster F. T. A. G. Maresca Gray Ed Hendler POST OFFICE BOX 293 j PASCO, WASHINGTON 99301 January 3, 1975 Mr. George Andrews; Director State Highway Department Highway Administration Building Olympia, Washington 98504 Re: Pasco -Kennewick Intercity Bridge Washington Bridge Replacement Project BR -M-5015 (1) , (2) and (3) Dear George: This is to advise you that our letter of December 17th indicating the acceptance of the deficiency of the financing of the above project by the two cities was in fact con- curred with by both City Councils on the night of December 17th, 1974 at Executive Session, You can readily understand the need for following executive session pro- cess to avoid any adverse publicity concerning figures which are based on estimates and which may negatively affect the bidding process. The Cities, in fact, do intend to continue to seek additional help from whatever sources that may be available to us either through the Bridge Replacement Funds, Urban Arterial Board, etc.; however we are prepared to utilize the fullest capacity available to us through Councilmatic Bonds and General Obligation Bonds, if neces- sary, and obligate future city revenues. We cannot overly stress the importance of calling for bids to avoid further escalation due to inflation; in addition if we are further delayed, for whatever reason, we stand in jeopardy to lose the current commitment from the Urban Arterial Board. As to your letter of December 24th, when we initiated our project in 1970 we were dealing with four municipalities and .at that time, on the ratio that was accepted by all parties involved, the $2,460,000 was the maximum allowable for General Obli- gation Bonds due to the limitation of the City of Kennewick. The project is now being sponsored by the Cities of Pasco and Kennewick since we have annexed the bridge in 1972 after the two counties have met their financial obligations as to their share of our original funds. Since 1970 assessed valuations have increased and capacities to bond have escalated accordingly. However there are many other projects that re- quire consideration in both cities and we sincerely hope that we do not find ourselves in a position where we have to use our entire resources for this one project. This Mr. George Andrews -2- January 3, 1975 will be done, however, if there is no other recourse. The key will lie as to the actuality of facts when we open the bids and we are no longer dealing with sup- positions and estimates. Further, we do not now or in the future anticipate asking the State Highway Commis- sion for any funds or any of their normal Obligation Authority. However, we do anti- cipate seeking your assistance to secure additional funds that would be over and above that, that is normally so committed. In addition, this is to advise that the combined Councilmatic Bond capacity of both cities is 1.7 million dollars. CITY OF PASCO - — D, - - �' c -, 0 �"_ '/� , " --, '­ L Donald D. Linton, Mayor XV/ , X ,. 'terl K. Adams Councilman � / � /1 %`L: M. R. Denney Councilman illie Sargent Councilman Al Schor Councilman � v Jan Ti; rick Councilman Bill Wilkins Councilman eh:es Sincerely, CITY OF KENNEWICK Lawrence Mabry, Mayor Henry J. Belair -" Councilman E. L, Birmingham J Councilman Henry, -.,Koch \ Councilman Donald E. Kuhns 11Councilman Theree j Councilman Lawrence Scott Councilman