HomeMy WebLinkAbout0939 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO. 939 A RESOLUTION CREATING A SOCIAL PLANNING COMMISSION; PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT AND TERMS OF OFFICE OF ITS MEMBERSHIP AND DESCRIBING ITS RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Pasco heretofore has not had the services of an advisory group reviewing and making recommendations on the broad social needs of the citizens of the City; and WHEREAS, the decentralization program now being advocated and to a degree implemented by the Federal Government wherein more responsibility for planning and the delivery of social services will rest with State, regional and local govern- ments; and WHEREAS, it is advisable to solicit additional citizen input and participation prior to the City Council making policy decisions on social needs and the funding of programs, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. MEMBERS. There is hereby created a Social Planning Commission con- sisting of nine voting members and four ex -officio non-voting members. The voting members shall be residents of the City and the ex -officio members may be residents of the City or of Franklin or Benton Counties. Appointment of voting members shall be made by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the City Council. The voting membership shall include five persons each of whom shall be a resident of one of the five Council Districts of the City of Pasco. Nominations for consideration of appointment by the Mayor from each District may be a result of an informal election limited to residents from within the particular district or by nomina- tion by neighborhood groups or interested citizens resident within that district. The balance of the four voting membership will be appointed at -large in a manner to assure broad representation on the Commission of the aged, the young, minority groups, low income people and women. The ex -officio members of the commission shall be the Mayor or a Councilman of the City of Pasco as appointed by the Mayor; a representative from the State De- partment of Social and Health Services or other appropriate State agency as approved Resolution' No. -2-' Date: by the Mayor; a representative of the City Planning Commission selected by that Commission and a representative of United Way selected by that Board of Directors. Section 2. TERMS OF OFFICE. The term of office of the 9 voting members shall be 3 years. Three of the initial appointments shall be for one year; 3 for two years and 3 for three years. All subsequent terms of office shall be for three years. The terms of ex -officio members of the Commission shall be one year. Section 3. VACANCIES AND REMOVAL FROM OFFICE. Vacancies occurring other- wise than by the expiration of terms shall be filled for the unexpired term. Members missing three consecutive regular meetings shall be considered to have voluntarily vacated their position unless that member shall have previously requested and been excused by a majority of the Commission for any such regular meeting. In addition members may be removed, after a public hearing, by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council for inefficiency, neglect of duty or malfeasance in office. Section 4. MEETINGS, OFFICERS, RECORDS AND QUORUM. The Commission shall elect its own Chairman and Vice -Chairman and create and fill such other offices as it may determine it requires. The Commission shall hold at least one regular meet- ing during each month of the year. A majority of the voting members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. On any matter coming to a vote at least four members must agree in order to establish a position. It shall adopt rules for the transaction of business and it shall keep a record of its meetings, reso- lutions, transactions, findings and determinations which records shall be open to pub- lic inspection. In addition to recommendations transmitted to the City Council it shall provide the City Council with at least semi-annual summaries of its activities. Section S. EXPENDITURES -- BUDGET. The members shall serve without compensa- tion. The expenditures of the Commission, exclusive of gifts or grants, shall be limited to appropriations made by the City Council. Direct staff support for the Com- mission shall be provided by the Planning Department of the City of Pasco as included in the annual departmental budget. Also support of the staffs of other City Departments or interested agencies shall be invited. Further the Commission may create special sub -committees as the need arises to provide input and expertise in areas of special concern. Resolution No. 3q -3-• Date: Section 6. RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES. The Commission shall: a) Identify long-term social goals of the City of Pasco and update those goals on an annual basis. b) Recommend policies to the City Council to achieve those goals. c) Prioritize community needs in accordance with those goals and policies in order to recommend to the City Council on an annual basis the funding of appropriate programs keeping in mind the total available resources of the Community. d) Evaluate the effectiveness of social programs currently funded in- cluding those operated within existing departments of the City as well as those operated by outside agencies wholly or in part receiv- ing financial assistance from the City of Pasco. e) When appropriate evaluate services and programs provided resi- dents of the City by independent agencies or other levels of govern- ment. f) Work closely with the City Planning Commission which deals pri- marily with the physical development of the community to ensure that social considerations are included in the physical planning process and in addition to receive input from the City Planning Com- mission to ensure that social planning is consistent with the long- term capital improvement and development plans of the City. Section 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect after its passage as required by law. PASSED by the City Council and APPROVED as provided by law this 18 day December of 1973. Approved as to form: A0. 0e._X D. Wayne Campbell, City Att ney (000"D I- I Donald D. Linton, Mayor