HomeMy WebLinkAbout0921 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO. 9.21 A RESOLUTION CREATING A "NEIGHBORHOOD FACILITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS", SPECIFYING THE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BOARD AND PROVIDING FOR THE TERMS OF OFFICE AND METHOD OF APPOINTMENT OF THE DIRECTORS. WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Pasco desires to establish a Board to assist in the management of and make broad policy recommendations to the City Council in connection with the East Pasco Neighborhood Facility; and WHEREAS, The Directors appointed to the Board should broadly represent the service area residents who will be utilizing the Facility as well as others who can be of assistance from throughout the balance of Benton and Franklin Counties; NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 . Creation and Duties of Board. There is hereby established a 13 -member Neighborhood Facility Board of Directors. This Board shall assist the City Manager in the management of the Facility and may make broad policy recommendations to the City Council in all matters relating to the operation of and services provided in the Facility. In addition the Board shall 1) Immediately after appointment organize and elect such officers as they deem necessary. 2) Adopt such by-laws, rules and regulations for their own guidelines and for the operation of the Facility as they deem expedient. 3) Subject to review and approval by the City Manager be responsible for the supervision, care and custody of all properties of the Facility, including the rooms or build- ings constructed, leased or set apart therefor. 4) Subject to review and approval by the City Manager em- ploy and supervise a Facility Director and upon the Director's recommendation and City Manager's review and approval employ such other staff as may be neces - sary including fixing of their salaries subject to the annual budget approved by the City Council. 5) Recommend removal of the Facility Director and other Facility staff for cause. Resolution No. 9-1"1 -2- Date: 5-15-73 6) Submit annually to the City Council, through the City Manager, a balanced budget containing estimates in de- tail of the amount of money necessary for the operation and maintenance of the facility together with its antici- pated income from all sources for the ensuing year. 7) Have control of the finances of the Facility subject to the City Council approved annual budget and subject to State law regarding the handling of income and expendi- tures and further subject to the responsibilities of the City Manager under the law. 8) Accept such gifts of money or property for the Facility purposes as they deem expedient. Such gifts shall be included as special income credited to the Facility and included in the Facility budget. 9) Insure adequate operation and maintenance of the Facility including the purchase of necessary materials, supplies and services therefor as allowed in the City Council ap- proved annual budget. 10) Insure that H.U.D. regulations , guidelines and contracts, as well as agreements and contracts with the Pasco School District that the City has entered into in connection with the Facility are strictly adhered to. 11) Establish guidelines for the kinds of activities that are to be permitted in the Facility. 12) Approve service organizations and agencies desiring to lo- cate and provide services in the Facility. 13) Develop policy to improve the delivery of services of the Facility and determine if services housed in the Facility meet the needs of the service area residents. 14) Explain Facility policies and procedures to service area residents and other interested groups . 15) Make semi-annual evaluation reports to the City Council, through the City Manager, on the operati;ot:-of;- s-rvices pro- vided in, a,nd usage of the Facility. Section 2. Membership of Board. Seven members of the Board shall be and broadly represent service area residents of the Facility which comprises City Council Dis- trict No. 1 of the City of Pasco. The Mayor, subject to confirmation of the City Council, shall appoint the seven members from among those interested in serving. Six additional members shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the City Council, from among other interest groups and individuals throughout the balance of Banton and Franklin Counties. These six additional members should be people who are interested in assisting the Facility to better provide services to 921 -Resolution No. -3- Date : 5- 1 5-73 meet the needs of disadvantaged and low-income people. Section 3. Terms of Office of Board of Directors. Four service area residents and three appointees from the balance of the Counties shall serve a first term of 2 -years . Three service area residents and three from the balance of the Counties shall serve a first term of 1 -year. Subsequently the term of office of all Directors shall be 2 -years. A Board member may be removed by a majority of the City Council after a public hear- ing upon a written complaint stating grounds for removal; which complaint, with a notice of time and place of hearing, shall have been served upon the Director at least ten days before the hearing. Lack of attendance at three consecutive meetings with- out excuse shall be grounds for automatic removal of a Director without hearing at the discretion of a majority of the balance of the Board. Section 4. Board of Directors -- General. The Board of Directors shall receive no salary or other compensation for services but may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in performance of their duties subject to the limitations and requirements of State law and the Council approved annual budget. Section 5. Neighborhood Facility -- General. Any revenues generated from rents, grants, services or donations made to the Facility or for its services shall be retained as income to the Facility and shall not be diverted to other City programs or services. Further, the Board shall understand that the City Council expects the Facility to be operated on a self-sufficient basis and shall not assume that tax or other revenues of the City will be allocated for Facility staff, operation or maintenance. Section 6. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect after its passage as re- quired by law. PASSED by the City Council and APPROVED as provided by law this 15 day of May 19 73 . Atte st• Donald D . Linton, Mayor Harry D. K'-ner, City Clerk Approy.Qd __Io form: ,e