HomeMy WebLinkAbout0892 Resolutione. RESOLUTION 892 I-182-3(3)115 IN THE MATTER OF SR 182, MP 34.26 to MP 35.51 Pasco: SR 395 Interchange Vicinity RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO WHEREAS, the City of Pasco is the record owner of the hereinafter described parcel of land: All that portion of the-- hereinafter described Parcel "A" lying southwesterly of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station LW 665+00 on the LW Line centerline of SR 182, MP 34.26 to MP 35.51, Pasco: SR 395 Interchange Vicinity, and 160 feet northeasterly, when measured at right angles and/or radially therefrom; thence northwesterly, parallel with said centerline, to a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station LW 648+00; thence N 62055'15" W 681.16 feet and the terminus of said line. PARCEL "A": The southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M., Also southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter and the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 21, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M., Except that portion conveyed to State of Washington for highway under Auditor's file No. 256083. AND WHEREAS, in the improvement of SR 182, MP 34.26 to MP 35.51 Pasco: SR 395 Interchange Vicinity by the State of Washington, Department of Highways, it is necessary and advisable for the State of Washington to acquire title to the aforementioned lands for a right of way for said highway, including access rights to said highway. WHEREAS, after due consideration by the Council of the City of Pasco, it appears to said Council that it will be in the best interests of both the City of Pasco and the State of Washington that said Council convey said lands to the State of Washington by quit claim deed for a consideration of $ 3,000.00 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Pasco that the City of Pasco, in accordance with RCW 47.12.040, and through its Mayor and City Clerk, execute said deed and deliver said deed to the State of Washington, Department of Highways. PASSED by t City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, this day of , 1972. n Mayor Parcel No -s 5-3294 ,3 ` ' IM!"5-5]1. ,TR 95 V : tY ALL MiENIS'_.` Fit FSENTS, That -the Grarlrar CV -27 C-xr* r_kl.320�, fpr G n d -a. rcrz ati*n o - th f I- f , e soon of t-aw'T D1 TS, m.d atbcir vul.0blconsiderativa carve;.! r, a-,idl quit s- to the State of lVashi-ngton, the following described real estate and 1.1.ny .7 ton after acqui.-,d interest 0,Wrein, situ.-ae in Fr an 1; 1 J a Cottritly, ill tbe State of 1Veshing to the saipextent and 1.)urpo-le as ijf the i-igl-itsherein granted had been acqi6red urder E?ni�lbentl Don-tain statute a ' f the Srate of Was!-d7tgton: All tbf-�.t p-urtion of ho here i-MaYter 6_Gscribad percnl 'A" suathiTc.f;tcrly (xf L,, line c1es=ibed e.s Beep_raliL-P� at a point opposite rnginecr'r, Station 1'11-1 665+00 oi), the tali Linc� of 0,R 182y mp- Uo26 to 12 _35-51, Pasco: 90 395 Ti.xterchsc,,mge Vicinityq cad 160 f­,��t noimth- k, A caste-rlyq w4en. ne,".4-orcd at riglat an, es an.d/':r radizu)-lLy thence northws�:-.�t-el-ly., "Iel -?,zith sa..id centerli 4S no. , t o a p o i n t o o r, i t e H i E;Ia� my 3 n g n e e r ' s S U_ & t i o n 'f 1-1 6 t-he,naf_ Y7 62"1175°15" w 68)...16 Tect- ma&. the *te2nainus of sald line. • ' aItCE "�5" d !v -he Southeast qnlnfter of "t -he noethca&t (10,rter of -Uhe northeL�'*'.-, q , pv_rt,-:r rziel the northeaet quarter of the -southeast quaL-11'er of the northeFlzt Tkvarter of Section 20,, Toin&sUp 9 'Vorth. Range 3C East, Also southwn-s-rter o� ok -t qN.xe the ntftweot qLitzter card" the northx7est qur-rtcy, and tt.e north -vest quarter of the so�et;hiioF;t qixztez of the nortlriest qur_,rtc:L of Scetio.-% 09 , Towaship 9 - 'in, A. v If Northi, Rte ne 30 E"Is V - -on for Inay undo Exceyt. that portion conveyed to State o.� o hig r Audis, tor'fi' K'1'6oo 2OS3. Also.v the gramtors herein corzvev to the Stnte of 11"hinglton Q_L rigbts of ingre-js and egress (including all future or Potential eases -'ants of accezz, light-, view caned air) to, from &,nd bettfeen Sr 182, XT 34.26 to IV 3' ?-5.1, �,Gco'. SR 395 Inter change Vicinity and the reilrainder of said Pexcel "A"o c0lavwirl cc)�-'­*n, an- area of If ore or lesc .,.00 acr Wi* cl tat certain vidp of defiaite location e h�!rexpl Wit spectpe detaus cdi�ce ing a "�rt are to -dund ?.v now of record and on file in the office of the Director of Highways at Olyinpia and bearing date of ap- prcval juiv 9, 1971&nd the centerl-ine of which is a?soshcmn of record in Book "A" of Mghmiay Mats., pages 243 and 244 records of r-muklin Co�mty® It is undez-stood and et.,greed that the State of Washington shall grant a permit to -the City of FSoo for Pasco the pvxpose of constructing, qperating and maintn-ining a 48 inch ierbility • conduit across said higlz-my at alp} oxiwlte Higlroay Engineers Station LU 651+00. . It is understood and agreed that the delivery of this deed is hereby tendered and that the terms and obligations hereof shall not become binding upon the State of Washington unless and until accepted %0 and approved hereon in writing for the State of Washington, Department of Highways, by the Chief Right of 'Way Agent. Dated this . .................._.................._day of. Accepted and approved......_..._.........._ . ......................... . ....... 0 By STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT oF HIGHWAYS Chief Right of Way Agent. CITY OF PASCO .................................................... yo ............................................. ............... ... ............. Iul* ...... .... .... ......... .......................... ­­­.­....­ ! uruy­cu �r . • • • E I --18r-3(3)115 .'t[:i-TAB:<1�1TA^'1ON OF 7.�fI'f IN THE MA1`TER OF SR 182, N12 34.26 to MP 351,5-i , Pascoe SR 395 Interchange f:.y k:NOW ALL 11.EN BY 'iIiESE PRESENTS, that: the CaI'Y OF PASCO, a municipal corporation, for and in consideration of miutual benefits does hereby grant unto the STATZ OF KASHINGTON, the .righ—'L:, pe=it and license 'to use and occupy the hereinafter described land for the purpose of rehabilitating and reseeding a dump side located thereon - All that portion of west hall= of the northwest. ;uW. ter of Section 21, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M. , described as follows: Begiruiing at a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station LW 654+50 on the Lira 'Line centerline of SR 1.82, MP 34.20 to 1XJ'P 35.,51, Pasco: SR 395 Interchange Vicinity, and 160 feet northeasterly, when measured at right angles and or radially therefrom, thence N 91`57'4511E 351.36 feet; thence S 40002115t1E 271.50 feet; thence S49°5714511E 200 .feet to a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station L14 657+50 feet and. 160 feet northeasterly therefrom; thence northwesterly parallel. with said LVJT Line centerline to the point of beginning. The lands herein contain an area of 1.73 acres, more or less, the specific details concerning all of which are to be found within that certain map of definite location now of record and on file in the office of the Direc- tor of Highways at Olympia and bearing date of approval July 9, 1971, and the centerline of which is also shown of record in Book "A11 of Highway Plats, pages 243 and 244 records of Franklin County. The right, privilege and permit of ingress and egress to and from said property for the purposes herein specified are hereby granted to the State of Washington. The rights herein granted by this permit shall cease and terminate upon completion of the work specified above. Dated this day of Accepted and Approved STATE OF WASHINGTON Department of Highways IN Chief Right of Way Agent STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss County of ) ,, 1971. CITY OF PASCO By: Mayor City Clerk I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washing- ton, do hereby certify that on this day of 1971, before me personally appeared and to me known to be the duly elected and qualified Mayor and City Clerk., respectively, of the City of Pasco, who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of the said City of Pasco for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument by resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasco, and that the seal affixed is the official seal of the City of Pasco. Notary Public in and for the State Parcel 5-3294 of Washington, residing at HF. 33,4 (RF.'✓. 12-63) .v N`' tnt h_ 6;" � i:..L h L'_ 1. i. tt to •F'.! �-c: ..� �. �t �� [1, t`^.. 4`;' r AGi.N NA•LtE HE1X10UARTFP$ i.)1@ ONLY T- -' 18 A• Cr - n :r. Ar,E�:ci bR!-SCR NU0.15f.1i UAT C- 1 y_ -7f• Z i Z'i ,'.4 •?6 DE!'ARI YLNT OF H!fHVJ✓:'(S I __ I• -J_ ___ _ H!GHVYAYS •- LICENSES BUILl:)ING i I F;EREBY CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY Or PERJURY THAI THE !TF 1F ANO —�•.-vv - 01_ ,APIA.WASHINGTON ( AMOUNTS LISTED HCRFIN ARE PROPER CHARGES AGAINSI THE STArC CA WASHINGTON. THi•.I THE SAME OR ANY FAR'i' I-HCREOF HA; N01 BEEN PAID. AND THAT I AM AUTHORIZED TO SIW4 FOI{ THE CLAIMANT. GFZAIVTOROF.wCLAIMANT NAME--------------------- I--- - - - ---- -- - --- ---- -- --- - ----- - ------ 99"01 F _ (SIGN IGS' INK) ----- '^ — ---- (DATE) -- --_""""—•��JJ PROJECT TITLE: 1PARCEL: Ski 182, Pasco: SR 395 Inter c1jv-.age Vicin:ty 5_.3291 E1"E D FINAL PAYENAND 5E1-TLEh4E:NT FOR: Sct. P. U -t�!!C IN FULL, CON9PLANiJ 1E3 N1' j of S-ecti on 20 Township n �TOi'ti2s Rain e 30 �'�.%�l.i�. ^wn00- , e^t-7.red for .right of way Tovaship 9 North, Paige 30 i�`.W.M. req., _ U11Ya EiMI. Tig.u0 l. a poY`ilCi.n 01 C �`l� o� i\ul- O�` I�'L-'Cti011 2.Ly for the above Ixcoject; and 1'or. 7 i access x wghts; also for severance ani all other da -mages of whatsoever kJ.nd, or lulu- remaining lands by reason of the location, construction, • operation and maintenance Of raid high^rave AS FULLY SET FORTH IN Quit Claim Deed. and �__Da,•ED_.—__. Resolution 1 ANIOUNI" FOR ALL LANDS CONVtY'ED--—�-_—.. —_— 12,.00 acres, more or lesp (including :recess rights) -- �--- 3,000.00 R ALL IMPROVEMENTS E FOR STATUTORY EVALUATION ALLOVJANCE To he vov,chore d, .Sel)aretely, 1.f any. — FOR ALL OTHER ITEMS DEDUCTIONS: (SPECIFY) SUB TOTAL ------------- 3,000.00 A ------------- -------------- ------------- -----------TOTAL DEDUCTIONS TOTAL m NET TOTAL ,^y COQ®GQ ESCROW FEE S SALES TAX ON ESCROW FEE S TOTAL FEE — — JOB NUMBER R/41 2o65 453101 F.A. PROJECT NUMBER I-182-3(3)115 CONTROL SECTION 1111•-R AMOUNT TO BE PAID a,000.00 1.2 3.8 1 1924 11.1 2728 29 30-34 3538 3944 56-61 G2.70 71-80 APPROVED ;0 PARCEL PROJECT UNrr GRP APER FUNC. ACCT, SEC11ON ORG. NO. NON -PART AMOUNT NAME --------------'------ TITLE R V1 Agent DATE NAME TITLE RNsuper DATE I CERTIFY THAI' THE ABOVE DATA ARE CORRECT: THAT THE REAL_ PROPERTY OR INTEREST THEREIN NEC- ESSARY FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED HIGHWAY PROJECT HAS BEEN ACQUIRED IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, AND THAI- THE PRICES PAID ARE BASED ON BONA FIDE APPRAISALS AND OTHER WRITTEN JUSTIFICATION CONTAINED IN THE STATE'S FILES. IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROCEDURES AS SUBMITTED TO AND NAME ------_----_--_-----_ ACCEPTED BY 1. HE FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR. DIRECTOR OF HIGHWAYS . TITLE DATE VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. BY TITLE: DATE: Speediset Q Moore `Business Forms, Inc -s 1 T_