HomeMy WebLinkAbout0872 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO. 872 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT CERTAIN OFFERS FOR THE PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY ARE ACCEPTABLE AND AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF SAID OFFERS WHEREAS, The City of Pasco has previously resolved, in Resolution No. 864, that certain real property should be offered for sale pursuant to the City's Urban Renewal Program, and WHEREAS, The City of Pasco has received the following offers for those certain parcels of real property, and WHEREAS, the following offers meet the minimum bid prices set forth in Resolution No. 864, and in all other respects meet the requirements of the Urban Renewal Program; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: The sale of the parcels of the following described real property is authorized at the prices set forth herein: Those portions of Blocks 7 and 8, and adjacent vacated streets in Steffin's Amended Addition to Pasco as recorded in Volume B, Page 47, Records of Franklin County, Wash- ington, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said addition, also being the Northeast corner of Section 32, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M., said County and State; thence N 890 17' W, along the North line of said Addition and Section also being the centerline of East "A" Street, to its intersection with the West line of Oregon Street Projected, a distance of 215.6 feet; thence S.180 46' E, along the West line of Oregon Street Projected, a distance of 110.3 feet; thence on a curve to the right, having a radius of 1382.4 feet, to its intersection with the North line of vacated "B" Street in said Addition, a distance of 364.6 feet and the true point of begin- ning; thence continuing along said curve to its intersection with the Northeasterly line of the Burlington Northern Railroad right of way, a distance of 338.8 feet more or less; thence Northwesterly along said right of way line to its intersection with the North line of vacated "B" Street, a distance of 429 feet more or less; thence Easterly along said North line to the true point of beginning a distance of 274.6 feet more or less. Containing in all 48,125 square feet. $ .10 per sq. ft. = $4,812.50 PASSED by the City Council and APPROVED as provided by law this & day of �..L4 /�� 1971 MAYOR Attest: CITY CLE O Approved s to form: CITY ATTORN -2- OFFER TO PURCHASE Within the East Pasco Urban Renewal Project 1. The undersigned hereby offer to purchase'the following parcel(s) of real property in the East Pasco Redevelopment Project: Parcel Number 54-2 Of n7iUi :y 7 ..n:a y 'LI"ii� :'i .Cent V<:tcatcd str'Cets in Steffin's Amended :ldditioi7 .; _ cco_•ded in Volur-o ?:, Page 47, Records of Franklin County, 11ashington, being more - 1. 1. .. •A• ,Ir e"a;Sci ibe'd as .follOwJ• . the: ''ort?':east cnrne, of saic ndtdition, :aso be�.ng the Northeast, corner ofSection R nr-,a :30 Fust, ' ` said County -nd Statc; thence N i?90 17' ',•', along the Fa5t. "A" Stroet to its .C, "�.. ...-n- ��:,. said %ddit`:.on and SCctl.on cll$O l;)ei l ti,t, Ce^.nt:rhi.n7 n.f t : `:I .'i:: tt L •'%�^ci LnG of 0.rovon `tT'GCt r'rojectcd, a d Ct1nc!" of 21. 5.h fort; thonce l +he 'Fest lint• of Oregon :'treet 'ro,jc ctcr�., a distance of 1.10.3 feet; thence on c:`:•r: .~:� h'c, hr;vin� r1r?ius of 13 2 4 .f.ee'c, to its inter ection with the ;forth line ":i" "t'_�ea;, ir: sr,,id^ 1.6-dition, a dist: nce of �4. fact and the true point of bcrTin- :;::ii i; C1':�i.liiU'iPj', :..Lon ! .9,1'i� c11rVc to its 4 ntcrsectl.On orith 'thf i1f;CthC f tcrl.;j 1.:�rii.A. O: t}lC: Raab oCd right of way, a d . .st-•Ancc -of 33,'-1-8 fcc!t rnorO l. or cnr%; l:}'i�.�nr;�: ihrb?":- i rr trr rnl.c: 'c -J r,ht of wrny 1-5.nc to ;i.ts i.n� c•:'rcc�cl',Lc:, with tho North 1A.r:rt r,,f' vnr;nt,rx 1 '1 thr,ncc :?.,r'tc'r1.li ,1 onir nn'ti.d Horth l.i.n^ tr, �;':r: h,r a, :nor ;t or lc:;^. (:ortt:>1.ni.r.i; :1.n all i�5,125 ... ..,.......r ....r... ♦.V u\\u \\\U4G al it 4.. r \.��.vr u.. .. �..— �..--� •.— .V 1 . - , a. A "Redeveloper's Statement of the Qualifications and Financial Responsibility" and a "Redeveloper's Statement for Public Dis- closure" of the bidder on forms provided in toe bid packet. b. All information, including plot plan, and narrative statement required in the Instruction to Bidders. c. A deposit in the sum of Four Thousand Eight Hundred Twelve Dollars and Fifty Cents -----Dollars ($ 4,812.50 ) in the form of a bank draft, certified check, or bank cashier's check payable to the City of Pasco in an amount not less than 5 percent of the highest price offered for,the 1st choice or alternatives indicated in Paragraph 1 of this Offer. This offer may be accepted by the City of Pasco by written 'notice, thereof mailed to the undersigned at the address below.' Tommy Moore NAME OF BIDDER (type or print) �,, Signature,of Bidder 831 S. Chestnut Address of.Bidder, $ .10 per sq. ft. _ $4,812.50 r CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY To All :Parties Interested In Title To Property Surveyed: I, L. t'acktir th, hereby certify that this map represents a true and accurate survey of: Th-,.-, ; -�r ions of Blocks 7 and 8, and adjacent vacated streets in Steffin's Amended Addition to :pry recorded in Volune B. Page 47, Records of Franklin County, 1-'ashington, being more pnri'' c•,:1-�rly described as follows: Co..; n - at the "orthea st corner of said addition, also bei n- the Northeast corner of Section ' .'I"!i;? ') :Forth, Ranfe 10 East, `.M., said Counter and State; thence N 890 17' 1-', along the ?c ....i .n- )f said Wdition and Section also beim; the centerline of Fast "A" Street, to its with the 'lest line of Oregon Gtreet Projected, a distance, of 215.6 feet; thence S zlong the West line of Oregon .treet Projected, a distance of 110.3 feet; thence on the right, having., a radius of 1382.4 feet, to its intprsection Frith thA Horth line ",," Street in said addition, a distance of 364.(, feet and tho true point of begin - n`. t.}-,-ncc continuinfr alor.7 said curve to its intersection with tho 'lortheasterly line of the ;;cn 'iorthern Pailroad right of way, a distance of 338.8 feet more or less; thence North - North rl.-.lon- said richt of way line to its intersection with tho line o vacated "ii" '.Mance of 42? feet more or less; thence ~asterly alonr said *forth tin, to the true 1 po n �° b«.; -inning a distance of 274.5 feet nore or less. Containing in all 4R,1?5 square feet. ,;r• r ' ,; . rite of ;Pasco `- June 9, 1971 Sc 100, L CI rz 'JC 1 Pac�Jr.c ' c i S � m I O m VIC 1` J �O 1 'J r/ 1 i A 14!c.4 L? I 'f Z4'7 `T 4t'+ 0i I I J, � I �. P. o.e I r, 'L "14 I' I� � • I ! it S Cis 4„ V a 14 I L_ i 1 T t ;►, 'I