HomeMy WebLinkAbout0853 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO. 853 A RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE "PASCO YOUTH COM- MISSION" OF THE CITY OF PASCO, ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS AND THEIR TERMS OF OFFICE, AND REPEALING RESOLU- TION NO. 789. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council of the City of Pasco to provide a means for the youth of the community to participate in City Government; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City and the youth to have a formal and organized group to act in this capacity; and WHEREAS, the youth of the City have expressed a desire to participate in govern- ment and have been participating in a "Pasco Youth Commission" for this purpose; and WHEREAS, certain modifications of the size of and appointments to the Commis- sion should be made from that recited in Resolution No. 789 which now should be re- pealed, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 . Creation of Pasco Youth Commission: There is hereby created a Pasco Youth Commission hereinafter referred to as the "Commission" which shall be comprised of sixteen (16) members to be appointed by the Mayor on approval of the City Council together with the seven (7) members of the Recreation and Park Advisory Board, which includes a Youth Commission appointee who also serves on the said Advisory Board. Section 2. Qualifications for Appointment: To qualify for appointment to the Com- mission, a person shall: (a) Be a resident of the bounds of the Pasco School Dis- trict or presently attending the Pasco Public Schools. (b) Have a desire to serve thereon. Section 3. Ratio of Representation. The Recreation and Park Advisory Board will be members of the Commission as the adult members, and any member of the Recreation and Park Advisory Board who is relieved of his position on the Recreation and Park Advisory Board for any cause, is also relieved of his position on the Commission. Youth members on the Commission shall consist of: Three (3) from Columbia Basin College Three (3) from Pasco Senior High School Three (3) from McLaughlin junior High School Three (3) from Isaac Stevens junior High School Four (4) members at large. At -Large Members shall be at least sixteen (16) years of age, and under twenty- two (2 2) years of age . Section 4. Selection of Members: Each School's A. S. B. officers shall select three representatives to the Commission at the first A. S. B. meeting in September of each school year. The names shall then be presented to the Mayor for confirmation. If a selected appointee from the A. S. B. office is rejected by the Mayor a substitute nomina- tion shall be selected and presented in his place . Within 30 days after the selection and appointment of school representatives they shall meet and appoint up to four members at large for the balance of the term. However, at large members can be re -appointed for subsequent terms as long as they meet the other qualifications. Each school's representative will serve for as long as he or she re- mains in school from which the selection was originally made. Section 5 . Term of Office. Term of office shall be from September 15 to September 15 of the following year. Section 6. Removal from Office. Three (3) consecutive absences from meetings shall be cause for removal from membership on the Commission. Removal may be by two- thirds (2/3) vote of a quorum. Section 7. Vacancies: Vacancies on the Commission shall be filled by the same method of original appointment, and the newly appointed replacement shall serve for the unexpired term. -2- Section 8. Commission's Capacity. The Commission is advisory in character and may not be delegated administrative authority or responsibility beyond that which the City Council may authorize. Section 9. Quorum. For purpose of holding meetings and transaction of business, a total of nine (9) members is necessary and one of which shall be an adult member. Section 10.—Meetings. The Commission shall meet at least once a month and may meet more regularly as determined by the officers of the Commission. Section 11 . Officers. At the first regular meeting subsequent to appointment of new members by the Mayor, a Chairman, Vice -Chairman and Secretary shall be elected from the membership by popular vote. Section 12. Adoption of Rules. The Commission may develop such by-laws as neces- sary to accomplish their purpose; and shall present same to the City Council for their approval, prior to their adoption. Section 13 ._Objectives. The Commission may undertake investigations and make studies for the purpose of making recommendations to the City Council concerning, but not limited to, the following: a) Leisure time activities and recreational and social programs. b) Policies for the improvement and strengthen- ing of the physical, mental and moral welfare of the youth of the City. c) Formulation of general policies relating to the duties and functions of the Commission. ection 14. Present Membership: The terms of office for the present membership as appointed by the Mayor and as included herein shall run until September 15, 1971. Section 15. Repeal of Resolution 789. Resolution No. 789 of the City of Pasco is hereby repealed. ection 16. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect after -3- y its passage and approval as required by law. PASSED by the City Council and APPROVED this 16 day of March 1971. G. E. Carter, Mayor - Approved as to form: D. Wayne Campbell, City Attorney -4-