HomeMy WebLinkAbout0849 ResolutionM RESOLUTION NO. 849 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PASCO AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION FOR LOAN AND GRANT FOR PROJECT NO. WASH. R-18 WHEREAS it is necessary and in the public interest that the City of Pasco avail itself of the financial assistance provided by Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, to carry out the urban renewal project described as East Pasco No. 1 (Washington R-18) and bounded generally by East Lewis Street on the north; Wehe and Elm Streets on the east; "A" Street on the south and the Burlington Northern Railway tracks on the west, hereinafter referred to as the "Project"; and WHEREAS it is recognized that the Federal contract for such financial assist�Lnce pursuant to said Title I will impose certain obligations and responsibilities upon the Local Public Agency and will require among other things (1) the provision of local grants-in-aid, (2) a feasible method for the relocation of individuals and families displaced from the project area; and (3) other local obligations and responsibilities in connection with the undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal projects; and WHEREAS Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the regulations of the Housing and Urban Development Agency effectuating that Title, provide that no person shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in the undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal projects assisted under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended; and WHEREAS the objectives of the Urban Renewal Plan cannot be achieved through more extensive rehabilitation of the Project Area: NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the United States of America and the Housing and Urban Development Administrator be, and they hereby are, assured of full compliance by the City of Pasco with regulations of the Housing and Urban Development Agency effectuating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 2. That an application on behalf of the City of Pasco for a loan under Section 102 (a) of said Title I in the amount of $3,037,019.00 and for a project capital grant, a relocation grant, and a Federal grant for the making of Section 115 rehabilitation grants to the full amount available for under- taking and financing the Project is hereby approved,'and that the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute and to file such application with the Housing and Urban Development Agency, to provide such additional infor- mation and to furnish such documents as may be required in behalf of said Agency, and to act as the authorized correspondent of the City of Pasco. PASSED by the City Council the Sixteenth day of February, 1971, and signed by me in open session in authentication of its passage this Sixteenth day of February, 1971. -Mayo of the City of Pasco Filed by me this Sixteenth day of Febr ATTEST: By: Harry D. Kinzer, City Clerk APPROVED as to form: 7. Wayne C Abell, City Atto6rney Re: Urban Renewal Plan for Fast Pasco, leo. 1 Neighborhood Improvement Project Wash. R-18 - Pasco, Washington Regional Administrator Arcade: Plaza Building Second Floor Second Avenue and Union Street Seattle, Washington 98101 Dear Sir: 1: am an attorney at Law admitted to practice in the State of Washington. As an attorney of the City of Pasco (hereinafter called the "Local Public Agency") in which the above identified project is located, my opinion, based on the factual statements req_uested.by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and contained in the proposed plan hereinafter referred to, is as follows: 1.. I have examined the proposed Urban Renewal Plan prepared by the Department of Community Development of the City of Pasco relating to the East Pasco Neighborhood Improvement Project in the City of Pasco, County of Franklin, State of Washington (hereinafter called the "Plan"), which proposed Plan is more specifically identified as a duplicated document marked as Section R-2.13 of the: Application for Loan and Grant dated February 16, 1971 entitled "Urban Renewal Plan". 2. The proposed Plan in form and substance is in accord with the appli- cable state law (RCW Chap. 35.81). The Plan, when duly approved by ordinance of the: legislative authority of the City of Pasco pursuant to RCW Chap. 35.81, will be a valid plan meeting all the requirements of said State and the local law and Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended. The proposed plan is reasonably clear, definite, and unambiguous, and does not provide for any illegal discriminatory action or illegal preferential action or requirement. 3. The territorial area covered by the proposed plan is within the territorial jurisdiction of the Local Public Agency and conforms to all legal requirements pertaining to the eligibility of such area for the above identified project; and such area under State and local law is legally eligible and appropriate for the redevelopment activities contemplated under the proposed plan. 4. (a) The proposed plan.includes all the provisions, drawings, maps, documents, and other items required to be included pursuant to State or local law and the applicable requirements of Section 110 (b) of said Housing Act. (b) The proposed plan includes provisions indicating the real property which the Local Public Agency is to acquire and that which it is not to acquire, and includes provisions for the imposition of the controls and other requirements of the proposed plan upon all the real property in the project area described in the proposed plan. (d) The provisions in the proposed plan respecting land uses, building requirements and densities, land coverage, and other features in the proposed Plan are in accord with State and local law and the requirements of Section 110 (b) of said Housing Act, subject to proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan of Pasco and constitutional limitations. (e) The provisions in the proposed plan for the vacation and dedica- tion of streets and other public ways, and the proposed rezoning of certain property, subject to constitutional limitations, are in accord with State and local -law, and the controls in the proposed plan respecting the future use of the project area described therein are reasonably clear and legally effective," subject to constitutional limitations and reasonableness. (f) The provisions in the proposed plan respecting the period of duration of the plan and the future changes in the proposed plan will be accorded the presumption of validity. 5. The foregoing opinion is general and it does not necessarily apply to all. factual situations. 6. To my knowledge there is no pending or threatened litigation of any kind concerning the proposed plan. Yours very truly, �e D. WAYNE C .. PBELL City Attorney City of Pasco RM:akt. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT LOCALITY URBAN RENEWAL PROGRAM as coin lla hgt-nn PROJECT NAME East Pasco Redevelopment PROJECT COST ESTIMATE AND FINANCING PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: Submit original and a second signed copy in Binder No. 1, and copies in Binders No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. PROJECT NUMBER Wash. ::-13 SUB (Check and complete the description which applies) J ACCOMPANIES FINAL PROJECT REPORT REVISES PROJECT COST ESTIMATE AND FINANCING PLAN I SUBMITTED BY LPA ON . 18_ DATED 19 ACCEPTED BY HUD ON 19_ SECTION A. ESTIMATE OF GROSS AND NET PROJECT COSTS TO BE COMPLETED BY LPA TO BE COMPLETED BY HUD r 1 INITIAL L J ESTIMATE LINE NO. ITEM OR r LATEST L ACCEPTED ESTIMATE REVISED ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ACCEPTED BY HUD (a) (b) (c) A-1 ITEM I OF GROSS PROJECT COST: S 1,791,366 2 675 JJU $ TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES (from Form HUD -6220, line 19) ITEM 2 OF GROSS PROJECT COST (Noncash Local Grants -in -Aid): A-2 Cash value of land donations (from Supporting Schedule 1) A-3 Demolition and removal work (from Supporting Schedule 2) 57.,500 66 000 A-4 Project or site improvements (from Supporting Schedule 3) 508 935 649,937 A-5 or supporting facilities (from Supporting Schedule 4) 20,850 20 , u5J A-6 Other noncash' local grants-in-aid (from Supporting Schedule 5) ^J- 6J,JJJ A-7 TOTAL NONCASH LOCAL GRAN TS -IN -AID (sum of lines A-2 through A -6J $ 587,2U'5 $ 796,767 $ A-8 GROSS PROJ ECT COST (ITEM 1 plus ITEM 2) (line A -I plus A-7) S 2,378,651 $ 3,471,793 $ A-9 PROCEEDS FROM PROJECT LAND: $ 260 JJJ $ 280000 $ Sale price of project land to be sold A-10 Capital value imputed to project land to be leased —0— —J— J—A-11 A-1 I Capital value of project land to be retained by* LPA —0— —0— A-12 TOTAL PROCEEDS FROM PROJECT LAND 1(s um of lines A-9, A-10, and A -11J $ 260,JJJ $ 2i;J JJO $ A-13 NET PROJECT COST (line A-8 minus A-12) $$ 2,11("),651 3 1I�1 793 $ A-14 SHARING OF NET PROJECT COST: $ 2,113,651 S 311)1,793 $ Net Project Cost of this project (from line A-13) A-15 oject Cost of other projects (if any) pooled with oject (from Supporting Schedule 6) —0— —J— A-16 Aggregate Net Project Costs for this and other projects (if any) in the pool (line A-14 plus A-15) —0— —J— A-17 Minimum local grants-in-aid required for this and other. projects (if any) in the pool 529,6 6 3 797,948 A-18 (Gess) Total local grants-in-aid to be provided for other projects (if any) in the pool —0— A-19 (Equals) Minimum local grants-in-aid required for this project Ili, -e .4-17 minus A-18) $ 529 ,(363 $ 797,948 $ }'age 'L of d SECTION A. ESTIMATE OF GROSS AND NET PROJECT COSTS (Continued) TO BE COMPLETED BY LPA TO BE COMPLETED BY HUD LINE NO, ITEM INITIAL ESTIMATE OR ~LATEST ACCEPTED ESTIMATE REVISED ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ACCEPTED BY HUD (a) (b) (c) RING OF NET PROJECT COST: (Continued) LOCAL GRANTS-IN-AID, THIS PROJECT: A-20 S 587,265 S 76,787 $ Noncash local grants-in-aid (from lineA-7) A-21 Cash localgrants-in-aid 10,160 10)'16] A-22 TOTAL LOCAL GRANTS-IN-AID FOR THIS PROJECT (line A-20 plus A-21 ) (must be not less than A-19) I S 597, 445 S OJ6, 947 A-23 PROJECT CAPITAL GRANT (line A-14 minus A-22) S 1,521,2J6 $ 2,384,846 $ A-24 RELOCATION GRANT (from Form HUD-6220, line 20) S 1J8,�JJ s 297,263 5 A-25 REHABILITATION GRANT(from Form HUD-6220, line 21) S 45, JJJ S 75,JJJ A-26 TOTAL FEDERAL CAPITAL GRANT (sum of lines,9.23, A-24, and A-25) S 1,675,166 S 2,757,109 S SECTION B. SOURCES OF FUNDS FOR PROJECT EXPENDITURES, RELOCATION PAYMENTS, I AND REHABILITATION GRANTS TO BE COMPLETED BY LPA TO BE COMPLETED BY HUD INITIAL ESTIMATE LINE NO.� ITEM OR f (LATEST ACCEPTED L J ESTIMATE (a) ESTIMATE (b) ESTIMATE ACCEPTED BY HUD (c) B-1 — Focal cash requirements for project expenditures, Relocation Payments, and Rehabilitation Grants (sum of lines A-1, A-24, and A-256 $ 1,ti4�, TUU $ 3,647,267 $ Cash local grants-in-aid: ACTUAL OR ESTIMATED SOURCE OF CASH DATE OF RECEIPT B-2 S —0— 0— F3 B-3 B-4 Real estate tax credits (from Form HUD-6220, line 6b) B-5 B-6 Total cash local grants-in-aid (sum of lines B-2 through B-5) 1J,160 $ ] 0 ,1UJ S B-� Total funds to be applied to project expenditures, Relocation Payments, and Rehabilitation Grants, from short-term borrowings other than those on line B- below 5 —0 _ $ $ B-8 1 (line B-6 plus B-7) $ 1J';160 $ 10, 161 $ IPR )ECT TEMPORARY LOAN THROUGH DIRECT OR {PRIVATE FINANCING UNDER LOAN AND GRANT (CONTRACT (line B-1 minus B-8) $ 1,935,166 $ 3,J37,J1g $ B_� SEC'tlON C. SOURCES OF FUNDS FOR REPAYMENT OF PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN TO BE COMPLETED BY LPA TOBECOMPLETED BY HUD r 1 INITIAL LINE ITEM L J ESTIMATE OR REVISED ESTIMATE NO. LATEST �A- ESTIMATE ACCEPTED BY HUD ACCEPTED ESTIMATE (a) (b) (c) C-1 TOTAL PROCEEDS FROM PROJECT LAND (from line A-12) 250,000 S 280,000 � C-2 Project capital grant (from line A-23) 1,521,206 2,033,224 C-3 Relocation Grant (from line A-24) 108,)jj 297,263 G-4 Rehabilitation Grant (from line -A-25) 45, jOO 75,JJJ G-5 TOTAL (sura of lines C-1•through C-4J(The sum shown on this line must bt: equal to amount shown on line B-9, above) S 1,933,1J6 8 2,7.3j,437 S Acceptance of the estimates submitted is hereby requested: Date Signature of Authorized Officer M Local Public Agency Title ACCEPTANCE The estimates are accepted as indicated in the.appropriate column. Date Signature Title