HomeMy WebLinkAbout0841 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO. 841 A RESOLUTION COMMITTING THE CITY OF PASCO TO THE BENTON-FRANKLIN LAW ENFORCEMENT MUTUAL AID PROGRAM WHEREAS, Effective control during a major disorder depends upon immediate activation of all possible manpower resources and bringing this force to bear to preserve life and property at the location of the incident. This is particularly important to prevent any escalation of a major disorder, and WHEREAS, In the Tri -City area a major disorder may start in one area and move to several other areas. So that all persons and property may be protected, it is felt that the sooner a major disorder can be dealt with effectively, more protection will be accorded to all citizens, and WHEREAS, The City Council deems it to be in the best interest of the City of Pasco to participate in the Benton -Franklin Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Program on the terms and conditions set forth in this Resolution, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. When and How Requested. In the event of local. peril, disaster or extreme emergency arising out of riot, fire, storm, flood, air pollution, or enemy attack, the first source to be utilized is the existing local law enforcement agency. Request for aid under this plan will be made directly to the law enforcement mutual aid coordinator. Such requests for assistance will be, whendver possible, specific as to the number of officer personnel or types of equipment required and a specific area where the officers will report or the equipment delivered. Section 2. Law Enforcement Coordinator. The designated Law Enforcement Coordinator will be elected by the Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs who are members of the Tri -City Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Program. Section 3. Intelligence. Each law enforcement agency will maintain active intelligence operations and will submit information gained to the law enforcement coordinator who will disseminate the information to those agencies affected. Section 4. Authority. The authority, in the event mutual assistance under this mutual aid plan is requested, is vested in the agency who has geographic jurisdiction over the area in which the incident is occurring. Such authority will continue in effect unless a mutual agreement is reached designating another agency in charge. Section 5. Authority to Commit Manpower. Each agency will inform the coordinator the names, addresses, and phone numbers of their staff who have the authority to commit manpower or equipment to a requesting agency. Section 6. Command Post. The authority in charge will establish a command post and each agency mutually agrees, on request, to assist in staffing in a manner that will maintain complete on -the -scene liaison with all law enforcement agencies. Section 7. Press Relations. It is mutually agreed that all agencies participating in this mutual aid plan, actively or on stand-by, will make all press releases through the agency or authority having jurisdiction or the law enforcement mutual aid coordinator. Section 8. Legality. The Prosecutors and City Attorneys will be immediately available to the command post personnel or the authority in charge and will assist in determining the legalities of actions involved. Section 9. Arrests. Arrest procedures will be such that they are mutually agreeable to all agencies involved and will be made in such a manner that the necessary evidence for successful prosecution is obtained. They will include; but are .not limited to the following: a. Photography, both still and motion picture. b. Arrests, when made, will be done in a manner necessitated by the situation at hand. C. Subject(s) arrested will be immediately removed from the scene to a point designated by the authority in charge. d. In the event of mass arrests, arrest teams will be designated by the authority in charge. Such arrest teams will have assigned a supervisory officer in charge at all times to direct the arrest and the immediate removal of the prisoner(s). Section 10. Transportation. Transportation from the prisoner holding area to the County or City Jail or other place of detention will be under the authority of the officer in charge. Section 11. Custody. The Cities and County Law Enforcement Agencies will receive prisoners resulting from mass arrest when the authority having jurisdiction is unable to handle them due to their large number or because of other reasons, after review by the Law Enforce- ment Coordinator. All prisoners, once delivered :into the custody, will be handled by present policy and practices of the local Jail. Each prisoner will have the rights as any other prisoner to all requirements of law; such as, but not limited to, telephone calls and visitation rights of attorneys and bail bondsmen. In the event mass arrests are made, every effort will be made to have a doctor on duty at the jail to review injury complaints and conduct medical examinations. Section 12. Traffic Control. The Washington State Highway Patrol, on request by the authority in charge, will assign officers to control traffic problems that may become involved and include, but not limited to the re- direction of traffic, both vehicular and pedestrian, away from the scene or the area as designated by the authority in charge. Also on request, they will furnish escort for prisoner vehicles to and from the scene and maintain a plan of the most readily available and appropriate routes to be used. Section 13. Cost. The law enforcement agency requesting mutual aid will be responsible for the supplies and their cost needed by officers from outside jurisdiction. These supplies will include food, gas for police vehicles, tear or CS gas, or any other supplies that are reasonable to sustain the officers in enforcement of law and administration of justice. The law enforcement agency requesting mutual aid will not be responsible for salaries or over -time pay for the assisting officers outside their jurisdiction. Section 14. This Resolution will be in full force and effect after its passage as required by law. PASSED by the City Council and APPROVED as provided by law this 19 day of January, 1971. Approved as to form: /) " � ity Attorne Mayor