HomeMy WebLinkAbout0440 Resolutionr RESOLUTION NO.'¢O A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF PASCO TO SIGN A STIPULATION IN THE APPEAL OF ADAM ZACHER AND REBINA ZACHER, HIS WIFE, FROM THE CONFIRMATION OF THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 63. WHEREAS the Ordinance confirming the assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. 63 was passed on August 5, 1958, and WHEREAS Adam Zacher and Rebina Zacher, his wife, filed an appealto the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for Franklin County to review the assessments entitled "In the Matter of the Appeal of Adam Zacher and Rebina Zacher, his Wife, from Confirmation of Assessment Roll for L.I.D. No. 63.in the City of Pasco, Washington",. Cause No. 9896, and WHEREAS the assessments cover the following described property owned by Adam Zacher and Rebina Zacher, his wife, located in.Pasco, Franklin County, Washington: TRACT 1.0, describedas the west 269 feet of even width of SE 1/4 SE 1/4 SW 1/4, Section 19, Township 9 north, range 30 EWM, except the north 280 feet of even width and except the south 147 feet thereof and except the east 104 feet of the west 269 feet of the south 165 feet thereof and also except the west 75 feet of even width thereof. Assessed in the amount of $1010. 56. TRACT 11, described as- the west 75 feet of SE. 1/4 SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Section 19, Township 9 North, range 30 EWM. , except the north 280 feet and except the south 147 feet thereof. Assessed in the amount of $360.67. TRACT 6, described as commencing at the SW corner of SE. 1/4 SE 1/4 SW 1/4. Section 19, Township 9 North, range 30 EW.M. , thence east 165 feet, thence north 147 feet, thence west 165 feet, thence south 147 feet to the point of beginning less easements. Assessed in the amount of 4653.40. and, . WHEREAS said property is also more briefly described as follows: West 269 feet of the SE quarter of the SE quarter of the SW quarter of Sec. 19, township 9 north, range 30 E. W. M. , except the north 280 feet thereof and except the south 165 feet of the east 104 feet of said west 269 feet of the SE quarter of the SE quarter of the SW quarter and except streets, and, WHEREAS Adam. Zacher and Rebina Zacher, his wife, have proposed a Stipulation in compromise of said appeal which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, and .WHEREAS the City.Council of the City of Pasco deems it advisable to enter into said Stipulation, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Mayor of the City of Pasco is hereby authorized to sign said Stipulation on behalf of the City of Pasco. Section 2. The City Attorney is hereby authorized to approve said Stipulation as to form and to approve such other papers as may be necessary to dispose of said proceedings in accordance with the terms of said Stipulation. PASSED by the City Council and APPROVED by the .Mayor this 5 -AVL day of May, 19 59. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK AFP OV D AS TO O j u CITY ATTORNEY kal 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 M 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RALPH A. RODGERS AND RICHARD G. PATRICK Attorneys at Law 609 West Clark Street P. O. Boz 609 Pasco, Washington IN THE SUPERIOR C:0URT OF THE NATE GF WASHINGTON IN AND I''OR THE COUNTY CF FIR ANKLIN In the Matter of the Appeal :of A.dam Zacher and Rebina. Zacher, his wife, from Confir- } NO. 9686 mation''of .Aszesszment Roll for LID No. X63 } in the. City of Pasco, Washington } STIPULATION Al i 17 IS IF; tE.�3:Y S'I iP A:. kT D _otween 4, appellanto, AJ7, Zacher and Rebiaa Zacher, his vjife, hereinafter, called Zacher, and the City sof Pasco, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called City, as follows: 1. The ansessinent roll for Local Improvement Uistriwt No. 63 shall be tnodified insofar as it affocts the following described property { -of the wppellwtt; situate,,d in Pa.�co, Franklha County,, Washington: 'West x;69 feet of the SE quarter of the SE qxiartex of the S5V quarter of Sec. 19, township 9 north, range 30 E. V. M. , er.cepi, the north 280 feet thereof and e;cept the south 165 fees of the east 104 feet of :iaici gest L69 .feet of the 6E quarte;' of the SE q} iarter of the F)NVr quarter. and ex,-,Gpt by -,.reducing sa.id.asscssment roll from. $2024.. 0 to the sum. of $995. 0: A certified c6oy of the Judgment entered herein shall he filed with the t'ity Treaotrex of the City of Pa ac o. and she shall modify and correct the aaaot zment roll for L. L D. No. 63 as set forth in paragraph 1. above. . 3. Zacher shall pay the sum of $995. 03 to the City Treasurer of the pity of Paco immediately in full payment of the a.sf:essment le -Vie -di against -the above described property for L. L J). No. 63 which the City 'will accept in full settlement, compromts;: and payment. 4. Zacher Neil construct and maintain, 2t his o,,vn aXponse, any and all extens-ion.of surer linea as may be neces-sary from time to tima to connect any and all installations located upon the above described real property to zcwer:: now or hereafter installed anci maintained by the City. of Pa,cco, it being unuwratood that the City of Pa co has no duty to construct. or maintain any sewer tine at se ny time in thz futuro upon the above described real pi oparty'. 1t i0 further unl erauood and agreed that 1 any branch or feeder line so confitructed by Zacher will be alcor ling 2 io normal and usual lipeci.fir attons' riequired f'or similar sewer installa- tions as directed by die City of Pasco,- ancl,the City of Pasco veil permit 4 5' conne��t CsAs ,to it^ sewers intht .usual rrza.rzizigr incl aci"rac{ itzg to TsCxY leil 6 Spee fications and requirc:x ent.i thei2 in.forcv. It is further under4tood nd agreILd that. the xe will bQ no further uxpe n.�, W of any kind­ whatsov-er 8 to the. Cit y of 'o svhi.::h szaght'iw in airy rX_'.annzr or. iti =aay: plc e ' 9 because of any sewer extension made on the abovtdeacrit�ec: property,. .' 10 and the platting of the property quill not change the effect of the Stip"ation. 11 5. 'f his Sapulatirin 1.2 Galt be bf;sd rag.upc+7 the heir, a°, s>acoessw, 13 azsigna acid graz>:4k of the partfes.her�ctc�. 14 6: . Ido .oyts .gill bc, ;allows t eith:r party. 15 7. Thi: cause shall be dismissed v: th prejudice and the appeal 16,_ bond returned: by the Clerk of. the Court to Z cher. Wil, 1959. .18 rl g _ r <rx ciie r 20 2.1 7 r 2,2 23 QITY OF PASCO 24 . .. �� mayor 26 city 61e.r k 2.7 2.8 SU23 ITTED 8Y., 29 7,Saaford dra ore, i,ttarney for 30 Za.che. APPROVED A S T F- IR 1- RALPH ARODGERS. AND RICHARD G. PATRICK Attorneys at Law 609 West Clark Street 'P. O: Boa 609 Pasco;r Washington $.a'.E:hard Q. Pat or City