HomeMy WebLinkAbout0434 ResolutionT .0 T T I\T 0 434 A RESOLUTION FIXING A 11 0147 A !:'�ITITION TO VACATE "T" ALLEY INI N RT HE PACIFIC FIRST ADDITION TO P SC , WASHINGTON Fldt Book 60 South of the North South Alley WHEREAS a Petition has been filed vvii--h the City Clerk signed by the owners of more than two-t1,-,J.rd,.-! Mr:Lvatle property abutting upon the part of the aforesadr-,- -,—,,. ALLEY sought to be vacated, and TMERT�.A..S a publ, is Psqui-rced on said Patitionq now) therefore, THE CITY COU-1,MI, I 0.L7 CI,11y OF )ASCO y.,O 1�,,E-10 7 , L � _U - j1j -�t S FOLLOWS; I Secl!,ion 11, That a Public Hearj-.g (-,,n said petition for vacating the above described ALLEY i,,,ili be held before the City Council in the Council Chambers in Llhe City FaLt-.-o, Washington, at the hour o r of eight (8) P., T,i tae ay 19V 7 Section 2. That the (.�t 1.1 1 L, City Clerk E" ail give notice of a Public Hearing on said petit -ion as req -aired by law. Passed and approv,)d ti -,is day of N D1 A 0 R A TTRRT CITY CLERK APPROV-M ALTO FORIM11: CITYT /P C RITEY \11§