HomeMy WebLinkAbout0415 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO.1 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE APPROVAL OF THE CIVIL AERONAUTICS ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONVEYANCE MADE BY THE CITY OF PASCO TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON ON AUGUST 2, 1955. WHEREAS, the City of Pasco on August 2, 1955, conveyed to the State of Washington certain real property for highway purposes, more particularly described in the Quit Claim Deed attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof as though fully set forth at length herein, and WHEREAS, said property was acquired from the United States of America under its surplus property program under deed dated January 6, 1953, and recorded under Auditor's file no. 150897, records of Franklin County, Washington, and WHEREAS, all dispositions of said property must be approved by the Civil Aeronautics Administration after finding that disposition will not materially or ad- versely affect the development, improvement, operation or maintenance of the airport at which such property is located, and WHEREAS, the Civil Aeronautics Administration has not approved of the con- veyance herein set forth, and WHEREAS, the City has determined that it is for the best interests of the City of Pasco to sell and .dispose of said property to the State of Washington for high- way purposes, NOW, THEREFORE, The City .Council of the City of Pasco do resolve as follows: Section 1. That all proceeds derived by the City of Pasco from the conveyance of the property described on the Quit Claim Deed from the City of Pasco to the State of Washington, dated August 2, 1955, incorporated herein and by this reference made a part hereof as though fully set forth at length herein, shall be used for airport purposes. Section 2. That the City ,of Pasco hereby requests the Civil Aeronautics Administration. to approve said conveyance of property by the City of Pasco to the State of Washington for highway purposes. PASSED by the City Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this J/'�ay riti,1958. Mayor ATTEST: _ I City Cler fAPOED AS TO/O J..', City Attorney 11 i i OUIT CLAIM DEED In the hatter of Primary State Highway No. 3, Columbia River Bridges to Primary State Highway No. 11 Connection KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the Grantor City of Pasco Washington, a municipal corporation. for and in consideration of mutual Benefits Hereinafter Derived Dollars, hereby acknowledged, hereby convey and quit claim to the State of Washington, the following described property situated in Franklin county, State of Washington: All that portion of the hereinafter described Parcels "A" and "B" lying southerly of a line drgwn parallel with and distant 75 feet northerly, when measured at right angles and/or radially from the center line of Primary State Highwat No. 3, Columbia River Bridges to Primary State High- way No. 11 Connection. AND ALSO, the following portion of the hereinabove mentioned Parcels "A" and "B" lying northerly of the said parallel line and southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the northerly right of way line of Primary State Highway No. 3, Columbia River Bridges to Primary State Highway No. 11 Connection at right angles and 75 feet distant north- -erly from Highway Engineer's Station 549 / 20; thence northwesterly to a point that is 250 feet northerly and 40 feet easterly of the Nest quarter corner of Section 19, Township 9 North, Range 30, E.W.M.; thence westerly 80 feet to a point 250 feet northerly and 40 feet westerly of the said quarter corner; thence southwesterly to a point on the northerly right of way line of Primary State Highway No. 3, Columbia River Bridges to Primary State Highway No. 11 Connection that is 75 feet northerly at right angles from Highway Engineer's Station 546 / 20. PARCEL "A" is descirbed as follows, the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter (SEINE+) Section 24, Township 9 North, Range 29 E.W.M. PARCEL "B" is described as follows, Government Lot two (2), the southease quarter of the northwest quarter ( SE�NW+) , EXCEPT the southerly 110 feet of the East half of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter (E+SEJSEJNV1-+) thereof, the southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter (SEINE+), ail in Section 19, Township 9 North, Range 30 E.W.M. The lands herein conveyed contain an area of 2.85 acres, more or less, the specific details conceetning all of which are to be found within that certain reap of definite location now of record and on file in the office of the Director of Highways at Olympia and bearing date of approval June 19, 1951. Also, the grantor herein convey and Quit Claim to the State of Washington all rights of ingress and egress (including all existing, future or potentia easements of access, light and view) to, from and between primary State Highway No. 3, Columbia River Brloges to Primary State Highway No. 11 Conn- ection and the reminder of said Parcels "A" and "B". EXCEPT, that the state agrees to reuse that said map of definite location to allow access at an intersection of grade at Highway Engineer's Station P.O.T. 547 / 80.5 being the intersection of Chase Street in the said High- way' It to understood by the undersigned that this Quit Claim Deed is subject to the approval of the Washington State Highway Commission. It is expressly intended that these covenants burdens and restriction shall run with the heretofore described nand and shall forever bind the grantors, their successors and assigns. N v it is understood and agreed that the delivery of this deed is hereb tendered and that the terms and obligations hereof shall not become bind hg V0n the State of Washington unless and until accepted and OX approv hereon in Meriting for the State of Washington, Department of Highways by the Right of Way Engineer, Dated this 2nd day of August 1955 Accepted and approved Aug. 20 1955 ATE OF WASHIMnM f partment of Highways By ]RIght-0-T—Way-Y—nalneer _-S%Cit of Pasco _ Harry V. Custer _ Ma-3yo F _Adan M. Perri► C y CTS r v a Md 3une b, 1958 Cllr. Charles W. Drew District Airport Engineer Box 18, Boeing Field Seattle 8, Washington Dear Ure Drews. Raymond Hicks xxxxxxxxxxxxx in reply to your letter of April 1, 1"0 to mayor Harry V. Custer, to pointed out in this a nce in Paragraph 2, you are correct to your understanding o tyss desire to transfer this parcel of land to the State Mi Department* am enclosing herewith, tr ieate, Resolution 415, which to an official �re�ques the ty to the CAA regarding the transfer of the proper inuol , along with three copies of the Quit Chaim Deed, and ee avings. Your efforts in RWbf ccs W D Dept. ney appreciated. -Sincerely urs, , Raymond Kicks" Mayor, City of Pasco 0.-# 41/s- - -3