HomeMy WebLinkAbout0409 Resolution• !1. RESOLUTION NO. (� A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH A GUIDE WHICH THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO MAY USE IN ITS DISCRETION IN COMPUTING LONGEVITY PAY FOR THE CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF PASCO. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO DO RESOLVE .AS FOL LOWS: Section 1. 'Terms used in this ' resolution shall have the neaning given. to them in this resolttion: a. Base pay does not include any amounts paid for longevity, for overtime, for clothing allowances, or for. any. extra benefits of any kind whatsoever. Base Pay (A) means amount paid to the em- ployee on July 1 of his- fifth year of -employment. Base Pay (B) means amount paid to the employee on July 1 of his tenth year of employment. Base Pay, (C) means amount paid to the employee on July l of his fifteenth year of ergployment. Base Pay (D) means amount paid to employee on July 1 of his twentieth year of employ- ment. b. Employee means any policeman .or fireman as defined in R. G. W. 41. 08. 050 and .41. 12. 050. C. Year, for purposes of detdrmining longevity pay, means full employment for at least eleven (11) months during a calendar year. Section 2. The purpose .of this resolution is to induce employees of the City of Pasco to remain in such employment and to compensate em- ployees for increased knowledge and efficiency by increasing their pay in proportion to the time they have been employed by the City of Pasco. This resolution is .intended to serve as a guide for making computations of !r , longevity pay so long and only so long as the City Council of the City of Pasco desires to continue longevity pay. Section 3. As of midnight of December 31, 1957, any employee who has been employed for five years may receive longevity pay added to his regular salary of 316 of his base as of July 1, 1957, to be paid during the sixth to tenth years, inclusive, of his employment. As of midnight of December 31, 1957, any employee who has been employed for ten years, may receive longevity pay added to his regular salary. -at 610 of his base pay as of July 1, 1957, to be,paid during the eleventh th fifteenth years, inclu- sive, of his employment. As of December 31, 1957; any employee who has been employed for fifteen years : may receive longevity pay added to his regu- lar salary. of 9% of his base .pay as, of July .1, 1957, to be paid during the sixteenth to twentieth years inclusive, of his employment. As of midnight on December 3.1 , 1957,, any employee who has been employed for twenty years may receive- longevity pay added to his regular salary of 12% of his base pay as of July 1, 1957, to be paid thereafter during his employment. Section 4. After being employed for five years, the employee may be entitled to an'increase of 3% of Base Pay (A) during. his sixth to tenth. -years of employment, inclusive. After being employed for ten years, the, employee may be entitled to an increase of 3% of Base Pay (B) during -his eleventh to fifteenth years of employment, inclusive. After being employed forfifteen years, the employee may be entitled to an increase of' 3% of Base Pay (C) during his sixteenth to twentieth years of employment, in- clusive. After being employed for twenty years, the employee may be en- titled to an increase of Base Pay (D) during .the remainder of. his employment. Sect ion 5.• This resolution shall vest no right in any' employee covered hereunderand shall establish no fixed liability of the City of Pasco to any.. employee. The City Council of the City of Pasco may amend from time to 1 f f time or appeal this resDlution in any manner deemed advisable to the City Council and no right or, cause of action shall accrue to any employee thereby. Section 6. Any dispute or questions of interpretation arising under the provisions of this ,r-esDlution shall be resolved by the City Council of the City of Pasco and the. decision of the City Council shall be final. PASSED by the City Council andAPPROVED by the .Mayor .this 21st day of January, 1958. z May6r�" ATTEST" City Cler APP/ V D AS TO ORM: City At orney