HomeMy WebLinkAbout0400 ResolutionI CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON R -SOLUTION N0. 400 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, declaring its intention to improve certain properties by the construction and installation of sanitary sewers, and to create a local improvement district to assess the cost and expense of said improve- ment against the properties therein; and notifying all persons who may desire to object to said improvement to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held on _A-ulg. 6 , 1957. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL.OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON, as follows: Section 1. That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, to order the construction and installation of sanitary sewers as follows: (a) An 8 -inch lateral sewer on Jay Street from Chase Avenue to Lyndale avenue; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the alley, between Chase Avenue and Richardson Avenue, from Jay Street to Pearl Street; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the alley between Richardson Avenue and Meridian Avenue, from Jay Street to Pearl Street; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the alley between Meridian Avenue and Lyndale Avenue, from Jay Street to Pearl Street; an 8 -inch lateral sewer on Jay Street, from Lyndale .Avenue'to Illinois Avenue; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the alley between Lyndale Avrnue and Illinois Avenue, from Jay Street to Pearl Street; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the alley between Illinois Avenue and Dakota avenue, from Empire Way to Pearl Street; an 8 -inch lateral sewer on Jay Street from Dakota Avenue easterly 550 feet more or less; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the alley between Jay Street and Ella Street, from Dakota .Avenue easterly 380 feet more or less; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the alley between Ella Street and H*ward Street, from Daketa .Avenue following the meander of said alley 697 feet more or less;,an 8 -inch lateral sewer on Dakota Avenue from,Jay .' Street to Pearl Street; an 8 -inch laterd sewer in the alley between Howard Street and Pearl Street, from Dakota'Avenue easterly 640 feet more or less; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the alley between Jay Street and Lucas Avenue, from Empire Way to Pearl Street; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the alley between Court Street and Ruby Street, from Meridian Avenue to Chase Avenue; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the alley between Ruby Street and Agate Street, from Meridian Avenue. to Chase Avenue;.an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the alley bet weene Agate Street and Opal Street, from Meridian Avenue to Chas .44enue; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the alley between Opal Street and Pearl Street, from Meridian Avenue to Chase Avenue; an(. 8 -inch lateral sewer on -Chase Avenue, from the alley be- tween Court and Ruby Streets to Pearl Street; an 8 -inch The foregoing sanitary sewers are to serve the north section of the City north of a line described as follows: -2- lateral sewer in the alley between Agate Street and Court Street, from Meridian Avenue to Lyndale Avenue; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the alley between Meridian Avenue and Lyndale Avenue, from the first alley north of Court Street to Pearl Street; an--8-inch lateral sewer in the alley be- tween Agate Street and Court Street, from Lyndale Avenue to Illinois Avenue; an, 8 -inch lateral sewer in the alley be- tween Lyndale Avenue and Illinois Avenue, from the first alley north of Court Street to Pearl Street; an 8 -inch Xateral sewer in the alley between Illinois Avenue and Dakota Avenue, from Court Street to Pearl Street; an 8 -ink lateral sewer in the alley between Dakota Avenue and Mead Avenue, from Court Street to Pearl Street; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the alley between Mead Avenue and Oneanta Avenue, from a point 280 feet more or less south of the center line of Agate Street to Pearl Street; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the alley between Oneanta Avenue and Lucas Avenue, from the center line of Agate Street sotherly 280 feet -more or less; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the middle of the block between Lucas Avenue and Jefferson Street, from Pearl Street to the intersection with the main sewer on an easterly extension of agate Street; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the middle of the block between Jefferson and Monroe Streets, from Astor Way northerly 445 feet more or less; an 8 -inch lateral sewer on Monroe Street from Astor Way northerly 415 feet more or less; an 8 -inch lateral sewer on Astor Way from Monroe Street to Jefferson Street; an 8 -inch lateral sewer on Cole Street, from Astor Way to Court Street; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the alley between Mead Avenue and Oneanta Avenue, from Henry Street to Court Street; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the alley between Oneanta Avenue and Lucas Avenue, from Henry Street to Court Street; an 8 -inch lateral sewer on Court Street from the alley between Mead Avenue and Oneanta Avenue to Cole Street; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the middle of the block between Cole Street and Lucas Avenue from the main sewer on an easterly extension of Agate Street south 322.feet more or less; an 8 -inch main sewer on Pearl Street from Chase .Avenue to the alley between Chase Avenue and Richardson Avenue; a 10 -inch main sewer on Pearl Street from the alley between Chase Avenue and Richardson Avenue to the alley between Richardson Avenue and Meridian Avenue; a 12 -inch main sewer on Pearl Street from the alley between Richardson.Avenue and Meridian Avenue to the alley between Oneanta Avenue and Lucas Avenue; an 8 -inch main sewer in the alley between Oneanta Avenue and Lucas Avenue from Pearl Street to Agate Street; an 8 -inch main sewer on Agate Street and the easterly exten- sion thereof from the alley between Oneanta Avenue and Lucas Avenue to Foster Street; an 8 -inch main sewer on Foster Street from Court Street to the easterly extension of Agate Strep; a sewage pumping station of underground concrete construction with electric -motor -driven pumps on the north side of Pearl Street at the alley between Oneanta Avenue and Lucas Avenue; and a force main from said pumping station easterly along Pearl Street to Jefferson Street and north on Jefferson Street 100 feet more or less to an intersection with the existing main into which the force main shall discharge. The foregoing sanitary sewers are to serve the north section of the City north of a line described as follows: -2- by collecting sewage and pumping it from the pumping station and through a force main into the existing sewer main on Jefferson Street. (b) An 8 -inch lateral sewer in the alley between Cartmell Street and Court Street from Meridian Avenue to Cartmell Street; an- 8 -inch lateral sewer on Cartmell Street from Meridian Avenue to Chase Avenue; an 8 -inch lateral sewer easterly on the utility easement from Lot 13 to Lot 16, Block 2, Buck's Second Addition and thence north to the 8 -inch latexi sewer on Cartmell Street; an z 8 -inch lateral sewer in the middle of the block between Brown Street and Marie Street, from Meridian Avenue to Chase Avenue; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the middle of the block between Octave Street and Marie Street, from Meridian Avenue to Chase Avenue; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the middle of the block between Henry Street and Octave Street, from Meridian Avenue to Chase Avenue; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the middle of the block between Margaret Street and Henry Street, from Meridian ;Avenue to Chase .Avenue; and 8 -inch sewer main on Chase Avenue, from Cartmell Street to the existing ianhole on the existing sewer system at the middle of the block between Park Street and Margaret Street. The foregoing sanitary sewers are to serve the south section of the City south of the line described in sub -paragraph (a) above. .Section 2, That the entire cost and expense of the improvement, except for the sum of approximately $40,000.00 which shall be contributed by the City, shall be borne by and assessed against the property specially benefited by such improvement to be included in a local improvement district to be established and to be known as "Local Improvement District No. 63 the boundaries of such local improvement district being described as follows and to include the following described lands: All of Michaelsonts Addition; all of Richardsons Addi- tion; all of Mottner's Addition; all of City View Addition; all of Colets Addition; all of Colets Second Addition; all of Church Addition; all of Church Second .Addition; all of Bramblet'rs Addition; all of North Lucas Addition; all of Lindner'ts Addition; all of Lyndale Addition; all of Eppleyxs Addition; Lots 12 through 19, inclusive, of Block 4, Lots 9 through 23, inclusive, of Block 5, all of Block 7, Lots 1 through 5, inclusive, of Block 8 of Fosterts Addition; all -3- Beginning at Court Street and Chase Avenue, running easterly along Court Street to Mead Avenue; thence southerly along Mead.Avenue to Henry Street; thence easterly along Henry Street to Lucas Avenue; thence northerly along Lucas Avenue to Court Street; thence easterly along Court Street to the eastern boundary of the District, by collecting sewage and pumping it from the pumping station and through a force main into the existing sewer main on Jefferson Street. (b) An 8 -inch lateral sewer in the alley between Cartmell Street and Court Street from Meridian Avenue to Cartmell Street; an- 8 -inch lateral sewer on Cartmell Street from Meridian Avenue to Chase Avenue; an 8 -inch lateral sewer easterly on the utility easement from Lot 13 to Lot 16, Block 2, Buck's Second Addition and thence north to the 8 -inch latexi sewer on Cartmell Street; an z 8 -inch lateral sewer in the middle of the block between Brown Street and Marie Street, from Meridian Avenue to Chase Avenue; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the middle of the block between Octave Street and Marie Street, from Meridian Avenue to Chase Avenue; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the middle of the block between Henry Street and Octave Street, from Meridian Avenue to Chase Avenue; an 8 -inch lateral sewer in the middle of the block between Margaret Street and Henry Street, from Meridian ;Avenue to Chase .Avenue; and 8 -inch sewer main on Chase Avenue, from Cartmell Street to the existing ianhole on the existing sewer system at the middle of the block between Park Street and Margaret Street. The foregoing sanitary sewers are to serve the south section of the City south of the line described in sub -paragraph (a) above. .Section 2, That the entire cost and expense of the improvement, except for the sum of approximately $40,000.00 which shall be contributed by the City, shall be borne by and assessed against the property specially benefited by such improvement to be included in a local improvement district to be established and to be known as "Local Improvement District No. 63 the boundaries of such local improvement district being described as follows and to include the following described lands: All of Michaelsonts Addition; all of Richardsons Addi- tion; all of Mottner's Addition; all of City View Addition; all of Colets Addition; all of Colets Second Addition; all of Church Addition; all of Church Second .Addition; all of Bramblet'rs Addition; all of North Lucas Addition; all of Lindner'ts Addition; all of Lyndale Addition; all of Eppleyxs Addition; Lots 12 through 19, inclusive, of Block 4, Lots 9 through 23, inclusive, of Block 5, all of Block 7, Lots 1 through 5, inclusive, of Block 8 of Fosterts Addition; all -3- of Buck's Second 'Addition, except Lot 22; all of Carterfs Addi- tion, except Lots 1, 2, 19 and 20 of Block 3; Blocks 15 through 18, inclusive, and Blocks 23 and 24 of Pasco Improve- ment Company First Addition; all of Star Addition; all of Loneyfs ,Addition; and the following described unsubdivided .lands; South 2101 of the west one-half of Government Lot 4, in Section 19, Township 9 north, Range 30 E.W.M.; Southeast one-quarter of the southeast one-quarter of the southwest one- quarter except the north 280 feet, in Section 19, Township 9 north, Range 30-E.W.M,; southwest one-quarter of Government Lot 3 except the south 339 feet thereof in Section 19, Town- ship 9 north. Range 30 E,W.M,; and that portion of the south one-half of the southeast one-gUarter of the southwest one- quarter of the southeast one-quarter of Section 19, Township 9 north, Range 30 E.W*M., described as follows: Beginning at the southwesterly corner .of Block 8, Replat of Fosterts Addition to Pasco, according to 'the plat thereof recorded in Volume "B" of Plats, page 82, Records of Franklin 4 County, Washington, which is on the south line of said Section 19; thence northerly to the southwest corner of Lot 15 of said Block 8; thence continuing northerly along the westerly line of: Lots 15 and 14 of said Block 8 to the northwest corner of said Lot 14; thence westerly along the south line of Lot 13 to the southwest corner thereof; thence continuing westerly along the south line of Brambletxs Addition to Pasco, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume "C" of Plats, page 27, to the ;:*uthwest corner of said Lot 6; thence southerly along the east line of Foster Avenue insaid Bramblet's ;addition to Pasco to the south line of said Section 19; thence easterly along the south line of said Section 19 to the point of beginning. Section 3, That all persons .who may desire to object to theimprove- ment herein mentioned are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held in City Counc i 1 Chamber of, the City of Pasco, Wn. at 8:00 o'clock p.m. on the 6 day of A.tig, 1957, which time and place are hereby fixed for hearing all matters relating to said proposed improvement and all objections thereto and for determining the method of payment for said improvement. Section 4. That Cornell, Howland, Hayes & Merryfield, Consulting Engineers of Corvallis, Oregon, the City's Engineers, are hereby directed to submit to the City Council at or prior to said 6 day of l g;:., 1957, all data and information required by law to be submitted. The foregoing Resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of .Pasco, Washington, ata 5PtG3._ameeting thereof, this 9th day of July, s 1957,. ' �y o ATTEST A Y 0 R C I T Y C L E R K AP OV AS TO FOR F C I T Y ATTORNEY -4-