HomeMy WebLinkAbout0399 Resolution8, RESOLUTION NO, 3 c WHEREAS the City of Pasco has submitted to the_ Administrator of Civil Aeronautics a. Project Application -dated-October 2, 1956, for a grant for Federal funds for a project for development of the Pasco Municipal Airport together with plans and specifications for such project, and WHEREAS the Administrator of Civil Aeronautics has approved a project for development of, the said airport consisting of the following described airport developments: and Install medium intensity lights Runways. 2L -20R and 11L*o29R. including taxiways serving these runways; install lighted wind cone; res.onstruct obstruction lights in _runway approaches., WHEREAS the Administrator of Civil Aeronautics has offered and agrees to pay as the United. States share of the costs incurred_ in accomplishing the. project, 51.72. percentum of all allowable: project costs subject to the terms and conditions set forth in "Part I N Offertt of the Grant: Agreement hereinafter referred to, and WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Pasco deems it advisable to accept said offer, NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF PASCO DO RESOLVE, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1, That the, Mayor of the City of Pasco- be and he hereby is authorized to execute "Pat:t HooAcceptancel' of the Grant Agreement on behalf of the City of Pasco ratifying and adopting all statements, representations, warranties, covenants, and agreements contained_ in the Project Application. and incorporated materials, referred to in "Part I y Offer" of the. Grant Agreement. Section 2, That the City of Pasco accepts said offer, being I'Part I N Offertt, of the Gran+ Agreement and by such acceptance agrees to. all of the terms and conditions thereof. Section 3. , That the. Grant Agreement attached hereto is by reference made. a part ;hereof as though wholly set forth herein. PASSED by the City Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this 27th day of June, .1957. Attest: 114 City Clerk APP O ED AS TO FO ity Attorney E Mayor ,: Form ACA -1632 (5-49) DEPARTMENT OF COWRC3 Civil Aeronautics Administration VUSHINGTON 25 GRANT AGREMNT Part I --- Offer gage 1 of 4 pages Date of Offer JUn Z0,, 1957 Psoco uft14 Airport Project No. -060-70 ht N, 0404 46A TO: Cita Of' PW%C*s WOShIngt0n (herein referred to as the "Sponsor") FROMs The United States of America (acting through the Administrator of Civil Aeronautics, herein referred to as the "Administrator") WHERshS, the Sponsor has submitted to the Administratora Project Application dated 0Ct0bQr * 1956 for a grant. of Federal funds 'for a project for development of the P4000 V''0ICJ t Airport (herein called the "airport"), together,with plans and specifications Por -such project, which Project Application, as approved by the Administrator, is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Administrator has approved a project for development of the Airport (herein called the ¢Project") consisting of the following described airport development: 1ASW I 4d Iii lAtOn## ty 1100 Runways 2L -20R and IIL-29A includin, t0x,I � 04rving tbece run. Ways; latah 119=1 wind coni; reconstruct all as more particularly described in the property map and plans and speoifi- cations incorporated in the said Project Application; NON THREFaRE, pursuant to and for the purposes of carrying out the provi- sions of the Federal Airport Act (60 Stat. 170; Pub. I6w-377, 79th Congress.)•; and in consideration of (a) the Sponsor's adoption and ratification of the representations and assurances contained in said Project Application, and - its acceptance of this Offer, as hereinafter provided, and (b) the benefits to accrue to the United States and the public from the acccmpl shment of the Project and the operation and maintenance of -the Airport, as, herein provided FORM ACA -1632 Page 2 of 4 pages THE ADmIBTSTRATOR, FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE UNITED STATES, HEREBY OFFERS AND AGREES to Pay, as the United States' abare of the costs Incurred to oc- oorplishing the projects 51.7 . per'" cent= of all allow4bl# PrO OCt cost* 400ct to the following termo W conditions 1. The maximum obligation of the United States payable under this Offer shall be Vee# 2. Tile Sponsor shall (a) begin accomplishment of the Project within a reasonable time after acceptance of this Offer, and (b) carry out and complete the Project in accordance with the terms of this Offer, and the Federal Airport Act and the Regulations promulgated thereunder by the Administrator in effect on the date of this Offer, whi,c) Act and Regulations are incorporated herein and made a part hereof, and (c) carry out and complete the Project in accordance with the plana and speoifioati.ons and property map incorporated herein as they may be revised or modified with the approval of the Administra- tor or his duly authorized representatives. 3. The Sponsor shall operate and maintain the Airport as provided in the Project Application incorporated herein. 4* 'atm AftAnittrator b6009 determined that no SPCO to airport butIdtAgs will be requlrW by any -civil agenoy graph 9 of ;curt. III of the Project Application* the pro- vinion# of the issid puragmsball be 4 erted to be of 5• Aay'W rreeprre e�n(AM or omission of a iesterial fact by the Sponsor concerning the Project or the Sponsor's authority or ability to carry out the obligations assumed by the Sponsor in accepting this Offer shall terminate the obligation of the United States, and it is under- stood and -agreed by the Sponsor in accepting this Offer that if a material fact has been misrepresented or omitted by the Sponsor, the Administrator on behalf of the United States may recover all grant payments -mads. 6. The Administrator reserves the right to amend or withdraw this Offer at any time prior to its acceptance by the Sponsor. 7. This Offer shall expire and the United States shall not be obligated to pay any of the allowable costs of the Project unless this Offer has been accepted by the Sponsor within 60 days from the above date of Offer or such longer time as may be prescribed by the Administrator in writing. FORM ACA -1632 (5-59) Page 3 of 4 pages $. By its acceptance hereof, the Sponsor hereby covenants that to the extent i,t has or m►ay have either present or future conn• trot over the clear sone areas for Runway 2L -20R (being those • - ,areas which are 10001 gide and extending outwardly 27001 from each end of said runway,,) and unless exceptions to or devia- tions from the following obligations have been granted to it in writing by the Administrator, it will be obligated as follows: To clear such areas of all existing structures and of any.natural growth which constitutes an obstruction to,air navigation within the Stan-. -dards established by Civil Aeronautics Adminis- tration Technical -Standard Order N-18 and con- trQl the subsequent erection of structures and natural growth in order to conform to said Tech- nical Standard Order N-18. 1 Page 4 of 4 pages The Sponsor's acceptance of this Offer and ratification and adaption of the Proj- eot Application incorporated hervin shall be evidenced by execution of this instru- ment by the Sponsor, as hereinafter provided, and said Offer and acceptance shall comprise a Grant Agreement, as provided by the Federal Airport Act, constituting the obligations and rights of the United States and the Sponsor with respect to the accomplishment of the Project and the operation and maintenance of the Airport. Such Grant Agreement shall become effective upon the Sponsor's acceptance of this Offer and shall remain 'in full force and effect throughout the useful life of the facilities developed under the Project but in any event not to exceed twenty years from the date of said acceptance. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THE ADMINISTR6TOR OF CIVIL,AERONAUTICS BY Regional Administrator, Region Part 11 --- Acceptance City Of pasee't Washington The does hereby ratify. and adopt all statements, representations, warranties, covenants, and agreements contained in the Project Application and incorporated materials referred to in the foregoing Offer and does hereby accept said Offer and by such aoceptance.agrees to all of the terms and c ondi t i ons thereof. Executed this day of19 � �, 7 TY O` phi,# (SEAL) Attest: _ , ( IQ Title CERTIFICATE OF SPONSSOR'S ATTORNEY I, _k , do hereby certify: 2 T.# ASID acting as Attorney f o p ty Or Plato TS&Lly JpftepgWonsd the foregoing Grant Agreement and the proceedings taken by said.Fpier relating thereto, and find that the Acceptance thereof by said has been duly authorized and that the execution thereof "_ Vpp;cts ue and proper and in accordance with the laws of the State of and further that, in Psaid srapt Agreement constitutes a legal and binding obligation of the in accordance with the terms thereof. ,/�� Title �a FORK ACA -1632