HomeMy WebLinkAbout0393 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO:r WHEREAS, the runways at the Pasco Municipal Airport have deteriorated to the extent that a maintenance and improvement program should be undertaken thereon by the City of Pasco, and WHEREAS, the City Engineer of the City of Pasco, George R. Fisher, on the 27th day of February, 1957, submitted a report to the City Council of the City of Pasco, entitled "Report of Condition of Runways at Pasco Municipal Airport", and WHEREAS, the. City Council of the City of Pasco is desirous of adopt- ing said report in full and of carrying out the recommendations outlined in said report, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Pasco hereby adopts,. in its entirety, the following report of the City Engineer, George R. Fisher, dated February 27, 1957: "REPORT OF CONDITION OF RUNWAYS AT PASCO MUNICIPAL AIRPORT In.1942 when the airport was constructed, two runways, approximately 1600 feet wide and 4500 feet long, were constructed of a compacted and stabilized native soil base (fine sand) and 4z inches of soil cement. In 1944 each runway was improved by adding two parallel strips 200 feet wide and 4500 feet long of asphaltic concrete 24 inches thick. All taxiways received the same asphaltic concrete re�- surfacing. The apron is of concrete slab construction. The runways were main- tained by periodic ralling with a pneumatic -tired roller. During the period that the base was inactive, no maintenance work was done on the runways. After the City acquired the airport, maintenance consisted of keeping the runways clean, some rolling on two runways, painting and landing lights. An inspection of the runways shows that numerous cracks have developed in the asphaltic surface and to a lesser extent in the soil cement base. The regular- ity of the cracks indicates that they are probably the result of contraction and expan- sion due to :;temperature changes'.and have occurred primarily along construction joints. It does not appear that the cracking is due to foundation failure. Lack of use during the period the airport was inactive aggravated this condition by not providing the necessary kneading action which would have sealed many of these cracks and prevented their further development. Oxidation of the exposed surfacing has taken place now to the point that this kneading action will no longer bond the asphaltic surfacing. �7 In order to prevent further deterioration of the runways and to maintain, the runways_ in a useable condition the following program is proposed for the main« tenance, and improvement of these facilities. Financing problems dictate that this program must be spread over a period, probably, five. (5).' years. I. Immediate Program: Included in this portion is maintenance .work that should be done in the near future taking into account funds available. Runways 20,-_-t and 29R. are the principally used runways with 20rR receiving the most use and 2.9--,R. being used primarily .when `wind conditions prevent the use of .20:,R. It is,therefore proposed that runway 20#-R shall receive the.fol. lowing treatment: (a) � Clean out all cracks to' at least the full depth of the .existing asphaltic concrete and all spots .showing failure to subgrade and use an approved soil sterilizer in all cracks. Apply a fog coat. of MC O or' SS�l emulsion at a .rate .of less than 0.1 gal per square yard. All cracks to be-- filled by tight blading, with a motor patrol, in an asphalt mix using 3/8t1 minus - aggregate. All cracks not filled .in thismanner to be filled by hand and tamped. ,After a minimum curing period of seven days, asphaltic -concrete shall be placed to a minimum depth of one -inch over an area 150 feet wide and the same length as the original asphaltic surfacing. The mix to be used shall use a 5/811 minus aggregate. (b) Runway 29-R should receive a fog coat of the same specifications as run- way 20nR except that a slightly heavier application should be made. This application will put new life into the existing asphaltic concrete and help to prevent further deterioration. All large cracks. should receive treatment as on runway 20-R, although, rather than placing patch material by tight blading, the material could be placed by hand by regular maintenance forces. (c) A program of rolling with a pneumatic tired roller should be set up for regular periods during hot weather, with rolling to. progre s from the outs side edges of the runway towards. -the center .of the runway. II. Future. Work: The following items are to be done within five or six years to allow time to acquire the necessary finances to do the work. It is felt that this work can be safely postponed .for this period of time without significant .change in runway condition if the maintenance program as outlined in I -b above is carried .out. (a) Runway 29.-R should receive same. treatment as outlined for runway 20-R in I -a above, omitting fog coat if conditions indicate that it is_ not needed. (b) Weed' control -on all runwaysand adjacent shoulders should be programmed to eliminate weed growth. and the resulting catching of blow sand. Section 2. The City Council of the City of Pasco shall undertake to carry out and execute the. ,recommendations contained in said report as expediti- ously as possible. 4 PASSED .by the City Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this 19th day of March, 1957. Mayor Atte st: r T , City Clerk Appr� v as to form: f City Attorney f