HomeMy WebLinkAbout0391 ResolutionRESOLUTION NOy� WHEREAS Ordinance No. 878 provides for the issuance and sale of General Obligation .Bonds of the City of Pasco in the principal sum of $20, 000 for the purpose of constructing and furnishing a second fire station for the City of Pasco, providing the date, form, terms and maturities of said bonds and for annual tax levies to pay the principal and interest thereof, and creating a fund for the payment of such prin- cipal and interest and WHEREAS the City Council of the. City of Pasco is desirous of purchasing said bonds from available moneys in the following funds in the following amounts: Cemetery Trust Fund " $4, 000; and Consumer Deposits Fund «- $1F,1'000-00,,-, and WHEREAS the Finance Committee of the City of Pasco has approved the pur. chase of said bonds by the City of Pasco from said funds in the amounts set forth above NOW THEREFORE THE CITY ,.COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS Section 1. The sum of $4, 000 from the Cemetery Trust Fund shall be used to purchase bond numbers 1 to. 4 inclusive City of Pasco General Obligation Bond 1957. Accordingly the sum of $3, 986. 67 shall be transferred from the Cemetery Trust Fund to the Fire Station No. 2 Construction and. Furnishings Fund; and the sum of $13. 33, shall be transferred from the Cemetery Trust Fun d to the 1957 Fire. Station No. 2 General Obligation Bond Redemption Fund to cover accrued interest for the month of January 1957. Section 2. The sum of $16, 000 from the Consumer Deposits Fund shall be used to purchase bond numbers 5 to 20 inclusive City of Pasco- General Obligation Bond 1957. Accordingly the sum of $15, 946. 67 shall be transferred from the Consumer Deposits Fund to the Fire Station No. 2 Construction and Furnishings Fund; and the sum of $53. 33 shall be transferred from the Consumer Deposits Fund to the 1957 Fire Station No. 2 General Obligation Bond Redemption Fund to cover accrued interest for the month of January 1957. Section 3. Any moneys remaining in the. Fire Station No. 2 Construction and Furnishings Fund after all expenditures for construction and furnishings have been • ay ' made and shall be transferred to the 1957 Fire Station No. 2 General Obligation Bond Redemption Fund to redeem outstanding bonds in accordance with Ordinance No. 878. PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this 5th day of February, 1-1957. Mayor Attest: City Clerk Ap r Ld4st r w City`Attorney .►,..t:;l,;� Ll�r.�` lC:� Fri �`ae .;;.. � c ai'IUJXLAS Ordinaacs Pio. -878 provides for the issuance and sale of General C bliga4w bond* of the City of ;vasco in the 'prtneipal sena of $ZO. 000 for tbo purpose Of eCraatfWtift and ftaraishfte 040cc4: figs aetatiCA for the City of Paseo. PVCVMUS the date, form, terms ate, rr uritie:s of said bond* amici for Aanual tax levies to pair the principal Rand interest thore04 and cteeating a fund for the payment of such pr1a- cipal andd interest and WHEREAS the City Council of that City of Pasco is desirous of purchases said bonds from available moneys in the folies hsds in the ifoliowiDg &Mount$: Cemetery Trust Fuad « $4.000; and Consumer Deposits Fund • $16, 000. 00, and WHEREAS the r a mo Committoo of tba City of Pasco has approved the pur. chase of said beds b9' the City Of Vasco from said AnAs in the a movants set forth above NOW THEREMRE THZ CITY CC UNCU. OF THE CITY CGT►' PASCO DO RESGLV E AS F OLL40 WS Soctiova 1. fibs sura at $4, 000 from the Cemetery Trust Fuad shell be voted to purchase bond numbers 1 to 4 inclusive City of Pasco Gw acral Obligation Rood 1957. Aaeordingiy the sum of $ 3.996.67 *hall be transferred from the Cemetery 'gust Favid to the Fire Statka No. 2 Construction avid Furnishings Fund; and the scars. of $13. 33 sbsn be transfaerred from the Cemetery Trust I'= d to the 1957 Fite Statku Neje. 2 Gwwral Cbligatim Bm4 jUdiamption Fund to cover accrued interest for the wocnth of January 1957. Section 2. The wise of $16. 000 from the Coasartwr Deposits Fund ahaail be resod to purchase bawd numbers 5 to 20 inclusive! City of Pasco General Obligation Basad 1957. A,ccordbigly the sum of $15, 946.67 shall be transferred from the Consumer Deposits Fuad to the Fire Station NO. 2 Construction and Furnishings FunA4 and the sum oaf $53. 33 shall be transh rred from tb% Conewaear Deposits FMA to the 1957 Fire Station No. 2 Geral C hligaation Goad Radek F� to cover accrued intereest for the month of Jaeac ry 1957. S6etion 3. Any moneys remaining in the Fire tWon No. 2 Construction Aad Furnishings fund steer all *xpei tures for construction and furnishings ter ra been made "d alh&U be transferred to the 1957 Fire StAtiaamu INC. 2 G4msrxl Obhgatkim Bond RedempUcn rNmd to redeem outstanding bawds in as ccordwwo with Ordinawe No. $7$. PASSED by thy, Coil and APPROVED by the Mayor this Sth day of abruary. 1937. r f.. �k or Atte4t: ppra • a to forty: %; ity Attorney