HomeMy WebLinkAbout0376 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO..�� 7Z INITIATING LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NC, IT IS RESOLVED AND DECLARED BY THE CITY iCOUNCIL of the City of Pasco, that public interest and convenience requires the construc- tion of lateral sanitary sewer mains to serve the. property hereinafter de- scribed, and lateral water mains, to serve the property hereinafter described. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that it is, and is now declared to be, the intention of the City Council to order the construction of lateral sanitary sewer mains to serve_ the following described property, situate in Franklin County,. Washington: uit C& The north half of Block 3 and�Block, 4, Perry's Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume "B" of Plats, page 71, records of said county; and All of Blocks 1, 2, and 3, and the east one-half of Blocks 4, 5 and 6, Terrace Heights, accord- ing to the official plat thereof, recorded in Vol- ume B of Plats, page 53, recordsof said county; and. West one-half of Blocks 1, 8 and 9, Kurtzman's First Addition to .Pb.sco, according to the official plat thereof, recorded in Volume ::D`; of plats, page 29, records of said county; and Lot 8, Block 3, Acre Park Addition to Pasco, according to the :official plat thereof, recorded in Volume ;:B:; of Plats, page 11, records of said county. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that it is, and is now declared to be the intention of the City Conncil to order the construction of a lateral water main to serve the f-ollowing described property situated in Franklin County, Washington, to -wit: Blocks 2 and 3, Terrace Heights, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume. "B" of Plats, page 53, records. of said county. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that a hearing upon the foregoing proposed improvements be held before. the City Council at itsregular place of meeting, at the City Hall, in the City of Pasco, on the Is t day of May 1956, at which hearing all p_ers-ons who may desire. to object thereto are hereby notified that they must file written objections, and they may also appear and present their objections thereto. .-A _-N4 i IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Engineer, be, and is now directed to submit to the City Council his report as to such proposed im- provements, at such time, prior to the date herein_ fixed for the hearing as will enable the City -to give notice of said hearing in accordance with the statute and in accordance herewith. The City Engineer is- ordered to and shall furnish to the City Council the estimated cost and expense of the described mpr°ovement and a statement of the. proportionate amount thereof which should be borne by the property -within the proposed assessment district, and a statement of the aggregate assessed value ,of the real estate, including 25 per cent. of the improvements, within. said district, according to the valuation last placed upon it for general taxation, to- gether with a diagram or a print showing thereon. the lots, tracts, or parcels of land. or other property that may be. specially benefited thereby and the estimated. amount of the cost and expense of such improvement to be borne. by each tract, lot or parcel of land or other property, IT IS FURTHER. RESOLVED AND DIRECTED that a notice of the date of. the aforesaid, hearing shall be given each owner, or reputed owner, of any lot, tract or parcel of land, or other property, specially benefited by the improvement, by mailing to the owner or reputed owner, of the property as, shown on the tax rolls of the County Treasurer, at the address shown thereon, a notice setting forth the nature of the proposed improvement, the total estimated cost and the estimated. benefits to the particular lot, tract, or parcel and the date. of the hearing before the City Council; such notice shall be mailed as herein provided, at least fifteen (15) days before the date fixed. for such hearing. .IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND DIRECTED that this. R"esolution shall be published, in at least, two consecutive issues of the. Tri -City - Herald, the official newspaper of the City of - Pasco, the date. of the first publication .of which shall be at least fifteen (Z 5) days prior to the date fixed by the Resolution for hearing before the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED this 40 day of March, 1956. Attest: ity Clerk. Apred as to for : ,c.��--�✓t�Y City Attorney Ma