HomeMy WebLinkAbout0361 ResolutionRESOLUTION N " A. RESOLUTION FIEDING THAT THE FOLLOTT G DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS NOT REQUIRED FOR PARK PURPOSES: THOSE PORTIONS OF TuE "EST HALF OF THE FST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (WWW SWjSE4) OF SECTION THIRTY (30), TOWNSHIP NINE (9), NORTH, RANGE THIRTY (30) EAST, 1.H., LYIP:G NORTH OF A LINE DRAWN PARALLEL WITH AID DISTANT 700 FEET NORTHERLY FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SEj) OF SAID SECTION THIRTY (30), EY10EPT THOSE PORTIONS THEREOF OF LUCAS STREET, HOPKINSSTREET, OLIVE STREs , M0 NI STREET AMD GRACE STREET, a"WHICH WEaE DEDICATED TO TME PUBLIC EY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, v`dASHIi ETON. F JULY 3, 1922, AND WETCH ORDER WAS RECORDED JULY 5, 1922, AS AUDITORtS FILE NO. 50692 IN VOLUME 42 BE DEEDS AT PAGE 586, RECORDS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON. WHEREAS the City of Pasco condemned the above described property for park purposes in 1946, and 751REAS a park has been constructed in the immediate area of the above described property which park is deemed adequate in size; N0W, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section l* That the following described property located in the City of Pasco, Franklin County, Washington, is not required for park purposes: Those portions of the west half of the west half of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter (12W2ST SEQ ) OF Section Thirty (30), Township nine (9) North, Range Thirty (30) East, 1.0, lying north of a line drawn parallel with and distant 700 feet northerly from the south line of the southeast quarter (SES) of said section thirty (30), EXCEPT those portions thereof of Lucaso Street, Hopkins Street, Olive Street, Mound Street and Grace Street, which were dedicated to the public by Order of the Board of County Commissioners of Franklin County, Washington of July 3, 1922, and which order was recorded July 5, 1922, as auditorts file No* 50692 in Volume 42 of Deeds at Page 586, records of Franklin County, Washington, PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO on the -L7-th day of May, 1955. ' j� .F