HomeMy WebLinkAbout0332 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO..� ADOPTING THE PRELIMINAR BUDGET FOR 1954 r WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Vasco, Washington met on the 15th day of September, 1953, at their regular meeting to consider the preliminary budget for the City of Pasco for the year 1954 and having made such revisions as deemed advisable in .said budget as submitted by the City Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the preliminary budget as considered be and the same is ordered placed on file for the information of any tax -payer who may call at the office of the City Clerk, for information regarding same, or for copies there- of. Be it further resolved, that the City Clerk cf the City of Pasco give notice that the said preliminary budget is on file and that the City Council will meet on Monday, the 5th day of Oct- ober, 1953, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P. M. at the City Hall in the City of Pasco, for the purpose of fixing final budget and making tax levies in accordance therewith; that the City Clerk shall cause such notice to be published once each week for two con- secutive weeks immediately following the adoption of this resolut- ion, Passed and approved this .fes_ day of DepUmber, 1953• At this time any tax -payer may appear and be heard, ATTEST: APPROVED AS RESOLUTION NO, 5.3z I PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON 1954 SALARY EXPENSE C. 0. TOTAL RECEIPTS iINISTRATIVE DEPT 11110.00 900,00 2,010,00 CLERK'S DEPARTMENT 122�40,00 768:.00 40000 13,908,00 REG. ELEC & CENSUS - - 11000*00 400.00 500*00 10900.00 TREAS DEPARTMENT - _ 3,100400 550 woo 3, 650,;00 LEGAL DEPARTMENT 3,525#00 350,00 5,51500 9,390.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT 3,300„00 250000 525x00 4,075,,00 ENGINEER'S DEPT o - - 71200,00 500.00 500,00 80200,00 CITY HALL - - - - 11250,00 51000,,00 1,200.00 7,450.00 PARKING METER DEPT- - 4,080,00 600,00 500*00 5,180,00 PUBLIC POUND W - - 1,400,00 650,00 2,050,00 HEALTH & SANITATION 5,496,25 5,496,25 BUILDING INSPECTOR - w 4,800oo0 150„00 875000 5,825,00 IL SERVICE COMM 270,00 150,,00 Y - - 420.00 PLANNING COMMISSION - 200,00 50;00 250.00 SPRAY PROGRAM 600*00 1x500400 20100*00 CIVILIAN DEFENSE - - - 100400 - - - 100100 MISCELLANEOUS 32,,640.84 2,810.00 35,450.84 FIRE DEPARTMENT - - - - 31,880,00 4,680,00 31225#00 39,785,00 POLICE DEPARTMENT 69,960.00 13,608,00 1,550.00 85,118„00 TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSE EXPENSE 232,358,09 RECEIPTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 232, 358 *09 STREET DEPARTMENT - - - 38,508,93 72178.00 40,200,00 85,886„93 RECEIPTS - - -- - -- - - --- - - - - -- -0. 85,886,93 CEMETERY DEPARTMENT - - 6,600,00 4,122.70 6,500,00 17,222,70 RECEIPTS -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 17,222,,70 PARK DEPARTMENT -� - w .. 25,685„00 9,840,.00 6,490,00 42,015,,.00 RECEIPTS .» - .. _ _ _ .. _ .» .. .. _ .. .» _ - - - - -- - - - - - -• 42, 015,00 .�iRY DEPARTMENT.. 10, 000.00 1, 356, 00 7, 906.78 19, 262 * 78 IPTS- - - - - - .. - _ - - .� .» .» - .. - �. -, _ � _ .. - L9, 262.78 ORT DEPARTMENT- - .» 26,424*00 12,196.00 75,680,00 114,3OO*OO IPTS - - - �- .. - - - - - - - - �. .. .� - .. - - _ .. .. _ 114a 300.00 i�fATER DEPARTMENT- 89,830400 180,491#06 55,150,00 325,471.06 RECEIPTS«,-_..,.,�----__w_---.,-.,- -_--- -- 325,471.06 SOCIAL SECURITY FUND- - 4,874,40 RECEIPTS - _ -. ,� .. .. - _ .. - _ .. .. - _ y ,» - - - 4 - 4,874-40 r � A � ti' fr 2fH EXPENSE C. 0. $F RIPTS BILTLDING & ALTERATION 156,067*90 4 EIPTS - -- .�__---- _--------_�--r* 156,067.90 CITY HALL - - - 60880„00 EIPTS—— —-�-- -»—__- — —_— _ —_ —- 61880,00 EMERGENCY ORDINANCES - 5,874«89 RECEIPTS - - - - — - - - - -- - - -- -- ---- - - - - -- 5874++89 G. 0, BONDS- - - - - - - ` 8102000 RECEIPTS 8,020,00 FIREMEN'S REL & PENSION- - 8:381,39 RECEIPTS - - - — — 8,381.39 GRAND TOTALS 348,959.18 461,249.18 216s406478 1,026.9615.1 110269615.14 ASSESSED"VALUATION - - - y 8,381,390 15 MILLS - -- - - - a 125,720.85 CURRENT EXPENSE 5000400 STREET 24,836493 EEMETERY 4,347470 PARK 23,900400 LIBRARY 11,290434 SOCIAL SECURITY L 841*70 BUILDING & ALTERATION 33,06 790 IMY- CITY HALL. 6,880,;00 EMERG. ORDINANCES 5,874.89 FIRE "I,ISDBENSION 8,3S1.39 WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have adopted the 1954 Preliminary Budget by Resolution, placing the same on file with the City Clerk this 15th day of September, 19534 NOW, THEREFORE, a copy of the Preliminary Budget or information regard- ing same will be furnished any tax payer who may call at the office of the City Clerk. 4 The City Clerk of the City of Pasco shall give due notice that said Preliminary Budget is on file and that the City Council will meet Monday, the fifth day of October, 1953, at the hour of eight o'clock P,, M4 at the City Hall in the City of Vasco, for the purpose of fixing the final budget and nddng tax levies in accordance therewith; that the City Clerk shall cause such notice to be published once each weer for two consecutive weeks, �', � �zl /-<, 2- � � Adah M.- Perry, City rk