HomeMy WebLinkAbout0311 Resolutionr • RESOLUTION NO-,-" r WHEREAS, the Empire Air Lines, Inc., has filed an application before the Civil Aeronautics Board for a temporary exemption order pursuant to Section 416 of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, as amended, for authorization to engage in iar transportation with respect to mail, persons, and property between Pasco, Kennewick, Richland, and Seattle, Washington, via Yakima, Washington, and WHEREAS, the Empire Air Lines, Inc., has served a copy of said application upon the Chief Executive of the City of Pasco, and WHEREAS it appears to the best interest of the City of Pasco and its inhabitants that such an exemption order be granted Empire Air Lines, Inc., and 'WHEREAS, it is extremely vital to the interests of the public in this community that the operations of the Inland Air Ways, Inc., be continued without disruption, and WHEREAS, a large number of individuals and businesses regularly make use of airline passenger service between Walla Walla, Pasco, Kennewick, Richland, Yakima, and Seattle, Washington and ,ATIEREAS, there has-been a steady growth of population and business in Southeastern Washington increasing the needs of air service over the aforesaid route, and WHEREAS; the City of Pasco has had many requests by business houses, civic organizations and individuals for its support to secure direct airmail service between Walla Walla, Seattle and..Int.ermediate points, and WHEREAS, such airmail service is of vital importance i to the inhabitants of this community, and WHEREAS, the.nhabitants of this community reglaire a quick mail and passenger service tie-up with coastal points including Legislative Sessions, Supreme Court hearings and other business at the State capital in Olympia, and WHEREAS* Pasco is the center of a large and busy construction area involving development of the Columbia River, and the nearby Hanford Engineer Works has added. to the need for adequate air transportation, and WHEREAS, the proposed discontinuance of the operations of Inland Airways, Inc., presents an emergency situation to the City of Pasco, which the City believes to be .the appropriate subject of an exemption order so as to avoid the disruption of a vital transportation link from this city to the West Coast via intermediate points, N014, THEREFORE, BE IT'RESOLVED, that the City of Pasco requests and it does hereby request, the Civil Aeronautics Board, acting pursuant to the provision s of Section 416 (b) and such other provisions of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, as amended, as may be appropriate, issue an'immediate order temporarily exempting Empire Air Lines, Inc., from the provisions of Section 401 (a) of the Act insofar as the enforcement of said provisions would otherwise prevent the Empire Air Lines,.Inc., from immediately engaging in air transprrtation with respect to persons, property and mail between Walla Walla, Pasco, Kenneti•Jick,.Richland and Seattle, Washington, via Yakima, Washington, and DE IT RESDLVED, that such exemption granted by the Civil Aeronautics Board continue until such time as the subject. service is authorized by inclusion on the certificate .of a local service carrier by airyand BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be placed on file JI, efore ;the .-Civil - Aeronautics Board in Washington; D, C' " .Passed by the CITY'C v OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON this 30th 'day, pe, , 19 0. ATTEST: Mayor- C7 ayor•c e__,